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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 30 KB, 320x370, natto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4547490 No.4547490 [Reply] [Original]

ITT foods you like that everybody else seems to hate.

>> No.4547544
File: 36 KB, 550x203, liverwurst-and-coke-sign_1335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related (except for the coke; I don't like coke).

Also this:


>> No.4547546 [DELETED] 
File: 223 KB, 1024x768, IMG_20130528_133738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4547553

Who the fuck hates bratwurst?

>> No.4547559

The same people who hate beer and sauerkraut.

>> No.4547564

Not that guy. I hate saurkraut if that's what that is below the sausages.

>> No.4547569

I came to this thread to post sauerkraut

>> No.4547568

What is that? I think I've had it before but I'm spacing out on it.

>> No.4547571


>> No.4547574
File: 201 KB, 500x375, liver-and-onions[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liver and Onions. My dad and I are the only ones in the family who'd eat this.

>> No.4547603

>turning down food
>first world problems
Maybe it's because I grew up in the South and being picky was frowned upon. You would either eat or go hungry. Simple as that. You learn real quick to quit being a little faggot.

>> No.4547608
File: 62 KB, 500x291, obesityinus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and learn real quick how to be obese, pic related

>> No.4547620

just looking at that is making me hungry

>> No.4547625

Also, you wouldn't eat the food if you live anywhere else either.

>> No.4547634
File: 83 KB, 728x858, green-durian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4547644

Your family is missing out. Liver and onions is fucking delicious.

>> No.4547657

I've loved liver as long as I can remember. Chicken livers too. There's a local place that does chicken cookouts every weekend, and on Fridays they cook up all the livers and giblets for various things. I've made pretty good friends with the lady who does 'em, and she said every Friday she'll give me a bunch if I want 'em.

>> No.4547682

omg kill its BAAW

>> No.4547724

Never been a fan of liver but I haven't had it in a long time. What's the best way to serve it?

>> No.4547728

I remember when it wanted to like eat the world or something so I whooped its ass with a spiky haired ginger, a blond tomboy bitch and a nerdy inventor chick.
Fuck you: you can't eat my planet, asshole.

>> No.4547751
File: 167 KB, 1000x1000, KD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No i'm serious, some people in my age group pretty much deny they ate this as a kid like it was cocaine. I eat everything, It's all good.

>> No.4547761

Not any of those posters, but I like to fillet it thinly and coat it in flour then pan-fry with caramelised onions and white wine, preferably in butter (but olive oil is okay, too).

>> No.4547790

Peppers, and lots of em especcially jalapenos since they're easy accessable where i live,

been eating spicy for 4 days in a row now.

>> No.4547795

Liverwurst. My mom gave them to us as kids. I fucking love the shit.

>> No.4547806

Grits, Sauerkraut, fennel,

>> No.4547826
File: 102 KB, 500x375, heinz-ketchup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4547841
File: 13 KB, 393x85, moot ketchup1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4547843

Same. I hate the pussies who say "well i want the flavor not the heat". Fuck you, you're getting heat so you grow hair on your chest.

>> No.4547848

Natto, liverwurst (especially in sandwich form with sharp cheese and mustard), and I love some of the "stinkier" cheeses. Come to think of it, I've never tried a cheese that I didn't like.

>> No.4547858
File: 53 KB, 675x187, ruhroh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do fucking love Heinz ketchup.

>> No.4547882

Cabbage. Liver. Salmiak. Black Licorice. But everyone over here loves salmiak and black licorice. Just not all over the world.

>> No.4547889

I am always bewildered at ketchup hate

>> No.4547904

You are not allowed to like the most popular (and quite versatile) condiment. It's not edgy enough. Popularity is bad. Somehow vinegary plebby shit sauces like tabasco and shitracha are fine though.

>> No.4547908


You do realize that salsa started outselling ketchup decades ago, right?

>> No.4547915

>implying most of that "salsa" isn't just chunky ketchup with onion

>> No.4547918

Brussels sprouts. Never got the hate, I think they're good.

>> No.4547928

because of all the mexicans in the US?

also murrrika is not the world

>> No.4547975

>>implying most of that "salsa" isn't just chunky ketchup with onion
you say that like its a bad thing

>> No.4548111

Everything at Taco Bell

>> No.4548118

i fuck up some liverwurst
sauerkraut is delicious

>> No.4548122

Easy to tell where the afrikans, pacific islanders, and hispanics are concentrated

>> No.4548126


Are there really that many pacific islanders in the South?

>take a look at hawaii

>> No.4548142


That looks like rotting sick.

>> No.4548149
File: 53 KB, 415x415, Century_egg_sliced_open.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4548155

That and the ten years you breakfast nato because you are a Japanese immigrant with a oppressive dad forcing you to embrace the glory of your ancestors. And for that you hate you heritage and national identity.

>> No.4548159
File: 16 KB, 500x333, 36-asian dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are insulting the glory of my ancestor son.

>> No.4548179

> You do realize that salsa started outselling ketchup decades ago, right?

You do realize that's all bullshit, right? Outsold it by weight? Or number of jar/bottles sold? I can finish a jar of salsa in 3 sittings. Ketchup lasts a long time.

