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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 146 KB, 776x180, wonderwoman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4476602 No.4476602 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone seen this? Crazy bitch couldn't accept criticism and made Gordon Ramsey leave.


I took a quick Google search and she does nothing but post fake Yelp reviews and she's been screaming on Facebook.

The fuck?

How do you respond to people who just won't listen?

>> No.4476604

Saw her on Kitchen Nightmares (thanks Bur). Bitch is so bat-shit insane, Ramsay actually walked.

>> No.4476605

>How do you respond to people who just won't listen?

Two ways:

1. You don't.

2. You try to lead them on. "Wait, what do you mean?" "Wait, how does that?"
Also reddit is fucking going apeshit and harassing her.

>> No.4476610

This woman fired poor Katy because she asked "are you sure?". I'd go with option a in this case.

>> No.4476612

Oh wow her facebook is a mess

>> No.4476613

Oh lawd, I just watched this episode yesterday.
I can't believe how those two crazy mongoloids treated their customers and employees. Not only do I hope their restaurant closes, but I also hope they never do business with the general public again. They shouldn't be allowed to work with other people. If he's so rich, they need to just fucking retire and stay home with their cats. Do everyone a favor and drop off the face of the earth.

>> No.4476617

Reddit seems to be harassing the shit out of her. They even shooped a screenshot of a guy and put "THE POLICE CALLED ME LEAVE THEM ALONE" over it to scare people.

>> No.4476620

They fired someone for basically nothing and the owner nearly assaulted someone. I'm sure if they got a bunch of customers to team up, a class action lawsuit could be filed.

>> No.4476626

Yeah, I thought the same thing. If I was the male customer who got shoved and verbally harrassed, I would have called the police right then and there. And if I were one of the other customers dining during that incident, I would have walked out, throwing my money on the floor and wiping my shoes on it first.

>> No.4476632

>They fired someone for basically nothing and the owner nearly assaulted someone.

So basically, they acted exactly like Gordon Ramsay is famous for acting.

>> No.4476635

I tried looking for posts about it but they're all censored.

Funny how they cry "FREE SPEECH". I'm sure if you gave this as an example as a contradiction to their "principles" they'd call you an apologist to internet bullies.

>> No.4476636

Ramsay doesn't fire people, he just loses his shit. And when he loses his shit, he never gets physical. It's like these people saw what Ramsay was like, and tried to take his antics to troll-tier.

It was mentioned on KN that they'd gone through 100+ employees in the previous year. These people are next-level douchebags. Living in West Phoenix, though, I am kind of curious. Maybe I should check 'em out some day.

>> No.4476638

These people are given chances and they get fired for incompetence. Also they work on a show so I'm sure there's contracts or some other shit involved.

>> No.4476643

The difference is that Ramsay doesn't actually act like that, especially to his own customers. His behavior on these shows is exactly that, an "act". Those people really behave that way. Disgusting.

>> No.4476644

these people.......these fucking people.

honestly, the reason i have my CHL is for people like that crazy old man. if anyone were to put their hands on me like that, my Glock 30 would be in my hand immediately.

>> No.4476648

Lel the yelp reviews:
When I walked in the doors, I caught a hint of tuna helper in the air, cats were EVERYWHERE, and this lady with crazy eyes started yelling at me and said her husband was a gangsta, so I better come correct.

I ordered a burger, but it was lathered in cat shit when it came to my plate, she cackled with glee as she screeched MY KITTIES MADE THIS!, she licked it, then ate the thing.

I had lost my appetite by then and asked for a check, she said NOOO CHARRGE SON, then farted, spun three times, then ran headfirst into a wall.

I quietly left.

Lousy food, great floor-show!

>> No.4476649

I loved the part when she fired the girl and acted like she was a "poisonous little viper" when I'm sure that woman is extremely toxic in any environment she steps in.

>> No.4476653

Gordon Ramsay is a hardass but he's not clinically insane

>> No.4476654
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as a somewhat decent human being it's hard to watch them treat their servers so poorly as well as their customers, especially with the server being so gorgeous. not that her looks warrant any special treatment on the job - her performance is what warrants her treatment, but fuck, man. they are just absolutely awful people.

awful, awful people.

>> No.4476655

>His behavior on these shows is exactly that, an "act"

You people are fucking retards for insisting this. Forget the guy who trained him or personal accounts from people, here's something worth looking at:


Gordon Ramsey's "Boiling Point" from 1998. New face to television, it's a documentary made in response to criticism and showing him running his first restaurant.

The media criticized him and it shows undercover footage someone took of him berating employees.

That's how he fucking acts. It's fucking retarded to think that he's bullshitting it all. The only thing bad is that American TV makes him look like an asshole when in fact he's a good guy if you allow it and aren't completely incompetent. If you don't want to be berated for incompetence, don't be an unexperienced guy working in a kitchen with someone like him. Hell, we now have a new reason not to work with him: because it's already well established how the fuck he's going to act

>> No.4476656

>wanting to pull out a gun because of an old man touching you

God fucking damnit, I don't even think /k/ and /pol/ would think this is any less retarded than I do

>> No.4476659

Also the reason he's kind in interviews is because he's out of the kitchen

>> No.4476662

I don't get it, don't these people have to consent to the show? Yes? Well then why the FUCK are they so mad that he's there every single time?

>> No.4476665

Because they expected him to come in and validate their restaurant and tell them that everything they were doing is perfect and that the online "bullies" were wrong, when in fact he was telling them that these so-called bullies were 100% correct

>> No.4476667

>The only thing bad is that American TV makes him look like an asshole when in fact he's a good guy if you allow it and aren't completely incompetent.

Oh look someone playing the MURICA@!!!! card again. We have the same Ramsey shows you have, are you retarded? Kitchen Nightmares, for example, always shows his kind and helpful side after he's helping to improve the restaurants. They show him redecorating the hideous places for free, for fucks sake.

