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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4536328 No.4536328 [Reply] [Original]

This is pretty much the perfect balance right?

>> No.4536340

>two steaks a month

lol, no.

>> No.4536355

I think it means red meats.

>> No.4536366
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>> No.4536373

Fkyeah, the Harvard plate. This is pretty much what my plate usually looks like, except less fruit (which I snack on throughout the day) and I usually drink milk with dinner.

>> No.4536421

>he thinks it specifically means a steak
Er...you should maybe hold back on posting until you develop some wits

>> No.4536425

>the Harvard plate.
Harvard Plate is the best. Dairy and meat is bullshit.

>> No.4536427

Fish and poultry aren't meat?

>> No.4536428

This seems rather good, though I'll continue to drink several glasses of milk because I'm punk rock anti-rules like that.

>> No.4536432

If the animal isn't cute it's not meat.

>> No.4536437

See: >>4536355

>> No.4536478

>potatoes don't count
>limit butter
>limit cheese
>avoid bacon, cold cuts

pls tell me ur avin a giigle m8

>> No.4536481

Not really.

>> No.4536500

>potatoes and french fries dont count

lol murika

>> No.4536621


The point is that potatoes and french fries aren't vegetables you fucktard.

>> No.4536702

I am, thanks to your post.

>> No.4537707

>People still think whole grains are healthy


>> No.4537740


pizza is tho

>> No.4537750
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NOPE. That's full on retarded. Try again OP.

>> No.4537826

>implying red meat is bad for you

>> No.4537834

Grain should never be the foundation of your diet. Green veggies should.

>> No.4537840

This. Somewhat.

Carbohydrate levels should be slightly higher than protein and fat but; potatoes wheat and pasta? Seriously?

>> No.4537899

You don't even need to grain in your diet at all. The fact that people believe this boggles my mind. I eat grain because it is good, not for health reasons.

>> No.4537901

fuck off Ketolard.

>> No.4537907
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looks more like a fulcrum OP
heres a good balance
one side can be plant matter the other side can be animal products

>> No.4537914
File: 44 KB, 931x824, diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like this IDK
you guys can work it out funk what am i you dietitian

>> No.4537941

>doesn't have an argument

>> No.4537948

I'm doing a super crash diet right now actually. Water and pickles only, and I purge the pickles even though they're almost no calories.
My goal is to get sick and get sent to the hospital where I can lose even more weight easily.
Seriously, nothing's easier than just not eating bad shit. What I really miss is alcohol.

>> No.4537951

only if you eat it at school

>> No.4537953

That's stupid.

>> No.4537957

You're stupid.

>> No.4537956

>says the person who never raised an argument in the first place

fuck off ketolard

>> No.4537959

God I fucking hate anorexics. We're all enjoying ourselves and you're here to ruin everyone's fun.

>> No.4537968

Be nice, negative nancy.

>> No.4537979

Who said I'm keto? Give me a solid reason why eating grain is needed to live a healthy life.

>> No.4537994

>I hate the mentally ill

>> No.4538071

Damn straight. Useless sods need to be bred out of the gene pool.

>> No.4538081

You can certainly eat more than one red meat a month. Depending on the cut, type, and if you reduce the fat red meats can be a very healthy and lean form of protein.

>> No.4538085

Eat like that and you will be weak. Lots of meat and lots of vegetables is all you need.

>> No.4538087

And that includes potatoes and stuff by the way.

>> No.4538088


It's not.

You know about pyramid schemes, right?

>> No.4538135

looks like somebody didn't watch Fat Head

look it up

>> No.4538138


I, too, thought that drinking wine in moderation (a glass daily) is good for your health. It isn't. Quick google search confirmed that it actually damages the liver, but to an extent where it doesn't really have any kind of effect.

>> No.4538142

That same search should have told you that wine is more beneficial to your heart than it is damaging to your liver.

>> No.4538147

Mediterranean died is without argue the best diet in the world.

I'm Greek and today for lunch I had a tomato salad with lots of olive oil, feta cheese and whole grain bread, then apricots and watermelon for dessert. I eat read meat once a week tops.

>> No.4538151


You're right, though depending on how much alcohol is in there and how much you drink it can have negative effects on the heart aswell. One glass of red wine is definitely beneficial, 1 1/2 glasses of red wine that's a little stronger than the usual turns the effect around.

>> No.4538166

My main problem with the plate is that exercise is reduced to a barely noticeable tab. A healthy diet and fitness are two sides of the same coin!

>> No.4538167

Indeed. That's why the recommendation is always (literally, without exception in my experience) *one* glass of red wine. Fkyeah, antioxidants etc.

>> No.4538169

OP pic has a rather large banner at the bottom saying "Daily Physical Activity". The Harvard plate has a reminder to "Stay Active".

So... what?

>> No.4538212
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>> No.4538226

You're a fuckin' idiot.