I think either one is dangerous. Studies show that 90% of people who die in automobile accidents consumed either ketchup or salsa in the previous 3 months?

>> No.4548182

>I think either one is dangerous. Studies show that 90% of people who die in automobile accidents consumed either ketchup or salsa in the previous 3 months?
Tomatoes are dangerous. The europeans were right all along.

>> No.4548183

>Studies show that 90% of people who die in automobile accidents consumed either ketchup or salsa in the previous 3 months?

A question mark has never been so justified.

>> No.4548288

fucking liver and onions man
champions' meal I swear

>> No.4548308
File: 10 KB, 198x198, cheez-whiz-jar1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheez Whiz. The only thing I like it for is grilled cheese. As a dip or topping it is crap. Sandwich = awsome. Also not too bad as a spread on saltine crackers.

Never understood the hate for this stuff... I know only one other person that says they like it. My idiot wife tosses it in the trash everytime I buy some.

>> No.4548320

I always figured that the obesity in those areas is due to people NOT doing like the guy you're replying to, i.e. it's the result of when poor people's pickiness causes them to turn away from what used to be standard, nutritious varieties of poor-people food, and instead turn to pre-packaged meals, fast-food, and whatnot.

>> No.4548332
File: 234 KB, 709x530, trackback-spam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4548543
File: 346 KB, 1600x1333, Spam Musubi (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4548553

Can you mix in a can of wolf chili and throw on fritos?

>> No.4548555
File: 49 KB, 500x375, Glorious Pug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pan-fried Spam with ketchup and pickles

>> No.4548568
File: 5 KB, 200x240, Feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Southernfag here.
It's true, 90% of people here have that attitude. "You can clear you plate or you're not getting anything tomorrow!" I guess that it stams from poorness.
Also, people over the age of 30 (the fattest age group) are still obsessed with "Southern cooking", which means frying everything and eating several pounds of it at a sitting.
>tfw somewhat thin
>tfw fat older people tell you that you need "meat on your bones"

>> No.4548574

Food pickiness is a disgusting epidemic among children and even older people it's sickening. Starve your kids folks, if they won't eat healthy, you fucking starve them till they eat what you give them.

>> No.4548588

that is one of the grossest pictures I have ever seen


my god

>> No.4548590


cheese whiz is crap but your wife is an even bigger piece of crap for throwing away food. even if it is just cheese whiz.

>> No.4548593

>>>4547490 (OP)
>that is one of the grossest pictures I have ever seen
>my god

Hurrr durrrr having a nato enema with my girlfriend.

>> No.4548592

my sister won't put veggies on fucking burgers. food pickiness makes me sick

>> No.4548596


that's excusable in my opinion.

>> No.4548605

That's what my parents did. Now I eat fucking everything. Except celery. Fuck celery

>> No.4548609

Celery vegetable is best vegetable.

>> No.4548616


not even with peanut butter and raisins?

>> No.4548619

hey, i like spam, but a 12 oz can should make at least 4 sammiches or diced into mac an cheese or pasta or a pot of beans should feed at least 3 . the nasty stuff is " treet" or other stuff. buck a can junk.. almost pure fat from rendered hog and chicken scraps jelitain added from horses hooves and cow hides. but i sometimes eat "potted meat" or livermush on cravkers. so who am i to judge.

>> No.4548625
File: 190 KB, 1600x1200, TheBigMokLocoMoco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey, i like spam, but a 12 oz can should make at least 4 sammiches or diced into mac an cheese or pasta or a pot of beans should feed at least 3 . the nasty stuff is " treet" or other stuff. buck a can junk.. almost pure fat from rendered hog and chicken scraps jelitain added from horses hooves and cow hides. but i sometimes eat "potted meat" or livermush on cravkers. so who am i to judge.

If they printed that on the back of every can, I would probably buy twice as much spam as I already do.

>> No.4548630

What kind of sauce is over that? Looks delicious

>> No.4548632

People hate fennel? I fucking love fennel.

Also spam is great, even if too salty and fatty. Slice into sticks, arrange in oven, cook at 400 until crunchy. Boom, bacon fries.

>> No.4548640

SPAM is nothing but penises and assholes from cows.

>> No.4548645


Just a basic gravy.

The dish is a loco moco: over easy egg on top of a burger patty on top of rice, all smothered with gravy.

The one in the picture has fried spam and Portuguese sausage.

Basically you just cook your burger, deglaze with beef stock, and whisk in some roux (butter and flour cooked together) until thickened.

Its classic Hawaiian plate lunch shit, and I would eat it every day if I could.

>> No.4548646


>implying offal isn't coming back into style

>> No.4548648

Except it's not, cuz it's pork and pork is not cow.

>> No.4548656


I'll have to try that one day

>> No.4548659

I don't think you know what either of those things are. Cows do not have dicks.

>> No.4548661

Spam is pork shoulder, you tard.

>> No.4548666

boy I heard that often - If you don't like it you can leave the table.

>> No.4548668


>> No.4548670

"cow" is not the female equivalent of a bull, is is synonymous with cattle

>> No.4548672

Not that guy but cow can be neutral, like chicken for both rooster and hen. A castrated bull is a steer and a young, virgin cow is a heifer
>source cattle farmer

>> No.4548677

Look at him! Look at him and laugh! He's wrong but still trying to argue! He's laughable! Point at him while you try to hush your giggles!