>> No.4476673


/v/ here

>> No.4476675

>people hop on the Murica hatewagon
>thus I'm wrong

Fucking retard
Go watch Hell's Kitchen and tell me that Kitchen Nightmares isn't an overly-edited piece of shit

>> No.4476680

You wot? I was agreeing with you. Even in Hell's Kitchen you see his good side during those dinners/mini-vacations and finales.
>lel i'm gonna disagree because he's murican

>> No.4476692

>giving a shit about, "reality T.V."
>taking it serious on top of it

Fill that void, guys.

>> No.4476702
File: 1.63 MB, 2553x1800, Glock_30-JH02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you understand what "gun in my hand" means. It doesn't mean that I would point it at somebody, it means that I'm ready to do so if the situation escalated. I don't know what that crazy old man has wrong with his brain. It's evident that he's severely unstable and that means that to protect myself, I need to be mentally prepared for the worst. For all I know, he's going to reach behind the counter and pull out a knife or a gun and come at me. When I put my hand on the grip, my brain goes into overdrive and I'm prepared for anything that could be thrown at me that could put my life in danger.

Maybe that's just part of being from a red state, but the only headlines that could possibly come from that would be "Man shoots restaurant owner in self defense" as opposed to "Restaurant owner shoots man in fit of rage."


>> No.4476709


Spoken like a true faggot.

>> No.4476710
File: 1010 KB, 300x169, 1274944257037.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that bitch
hahahahah oh my god
That was a beautiful train wreck OP, thanks for the link.

>> No.4476711

These people were famous for being terrible people before this episode ever aired.

>> No.4476712

You should really start shaving that neckbeard.

>> No.4476719


I'm pretty sure the male owner has connections with organized crime or some shit. I'm almost certain of it.

>> No.4476727

Also, I feel like this is reality TV in its final, blood choked death rattle. as much as I enjoy it, it's clearly staged

>> No.4476728

>says he was a Vegas high roller
>is a millionaire
>says he builds houses for a living

YEAH, sure, builds houses my ass. Bitch is definitely mafia-related. No doubt.

>> No.4476732

The part where Ramsay told the guy that left the $10 tip that it was going to the owners... That was priceless.

>> No.4476734

>clearly staged
Except for the fact that the whole reason they were even approached for the show was because the bitch caused a shitstorm by responding to a bunch of online reviewers.

>> No.4476740


I wouldn't be surprised if the store was a front but the owners wanted it to make money as well so he put his batshit insane trophy wife who wanted to be a chef in charge.

>> No.4476747

I'd like to see their profit margin because I have a hard time believing that they're making any money at all.

>> No.4476749

Seeing how he controls everything and takes the waitstaff's tips (and sees nothing wrong with that) makes me think this is correct.

>> No.4476758


Not only that but his outbursts, it sounds like some underling fucked up an important hit or deal.

>> No.4476760

I wouldn't have stopped there and left. And I damn sure wouldn't have called the police.
Then again, my wife says I go apeshit crazy sometimes... whatever. I'd have turned that into a very physical confrontation immediately.
and burn the motherfucker to the ground with his flaming wop-ass as the kindling in his own god damned fryer.
Sigh. Too bad I'm way over here in Minnesota.

>> No.4476766
File: 78 KB, 415x831, Quality Service.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch is comedy gold.

>> No.4476769

confirmed for not having seen Boiling Point
mind you, trying to get a third michelin star is different than running a random restaurant but still, he did fire people over banalities and slapped his employees about

>> No.4476771

Fuck Nuts Restaurant idiots of the century, the deserve to loose the restaurant and business.

>> No.4476772

>"Outta my way, Reddit fucking shits!"

>> No.4476777

You're right, I haven't. Looking into it, sounds neat. Cheers o/

>> No.4476783
File: 53 KB, 199x183, 1326282560989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that 6 minute segment introducing the restaurant took me 20 minutes to completely watch. I had to pause the video and just take a break every so often from all the cringe.

Who seriously runs a restaurant like that? I don't think I can finish the episode.

>> No.4476787

>deserve to loose the restaurant
Maybe you should tighten your grasp of English.

>> No.4476788

why did she even sign a release?

>> No.4476796

so pretty much the restaurant will stay open forever since they can just use it launder money through fake revenue

>> No.4476800

I guarantee they make them do that before filming starts

>> No.4476801


I wonder if they're cash only. That would make money laundering so much easier.

>> No.4476811

she sounds like she is borderline about to snap, or already has

>> No.4476817
File: 244 KB, 500x499, 1360677115533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt you have a gun, and if you do you shouldn't be allowed to have one.
The first rule of carrying a gun is to fucking walk away from every encounter.
If that's not an option, THEN you fucking draw your weapon and fire.

I hope you get blacklisted.

>> No.4476818


She was probably the outright hottest girl ever back in her school and everyone worshiped the ground she walked on. She met a well-connected man who "worked on houses" and had money up the ass, so they got hitched. She always wanted to be a chef and he needs a front to launder money, but if they do not get any customers whatsoever then the IRS is going to be suspicious.

>> No.4476820

It's worth it though, power on.

>> No.4476821

wtf when did carrying a gun become some zen master kung fu "confucius say" shit?

>> No.4476822

Thier photos on their FB is hilarious, nearly all of them are stolen. Just like Credit card numbers.

>> No.4476826

Did you watch the video? He tried to walk away and the old fuck started grabbing them. Jesus H Christ.

>> No.4476828

This isn't the wild west anymore friend. You might have the castle doctrine, but you don't solve problems with guns unless your life is actually on the line, and you exhausted every other available option first.

>> No.4476829
File: 68 KB, 818x631, Quality photoshopping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is Samy. I am keeping note of all names here. We will be pursuing action against you legaly, and against reddit and yelp, for this plot you have come together on. you are all just punks.


>> No.4476830

She'll probably be shut down by the health control.


dis gon be gud

>> No.4476831

>zen master kung fu "confucious say" shit
It's not, it's fucking common sense you retard.
Otherwise you get charged with murder.

>> No.4476833

Oh cool, there's even samefagging.

