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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4493568 No.4493568 [Reply] [Original]

>An 11 month old baby exclusively breastfed by a vegan mother has died and the parents are charged with neglect after an autopsy indicated the baby suffered from deficiencies in vitamin B12 and Vitamin A – both known to be critical to a child’s development.

Vegan. Not even once.


>> No.4493573

I agree completely OP

>> No.4493578

Typical vegans, no comon sense.

>> No.4493583

Vitamin A is common in many vegetables. As for B12 she should take supplements, vegans know they need B12, not just for infants they might be nursing but themselves as well.

>> No.4493589

muh freedoms
muh herbivore heritage

>> No.4493593

>thinking that everyone can absorb B12 from pills

>> No.4493595

It isn't the fault of the diet the child was on. The parents were just neglectful and didn't check up on their children enough.

I'm sure omnivorous children die from neglect like this more often...

>> No.4493597

Vegetarians and vegans, you're both fucking faggots you know that?


Meanwhile you're eating our precious oxygen. Fuck off will you?

>> No.4493598

Linking this to veganism is as stupid as saying eating meat is idiotic because of that lady charged with child abuse for feeding her kid nothing but chicken nuggets.

The world is full of idiots. It is not reflective of the label they use for themselves.


>> No.4493600


They have lozenges you slide under your tongue. if you can't absorb it there what makes you think you can from meat sources?

>> No.4493606
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>diet removes an important vitamin
>carry on with said diet

logic 101

>> No.4493607

>Thinking primates need meat every day to survive
>Thinking chimps and apes suckle the tits of cows for sustenance

Calm down meat fags, those canines weren't meant for you fatasses to be championing meat as much as you do.

>> No.4493610


>Diet adds significant hormones and toxins
>carry on with said diet

>> No.4493616

> thinking hormones from other animals effect the human body

confirmed for high school biology.

>Implying our liver doesn't process toxins extremely well

>> No.4493620

>Other people's lives matter to men who sit alone eating ramen in a dark basement

Live and let live.

>> No.4493626

The 'vitamin A' in vegetables is Beta-Carotene, we have known this since world war 2 but the myth persists. Humans convert almost no beta-carotene into vitamin A unlike say a cow or rabbit.

>> No.4493627


Now you understand a bit how religious people feel.

>> No.4493651

>I've been proven that my lifestyle is wrong
>better call them a troll and live in my blue pill world

>> No.4493662

Man, I know this is a troll thread, but I am still going to post.
The mother should have seen a doctor when she was pregnant or just after she had the baby to see if she needed to make any dietary changes so her child received an optimal amount of vitamins when breast feeding.
The fact is, she is probably doing veganism wrong by not eating certain things to obtain vitamins. But, she shouldn't have been arrested because she probably didn't know at all; she should be told to change her diet if she wants another child.
I do find veganism to be ridiculous, but so is eating mostly meat and no veggies (for humans.)
The human body and brain runs properly with eating moderate amounts of both, and unless you can find a good source of protein when eating all plant matter, you are not healthy.
The only reason our brains even got large enough for humans to do what they do is due to eating higher amounts of protein along with carbohydrates. Our very ancient ancestors started with insects and rodents and smaller primates. We then moved up to larger game as our bodies evolved to carry a larger brain.

>> No.4493664

Almond milk = like 35% DV of B12 per serving. Try again.

>> No.4493695
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How about a decently balanced diet with occasional splurges? It's not difficult.

>> No.4493703

>humans can live off of only eating plants
>proven wrong by needing to take vitamins you only find in animal products
get rekd pleb

>> No.4493715

There is no vitamin only found in animal products. If you're thinking of B12, B12 is made from bacteria that live in the soil animals like cows eat when they graze.

>> No.4493726

I agree. Was my post taking either side? I honestly believe in a balanced diet with splurges. I eat meat and fruits and vegetables. I feel like people read posts less here than on certain other boards...
Yet again, I said there is good to eating a diet with both meat and plants. Meat gives us a whole lot of vitamins that plants cannot. In fact, I know that we digest meat easier than we do certain plants, and are able to absorb more vitamins from it.

How the heck did my post come off to you all? I thought that I was saying a reasonable diet with both in it was healthiest.

>> No.4493729

corpse munching circle jerk fun!

