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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4467468 No.4467468 [Reply] [Original]

How do you like your eggs?

>> No.4467469 [DELETED] 

Drizzled on my ballsack while I fondle myself to wet children on the beach.

>> No.4467482
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>> No.4467510

I cook them over easy with salt and pepper, and then I scramble them in the pan. What do you call that? Pan scrambled? They are not scrambled eggs because I don't mix them up in a bowl first. I like this way better because you get solid pieces of egg white, some runny yolk, some solid yolk. It's awesome.

>> No.4467516


I call them scrambled still. Although I get a small pot out, crack in 3 or 4 eggs and a splash of milk and scramble til done. Add cheese, bacon, salt, pepper, etc.

I like eggs most ways. fried(solid and runny), boiled, scrambled. Haven't tried raw or poached as of yet.

>> No.4467520

I'd post a pic of a cute little girls butt that's wet, but I'd get banned again.

>> No.4467537

It's embarrassing, but I can't make my eggs the way I like. My dad's side of the family made these kind of runny scrambled eggs that I adored.
Just eggs though, boiled. Love salted halved boiled eggs.

>> No.4467625

Sunny side up.
I'm not sure if it's still considered that if you turn it over to cook the top. But I like it with the yolk still runny.

>> No.4467631

>runny yolk lovers
Enjoy your death and/or total diarrhea.

>> No.4467638
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>listen to me complain about my inferior digestive system

>> No.4467642

It's not that raw eggs can make you sick
it can't be that
not at all
>this is the extent of american education

>> No.4467651

I've been eating eggs this way for 20 years. Didn't get sick once even when I was a child.

Maybe if you're like 2 years old. A grown man can't die from salmonella "poisoning".

I will fight you.

>> No.4467655

salmonella comes from poultry, dumbass, not eggs

>> No.4467661

>look at me guys i'm so retarded
I hope for your sake you're just pretending.

>> No.4467681

>Oh no my 1/30000 chance of maybe contracting Salmonella!

How big is the size of your neckbeard? I ask because you would literally have to be a consistent basement dweller in order to avoid every single risk higher than that of contracting a not-even-really-fatal disease from eggs, including getting run down by a car and having lightning strike you where you stand.

>A study by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 2002 (Risk Analysis April 2002 22(2):203-18) suggests the problem is not as prevalent as once thought. It showed that of the 69 billion eggs produced annually, only 2.3 million are contaminated with Salmonella—equivalent to just one in every 30,000 eggs—thus showing Salmonella infection is quite rarely induced by eggs.

>> No.4467686

>2.3 million eggs

>> No.4467688


>> No.4467689


Out of 69 billion it sure is. Math must not be your strong suit. I'd like to sell you some lottery tickets.

>> No.4467691

>resorting to literal shitposting

At least no one will convert to your shit ideas.

>> No.4467693

Did you make it past the first grade?

>> No.4467696

2.3 million is a fucking lot, it doesn't matter out of how many that aren't. I don't eat eggs every fucking day, but I sure won't undercook them.
Knowing my luck, I'd win the 'salmonella' lottery.

>> No.4467699

>Ignores that it's out of 69 billion.
>0.003% chance an egg contains salmonella
>Most eggs aren't even cooked runny

How does it feel living in a sterilised bubble?

>> No.4467697

Don't worry about this freak. I like my eggs cooked in bacon greese, eggs are pretty resiliant, those and some bacon greese and it's good to go.

Fuck bloomberg and obama's nanny state shit.

>> No.4467698

I was always a scrambled kind of egg person. But I have recently come to love eggs over easy with toast to dip in the yolk.

>> No.4467700

Better avoid eating chicken then, too, period, and anything under well-done steak, and never go outside for fear of getting struck by lightning, too, you idiotic loser.

>> No.4467702

>call somebody a loser
>cooks their eggs differently
You are a fucking elitist asshole with no reason to be one.

>> No.4467707

I'm a cautious person. I want to live. Maybe I don't want to die. Big deal, you should learn to accept that not everybody likes to live on the edge.

>> No.4467715

>call someone a loser for picking the stupidest fucking reason to overcook their eggs ever concocted

>Not overcooking your eggs
>"living on the edge"

Jesus Christ, it's like I'm literally talking to bubble boys.

Honestly, I hope you die from the flu, which infects and kills far more than Salmonella, btw, not because you overcook your eggs, but because you are an enormous faggot and I want to laugh at your pathetic efforts to feel "safe" without actually being safe.