>> No.4476838

>you don't solve problems with guns unless your life is actually on the line
visual deterrent bro, you flash a gun and everybody backs the fuck off.
That is how it goes down most of the time, the trigger is rarely pulled

>> No.4476839

The restaurant is clean as a whistle
Do you even know how health inspections work?

These people are nuts but reditfags just take things too far. It's like, it's not even funny anymore when they get involved.

>> No.4476844

There's nothing particularly wrong with the restaurant physically. its their customer service and attitude.

Their food's bland and not exactly cooked correctly but nothing that's a serious health hazard.

Other than being close to Amy.

>> No.4476846

You know, I preferred the beatdown on Cook's Source Magazine. That was the best.

>> No.4476851

Sure, then the other guy flashes a gun, and now the both of you have your guns ready, and you're going to shoot each other, when you could have just fucking walked away and shit would have been fine.

>> No.4476852

>Morrocan-Jewish French accent
>Morrocan-Jewish given name
>Morrocan-Jewish surname
Yeah. Totally with the Mafia.

>> No.4476853

>It's like, it's not even funny anymore when they get involved.
its like teasing the kid that just got glasses but then they come along and break them and it went from harmless to people just being jerks

>> No.4476856

why am i getting the impression that all of /ck/ is on cnn with "sandy hook ___________" as the caption

>> No.4476857


you'll be the deadest buddhist on the streets if you turn your back on a threat.

>> No.4476858

Shut the fuck up liberal
You're both a couple of retards arguing over stupid shit.

>> No.4476861

>now the both of you have your guns ready, and you're going to shoot each other
nope, the stand off is as far as it goes, if you had any real intention of shooting each other it would have been done. Thats the point in time where everyone takes a second to relax and the situation calms down.
Nobody wants a shoot out.

>> No.4476863

As a kid who experienced that exact situation you just described, that's a perfect analogy

>> No.4476864

But the kid that just got glasses isn't a gigantic cunt who deserves it.

>> No.4476867

I'm not even a liberal, I just don't think guns should be used as an intimidation tactic when you can be an adult and walk away from a conflict.

>> No.4476868

>implying there is no Juden mafia
>implying it isnt the biggest, worst mafia in all of history

educate yourself fuccboi

>> No.4476869


Organized crime.

Also this isn't the Sorpranos. Most mob bosses don't really care much about ancestry when they can do the wet and dirtywork for them. Only time ancestry becomes an issue is when they start running shit.

>> No.4476875

You're right but you're jumping to conclusions assuming that "the other guy" has a gun and that just because they both flash means there's gonna be blood

>> No.4476877
File: 1.25 MB, 200x163, 1360458745942.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hooray a logical gun comment!

>Not pulling a gun only when you or another person are in mortal danger.
I shiggy diggy

But I digress - I am shocked EVERYONE didn't up and leave when mafia man chased the guys out the door. Was that just because of the show? I read a news article that says he was there just to see Gordon. (also the police pulled up as they walked out the door after the producer paid for their meal)


>> No.4476878

Angry old men are hardly a threat. Unless you have reason to fear for your life, you shouldn't be pulling your weapon out of its holster.

>> No.4476881

I'm making assumptions about a fictional situation, yes. However the situation described here >>4476861 resolves the same as walking away, but with out two people having to actually think "Shit, he has a gun too, I'm no longer in control of the situation."

>> No.4476884

did you miss the part where the guy was physically stopping them from leaving?
That is legally kidnapping at that point, the customer had every right to put a round in sammys head at that point if he wanted to

>> No.4476890

>implying walking away is always an option

>> No.4476891

Dear god is this what you people really believe? I'm not arguing the kidnapping part because that technically is true but holy fuck you're blowing it way out of proportion

>> No.4476892

>That is legally kidnapping at that point, the customer had every right to put a round in sammys head at that point if he wanted to
Sure bro, sure.

Sure is internet tough guy here tonight. Let's talk about how we'd shoot someone because we are edgy and cool.

>> No.4476893

>...you don't solve problems with guns unless your life is actually on the line, and you exhausted every other available option first.
>Exhausted every other available option first

>> No.4476896

why are we talking about guns instead of why this place is awful

>> No.4476897
File: 200 KB, 492x341, 1263365717401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her real name is Amanda Patricia Bossingham.

The court ordered her to pay $36,294.95 in restitution. Ms. Bossingham plead guilty to submitting an application for a line of credit with M & I Bank using the social security number of another person. The Bank approved the line of credit in the amount of $15,000.

On June 15, 2004, the Court sentenced her to fourteen months prison. (she appealed, but eventually lost, reported to prison in Oct, 7, 2008)

The beauty of public domain.

>> No.4476898

so somebody is physically stopping you from leaving a building, what is your option then?
Pull a gun and walk out peacefully and quietly or beat the shit out of the guy.
Guns are inherently less violent than punches

>> No.4476902

You really missed the point of my comment.

>> No.4476903

post it to her facebook

>> No.4476905


>> No.4476906

Calm down friend, or at the very least vent your anger on another board.

>> No.4476908


>> No.4476909

i dont have facebook

Defendant, Amanda Bossingham (now Amanda Bouzaglo), through undersigned. Case 2:02-cr-00477-MHM Document 86 1 Filed 06/27/2008.

go ahead

>> No.4476913
File: 7 KB, 184x184, easy_andy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guns are neat, but I really hate "gun people" and their collective self-hypnosis they go through to make their hobby into a complex system of religious beliefs that Must Not Be Questioned.

please go back to /k/, you dumb rednecks. this board is for food.

>> No.4476914
File: 3 KB, 126x122, kill everyone in this thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to thank
these assholes for completely derailing this thread

>> No.4476915

This is hands down the best episode of that show they've ever made.

>> No.4476918
File: 1.02 MB, 476x319, 1285285245218.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amy pls go

>> No.4476921

Organised crime, absolutely, but not Mafia. I don't know how you guys do things in America, but in Italy, organised crime has a particular disgust working with those of other backgrounds, which is odd because one of the more influential and well-connected of the smaller syndicates is called "the Spaniards" (in Italian), but none are Spanish. One's a tranny, though.