>> No.4548684

Given how many "liverwurst" responses these threads get, can we please stop pretending that everybody hates liverwurst?

>> No.4548686

>Colloquially, the term "cow" is also in reference to the Bos primigenius species of domestic cattle, regardless of age, gender, breed or type.

Quit being an autist.

>> No.4548688

>"corrects" other anon with asshole snarkiness
>gets corrected by two anons
>freaks out and resorts to name calling

Diagnosis: autism related butthurt

>> No.4548694
File: 30 KB, 1360x768, cow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that? I'm sorry, I can't hear over the sound of how right I am. What's that? What? WHAAAAT?! SORRY! CAN'T MAKE OUT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING. DID TIMMY FALL DOWN A WELL?

>> No.4548695

o yeah. add a can of beans and mix with 90 second brown rice and hot sauce. ok not every day but still better and cheaper than take out or pizza.

>> No.4548701

I already told you I raise cows, rain man. Your dictionary is wrong. This isn't about right or wrong though, is it? It's about being autistic

>> No.4548703
File: 223 KB, 800x607, cumin-seeds-whole-organic-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really a food, but these little shits ruin any meal they're in. It's driving me insane that they're gaining in popularity at my local restaurants.

>> No.4548705
File: 79 KB, 726x390, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4548706
File: 24 KB, 1360x768, 1370750808292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're both wrong.

>> No.4548707

Look Cletus, I don't make the rules. Cows are cows and you're wrong, is all. Not my fault. Blame your bruncle-daddy for your cognitive failings and polydactylism, not me nor the written proof I've provided.

>> No.4548708

but you aren't right.

>> No.4548713
File: 11 KB, 390x292, z31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use this shit, i like it. Love it. I don't tell people i put it in food i cooked sometimes. They tell me it's great. I can't understand why people ban this shit from their kitchen like it is liquid aids.

>> No.4548715

Whatever you say Temple Grandin

>> No.4548717

This stuff is great. It's not too strong, so I add it to a lot of meats. It definitely ups the flavor of crock pot slow cooked dishes.

>> No.4548723


I posted the first liverwurst response in this thread and can you please tell that to my gf?

>> No.4548731
File: 36 KB, 408x596, juice box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>third definition
I guess for retards, coming in third is a triumph! Congratulations! Here's your juice box.
Gimme a sec to get out the construction paper and safety scissors and you can make yourself a ribbon, too! Wouldn't that be nice?

>> No.4548732
File: 50 KB, 300x300, 1359578042006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i am in the fight against autism because my brother means the world to me

>> No.4548733



>> No.4548734

>objects to the definition of 'cow' as a female ox, even though the argument posed by the other parties objecting the same point agrees with the definition of 'cow' as female ox
>doesn't object to insinuation of being the product of incestuous union
>doesn't object to polydactylism
Confirmed for six-toed inbred.

>> No.4548736

That's not how dictionaries work.

>> No.4548739

That was my first post in this thread, but keep being mad and saging.

>> No.4548741
File: 1.01 MB, 2592x1944, p4160039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always get extra tripe and tendon with my pho'.

>> No.4548742

Yes it is. The second definition is the first loser. Always. Didn't bruncle-daddy teach you that?I know you didn't learn it at school ever since that twister blew it away, but I'd think your auntie-mama's brother-husband would have taught you at least that much.

>> No.4548744
File: 110 KB, 422x500, 2921085857_31f7572d64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4548759

I noticed you have three people telling you that you are an incorrect autist, one being a cattle farmer, another providing another dictionary. Yet you still screech you are correct and keep throwing around name calling. Next you'll insist you were trolling and we all fell for your clever ruse, for such is the way of the autistic

>> No.4548763

No it isn't. Maybe you should use the dictionary to look up the word context, kiddo.

Then take a course on the English language.

>> No.4548767

This shit is digusting. I bought one in China Town since I work in Manhattan (they are fairly expensive in the US). It tasted like shit, like garlic & asshole custard. Had to throw it outside before it thawed since the smell got more pungent as it became sentient.

>> No.4548771

>dictionary definition given by the opposing viewpoint agrees with the definition originally given that cows are, in fact, female ox
>somehow ignore this
I'm sorry, is your vagina bothering you? Clearly, biological sex doesn't matter so I'm sure your vagina must be bothering you. It's all itchy, isn't it?

>> No.4548773

You are not alone. I buy them with a number of other canned meats. They are a weird sort of comfort food for me.

>> No.4548776

>Clearly, biological sex doesn't matter so I'm sure your vagina must be bothering you
What are you trying to say?

>> No.4548780

Lol, I'm surprised you can type with all those cocks down your throat. Thats talent.

>> No.4548782

Cows are female and you're a cunt.

>> No.4548785

>The word "cow" came via Anglo-Saxon cū (plural cȳ), from Common Indo-European gʷōus (genitive gʷowes) = "a bovine animal",

>> No.4548789

Cow cocks cuz cows totally have cocks now cuz the thread has decided to rewrite reality.