>> No.4467718

Elitist. I pray the woman you eventually trick into having sex with you is sterile so you won't kill your child with your dangerous "preferences"

>> No.4467719


Actually he's got a great reason to be an elitist: a proper and sound understanding of risk and statistics.

Don't forget having contact with other human beings, which is much more likely to transmit disease than eating eggs. Also, riding in an automobile is much more risky than eggs as well.

>> No.4467720

Yeah, you better never be safe because nobody is actually a statistic, it could NEVER happen to me. I'M special. People dying from eating eggs? They weren't real people. Just a number. I'll bet you don't wash your hands either.

>> No.4467723
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>he actually considers this an insult

I just... what?

I'm not even elitist, have your eggs whatever way you want them, just don't invent bullshit to justify your lifestyle choices.

>> No.4467727

>invent bullshit
>salmonella exists and you can get it from undercooking eggs
Just stop. You're not going to convince me that you're correct, because even your own sources say you're not.
You can fucking die and it's better safe than sorry.

>> No.4467734

Oh no, those whole 30 people a year that entirely consist of the elderly and the immunocompromised, I'm so fucking terrified!


>Influenza spreads around the world in seasonal epidemics, resulting in about three to five million yearly cases of severe illness and about 250,000 to 500,000 yearly deaths,[12] rising to millions in some pandemic years.

>On average 41,400 people died each year in the United States between 1979 and 2001 from influenza.[153] In 2010 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States changed the way it reports the 30 year estimates for deaths. Now they are reported as a range from a low of about 3,300 deaths to a high of 49,000 per year.[154]

Unless you never ever ever go outside or interact with anyone, you're a hypocrite.

And if you do never ever ever go outside or interact with anyone, you've now lost life years due to a sedentary lifestyle and put yourself at a higher risk of contracting disease because of your weakened immune system. So much for your epik plan to avoid dying, faggot!

>I refuse to listen to your arguments no matter what you say!

Too bad, I'm still going to refute every word of bullshit that spills out of your mouth just so your shitty ideology never spreads and I never have to deal with it again.

Fucking kill yourself before the flu does.

>> No.4467739

Wasn't that whole salmonella egg thing from the late 80's/early 90's? I remember being allowed to lick the brownie batter from spoon when I was a kid but suddenly I wasn't allowed to for a long time. I'm 30 now and I still kind of hesitate because it was ingrained so deeply in our heads that raw eggs = bad.

>> No.4467741

Pretty much. If you've ever watched Rocky you know that people used to be perfectly content with downing raw eggs.

>> No.4467744

Soft boiled on buttered brown toast, with a good dose of black pepper.

>> No.4467747
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Well it's kind of hard to convince a stubborn moron.

>it's better safe than sorry
You must be a blast at parties.
FYI: You're not going to die from sunny side up eggs, you fucking moron.

>> No.4467748

Fuck that bro, lick da spoon.

>> No.4467749


Oh now, your PC might explode! Better get off /ck/, faggot!

After all, you want to avoid dying, right?

>> No.4467778

You COULD and that's why I don't eat my eggs sunny side up, and you're getting booty blasted that I'm fucking right and you're wrong.
Going to parties has nothing to do with this. You're just trying to insult me instead of explain to me why 'salmonella doesn't exist and it doesn't kill and its a very real issue'

>> No.4467784

It's Ok. It's not like I'm trying to not let you go through your life worrying about anything and everything.

>> No.4467786

>How do you like your eggs?


>> No.4467789

>Salmonella is on the shell of the egg
>It's 1 in a million eggs that it's on
>Even less if you don't get from a mass produced farm
Holy shit best watch out for that completely avoidable and most likely never come into contact with bad egg.

>> No.4467790

Why are you still on /ck/?


Using the computer objectively puts you at risk of dying. It exists and is a very real issue.

So, you should stop using the computer. Get off /ck/ pls.

>> No.4467794

Doesn't it only kill the young, elderly and autoimmune compromised? If you're a healthy person, you should be fine with just a couple days of the screaming shits.

>> No.4467798

I think he's just pretending to be retarded by this point and desperately hoping we'll leave him alone so he can "claim" victory. Probably an assburger from /jp/.

>> No.4467801

o over-medium with salsa on toast

>> No.4467843

Right now, I'm in the process of making my brunch. Egg crepes filled with a spinach-red pepper-onion-cream cheese filling, topped with a light tomato sauce and baked. Normally, I eat fried or poached eggs for breakfast, but today I had more time, so I'm doing something different.
tldr; I love eggs in all sorts of ways.