>> No.4476922

The best thing is that Gordon left for real.

Typically when he 'walks off', the owners tend to come up to him crying, promising to change.

This? No. "Gordon probably knows we're right"

>> No.4476930

More to the point: tips.

He pays his employees hourly. That is unprecedented. When they work a shift, they are guaranteed a specific amount of wages. Isn't this the exact scenario /ck/ routinely creams over? I can kind of see it as double dipping if the customer isn't aware, but once it's out in the open, I don't see the big deal if they continue taking tips.

I also don't see what's wrong with the owners taking a risk and wanting to be rewarded for it. If you owned a business, then you'd want to make sure you were getting paid, too.

>create jobs
>stimulate the local economy
>liberals demand better wages, health insurance, more flexible hours, paid vacation, etc.

It's time you faggots kill yourselves.

>> No.4476933

I really wanted to see him lose his patience and go off on them for real but honestly it's probably best that he kept his cool and just let them scream and yell and make themselves look like children. The drama was the tastiest part.

>> No.4476934

I would tip that cute waitress so hard

>> No.4476937

Not tipping/owner taking tips seems to be a huge taboo in America. I don't really give a shit about not tipping and i never have tipped because our wages are so much higher here, but taking someone elses tips just seems so fucking wrong

>> No.4476938
File: 36 KB, 280x289, 76d31508_c851d40e_Derail_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw i'm the one that posted this comment that completely derailed the thread

>> No.4476940

The point is that Yes, while he does pay his employees proper wage, you still dont' take tips.

No matter WHAT, you don't take tips.

You're supposed to work a regular wage, and tips you get are extra, earned because someone appreciates what you're doing, not because they're obligated.

>> No.4476941


>> No.4476942

I'd give her the tip.

>> No.4476944

You're an idiot. Every server is paid hourly, plus tips. The reason most servers are under the minimum wage is because the IRS expects you to make a significant amount of money in tips. Not only that, but taking your servers tips is illegal.

>wanting to rob your workers and treat them like dirt for a few extra thousand bucks
>blame liberals for resisting

Sad really.

>> No.4476945

>Goddamn I want to whip me a nigger slave

>> No.4476949

Except that they are recognized as a form of payment by the U.S. government, and as such, aren't really "a special something extra" anymore. I really don't want to start an argument about tipping, and whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, we all have our opinions on it, and our practices, but tipping today is a far cry from what it was in the 50's/60's.

>> No.4476956

You still don't pocket your employees' tips for yourself.

>> No.4476960

If an owner is out there working the floor, running food, taking orders, pouring drinks, I think they are entitled to tips as well as what ever they are paying themselves.

>> No.4476961

15 minutes in and this shit is fucking hilarious how crazy it is.

>> No.4476959

This might get me lynched, but who is Gordon Ramsey and why do we care?

>> No.4476965

I totally agree. What he was doing was awful and when Gordon handed that girl the tip and told her that it was for her, and her only, I grinned from ear to ear.

>> No.4476969

I don't usually like him

But that made me think he was a bro

>> No.4476970

>The reason most servers are under the minimum wage is because the IRS expects you to make a significant amount of money in tips
That's not really the "reason" why. It's a correlation, yes.

The business pays the employee below minimum wage. If after tips the employee does not meet that threshold, they are required by law to make up the difference. In other words, they must make sure the employee is earning a minimum wage.

>taking your servers tips is illegal
False, but I'll entertain you: source.

>> No.4476971

You're right, he's entitled to HIS OWN tips, not theirs.

>> No.4476972

He is a very good chef and a man who knows how to run restaurants and keep them running.

>> No.4476976

Not him, but at least New York it's illegal


>> No.4476980

Illegal here in New York


>> No.4476981

you need to read this

that and >>4476944 said
AFAIK if a waiter doesnt make state minimum wage from the lowered hourly+ tips then the owner must pay the waiter the difference. so they make minimum wage hourly or they make minimum plus some extra from tips.

>> No.4476982

They're entitled to the tips that they are given, not someone else's tips that someone else earns.

>> No.4476984

I figure Gordon Ramsey was raised a bit old fashioned, where you call out everybody for not being up to snuff on their job.

>> No.4476988

don't some restaurants do a tip pool with equal shares?

>> No.4476993


He's gone bankrupt about 3 times. Admittedly that's normal in the british restaurant business, but I'm not so sure he's qualified to go into other people's places and start shouting at them that they're CUNTS and their menus are FUCKING SHIT CUNT OVERPRICED and TOO FUCKING FANCY.

I ate at one of his restaurants one time and had some pretty good beef that was FUCKING SIMPLY PREPARED and I sort of felt that YOU COULD HAVE FUCKED ABOUT WITH IT A BIT MORE FOR £100 A FUCKING HEAD YOU ALLEGED CHEF-GENIUS.

Some ex-footballer opens a restaurant and comes the big I am? I don't fucking think so, Ramsay.

>> No.4476994

Sometimes. But the owners dont take all of the tips for themselves.

>> No.4476996

As long as all employees agree to it and the boss doesn't take a cut, I'm sure it's fine.

>> No.4476997

Yeah, that's fine too, but the owner outright taking tips for himself is bullshit.

Most places do tip sharing so the cooks get some extra dosh as well as the servers.

>> No.4477003

There's a 'line', and Gordon is aware of it.

Trying to be something you're not, I guess is the best way to say. Such as the restaurant in the british version that's supposed to be like a homestyle cooking restaurant, the cook there tries to be 'gourmet' with sub-par tiny morsels that are vastly overpriced.

>> No.4477002



And just in case someone else says, "well, this isn't New York", here's the US Department of Labor also saying Retention of Tips is illegal under Fair Practice laws


>> No.4477006

Look at his networth, the number of stars he has, and the number of restaurants he has opened.

You can cry about him all you want, but he is incredibly successful.

