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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4537647 No.4537647 [Reply] [Original]

Is there even a fringe vegan community on /ck/?

>> No.4537654
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>> No.4537658

I often cook for vegans. I tend to stay away because every thread is a rehashing of the same 4 arguments that come up in every veg thread; it's only new people taking a seat at the table.

Why do you ask? My pre-emptive answer is that if you're looking for help or ideas for a vegan diet, this is not a tree to be barking up.

>> No.4537666

Vegetarians I can understand but vegans are full retard.

And yeah, take this to /pol/ or some other general discussion board.

>> No.4537687

I cook almost every meal I eat and I found out a couple years ago that I prefer a vegan diet, all the food I cook doesn't use meat or dairy (dairy has always grossed me the fuck out). Anyway I don't need help eating vegan/vegetarian, but I never read threads about cooking vegan/vegetarian and I don't know if i just miss them or if they don't exist. My whole life is cooking and vegan forums have more circle jerking than reddit, so i would like to see a community on this board. I have no desire to convert anyone.

>> No.4537693

This isn't about the ethics behind it asshole, its about the culinary side of veganism, there are a lot of new flavors and ingredients to explore when the same five components aren't the center of your every meal.

>> No.4537695

Veganism and circlejerks go hand-in-hand. I'm sorry, but it's true.

Sage for vegan trollbait, but it doesn't matter because the shitstorm's a-coming.

>> No.4537696

Cool, okay. Find yourself a vegan forum and stay there.

>> No.4537697

>there are a lot of new flavors and ingredients to explore when the same five components aren't the center of your every meal.
no, there are actually inherently less possible flavors because you are eliminating components.

there are only so many ways you can make a fucking salad

>> No.4537699

>limiting your ingredients leads to more ingredients to explore
>5 meats
I lol'd. That's your own fault for buying food at Walmart Supercenter. You know what, even Walmart caries several times more animals than that, you must be of those humans that actually has fleas and shops at Aldis.

You realize you can use meat in a dish without it being the "focal point" right?

>> No.4537700

>remove entire food groups
>a lot of new flavours to explore

I don't think you get how this works.

What you're experiencing is that in order to work around the bizarre, arbitrary confines of your diet, you have to pay more attention to how your food is made, and thus you come to believe, paradoxically, that reducing the range of foodstuffs you can consume increases the variety of culinary experiences possible.

tl;dr you're an idiot.

>> No.4537701

Stop replying to an obvious baiter. It's like you want to encourage him and his ilk to shit up this bard.

>> No.4537703

>use meat in a dish without it being the "focal point"

Yup, like every ethnic cuisine trolling every vegan since time immemorial.

"What's that you say? Has this got meat in it? No, no, of course it hasn't!"

>> No.4537705

b-but i like shitting on bards


>> No.4537712

I have no problem with them being on seekay IF they are here to discuss recipes with one another, or just about general nutritional tips FOR VEGANS etc.

99% of the time they are here to shout meat is murder and just generally be fucking annoying with their campaigning shit. If i went on /b/ or /r9k/... or maybe /pol/? and started posting religious propaganda and being an annoying douche, i would expect to get flamed and trolled to oblivion. they should expect no less if that is what they are here for.

tl;dr most people on /ck/ will respect your choice as long as you arent trying to shame others or force your ideologies onto us.

>> No.4537708

I just wish they'd start banning some of these "vegetarians" for blatant trolling. Most of their shit is not directly related to food and cooking, is blatant flame-bait, and I'm pretty sure those days where there are 6 vegan threads on the front page it's just outright spam.

>> No.4537717

There a such threads, but they consist of zealous reactionaries who are only dimly aware of how close they are to quoting Maddox, and two or three pairs of people who have confused the various premises on which people choose a vegan diet and spend the rest of the thread either triangulating one another's position or posting irrelevant/dubious research. This is the first time I've ever actually posted in one. You see how well it's going so far?

>> No.4537720

Mathematically speaking a meat and dairy including diet makes sense, there are more potentially possibilities, but it's easy to fall into a place where you don't try new things for the sake of whatever stops you from trying new things. I have tried a lot of new foods I had no reason to ever try before I limited my diet, the reason I did it in the first place was to help me plan ahead and diversify what I ate, not over the ethics. It's an interesting world and a lot of what I've learned i'll keep with me forever, whether I stay a vegan or not. People don't need to flip their shit, just ignore the fucking thread if it makes you uncomfortable.