>> No.4467867

Can we ignore the autismal shit poster and talk about how we like to cook eggs please.

Soft Boiled is the best. Very similar to poached but without running the risk of being wet.

>> No.4467880

over easy
if you're worried about getting sick from a runny egg you probably shouldn't ever leave your house
the outside world is full of far more dangers than a runny egg

>> No.4468002
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I got lazy and layered it instead of rolling them, but I thought I'd post a pic anyway. I'm waiting for it to cool down enough to cut into.

>> No.4468009

Do you have to type quickly so that you're butthole gets properly lubed for your prison fucking?

>> No.4468010

Even split between scrambled or an omelet with lots of peppers, onions, and meat.

>> No.4468015

bloody turducken?

>> No.4468026
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More like amazing deliciousness.

I'm very glad I opted to get creative this morning instead of having my usual eggs.

>> No.4468031

Whatever it is when you just crack it in a pan and then mix around as you cook so you get a yellowy mush. Tastes awesome. Have that with 2 bits of just right smoked bacon, and a small but of frying beef steak.

>> No.4468032

>melt butter in pan
>sautee some chives in there for a minute
>crack three eggs on very low heat and gently stir until it congeals

>> No.4468043

>implying I'm going to let you have the last word

You got told, deal with it nerd

>> No.4468094

That's called over-easy/medium/hard

Sunny side up refers to the "sunny" look of the uncooked yolk

>> No.4468112

I've been cooking eggs over easy in sausage fat for a bit now.

Beats butter or oil.

Omelettes with tomatoes that were cooked a bit and maybe some green onion is also pretty good.

>> No.4468123

over easy, cooked in bacon grease on an iron skillet, salt and pepper while cooking.

>> No.4468145

Fried on both sides mustard race reporting, any other method is an abomination

>> No.4468156

Scrambled on toast. No point having it any other way.

>> No.4468251

Raw on cold rice with some soysauce.
Inb4: Salmonella
Wont happen if fresh

>> No.4468357

sot scrambled, or like op's pic, and dip toast or fries in the yolk. deviled or egg salad. use in baking pies or as a binder for meatloaf. A nice cheap and quick meal is scrambled with canned tomatoes and mushrooms, only way I dislike them is fried hard, or plain hard boiled. and I don't eat too many, maybe 12 a month, cooking and eating. when I buy them I pay a bit more, and get the "jumbo" size and hope ore a double youlker. good luck!

>> No.4468363
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Scrambled in breakfast tacos or over easy on toast.

>> No.4468375

scrambled with fried onions

>> No.4468385

sheared, I think., I knew what you ment' just took a min to remember the name.. and you are right. unless cooking for a lot of people,, way better than scrambled

>> No.4468386

>Take piece of bread
>Butter one side
>cook that side on skillet
>Put on plate
>Fry egg on both sides. Runny yolk but I like the outer edges of the white a little crunchy
>put on toast

when I'm just making breakfast for myself I make two of these and maybe some sausage

>> No.4468400


man i just love coming here and seeing virgins get butthurt over eggs.


i take 'em scrambled. crack two or three in a bowl, add a splash of milk and seasonings, mix 'em up and fry 'em in bacon grease.


buttered toast on the side, glass of whisky 'n water

now that's breakfast.

>> No.4468428

over easy, almost sunny side up but flipped and let cook on the yolk side for about 15 seconds to make sure I don't have any uncooked white

>> No.4468758

>adding milk to scrambled eggs

>> No.4468958

i like mine with a kiss

>> No.4468962
File: 38 KB, 704x433, deviled-eggs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that? You want me to eat all of you?

Well, all right...

>> No.4468965

I never thought to mix Hershey's and eggs. Wonder how that'd go...

>> No.4468972

I would. I love the shit out of devilled eggs. I could easily eat a dozen, and I don't normally gorge on food like that.

>> No.4468973

sunny side up
right before its done pop the yolk
flip it
let it cook for like 30 seconds

Its awesome cause its almost all the way cooked but then has some runny yolk in the middle

>> No.4468974

That's a variation on over easy. You don't flip sunny side up.

>> No.4468993
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It's like I'm on Downton fuckin' Abbey.

>> No.4469003

Is that a dish the eggs are in, or something edible?