>> No.4477007

This is restaurant history in the making, horrible people, horrible food, cakes might be good and could still be clean who knows, but HOLY JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, owners should be thwarted by a bolt of lightning by Jebus and his pall GOD, lel

>> No.4477011

If the cakes are decent why the fuck are they trying to be a restaurant instead of a cake cafe?

>> No.4477015


Vanity is my guess. She doesn't want to be a baker she wants to be a chef.

>> No.4477019


That's all I needed to know.

>> No.4477022
File: 54 KB, 720x540, Amy's cakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her own cakes (The ones that aren't stolen/stock art) are amateur at best.

>> No.4477023

>you need to read this
Yes, but the original point was that he's paying his employees wages. They /are/ getting paid no matter what kind of day they are having.

>AFAIK if a waiter doesnt make state minimum wage from the lowered hourly+ tips then the owner must pay the waiter the difference. so they make minimum wage hourly or they make minimum plus some extra from tips.
Yes, I already pointed that out here: >>4476970

Well, I won't argue then. The more you know...

>> No.4477024
File: 70 KB, 540x720, Amy's cakes 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4477025

Can we go on their website and make fake reservations for tomorrow night?

>> No.4477027

The point is that he still takes their tips for himself.

>> No.4477028

not your personal army fag

>> No.4477031
File: 25 KB, 437x233, Slutty Bitches ironing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No because she doesn't want slutty bitches or haters

>> No.4477032

u wot m8

>> No.4477035


there's that word again

>> No.4477039

>reservation for Friday, May 17 at 7:00 PM
>name: Rusty Shackleford
>put my friend's phone number and email address under it

>> No.4477036

>putting shit that was outside on your fucking cake

>> No.4477038

I dont get it

>> No.4477041

Something about Reddit raid and Yelp getting to them.

>> No.4477042

Yes, but because it's illegal doesn't make it wrong.

>> No.4477050

He's pulling a fast one on his customers, who think the tips are going to their servers.
That's lying by deception. And lying is wrong.

>> No.4477057

>And lying is wrong.
Grow the fuck up.

>> No.4477059
File: 28 KB, 720x405, feels bad when im stolen from another site.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4477063


>> No.4477064
File: 47 KB, 500x452, Get out and stop stealing these photos amy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so edgy

>> No.4477067
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>> No.4477070
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u ar this edge

>> No.4477072

Shit is so funny man.

>> No.4477074

Kill yourself

>> No.4477077

>gais lying is bad!!!

>> No.4477080

>implying it isn't

It's not a white lie for the benefit of his employees, it's a flat out lie.

Get wrekt Samy

>> No.4477082
File: 120 KB, 220x285, 220px-Michael_Berryman_2007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow I just want to choke the life out of her

>> No.4477086

It's a deceptive business practice. He's making more money for himself by lying to his customers and stealing from his employees. How is that not bad?
Or are you one of those guys who claims to have no emotion and cares about only himself so finds this sort of thing acceptable?

>> No.4477087

It does though, since he's taking *all* of the tips.

Him taking the tips of tables he worked, ok yeah fine. But pocketing tips of the tables the waitstaff did also is wrong, I think.

That they make hourly wage like he said, doesn't make this practice ok either.

>> No.4477091

He isn't lying to the customers. When you tip someone you don't know if it is going to the servants, the cooks, the busboys, etc.

>> No.4477094

Imagine fucking her and pulling at and jamming your cock up her ass. Dat reaction!

>> No.4477095

>it's impossible to not care about other people

>> No.4477098

Good lord, I'm watching this episode right now.

I want to fucking die.

>> No.4477099

Gordon asked the customers if the tip was for the server and they were disgusted to find out that Samy was pocketing said tips.

>> No.4477103

That's what I said LYING BY DECEPTION. What part of that are you not getting through your thick skull?
When people tip at a restaurant they assume it's going the servers. The motherfucker knows this, and is using that to make more money for himself. I'm sure that if the customers knew the tips were going to the owner of the restaurant they wouldn't tip.
You're a Goddamn retard and you need to stop posting.

>> No.4477105
File: 467 KB, 381x271, 1360991783083.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lying by omission is still lying. According to FEDERAL LAW the tips ARE going to the servers, and if they weren't you can be fuck sure it won't happen for long because someone will report it. We expect people to follow the law - thus if the law says tips to to the waiters that is what people expect.

>> No.4477106
File: 550 KB, 1081x543, Just two comments and i'm dying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4477107

Tip sharing between other workers is relatively common. What damn sure isn't common, and has been explained before as illegal, is the owner taking ALL of the tips.
Get fucked bro.

>> No.4477108

>these people actually think they're funny
oh god
a closed shop has nobody in it
my fucking sides

>> No.4477109


If the owner works, he's a worker and thus entitled to the tips.

>> No.4477113

uhhh for NYC?

>> No.4477114

Well, the other workers work too. Are they entitled to the tips?

>> No.4477111

ITT entitled kids who have never had a job.
You ever felt pressure? That's what running a fucking business is constantly. So what if people get mean? Get good or get out.

>> No.4477115

I bet she is crazy in bed.

Would bang.

>> No.4477116

ALL OF THEM? Fuck no.
He rigs the system at the place so only he can run the POS or serve alcohol, then use that as justification as to why he takes all of the tips, not just a percentage. Fuck no that's not any way okay.

>> No.4477118

dude, wat?
Did you even watch the episode, or even have remotely any idea what this thread is even about?

>> No.4477119

He's entitled to his own tips

>> No.4477120

>taking out your insecurities and aggression on the customer is a normal part of business

Confirmed for talking out of ass.

>> No.4477121


>Does all the work
>Gets all the tip
>somehow that's wrong

>> No.4477124

>does all the work
Putting in orders is the easiest fucking part of being a server and he's taking all the tips for that.

>> No.4477125

I guess they don't need a wait staff then, since he runs the place by himself after all.

>> No.4477127

It is. You stay inside all day so you never see it.