>> No.4493752

Good thing an avarage vegan person drinks 3 glasses of almond milk every single day

>> No.4493771

how does a vegan have a fucking vitamin a deficiency?

carrots, kale, spinach, cantaloupe, mangos, peas, sweet potatos.

vegans are so fucking stupid

>> No.4493780

No, I was agreeing with you. Everyone here is black or white on the topic.
>veg fags
'omg fuccboi meat eaters, enjoy ur heart disease'
>meat fags
'lel fuk u fucc bois'

I enjoy eating meat, all kinds, if it tastes good and isn't terribly fatty I'll eat anything. But I balance that shit out.

>> No.4493786

>This woman is so fucking stupid
Corrected that for you.

>> No.4493782

This is idiotic. So many foods are fortified. I get like 400% DV of B12 without taking any supplements simply because every company decides to fortify the shit out of everything.

>> No.4493796

Vegans in here, please tell me which of the following you have a MORAL objection towards eating;

>Small Crustaceans (brine shrimps, animal plankton)
>Large Crustaceans (shrimp, crawdad, lobster, etc)
>Jellyfish, sponges, other brainless larger animals

>> No.4493798

It's an ideological fight. Reason has no business here.

>> No.4493803

>While I’m not sure I favor charging the parents in this tragedy as it smacks of Big Brother far too much for my comfort level, it does communicate a clear message to other vegans
>as it smacks of Big Brother far too much for my comfort level
>it smacks of Big Brother far too much
>smacks of Big Brother

>> No.4493811
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>> No.4493812

this is a word, being used properly. Dumbass.

>> No.4493819

Oh! My apologies.
I agree. Too many people here, at least in these sorts of threads, really don't understand the benefits of eating a balanced diet with both in it.
I love primarily lean meats too. I usually eat fruits and vegetables throughout the day and then have a little bit of lean red meat, chicken or fish for dinner. But I'll eat the occasional hamburger or whatnot if I want to splurge.
Some days I don't have meat in my fridge, though. But, it's not too hard to go without if it isn't there. An egg can do the trick if I really want some protein at that moment.

>> No.4493826
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>> No.4493835

I never said it wasn't. It just stood out to me. It felt like an awkward and clumsy use of the word.

>> No.4493867

mothers should be eating animal products and taking multivitamins from between finding out hey are pregnant and when they stop breast feeding.

>> No.4493876
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Vegans are retarded.

>> No.4493946

>Decide to make some white beans.
>Add lemon and garlic
>tastes fresh and good
Sometimes vegan food tastes good, wouldn't want to live on white beans alone though.
I "need" my rare meat

>> No.4493974

I'm a pescan who eats all of that stuff.

I pretty much subsist on Japanese food.

>> No.4494046

the last 3 have. Fishing fucks up the oceans. First 3, dunno since I'm just vegetarian. Except for the fact that i am civilized and dont eat insects, i dont see the problem

>> No.4494080

>subsists on japanese food
I don't think you could be a bigger tool if you tried. Do you also wear a fedora?

>> No.4494094

Japanese food is the worst right?

>> No.4494114

>Implying hormones from animals don't effect humans


>> No.4494120

Its not the animal hormones that are the biggest problem, its the synthetic ones that are so frequently used in the US to increase production.

>> No.4494122

Not if you're japanese.

>> No.4494133

No, I'm not an otaku. I don't like Japanese media, apart from some Japanese media. I just love Asian food, and Japanese food in particular. I love South East Asian food, too..

>> No.4494148

If you haven't tried bibimbap I would highly recommend it. Korean food in generally is pretty delicious but I guess I can't really recommend bulgogi to you.

>> No.4494169

They're pretty much identical, often the only difference is an ester to give a time release instead of an immediate release of everything

>> No.4494171

I doubt the child appeared pink and healthy one day, then just kicked the bucket the next. There has to have been signs that the child was growing weaker. Paler skin, sleeping a lot, not crying. Just because infants can't speak doesn't mean you can't tell when something's wrong with them.

She's 100% liable, not for being a vegan, but for being a moron.

>> No.4494232


good lawd. veganons, please please take the antivenin if you have to. and please don't file a lawsuit if you're unconscious and get injected with antivenin.
- concerned omnivore saging for non contribution

>> No.4495353

>If your vegan friend is so insecure with his decision making abilities that he needs the approval of internet vegans to save his own life, then I say let him skip the anti venom and take his chances. That way he wouldn't have to compromise his precious morals.

/ck/ responds!