>> No.4548796

Pointless post is pointless. And 'albumin' and 'Albania' share a root, too. I don't think Albania is made up of egg whites, do you?

>> No.4548800

I'm a woman...

I was annoyed but now I realize its not your fault. There's a clinic for autism in Utah, got squeeze boxes and everything. I hope you get the help you need, man.
I also know autists are fedora wearing atheists, but god bless you, you poor autistic creature, for not for the grace of god, we could all have has your condition

>> No.4548807

You're a cunt.

>> No.4548808

Your post makes no sense, but keep trying.

>> No.4548809

Clearly cows don't have cocks. Cows are females.

You and the other autistic kid arguing for an hour about cattle terminology is downright faggy though. Maybe you two should hook up, assuming one of you is okay with being the top?

>> No.4548811


Why you gotta shit on atheists? Tards are the beloved of god, leave freethinkers out of it

>> No.4548812

Yeah i love em, i don't eat them all the time, but every now and then i get a craving for em. what is funny is most stores have like 5 different kinds, all covered in dust since nobody buys them.

>> No.4548815

Cows totes have cocks, man. The thread told me so.

>> No.4548819

Don't take it so personally you're starting to sound like our demented friend

>> No.4548822

Milk is cow cum

>> No.4548825

>>Tards are the beloved of god

You sound like a goddamn indian. I've got some blankets I'd love to give you and your filthy people.

>> No.4548827


smoked oysters are the shit. though I don't like them as much as I did when I was a kid. Still they are great on crackers.

>> No.4548852

I like cloves, but licorice...move to Scandinavia they put that shit in everything

>> No.4548860

If God doesn't love tards, why does he make so many of them? He obviously hated the Injuns.

Yeah, getting constantly stereotyped as arrogant 16 year olds just gets old

>> No.4548876

Dude everyone has a stereotype, especially on the internet. Liberals are smelly, deluded hippies, conservatives are callous man children, Christians are mindless zombies, etc. Be glad you aren't a living stereotype, like our tragic autist.

>> No.4548897

>make remark about spam fries
>go clean room
>come back to pedantics about livestock

guys I'm sorry

>> No.4548899


These and based sardines for sure.

Then again, I try to buy slightly better brands than chicken of the sea.

>for an extra buck the difference in quality is massive

>> No.4548903

If you wont eat it you aren't leaving the table until it's finished

Honestly I happy for it, it would suck to be a picky eater faggot
I get to find out new favorite foods all the time

>> No.4548905


>tfw this is what keeps a thread at the top of the first page

>> No.4548907

Yeah, i don't think i've even had the chicken of the sea brand, since the company is so massive i believe quality takes a hit when mexicans get paid 1 dollar a day. It is just the image i picked out. I normally get the crown prince brand.

>> No.4548909

I will just eat ketchup packets by themselves, fuck yeah ketchup

>> No.4548919

That reminds me of one of the fattest kids I have ever seen, that went to my high school back in the day. This fattass would order only fries. Take each individual fry, cover it with a strip of ketchup from a packet, eat it, then suck the rest of the ketchup out of the packet. In case you didn't get that, it is one ketchup packet per french fry. This kind of shit pisses me off, proving what euro's think of merica.

>> No.4548928


Person who has actually raised cattle:

Bull = Mature, uncastrated male cattle
Steer = Castrated male cattle, any age
Heifer = Female cattle, hasn't had a calf
Cow = Female cattle, HAS had a calf
Calf = Immature cattle, either sex

>> No.4548932

Or a bovine of neutral age or gender, again like how a chicken can be a rooster, hen, cockeral, or pullet

>> No.4548936

Forgot to mention I also raise cattle I'm the one from earlier. I used to raise Herefords now Angus. What breed you raise?

>> No.4548937

I guess you missed the meat pie butty slathered in ketchup posted in the other thread.

The brits are basically where we are.

>> No.4548938

Hen is a female chicken.
Rooster is a male chicken.
Cow is a female oxen/bovid/cattle.
Bull is a male oxen/bovid/cattle.

Chicken and cow are not analogous terms. Chicken and oxen are. Cow and hen are.
Idiot and you are.

>> No.4548940
File: 1.77 MB, 2592x1936, steer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are an uneducated dumpass I guess using incorrect terminology is fine

I help with angus cross production, though I mostly stick to hamp/york cross pigs

>> No.4548943

>picture is clearly a cow
>file is labeled 'steer'
>no wheels
>no brakes
What am I steering? A fucking cow? And you have the nerve to call other people uneducated? Fuck you. That's a fucking cow.

>> No.4548945


Or just not a sperg.

>> No.4548947

please show the calf it gave birth to, also show the vagina

I bet you don't even know what a scur is LOL

>> No.4548948


Is steer synonymous with Ox then? Or was an Ox castrated at a certain point (i.e. early on in life.)

>> No.4548950

Yeah, I'm so scurred. That's a cow.

>> No.4548952

Ox is a different fucking animal, thats like asking if a dog is a wolf because they both have pups

>> No.4548953

Duh. It doesn't have a vagina. It's a boy cow. Are you really this dumb?