>> No.4538295


Yeah OP. These are good. I prefer your post to the harvard plate.. but both are a great starting point for a life long healthy diet. I eat pretty close to what you have suggested, except I probably eat a little more chicken.. more like a weekly basis. And I end up eating sweets a bit more often than I should as well, because my family gives them to me as gifts evertime they come over (dessert/candy) and my wife keeps stuff like that in the house. If it's sitting out.. I eat a small bit per day. Like.. 2 hershey kisses or something like that. In no way is it really too much... but I'd prefer the stuff just not be in the house at all.

I also like your triangle better than the harvard plate because exercise takes a bigger part of the diagram. Optimally I would reiterate >>4538166 and say that I would rather see the exercise actually incorporated into the triangle at the daily level. I would also reiterate what people are staying about potatoes. To make them edible, most people load them up with butter and salt.. which makes them something you should have monthly. If you are eating them roasted with just seasoning like rosemary and thyme.. then that's a bit different.


Enjoy you cancer, obesity, diabetes, gout, and cardio vascular disease.

>> No.4538298


Specifically it would be best if the diagram called out 30 minutes of continual daily exercise as this has been WELL PROVEN to increase metabolism and overall health in all people. 30 minutes of continual exercise is the exercise recommendation for 70 year olds. It is a true shame that even most people half that age don't get that level off exercise.

>> No.4538299

>no one has posted the fire and dog version

>> No.4538313
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>> No.4538344
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Removed potato (as it should just end up with vegetables in the daily slot, though people should be careful how they are prepared.. fried doesn't count)

Moved Cheese to weekly.

Added that we are talking about red meat at the top (and suggested "or never" because that is really the safest amount to eat for health reasons. Unless you are mentally disturbed and will hurt yourself if you don't get your daily red meat. in that case, you should seek professional help because, you've got a disease dude.

This is pretty close to the diet I eat and ever since switching to this from a meat heavy and fast food heavy diet... I feel amazing. Most people don't realize how shitty they feel everyday because it's just how the live. Sad really...

Oh I also fixed the contrast.. because that shit was jacked up dawg.

>> No.4538349


Also made bigger note of the exercise part... colored it red for attention, added 30 minutes continuous.

>> No.4538477

OP here. I like it, I also never eat red meat and, additionally, recently dropped cheese. I pretty much follow it with daily quinoa plus weekly fresh bread and potatoes and no pasta/rice.

>> No.4538484

Ah, and I also dropped the metro/bus and walk everywhere. It is great, plus I save some cash.

>> No.4538504
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>Cheese: weekly
>Red Meat: never

>> No.4538503


Is walking considered exercice? Because I walk one to two hours daily and don't want to sign up to a gym class or something.

>> No.4538542

dietitianfag here, that's a silly pyramid. Meat isn't bad for you, there's absolutely no reason that sweets shouldn't be at the top, you don't necessarily need that many starchy carbs...

>> No.4538548

This is how I eat, and it works great for me. (I do pop a B12 once in a while, just to be on the safe side).

>> No.4538559

Just sayin' - the japanese live longer. Not a particular fan of the japanese diet as a whole though.

>> No.4538584
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That's because you and your country are too broke and unemployed to afford anything else.

Hell, the Turks are better off than you.

>> No.4538667
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>> No.4538680


There is no perfect balance. Make sure you getting reasonable amounts of micronutrients, limit fat intake (but don't cut it completely), make sure the bulk of your calories are complex carbs and protein.

>> No.4538686

>dat filename

>> No.4539062

>low protein, high grain diet
>listening to what the usda lobbyists tell you

Even /fit/ has a better grasp of nutrition, and that's saying something.

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Throw in various protein sources 2-3 servings a day, more if you're lifting, maybe 4-5. Eat grain maybe once a day, twice if bulking. Limit anything prepackaged, especially sweet stuff and greasy stuff.

Grain is fucking shit tier, even whole grains. And refined grain may as well be cake. Few nutrients, lots of calories, not filling. Garbage. My oats in the morning are all I eat of grain.

>> No.4539069


Every old person I know has lived to be that old by eating an overall balanced diet- save for indulging once in awhile, since most of the old people I know are Italian or Greek.

I find that cutting processed shit out of your diet helps greatly.

>> No.4539093


Yes walking counts, so long as it is for 30 minutes, continuously. It should also be spirited walking. You want to get your heart rate up into it's target cardio, aerobic zone. You can find out what that is by googling. There are formulas, based off age.

>> No.4539122


>few nutrients lots of calories

They have tons of minerals. Grains are a great source of iron, folic acid, and manganese in particular. Calories are also not a bad thing, fatty, especially from carbs

>> No.4539135
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>> No.4539145

>tfw people with a very rudimentary knowledge of nutrition pass off their opinion as fact

>> No.4539178


Calories are bad if you're cutting, or they put you over limit. Iron comes from meat and nuts, folic acid from beans and greens, manganese from nuts and lentils. You should already be eating these and not need to get them from grains.

>> No.4539225

>tfw people with a very rudimentary knowledge of nutrition pass off their opinion as fact
Most of this entire thread more like

>> No.4539951

I love how the grain-hating holistic fags are trying to push the paleo diet, but they're so beta they can't even admit it.