>> No.4477128

Confirmed for never having a job or owning a business

>> No.4477129

You're expected to give a little kickback to the busers, and dishwashing staff, yeah. It's not huge, like 20%, but you help your people out.

>> No.4477131

troll harder nigger

>> No.4477133

Oh boo hoo, somebody was mean to me. Get over it, take your business elsewhere if you're such a sensitive little crybaby.

>> No.4477134


I'm not saying he knows how to run a business, I'm saying he does all the work.

>> No.4477136

I can do that too, watch this.
>i can greentext something irrelevant to make you wrong bro

>> No.4477132

>I don't know what I'm talking about so I'll call you a basement dweller

Cool stuff bro.

>> No.4477139

But you're wrong you fucking retad

>> No.4477141

>I have never worked in customer service


>> No.4477143

>claims he's wrong
>don't explain why


>> No.4477144

Did you watch the same video I did? It seemed like the girls they had in there were also taking orders and running food. Sure he does it to, and he runs the POS because he won't let anyone else run it, not because they can't. I'm not saying he isn't entitled to tips left for him, but outright taking all the tips left by customers is just him being a douche bag.

>> No.4477146

>watch same tv show as anon
>know more than him

>> No.4477149


>> No.4477153

I don't really like these chef themed TV shows but this is awesome

>> No.4477154

ITT non-Americans finally seeing what true America is all about.

>> No.4477157

That's because a) I shouldn't have to and b) I did
Like I said here
All he's doing is putting in orders, pouring drinks, and yelling at customers. His servers are doing all the rest of the work. As far as working in the dining room goes, he isn't doing dick.

>> No.4477164

Not true at all. Practically all businesses in America have a "customer is always right" mentality to the point that it's actually sickening even from a consumer perspective.

>> No.4477170


That's only mom and pop places. Chains and big businesses are a lot more like that fucker. The customer isn't right, they should feel honored to give their money to us.

>> No.4477173

That's because their livelihood relies on being obsequious and hoping for an extra handful of change to help them live another day.

>> No.4477176

What are you talking about? If anything it's the opposite, although the only places I've ever been to where the owners and managers were regularly blatantly rude to customers didn't last very long.
Where the fuck do you live that chains and big businesses are rude to their customers?

>> No.4477181


They aren't rude, they live under their own laws. The customer isn't right, they're walking dollars.

>> No.4477185

are you retarded

>> No.4477189

That pretty much contradicts your first statement. Big companies know that if they treat their customers like garbage they're gonna take their money elsewhere. Ergo, customer is always right.

>> No.4477192

Anyone else feel like the backlash is a bit much? I think she may have some mental issues the way she is incredibly paranoid about everyone being out to get her. At this point I think the best thing is for everyone to just do what Ramsay did and walk away, rather than beating this dead horse.

>> No.4477193

That statement made a lot of sense.

>> No.4477198


But the big guy knows they'll get their money because they're the big guy. They're so disconnected from the customer that they don't even matter. It's just a profit margin,

>> No.4477199

Yeah, but redit and other online communities (Including this one) like to kick people while their down.

>> No.4477202

that fucking blue ribbon burger why would you ever send that out thinking it's okay

the fucking salmon "burger" looked like a frozen fish cake.

Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.4477204

That's true every now and then with enormous corporations but I was thinking more along restaurant lines.

>> No.4477207

Are you kidding? Most big retailers will bend over backwards to please a customer. I could show up with a box to an item the store doesn't carry, have that box contain a dog that I ran over in the parking lot, claim that I bought this item here and when I got it home there was dead dog, despite them having me on camera running over the dog and stuffing it in the box, and I could still get a store credit.

>> No.4477212


>I'm sorry but we don't take returns here

>> No.4477214

That's taking it a bit far, but yes, most places will take back something even without a proper receipt if you're being an insufferable asshole and they just want to get you out of the store.

>> No.4477215

Tell that to Best Buy. Either way most big stores go out of their way to favor the customer because they know that if they don't the customer will simply go to one of the other big stores they compete with.

>> No.4477218

This is example is fucking retarded but the idea is there. I worked at a large chain grocer through school in the fruit and veg department, and I had to literally bend over backwards for customers, and outwardly being rude to customers would get me written up and fired if it happened enough times

>> No.4477222

We had a really good thread about this episode the other night on /tv/. Everyone was completely civil, there was no trolling. The normal /tv/ shitposting wasn't there. And it turned into a discussion about eggs.

I find it hilarious that a thread on the same thing on /ck/ is completely shitty. There's a random gun discussion. People are trolling and flaming. Only half the posts are directly talking about the episode.

>> No.4477239


That's becuase we're so fucking tired of talking about it that all we want to do is troll, where as on other boards you don't nromally get discussion so people aren't jaded from talking about something to death. I guarantee that you'll find the best ASOIAF discussion on /a/, the best VN discussion on /lit/, the best politics discussion on /co/, etc etc.

>> No.4477242

>tues-thurs :5:00pm to 10:00pm
>Fri-Sat :12:00pm to 11:00pm and Sun : >12:00pm to 10:00pm

my sides are somewhere around jupiter right now

>> No.4477248

why is that?

>> No.4477255

best politics discussion is actually on /sp/ m9

>> No.4477262

I put in another one for the Shackleford family.

this is actually pretty fun

>> No.4477283

I just love how the waitress looks like she's loving it so far. That smile on her face, the way she said, "What was wrong with it?"
This is the greatest trainwreck I've ever seen.

>> No.4477285

Avoid them like the plague and let them dissolve into a debt hole.

>> No.4477288

The tip thing was classic. I love Gordon.

>> No.4477289

It pains me that I live half the world away and won't be able to go there in the foreseeable future

>> No.4477296

You should take a camera inside and critisize them again. Then debunk the fake positive yelpers.
Please take this shop down.

>> No.4477295

So for those who have watched it on TV what was the "filler" show? Since Ramsay and the bitch's show end prematurely.

>> No.4477313

>what god wants me to do
Oh boy, this gold digger is religiously delusional.