>> No.4548955

You took too long to reply/replied snarkily to first statement then a bit later to second. Appears the autist is back after googling cow breeds

>> No.4548956

Nope. Oxen is define as "domesticated bovine animal kept for milk or meat; a cow or a bull."

>> No.4548963

>a cow or a bull

wow so you mean it's a different but similar animal?
mind = blown

bison are also bovine, they aren't cattle
yaks are also bovine, they aren't cattle
buffalo are also bovine, they aren't cattle

>> No.4548966

The term "oxen" is outdated and "cattle" is used unless it needs to be very, very specific. "Oxen" was once used to differentiate domesticated cattle used for work, such as pulling carts and the like, from domesticated cattle used for food, such as dairy and milk production.
Today, the outdated term "oxen" is still in use English-speaking Africa and the English-speaking subcontinent, though used synonymously with 'cattle' as these cultures do not have the luxury to have separate work cattle and food cattle.
Oxen are not some separate species of bovine, unlike the examples you gave. 'Oxen' is just an old word, is all.

>> No.4548972

Other cattle raiser here. I agree with you on this

>> No.4548978


B-but muh oxtail.

>> No.4548981

Fun fact: oxtail is just the culinary word for the meat from the tail of cattle. Again: it's not some separate species.

>> No.4549109

>Da fuck
One entire packet per fry??
Was he one of those fatties who's ass spills over either side of the chair when he sits down?

>> No.4549119

his ass, arm fat, everything. this guys chins had chins.

>> No.4549191

Genetically speaking dogs are wolves.
Carry on

>> No.4549275

you might like this skit from ToG


>> No.4549278

not food but new coke

>> No.4549303

LOVE me some liverwurst.

I've only eaten it dried. Liked it a bit, although it's not a regular item in my pantry.

Feeling lazy? Dice this up, stir-fry it with rice and frozen veggies. Season with some garlic and pepper.
Feeling irrationally trashy? Add cheese. Normally, I consider that to be a terrible thing, but there's just those days - like, a blue moon or something - where this just want this. And I don't know why.

My little input? I like okra, especially if they're pickled. I also like sardines and anchovies. Which is why I'm happy that I live alone right now... I can finally eat my fish in peace.

>> No.4549305

>this just want this
>*I just want this

>> No.4549308
File: 100 KB, 500x667, 1368257292221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have you ever tried them crispy?
lel crispy tripe?

>> No.4549336

Steak and kidney pudding

>> No.4549525

Yup- Thanks to being forced to eat such a wide variety of food as a kid, it's incredibly rare that I find something I don't enjoy. My parents have more money now and a completely different attitude towards parenting and so my younger brother and sister got a completely different upbringing- they annoy the hell out of me- always complaining, leaving food on their plates, refusing to even try one bite of something INCASE they don't like it.

To make matters worse, everyone (parents included) turns on me when I try to point out how picky and wasteful they're being.

And this- >>4547918
Fucking love brussel sprouts. And swede- shit's glorious.

>> No.4549530

i luhs me some sprouts too, anon.

>> No.4549540

Absolutely, even liked them as a kid.

>> No.4549547
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Haven't seen anyone post this yet... I fucking love tofu.

>> No.4550458
File: 7 KB, 254x199, getscarrednow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I have not yet, is it good?

>> No.4550507

you are one retarded bunch

>> No.4550526

with onions

>> No.4550554

I love beer and sauerkraut, but hate bratwurst.

>> No.4550619
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>> No.4550677
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Yes, I'm white. I have to drive into the hood to find the gas station that sells them, none in my neighborhood.

>> No.4550727

Ketchup is fine. It tastes nice and compliments any food that would otherwise lack flavour.

Putting it on things like herb sausages defeats the point of it, since the ketchup overpowers the flavour and you might as well have a cheaper, basic sausage.

>> No.4550752

Pig feet is delicious I first tried it as a dare and I was surprised at how meaty and tasty they are.

>> No.4550759
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Maybe people just don't want to admit they eat it

>> No.4550764

Lobster and I don't just like it, I love it.
There are only three other people I who have eaten it straight from the shell and they are all close relatives.
Lobsters are fairly expensive here so I only eat it on special occasions but when I do I go all out and make a lobster bisque from the leftovers the next day.
People seem to be squeemish about seafood here and particularly when it resembles an insect in their mind.

>> No.4550767

>There are only three other people I

people I know*

>> No.4550770
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>> No.4550777


I always thing of cat food whenever I open a can but it just tastes so good

>> No.4550811

>people actually arguing about the word "cow"

Protip: nobody gives a shit you dumb hick farmers

>> No.4550833

As someone who lives in the country where a lot of people have cattle, cow is used gender neutrally.

>> No.4550839

Tobasco and shitrachi, isnt popular? Suck dicks.

>> No.4550855

Implying im not
If my kid dosnt eat what I get him he dosnt eat anything.

>> No.4550859

This thread has been up for so long!
Stop fucking arguing about cows it's getting weird now

>> No.4550861

Eggs over medium, runny egg yolk.

>> No.4550862

How do you prepare this? I've seen it and always been curious, do you just eat it out of the pack as a snack?