>> No.4537722

Yes I guess I do, I suppose I'll just back away and never return and never be missed...

>> No.4537723

I am actually considering filtering all posts with the words vegan, vegetarian, GMO, or monsanto in them. Sometimes it is worth it to see the retards get told but it stops being amusing the millionth time

>> No.4537730

Have you actually read these threads? I'd put anti-vegan/vegetarian posts at 80%, with the phrase "meat is murder" appearing zero times, and less prostylization. "forcing" their belief is also not what's going on, it's usually that someone wants an explanation or someone claims something that isn't true (eg vegetarians don't have protein in their diet).

You make yourself seem like the minority and the victim. I've heard far, far more shit-talking of vegetarians and vegans online and in life than I have actually heard vegans or vegetarians "forcing their ideology" onto someone across the table.

>> No.4537735

says the vegan.

>> No.4537739

That's just confirmation bias, you silly goose.

>> No.4537746

Youre missing the point. Obviously im talking about the OP in these threads, not the threads themselves.

Basically, this is a Food and Cooking board. There is a board for Politics, and a Science board if you want to discuss the nutritional aspects, or lack of, or whatever.

I think any vegetarian or vegan thread that is started by the OP with purely political motivation should just be deleted. Ive been posting here for about 6 years, and unfortunately most threads started are either pro- or anti- vegan, have an agenda, have nothing to do with vegan food or cooking, and just consist of insults and the same links to the same articles being posted ad infinitum.

>> No.4537747

Since that viral video of the kid not eating octopus went up, I've seen 4 vegan threads on /ck/ and there was next to zero on-topic discussion in them. It was ethics, global warming, and economics talk. If you want to take about effects on the environment then take it to /sci/, if you want to talk about health then go to /fit/ if you just want talk ethics and morality then go to a general discussion board like pol or r9k. I'm not trying to silence discussion. I just want board appropriate discussion, and when it comes to these vegan/vegetarian threads, there rarely is.

>> No.4537753

I'm not vegan. I had yogurt this morning and a buffalo chicken sandwich this afternoon.

>> No.4537758

I'm pretty sure it's just that almost no one wants to talk about actually making and eating vegan/vegetarian food on /ck/, including people who are or claim to be vegan / vegetarian. Everyone just wants to troll and boast about how much better they are than anyone else.

It's a shame, but Internet.

>> No.4537755


>> No.4537763


/ck/ is a community, and yes, there are vegans here. Vegetarians as well, from both, financial and moral backgrounds.

>> No.4537768

I'm not disagreeing with either of you, you missed my point to the guy I was responding to and are bringing up tangential disucssions.

The majority of posts in any given vegan/vegetarian thread are anti-vegan/vegetarian. The guy I responded to said that 99% of the posts are vegans forcing their ideology onto the hapless meat eating normal people of /ck/. I'm just saying this is clearly delusional. Go to the fuuka archive and tally up the pro and anti-veg posts if you don't believe me.

>> No.4537771

You have a persecution complex.

Saging because I'm not contributing food and neither is the post I'm responding to.

>> No.4537774

I don't care who is insulted who first or who is right or wrong. These threads are toxic and trollbait. That's the point.

>> No.4537777

You're right, it was chicken curry. I had the buffalo chicken yesterday; I just knew that if I mentioned curry I would be accused of smelling bad, being Indian, etc.

>> No.4537781

You are still missing the point.

Who gives a fuck who is saying what in the thread, the point is that these threads have absolutely no place being here and should be deleted ya bloody dingo.

>> No.4537785

How can I have a persecution complex if I'm not even vegan?

I'll run an experiment later to show you. I'll make a vegetarian/vegan thread with the OP clearly stating a desire for exclusively sharing recipes, tips, experiences, and no political arguments.

>> No.4537789

Vegetarian who will never go vegan. Yes I've noticed there are both groups here, and almost every thread turns into shit throwing.

>> No.4537792

>The guy I responded to said that 99% of the posts are vegans forcing their ideology onto the hapless meat eating normal people of /ck/

No, actually, I said "99% of the time they are here to shout meat is murder and just generally be fucking annoying with their campaigning shit."

Clearly I am not talking about individual posters but the thread subject itself. Sorry if i was not obvious.