>> No.4477332

I'm with you, fellow /k/ommando. /ck/ seems to be full of libtards sometimes.

>> No.4477335

God damn. That was so vile and disgusting I actually feel the need to erase it from my youtube history. How can anyone possible believe they're in the right with that many people telling them otherwise?

>> No.4477337


ok i have watched 3 minutes of this shit and i am approaching maximum over rustle.

as a seasoned restarauntfag i can not imagine that kind of bullshit attitude. restaraunt owners are frequently nuts, but this shit is bandannas

>> No.4477345

I've worked for some batshit crazy restaurant owners before, but these two are beyond even that. They should NEVER have been allowed to work with the public. Period.

>> No.4477347

what's another really good episode?
I want to watch more atrocities

>> No.4477349

have fun

>> No.4477358

with what

>> No.4477363

Just wait till you watch the rest. It only gets better, or worse, depending on if you're watching it because you like to see train wrecks, or if you're only watching out of morbid curiosity.

>> No.4477369

Sorry, it just slipped out.

>> No.4477370

I watched it out of morbid curiosity.
And I fucking love the last line he left that horrid bitch to stew in her own shit with.

>> No.4477375

They didn't seem bothered by it though, unlike previous cases where he seemed to walk out and they actually did want their help.

She ends up noting that "oh Gordon knows what we're doing is right" or that Gordon is just wrong, I don't remember.

>> No.4477379

Fuck you.
Making customer believe they are tipping their server and then confiscating it is flat out lying... and on top of being illegal should be grounds for the customers to simply walk out.

>> No.4477380

What do you mean?

Start US broadcasting for 1 hour blocks is ~45mins of actual program and ~15 mins of adverting or network plugs announcing the next show. They really would need no filler, and its not live anyway.

>> No.4477388

"I can't help people that can't help themselves and cannot ever take one ounce of criticism, and if you're not willing to change, then I'm not willing to butt heads (ect), but this is not normal, and it's not normal for a restaurant to go through that many staff, and it's not normal for a kitchen that small to have 65 items on the menu, and it's not normal for the level of animosity that you've built inside of this restaurant and outside. You have the right to run the business the way you want to run your business. I have the right to do the right thing, and the right thing for me is to get out of here. Good luck"
>Then papa pimp is like "is that what you wanted?!"
>then she's like "of course that's what I wanted" continuing her attitude

>> No.4477397

It's sad how terrible people are. I thought I had it bad when my GM gave me a nervous break down. These people are really going to hurt someone mentally one day.

>> No.4477434

Ramsay mentioned this being one of two restaurants he couldn't fix. What was the other one?

>> No.4477437

i really would love to be able to contact the wait staff, sous chef, busser, and anybody else that was featured on the show for references for a psychology paper that i'm working on due in late august.

would be perfect.

>> No.4477441

he failed to fix most of them when you think about it

few of them actually stick to the changes he makes

>> No.4477436

ur moms

>> No.4477442

he said he met two owners (samy and amy)

>> No.4477444


>> No.4477446

The facebook page has a number.

>> No.4477461

No, at the end of it he mentioned this restaurant being one of two he couldn't fix.

>> No.4477466

No. Watch it again.

He also says giving up is "something hes never done before".

Never done before implies this is the only time.

>> No.4477535
File: 20 KB, 300x300, Sweating-Man[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally finish the ep
>Took me over 2 hours with pausing for cringe and feeling terrible breaks
>Mfw he finally walked out for real and it wasn't a false "lol j/k I'll help you" 2 parter ep
Holy shit that everything

>> No.4477553

holy fuck check out her FB page. she is getting busted up and down her wall ripping off food pics from bloggers and even kraft (the fake food company)

full lolocaust

>> No.4477558

Most recent post is at over 1.2k comments, its a riot.

>> No.4477562
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>> No.4477571


That wrinkly fondant...

>> No.4477576

that bear looks rather derpy and the fondant is bubbley as hell

>> No.4477585
File: 61 KB, 414x420, fjhksdhfkdshf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4477599


>> No.4477601

Guys, let's get her to start blaming 4chan, too.

That'll be a hoot.

>> No.4477604

Blame 2chan

>> No.4477607


They're taking tips from their employees without consulting them, isn't that a federal crime?

>> No.4477608

I don't think taking tips is illegal as long as the workers make minimum

>> No.4477609

>he did fire people over banalities and slapped his employees about

He never "slapped" his employees about, any case of employer violence would have had ramsay locked up. Shit, even on boiling point he's not as abrasive as he is on HK USA, its an act on that show.

>> No.4477615

o shiiii they just deleted all the caps lock posts

>> No.4477616
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>> No.4477618


>Her real name is Amanda Patricia Bossingham.
>The court ordered her to pay $36,294.95 in restitution. Ms. Bossingham plead guilty to submitting an application for a line of credit with M & I Bank using the social security number of another person. The Bank approved the line of credit in the amount of $15,000.
>On June 15, 2004, the Court sentenced her to fourteen months prison. (she appealed, but eventually lost, reported to prison in Oct, 7, 2008)

>> No.4477619

This shit is scary OP. Terrible to think that places like this exist.

>> No.4477620

no, they're still there.

>> No.4477627

Thing is, when you turn and walk away is when shit gets uncertain. What's going through the other asshole's mind is
>is he running?
>is he going to get someone else?
>is this fucker going to come back later and straight murder my ass?
You'll note that
>is he being the bigger man, inspiring me to seek inner peace during time of conflict?
doesn't come up in that list. There's a reason for this; people tend to think the worst of eachother, especially when there's some friction between them.
Flashing (not drawing) a gun basically says
>let's not have this situation get out of control, right?
which is exactly what you want.
Also, because this is 4chan, I am obligated to call you a faggot, but no hard feeling right?

>> No.4477632

yay the funny continues

>> No.4477635

Kitchen Nightmares has made me rethink ever setting foot on a local restaurant that I dont know well for the rest of my life.