>> No.4550865
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>> No.4550870

> I can finally eat my fish in peace.
Lucky bastard

"hey anon what you eating, eeewww wtf that smells so bad! omg you're gonna get the worse breath! wtf are you buying that for?!"

>> No.4550872

The Lavos comparison is strangely fitting.
When it met Durian the first time I was instantly defeated because it was just too powerful.
Perhaps now I am ready.

>> No.4550874

holy shit tofu, I try chopping it up for a meal but always have to get extra because I just eat too much of it before getting to cook it
fucking raw cubes of it, fried in everything(also in spicy noodle both when you're lazy as hell, fucking amazing like little flavor sponges) inari, fucking everything

>> No.4550919


i don't know how you can hate cumin

>> No.4551091

Dump salsa or lemon juice on it, eat outta the bag. If you can, buy two bags, dump both salsa and lemon juice.

>> No.4551097

Blue cheese. It can be really nice when it is over ripe too.

I have always wanted to try that. What is it like?

>> No.4551143
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These things are the reason I'm hesitant to buy sausages half the time.

>> No.4551228

Fermented anything. Tofu, kimchi, sriracha. Fucking love it.

>> No.4551235
File: 576 KB, 755x716, 1364786546991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only weaboos "like" that shit
we don't even eat it in japan

>> No.4551239

Durian is the best!!

>> No.4551276

A little cumin powder is great in macaroni and cheese or baked macaroni dishes.

>> No.4551311

Do you eat it with a fork?

>> No.4551314

>popular for breakfast

I SE Asia for a few weeks. I began feeling pangs of homesickness by the third breakfast of weird shit like that. For a country so in love with eggs (Vietnam, I'm looking at you. You too Korea) they don't know the best time to have them.

>> No.4551499

fennel seed is what is usually in sausage

>> No.4551709
File: 172 KB, 1024x768, Saure Kutteln2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swabian tripes ftw!

>> No.4551770

I know, right? At an old school, I was so bummed that I had to break the habit of eating them, since I couldn't eat them in my dorm room, and I couldn't eat them in the tiny-ass hallway. So I had to go outside.
So I'm not so much a lucky bastard as I am a bastard that's finally enjoying that hard-earned freedom.
The freedom to eat my fish.

>> No.4551778

Nobody has said that since 2003

>> No.4551779

>posting kshit

>> No.4551820



>> No.4552101

And oxtail is fucking delicious when slow roasted.

>> No.4552204
File: 70 KB, 710x399, Klassisk-rakfisk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fermented fish, trout is my favourite.

>> No.4552421


>> No.4552432

Beef liver. Widely regarded as that disgusting food that crusty old grammas cook and nobody likes.

Granted, it's a little rich to act as an entree, but it's great in small quantities.

>> No.4552450
File: 28 KB, 400x308, anchovy pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchovies are one of my favorite pizza toppings.

>> No.4552485
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Kidneys, liver, heart and lungs. For some reason people are so squeamish about eating these and for the life of me I couldn't tell why, always loved them, ever since I was little.

Pic related, local dish called 'saloon lungs', damn tasty.

>> No.4552498
File: 26 KB, 421x289, zoldborsos-maj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agree, although I've ony ever had the local version, basically a thick liver stew. pic again related: liver budapest

>> No.4552504
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Also soft roe, blood sausages, etc... I love a lot of stuff other people usually turn down with disugst.

>> No.4552549


That's a really nice fucking pizza.

>> No.4552554
File: 139 KB, 1600x856, King Neptune Raw Oysters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ugh how can you eat those disgusting snotballs anon grosssss

I love them, I'm so desperate for them that I even risk food poisoning and get them when I go to buffets. If I'm lucky I'll get them once or twice a year.

>> No.4552557

Eggs over easy.

People say watching the yolk burst is disgusting and I really only like to eat them with some kind of starch/sauce/gravy but man they are good.

>> No.4552568

cream soda and sauerkraut

>> No.4552575
File: 162 KB, 1024x768, Corned-Beef-Potato-Hash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corn beef hash. Not all the time, but sometimes it's just fucking good.

>> No.4552580

Oh man I love oysters. Great thing about living on the Gulf Coast I guess, cheap oysters and cheap pitchers erry day at happy hour. I can down a couple dozen by myself lol.

>> No.4552760
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I like it
it smells like shit though

>> No.4552813
File: 18 KB, 300x58, Screen shot 2013-06-10 at 6.11.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we brahs now

>> No.4552864

That's one of my favorite ways to slowly kill myself, though! Corned beef hash with beer starts a full day of regretting it.

Anchovies. And. Feta.

>> No.4552867
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>cheez whiz
>on grilled cheese

>> No.4552868


> 2013
> Not buying a 4chan pass

Do you even convenience?

>> No.4552871

Go back to counting your shekels, moot.

>> No.4552904



>> No.4552911

peanut butter and molasses on a toasted english muffin

>> No.4552953

Nothing wrong with that, I prefer honey though.

>> No.4552966

Tripe and bitter melon.

>> No.4553002

I like pork tripe, but not a fan of beef or mutton tripe, though I'll eat both.
I love bitter melon.