E.g. as someone pointed out, we recently had a vegetarian/vegan thread on /ck/, actually, we've had about 3 of the same thread in the past week. Was it sharing recipes or tips? Fuck no. It was that fucking little Italian kid and the obviously staged PETA propaganda. At LEAST 3 different threads all started in the last week, all of them political, all of them by pro-veg.

Who cares what the thread devolved into. The point is that they should be deleted as they are off board topic.

>> No.4537795

Vegan here, you'd probably have better luck discussing this stuff on /fit/. /ck/ isn't about healthiness, it's more about pure taste. People here will put bacon on ice cream. It just makes them mad when you put the idea in their head that there exists a world in which they don't get to eat whatever they want

>> No.4537798


> we recently had a vegetarian/vegan thread on /ck/, actually, we've had about 3 of the same thread in the past week. Was it sharing recipes or tips? Fuck no. It was that fucking little Italian kid and the obviously staged PETA propaganda

That's a pretty recent phenomenon and didn't last long. Meanwhile every single other thread that just says "hey guys, got any tasty vegan recipes?" or "I'm cooking for vegans, any ideas what to make?" gets completely ruined by meat fanatics who can't just let people discuss food. It's ridiculous to say vegetarians/vegans are loud and obnoxious and force their opinions when meat lovers are so much worse, but you consider them normal so it doesn't even phaze you

>> No.4537800

>post obnoxious off-topic thread
>LOL DEY R JUST MAD BCOZ BACON LMAO #rekd #douneedsomeburnjuice4datburnbro

>> No.4537801
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What's off-topic on a food and cooking board about a thread discussing food and cooking that doesn't involve meat and dairy?

Think your shit out before you post

>> No.4537803

>That's a pretty recent phenomenon

You obviously have no been here long

>Meanwhile every single other thread that just says "hey guys, got any tasty vegan recipes?" or "I'm cooking for vegans, any ideas what to make?"

In 6 years of lurking and posting here I can say with certainty that I wouldn't need more than 2 hands to count the number of such threads.

>completely ruined by meat fanatics

Maybe if veg/PETA fanatics didnt post their shit here so often then it wouldnt happen that way. The last "post vegan recipes" thread that i witnessed actually went down quite well for the most part, probably because it was on board topic and most of the vegans involved simply ignored the other people posting their off topic opinions.

>> No.4537804

Because most of the time they are not discussing either the food or cooking aspect of the diet but the moral/political issues.

Think your shit (?) before you post.

>> No.4537805

Wow, this is conspiracy theory level thinking. I ran a search on fuuka:


15 out of 25 threads are on topic, people looking for recipes, tips, and advice. The next handful are people leaving vegetarianism and looking for tips on cooking meat. One is openly hostile towards vegetarianism. Another concerns stem cells. The rest are... strange, but none, 0 of the subjects/OPs, have a political agenda. I've also seen zero evidence PETA staged the video.

>> No.4537807
File: 165 KB, 239x296, umwhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You obviously have no been here long

The video hasn't even existed for more than a week or so

>In 6 years of lurking and posting here I can say with certainty that I wouldn't need more than 2 hands to count the number of such threads.

Lurk more then, it happens in every single one of those threads. The first few replies are always "stop being vegan." with a bunch of sages, then a fight ensues

>Maybe if veg/PETA fanatics didnt post their shit here so often then it wouldnt happen that way

You live in a fantasy world. That rarely ever happens, and when it does it can just as easily be a meat-eater trolling the board


>most of the time they are not discussing either the food or cooking aspect of the diet but the moral/political issues.

Hey fucktits, all the "preachy vegan" posts you see are self defense from when a corpsemuncher comes into a peaceful thread and says something stupid like "if you eat too many plants, somehow you'll be deficient in vitamins!" and then facts and statistics get posted and the thread becomes a battleground

>> No.4537809

if you use a phrase like "corpsemuncher" you are probably not in the right, or at least it makes it hard to believe you're interested in a serious, non-political conversation. yes, i know he started it, but still, man.

this whole fight is really stupid though and i wish we could have threads about vegetarian food because a lot of it is really fucking tasty

someone make a thread tomorrow or something, i'm going to bed

>> No.4537813


You just outed yourself as having a dog in this fight and likely confirmation bias.

Fuck off now, and post your propaganda on /pol/ and /r9k/ next time. This board is for food and cooking, not discussing whether our food has feelings.