>Go to one of those Jesus cult churches.& they will heal you. LOL if its their god's will

And so does /b/. Surely that guy got all the info they needed...

>> No.4495480

its okay, no animals were harmed, just people

>> No.4495512

Umm, no. No, they don't. Because omnivorian mothers' milk actually contains the fucking vitamins needed by growing infants.

My cousin, who was formerly a vegantard, was informed of this by her ob/gyn during pregnancy, and as a result began eating meat again, so that her child wouldn't die of malnutrition. This was about 20 years ago, by the way, so it's not like this shit was just discovered last week.

>> No.4495513

as much as I hate vegans, it's not the fault of their lifestyle that caused the death of their child, it's that they're dumb enough to exclusively breastfeed a child up to 11 months.

usually you need to start a weaning diet around 6 months of age, because the baby has depleted their store of iron and vitamins.

if you exclusively breastfed a normal infant for 11 months I think it would die as well.

fair's fair. it's not the fault of veganism, just 2 stupid parents, who are too dumb and shouldn't have been allowed to breed.

>> No.4495526

>linking a blog post as a source
Okay then

>> No.4495532

I have a B-12 deficiency, shit sucks. Unrelated.

>> No.4495545

It's shit tier cuisine if you actually like good food and complex flavors - you know flavors that are not just rice, weeds from the sea and fish.

>> No.4495549

>But, she shouldn't have been arrested because she probably didn't know at all
She starved her child to death. Yes, she should be arrested for criminal neglect.

>> No.4495802
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>Fishing fucks up the oceans

top lel

>> No.4495805

>what is overfishing?

>> No.4495843

It's definitely shit compared to cuisines like Chinese and Italian. Jap cuisine is just minimalist and lazy with little variation in flavor or technique.

>> No.4495900

Do you also get around everywhere by walking or cycling and also support deforestation through soy, soy based products, and palm oil? Cool.

>> No.4495910

no, but only because you dont can help EVERYONE and EVERYWHERE doesnt mean you shouldnt at all. And I hate soy, shit is unhealthy unless fermented, too

>> No.4495915

These kind of things used to make me mad, but I've read so many stories and news reports about stupid parents that I'm not surprised anymore.
Remember that teen who had a peritonitis and died because his religious parents tried to pry it out?

>> No.4495917

>dont can
sorry for that

>> No.4495918

If sure this retard will promptly shit out more kids to neglect. Funny how the people who shouldn't be having kids always seem to be the ones having them.

>> No.4495927

>guys pls help the fish
I'll help them get onto my plate.

>> No.4495932

Fuck the fish. I am talking about the entire eco system

>> No.4495969
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Protip : there is no such thing as a true herbivore.
Most "herbivore" animals have bacteria in their stomaches that decomposes plants and than digest these bacteria and the product of their doing (eg simple carbohydrates).


If you think humans can do the same without these symbiotic bacteria than you are fucking stupid (plus it's unnatural).

>> No.4497740

Fishing =/= Overfishing

It is highly unlikely that every single person on Earth wants to become a vegetarian. However, it is possible to try and promote fish and other seafood as an alternative to land-based animal protein.

Of course, direct overfishing, indirect fishing from the need to produce fishmeal as food in addition to waste water pollution and badly managed fisheries are going to be problems but it is hardly easy to just declare "Fishing is bad" and tell everyone to stop eating seafood.

>> No.4498810


>I was taught from a young age to suck the poison from the wound then spit it out and apply a compress.

That first answer.

People actually believe this shit?

>> No.4498828

>The ocean is fucked up if we fish it
>Insects don't play a part in our environment

Lrn2biology retard

>> No.4498835
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Do they not know that only life may pay for life?

>> No.4498899

But she was vegan, and should be perfectly healthy right?...right?

>> No.4498903

Well hurr derpity, there sure are more childeren with omnivorous parents, so that might be the case. Percentage wise that might be a different story.

>> No.4498911

Calm down faggot, those canines weren't meant for you faggots to be championing dick as much as you do.

>> No.4498913

Dick munching circle jerk post!

>> No.4499049

>Update: The vegan parents whose baby died as described in this article were convicted by a French court to 5 years in prison.

Good, I hope this happens more often so we can throw all the rest of these idiots in prison, too.

>> No.4499073

No. They part they don't tell you about is the sheer about of suppliments vegans take to support their lifestyle.

>> No.4501449 [DELETED] 


This is beautiful.