>> No.4555517


Interesting, I'd always thought that ox meant male, but wasn't sure and never got around to looking it up. Thanks /ck/ for bringing the enlightenment to me. Also, thanks to the "cattlemen" (hope that's a correct term to use for the self identified "cattle raiser") who chimed in with their clarifications or terms, some of which I'd also never been quite sure about. One question though... a couple posts up someone declared bison, yaks, etc. as "not cattle". Is that correct? I would have thought that any group of bovines could be correctly called "cattle".

>> No.4555533

This will probably land me near the top of the weird list, but I've always had a thing for canned octopus and squid. One of my particular favorites is the squid in ink sauce... this too has never been a popular indulgence of mine whenever I've had live-in significant others. lol

>> No.4555540

I've been curious about Durian myself. That stuff must really reek since according to Andrew Zimmern (I think) it's illegal to even carry on public transportation in some areas. I've seen some Durian candy at my local asian market. Should I give in to curiosity and try it? Can someone familiar with it give me (us) some idea of what to expect taste wise?

>> No.4555541

Ooh, bitter melon is good dipped in fish sauce.

>> No.4555683

Cool! I've wondered about this stuff as well. ITT: Me learning some pretty cool shit.

>> No.4555700

Ah, we may have found my limit. My grandmother used to try to feed me that shit when I was a kid and I can't even really remember the taste, it was so long ago, but my stomach twitches a little just thinking about it. I actually wonder if like so many things I hated as a kid I might actually like it now. Since I live in the U.S. now though, I think the only convenient way of trying it would be either in menudo or perhaps in pho... think I've seen it listed as an option at some of the vietnamese places around here.

>> No.4555707

I've only had oxtail soup, but maybe I'll try that sometime.

>> No.4555712

The "real" ones are good, but some of the canned crap that's 99% salt and 1% fishyness is pretty gnarly. It does amuse me that lots of people have no clue that proper caesar salad dressing contains anchovies.

>> No.4555722

I've met very few Hungarian dishes I don't like. Probably because I've got a relatively high percentage of Hungarian genes.

>> No.4555725

gotta admit, as far as "eating with your eyes" this one doesn't do much for me.

>> No.4555726

Amateur! lol

>> No.4555728

Mein Neger!

>> No.4555736
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This... also, I fear I've begun talking to myself ITT.

LOL captcha: Kimchi necksocu

>> No.4555889
File: 49 KB, 600x399, 7CUKX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mayonise straight from the jar.
Anchovies, fermented fish.
Durian, intestines (small and large)
Licorice and tripe
Tongue and Spam

>>4547490 (OP)
I also like natto.

>> No.4555954

Intestines are awesome when stuffed with liquefied meats and meat by products.... Gotta love those natural casing frankfurters (and other assorted snausages).

>> No.4555979

Oh man, it's been a while since I've tasted bbq chicken intestines

>> No.4555981

My grandma likes this so much, and I have no qualms about it, it's just that IT CONTAMINATES THE WHOLE FRIDGE

>> No.4555982

I've tried that. It tastes exactly like what I thought sweaty feet would taste like. Can't help but think that if I began to acquire the taste for limburger I'd actually be teaching myself how to like the taste of feet.

>> No.4558373

>would eat sweet onions as a kid like they were apples
>Can't remember what type of onion it was

>> No.4558392

I agree that the smell can be somewhat reminiscent of sweaty feet, but the taste not at all... I find it fucking delicious and I'm pretty sure that I would not find sweaty feet delicious. Heh

>> No.4558396

I think it's about preparation. A lot of people just plainly boil them, which is absurd. And they tend to undercook them, which leaves them a bit bitter (and kids hate bitter tastes due to how taste buds develop).

>> No.4558402

It's not like no one likes it, but I've always found it surprising how many people hate the flavor of anise. I like pretty much everything that tastes like that.

>> No.4558464

What method of preparation do you favor? I like them pretty much any way, including raw. BTW, I discovered something that turns cabbage from meh, to godly, and although I haven't tried it with brussel sprouts, I'd be willing to bet it would be awesome too. Instead of boiling in water, I cook cabbage in chicken broth. Best cabbage ever IMHO.

>> No.4558473


Where you at, breh.

>> No.4558475

I used to absolutely despise it. These days I can tolerate it as long as it's not too strong.

>> No.4558494


Not that other guy, but I like them sliced in half and pan-cooked or roasted whole

>> No.4558504
File: 21 KB, 320x240, image-upload-131-707035[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody likes my fishballs

>> No.4558513

Perhaps if you called them by a different name. lol

>> No.4558528
File: 17 KB, 300x223, limas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't met anyone who loves lima beans the way I do. Add some bacon fat or a ham hock to the pot, get the liquid thick and stew-like, and it's the best side dish ever.

>> No.4558535
File: 114 KB, 529x640, 1369621037123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pineapples on pizza. For some reason the people that I know are absolutely disgusted by it. They rather have a meat lover's pizza with every single meat topping known to man resulting in a greasy, cheese disk that's salty as fuck.

>> No.4558536

I agree with you on that. I think some pineapple with bacon or ham makes a fine pizza.

>> No.4558554

Natto, Marmite, liver, frogs' legs

>> No.4558564


i like pizza with pineapple (and pretty much every vegetable)...especially if it's a white pie though... a white pizza slice with pineapple is fucking awesome with salt, red pepper flakes, and honey on it.