Every episode they go through a kitchen/freezer that is a biological chernobyl makes me less lazy to cook well for myself and people I know.

Even if in the end it doesnt come out as tasty as a chef meal I know it wont kill me.

>> No.4477636

I live in Phoenix, and I've walked by the place, but never went in there, because the bitch was on the news a few years ago. I don't think anyone actually eats there, except the tourists, who flock to Old Town every march. Probably the only time they make money.

>> No.4477639

Even in popular restaurants the kitchens may not be that clean

>> No.4477640
File: 18 KB, 424x116, hue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well she got something right.

>> No.4477645

Its actually simple to understand.

Do you trust people to be lazy or to be extremely through with food safety and health regulations?

People are lazy, people who end up in this industry are not special.

>> No.4477648

so leddit is kicking a dead horse now it seems

>> No.4477652

>Every shit

this makes me lol every single god damn time.

Oh, no. There's still plenty of milk left in this lolcow.

>> No.4477655

She fed the trolls. That's her own damn fault. That facebook page would have hardly anything if she didn't feed everybody.

>> No.4477657

At ~17:40 he refers to the burger as a "blue ribbon burger"
Non american here, wtf is a blue ribbon burger?

>> No.4477659

that's just a name for it, nothing specific. Just what the restaurant calls loading it with all those toppings.

>> No.4477661

I know that feel.
Ramsey's fury will make you feel better.

>> No.4477666

Oh the way ramsey said it I was wondering if it was a known...burger combination? or standard or something?


>> No.4477667

>Ramsey's fury will make you feel better.
It can only help so much.

That said, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't giggling like a school girl when he got to the end.
>I'm going to do something I've never done on this show before.
>gets in his fucking car and drives away
>credits roll

>> No.4477670

A "blue ribbon" is a first prize. In other words, calling it the "blue ribbon burger" is basically like chef's choice. It's the "best" burger on the menu.

>> No.4477673

You give someone a blue ribbon when they win or do something exceptional, so it's as he would say blowing smoke up their own asses.

by the way If you haven't heard, the cakes were all bought in and she lied to ramsay when she said she made them herself

>> No.4477677

That seems logical enough.
Never encountered the expression before, I'm guessing its not particularly common.

Is reddit actually 'harassing' these people?
Anyone got a link to their thread on it?

>> No.4477680

golden poo in this case?

>> No.4477682

As I understand, there WAS a thread on reddit at one point. I don't know if it's still active (it probably is, considering how many lulz this lolcow is generating)

>> No.4477686
File: 13 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Spider-Sense is tingling, there will be a murder suicide with this couple.

>> No.4477688

Found it:

Looks like the thread was shut down and comments purged.

>> No.4477692

leddit being typical shitty leddit

>> No.4477717

this ones autosaging, new thread >>4477290

>> No.4477720

>auto saging
>300 posts
what the fuck /ck/, get it together

>> No.4477831


>Ramsay doesn't actually act like that

Order a well-done steak at his restaurant and watch him flip his shit, then yell "FUCK WHAT THE CUSTOMER WANTS, I DON'T LIKE WELL-DONE STEAKS SO FUCK OFF OUT MY RESTAURANT, YES?! FUCK ME! BLOODY HELL!"

>> No.4477869

why would you get a well done steak

But either way he cares more about it being prepared correctly than anything else.

>> No.4477921

I like Gordon. He's such a total bro.

>> No.4477928

Holy fuck, she is totally psychotic. She clearly just can't understand that she is terrible at everything. I wish I could have seen her face when the court convicted her.

>> No.4477934

Lol so they invite Gordon onto the show, then say that the reason his food wasn't any good was because he barged in and disrupted the service. I hope they close down and she goes back to jail.

>> No.4477944

>get good

>> No.4478147

You're going to die alone, desperately fucking alone.


>> No.4478183

>grammatical error
>he doesn't know English

This isn't YouTube comments

>> No.4478209

>you can be adult

Arbritrary defitions of what maturity and adulthood means. You sure you're not one of these redditors?

DAE mature atheist adult?

>> No.4478217

>legally kidnapping

And I'm sure you're self-righteous and liberal enough to think a little shove is physical assault, right?

>> No.4478221

>Sure is internet tough guy here tonight. Let's talk about how we'd shoot someone because we are edgy and cool.

>internet tough guy

Get the fuck back to YouTube comments.

>> No.4478233

>Appeal to authority

I guess it's objective fact that Ramsay is God, right?

>> No.4478242

>that font rendering

>> No.4479126

>Not knowing the "Italian mafia" was actually a Jewish mafia who used their fake ancestry to divert criticism to Italians and not Jews.

>> No.4479509
File: 14 KB, 570x533, 1238489859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the restaurant had decent yelp reviews
>mfw one star reviews bombarded by mindless tv drones who have never set foot in the restaurant
>mfw Amy's Baking Company has been around for over 5 years and will be taken down by Ramsey's lust for ratings
People are so manipulative.

>> No.4479933

>whips out a gun at first whiff of confrontation
>doesn't actually want a shoot out.

Sure thing, John Wayne.

>> No.4479942

"Hourly" does not necessarily mean that he is paying them minimum wage.

>> No.4479948

>You ever felt pressure? That's what running a fucking business is constantly. So what if people get mean? Get good or get out.

This is the perfect attitude to have when you intend to run something into the ground.

>> No.4479993
File: 4 KB, 85x123, durr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thats what will bring it down.

>> No.4480086


nice comeback, retard. take your anti-gun shitiment and go fuck yourself.

>> No.4480155
File: 53 KB, 263x337, 1355110276599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone in /tv/ bought up a point that Amy's restaurant is a money laundering front for Samy.

>> No.4480207

It's just R E D D I T sleuthing (gossip and speculation)

The only dirt brought up so far is Amy getting caught in credit fraud, but that was years ago.

>> No.4480471


the average dilusional woman will eventually break but she developed a hard skin whilst sitting in a cell for a year. this is why noone can get through to her because shes fixated on her path of enlightenment or whatever and thinks the world revolves around her.