>> No.4537814
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>you called me a name, that means I win even though I lost the argument

>> No.4537816

If you're the guy who said "99% of all veg threads are ..." I find it a little too convenient you quit now just when I posted the empirical data to prove you wrong in >>4537805.

Fact is, most of the threads start on topic and are relevant to the board. Polite sage because my post here is a little gratuitous

>> No.4537818

i'm not that dude

the post you quoted was my first in the thread

>> No.4537819
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You've blasphemed the visage of Noel in your vegan propaganda post. You must be punished.

>> No.4537822

Vitamin deficiency makes them a little testy. You should probably just ignore him.

>> No.4537839

God i hate these fucking threads. I always see 3-4 posts saying, "i don't have a problem with vegans discussing food and recipes but i do have a problem when they shove their morals down my throat" but i never see any fucking content being posted

I've been a vegan for 10 years and cook for 2. You wanna fucking talk food? Let's fucking talk food.

Vegan Brownies Recipe:

8.5 oz white all-purpose flour
2c vegan sugar
3/4c cacao powder
1tsp baking powder
1tsp salt

1c water
1c vegetable oil
1tsp vanilla

1/2c walnuts

Mix together wet ingredients, then sift dry ingrendients into wet. Mix well, add nuts. Add mixture to baking pan and bake at 350F for 25-30 minutes. Take extra care greasing your pan, as these have a tendency to stick.

Serve with sliced strawberries and:

Vegan Ice Cream

4ea bananas
1/4c soymilk
1 1/2 T Vanilla
Freeze bananans for ~6 hours. Blend with soymilk, add vanilla, and chill for another hour or so. Garnish with mint.

>> No.4537841

i'm from /fit/ and you're a fagoot

>> No.4537843

You'd be healthier and better off making the black bean brownie recipe.

>> No.4537844

Do you use sweetened or unsweetend, flavored or unflavored soymilk?

>> No.4537846
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>black bean brownies

>> No.4537849


>2c vegan sugar

Is... is there other kinds of sugar?

>> No.4537848


They're pretty fucking good actually

>> No.4537847


So am I, you're a double-faggot

>> No.4537856
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It seems like we have a triple-faggot situation on our hands here

>> No.4537857

Don't be stupid. They're quite good. Taste just like regular brownies, but better for you.

>> No.4537861

most sugar is refined with cow's blood.

>> No.4537862


Am I going to have to kick your ass?

I'm asking you here. I need you to answer me. Am I.... ME... is this guy HERE... that is, mySELF.... am I going to have to kick your fucking ass?

>> No.4537864

Animal bone char is used to refine some cane sugar. Guinness isn't vegan either if you can believe it

>> No.4537866


I wonder if you can buy pure lactose

>> No.4537868

fuck you faget, i'm not a vegan for health reasons

being a vegan for health reasons is pretty balls-to-the-walls retarded, considering cows milk is the only arguable item that could be considered bad for you.

that being said, if you're eating brownies so often that you feel the need to make them healthy, you may want to just go ahead and make your diet all around healthier rather than finding ways to 'cheat'.

>> No.4537879

How about a Hummus recipe?

2ea 16oz cans Garbanzo beans, drained with liquid reserved
2T Tahina paste
1c garlic, roasted
Juice from two lemons
3T cumin
1T dark chili powder
Salt to taste

Blend all in food processor, adding lemon and salt to taste.

Garnish with finely chopped cilantro, paprika, and EVOO.

>> No.4537880

yes, come get me i live at 12010 Faygot Court in Brazzers, New Mexico
Ask for "Butthole Master" at the gate

>> No.4537884

I find it highly ironic that the pic in the OP isn't vegan

>> No.4537886


>being a vegan for health reasons is pretty balls-to-the-walls retarded, considering cows milk is the only arguable item that could be considered bad for you.

Aside from meat. But what do you think is in cow's milk that isn't in meat that's bad for you?

>> No.4537888

So, you talk shit, but can't walk the walk. Got it. You're a useless gibbering idiot mouthpiece who cares so little about yourself you try to make up for by pretending to have morals. What a waste of oxygen you are. GTFO. Imagine, some moralfag wants to insult people for eating healthy. You're fucking laughable.

>> No.4537889

I hate vegans because they've managed to ruin any discussion of meatless dishes on 4chan.

>> No.4537893

Eating a healthy brownie isn't "cheating", as you put it, it's simply following a healthy diet. What are you, pants-on-head retarded?