>> No.4558566

Back in middle/high school I would forget my lunch money and end up taking free ketchup packets and munching on those.

>> No.4558568

muh nigguh

>> No.4558574


i've seen a lot of people just eat ketchup by itself... i could never do it, but i think i'm one of the only people in the world who hates ketchup.

>> No.4558583

>Female ox
oxes can't be female, retard.

>> No.4558589

>a greasy, cheese disk that's salty as fuck.
That's really good, it sounds like you have never tried one.

>> No.4558593

Samiakki is the shit

>> No.4558598
File: 65 KB, 768x480, 539896_402461166490281_1277464224_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Cajun ones are so fucking good.

>> No.4558611

Incorrect tardboy, and the plural of ox is oxen, not oxes. Open mouth wide, insert foot firmly...well done!

>> No.4558616

Oh wow, I haven't had any of those since I moved away from the south and now I want! Will have to look for a recipe for the brine and procure some raw peanuts. Hope I can find those up here in yankeeville.

>> No.4558624

here you go!

>> No.4558632

Thank you kind sir! May go that route rather than trying to homebrew them.

>> No.4558707

I put ketchup in my spaghetti, which has mashed ground beef not molded into balls. It's just there.

Everyone I have persuaded to give it a try ends up loving it.

>> No.4558751

People seem to hate black olives a lot (but I can't stand the other kinds)

>> No.4558763

My mom buys sauce from the store but puts like a pound of ground beef in it.

>> No.4558768

I could take down a can of black olives by myself no problem. I don't like the green ones at all.

Do you think a black olive would be good in a martini in place of the green ones that you typically see?

>> No.4559036

Man I stayed in the Czech Republic for a week and they used cumin in fucking EVERYTHING. Like, I had to live off pizza most of the time because of how everything else tasted and smelled like cumin.
Like what the fuuuuuck.

>> No.4559046

are you my wife? She is mexican and we cannot eat at any "mexican" place in the states , fast food or fancy food, because they put cumin in everything. It aint so in Mexico.
We can't even have a fucking taco from taco bell because of the cumin in the meat, I never realized but yup, it has cumin.
She says it smells like armpits.

>> No.4559049

this post is in reply to >>4548703

>> No.4559062
File: 254 KB, 1600x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, this is so great.

>> No.4559507

how the fuck could you not like that?

>> No.4559515

are you filipino?

>> No.4559530

I just generally dislike pineapple.

>> No.4559550


look at that golden gooey goodness... that is fucking gg right there.

>> No.4559572

When I was a kid I was the only one in my family that didn't like sunny side up eggs.

>> No.4559583
File: 7 KB, 216x160, 1362945024773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think a black olive would be good in a martini in place of the green ones that you typically see?

>> No.4559591

I put peanut butter and red pepper on my hamburgers. It's like a beef satay on a bun.

>> No.4559595
File: 118 KB, 800x533, meal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fried mealworms
They taste really good and yet Europeans seem to be unable to even look at mealworms when I serve them a dish containing them.

>> No.4559845

so people without german heritage

>> No.4559902

I'm from Czech Republic and I love it. I bet you didn't liked poppy seeds either.

>> No.4559935

I believe you're both thinking caraway, a similar-looking but entirely different-tasting spice which is called 'cumin' (or other etymologically related words) in several central European languages not the least of which is Czech ('kmin').
Cumin, as known to the English-speaking world, is a true rarity in Czech Republic.

>> No.4559946

Well shit, the more you know.
I hate caraway, then.

>> No.4559962

Unsurprisingly. Just as many people with no cultural connection to coriander leaf/cilantro hate the stuff, many people with no cultural connection to caraway fucking hate it, too.

I'm from Italy myself, but my grandmother was from the northeastern parts (where they speak German, Slovene and Hungarian), so I grew up with caraway and love it. My cousins from the other side of my family (and of other parts of Italy, to boot), though, universally can't stand caraway. I know caraway is called "kumine" in Slovene and cumin "kumina," the only Slavic/central European language I know of to make something of a distinction.

Italian distinguishes between the two because cumin is used extensively in Lampedusan cuisine (which is itself really just a fusion cuisine of Arab/North African, Sicilian/southern Italian and Greek cuisines) and Lampedusan cuisine is fashionable in Italy right now. Caraway, in Italian, is called either "German cumin" or "Slavic cumin," depending on where in Italy you're from.

>> No.4560206

I love your posts, ItalianAnon, they're always so interesting.

>> No.4562433

But caraway is delicious.

Especially with Sauerkraut.

(Also is Sauerkraut different in America? Or is it just because quality Items (Rostbratwürste, Sauerkraut, Wheat-Ryley mixed Bread) are less prevalent?)

>> No.4562673

Yeah, it's different. Austrianfag living in America here. Typical American Sauerkraut is just way too sour and kind of tasteless. Adding a little sugar (and optionally some caraway) helps make it taste more like the real thing. I have run across some canned stuff that was labeled "german style sauerkraut" that wasn't too bad, but I don't recall any of the american made stuff that's just generically labeled "sauerkraut" having been palatable without help.