>> No.4537894

I still don't understand how meat could ever be bad for you
I could honestly be comfortable on a diet of beef, tuna, avocado, bacon, eggs, brown rice, and prunes to give me those nice huge shits.
>being this mad
Vegetarians are usually pretty cool, but vegans are like terrorists. Every vegan i've met has told me how I'm evil for eating meat.
i'd guess he's from /fit/. when you splurge for a day and go off your macros, it's called a cheat day

>> No.4537897

/fit/ virgins pollute this board way too much.

>muh keto!!!
>muh gainz!
>muh protein shakes!

>> No.4537902

/fit/ virgins pollute /fit/ way too much

>> No.4537905

there's nothing /in/ it. it's just a really weird habit that humans picked up rather recently.

every other animal in the animal kingdom either eats other animals, eats plants, eats the young of other animals, etc, but where do you see any other organism nursing from a different species?

humans are designed to be weaned from milk during childhood, and it's not really good for you afterwards.

what is it, something like %80 of the population is lactose intolerant, especially in 3rd world countries where animal milk isn't available?

it's not healthy because it's not something we're meant to eat, or really capable of eating healthily.

also it's fucking weird, i don't care what anyone else says

>> No.4537909

>been vegan for 10 years

sheeit, son. i can walk more than you can.

'sides, it's not about not caring about myself. it's about not punishing myself with shit like 'black-bean brownies' when i'm a perfectly healthy invidual and don't have to count every calorie or moderate my sugar intake.

moreover, i like how you assume that i live this way to cultivate an image or pretend that i have morals. get off your high horse, you're making us look bad

>> No.4537912

>vegans are like terrorists

yeah except like half my friends don't even know i'm vegan. i try not to tell anyone because i'm well aware of the butthurt it causes

>> No.4537913

I could see that, I'd imagine people are always like "whoa why"

>> No.4537915

it's a fucking brownie dude, it's not going to kill you. eat in moderation and enjoy yourself rather than ruining every recipe that might have something bad for you in it.

i'm not from fit, no

what's wrong with eating a brownie?

>> No.4537916


>I still don't understand how meat could ever be bad for you

Cholesterol, heart disease, saturated fat, acidfies the body, festers in your intestines, etc. It's not an ideal food and we never really evolved to eat it, we just adapted a bit to be able to survive on it since feeling a bit shittier and getting diseases decades later is still much better than starving to death immediately. It also helps you put on fat, which is very useful in a survival scenario, but for general living it's not something you should be eating

>> No.4537917

well they react internally a lot like /ck/ does but they try to hide it to be polite or something

some people are okay with it but others just get pissy and try and 'trick' me into eating meat or some shit

>> No.4537918
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>when you splurge for a day and go off your macros, it's called a cheat day

It's called being a beta faggot. If you require "cheat days," you're weak-willed and don't deserve any gains

>> No.4537919

HFCS, starches, and other insulinotropic foods help you put on fat. meat doesn't.
>acidifies the body
>festers in your intestines
bowel cycle for a healthy individual is 10-24 hours
>saturated fats being bad for you
this is false
>adapted a bit to be able to survive on it
we've always been able to eat meat. Lactase Persistence is an adaptation. The ability to digest plant matter is the result of a symbiosis between the body and gut bacteria. If anything, the ability to eat meat was the most inbuilt.


>> No.4538024
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Stop being so pissy lol.

>> No.4538064

>bowel cycle for a healthy individual is 10-24 hours
...and doesn't distinguish between fruit and veg.

>> No.4538084

OP pic looks delicious

>> No.4538092

Why is Durianrider so lean?

>> No.4538098

Between meat and veg.

New rule: I must be awake for no less than an hour before posting on 4chan. :x

>> No.4538750


>HFCS, starches, and other insulinotropic foods help you put on fat.

HFCS being a man-made product I can't vouch for, but people were getting fat before it was invented. Sugar and carbohydrates do not make you fat, they literally can't if you're a human being. Look up facultative dietary thermogenesis and de novo lipogenesis. Carbs don't get stored as fat

>meat doesn't help you put on fat

Ask the Eskimos, every single one of whom is fat on an all meat diet. Ask the cavemen in the ice age who ate meat to put on fat and survive the cold. Meanwhile high-carb, low-fat diets make people slim as fuck. Fat makes you fat, not carbohydrates. That's what it's there for. Carbs are for useful energy, fat is for fat storage