>> No.4469010

anyone have a healthy deviled egg recipe?

like something with no yolk or mayo

>> No.4469027

Not using the yolk kinda defeats the purpose of a deviled egg.

That's a dish. I used a shot glass when I made mine. They're super easy. Boil your water, lower the eggs in, cook for six to six and a half minutes. Give 'em a shock of cold water to stop the cooking. You can either peel 'em like you would a hard boiled egg, or crack the top like in the picture, and scoop out the egg.

>> No.4469033
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Egg Funfact:

Eggs can sit at room temperature for months on the counter, if you rub them with mineral oil.

>> No.4469038
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>Not eating your eggs with a Rollie Eggmaster.


>> No.4469040

What >>4469027 said. If you want to prepare hard boiled eggs in your own way, knock yourself out. But it's not a devilled egg without the yolk and mayo.

I really don't like runny yolk (I 'over' cook mine over-easy, usually), but I may have to give this a try sometimes. Looks like a fun snack.

>> No.4469048

That is so fucking gross. I don't even....

>> No.4469055

I know, didnt know how else to describe it

>> No.4469066

Can you guys teach a beginner how to make fried eggs or scrambled eggs?

I only have a small pot for cooking ramen. And the only thing I can cook is ramen. Whenever I try to cook eggs, it sticks, and so I have to move the eggs around in panic to avoid sticking. In the end all I got is many bits of over cooked eggs.

>> No.4469072

Do you use butter, or at least cooking spray?

>> No.4469075

I did pour some oil and then tilt the pot around to let it coat the bottom

>> No.4469077

ham, egg, cheese sandwich

>> No.4469079

>fried eggs
Sunny side up: Heat and butter pan (nonstick recommended). Crack shell (on flat surface) and break egg into pan. Wait until the whites are solid and the yolk firm, serve immediately.

Over Easy: Cook Sunny Side Up, then flip eggs in pan. Cook a couple more minutes until the yolk is cooked through. Serve immediately.

Scrambled: Break eggs into cup. Optionally, add milk or cream. Whisk with a fork until well mixed. Pour contents into hot pan. Tend to eggs with spatula, stirring and flipping and folding regularly so that the lot is evenly cooked throughout.

One of my favourite things to add to eggs is cheese, which works best with scrambled. You can, of course, season any of these however you like.

>> No.4469086

I'm looking for an alternative filling

most of the time when I hard boil eggs I only eat some of the yolk anyway

>> No.4469090

You probably have the fire too hot. Scrambled eggs, especially, benefit from a low 'n' slow heat.

>> No.4469093

Searching for "deviled egg no yolk" gets me some recipes with potato or hummus. I've also seen one with cream cheese, smoked salmon, and dill. But I don't think that qualifies for healthier.

>> No.4469098

With an "alternative filling", it's not devilled fucking eggs. You're looking for "hard boiled egg white" recipes.

>> No.4469102

that hummus one sounds perfect


>> No.4469112

get a non stick pan

fried: add butter, crack egg into HOT pan so it doesn't go all over, when the egg sets flip it and cook for like 30 seconds for over easy

scrambled: scramble eggs BEFORE in a cup/dish then pour into a pan with pam or butter

keep scraping a spatula across the bottom of the pan until eggs are cooked enough

>> No.4469130





that or soft soft boil (~about 1:30 of boil time, depending on the egg size)

>> No.4469662


>> No.4469666

You fucktard, if people got sick or killed, why do most eat their eggs this way?

>> No.4469685

I eat eggs all kinds of ways, but hard boiled eggs are really convenient.

>> No.4469696

I don't eat chicken droppings

>> No.4469704

You say that as you post on an American run website. How pathetic.

>> No.4469706 [DELETED] 

wait, youre actually defending your education system?

wow. go usa's!!!

>> No.4469711

how do I into sunny side up?

every time I make it I freak out and turn it over because I don't want and hate runny eggs

I'm not worried about bacteria or salmonella, at least not at that stage in cooking
but I just don't like the feel of a runny egg, at least not the whites because I'm okay with a soft yolk

sometimes I half poach/steam them to get rid of the runny whites
but that doesn't always work because I never have the flame set so that the water evaporates when it hits the skillet

>> No.4469725

Any potential risk of salmonella in eggs is from the outside of the eggshell, likely contaminated by improper handling before going to the grocer. Contamination in your food would likely be resulting from improperly cracked eggs, in conjunction with under cooking.

Either way, fresh eggs, properly cracked, cooked or served however you like equals extremely negligible risk for food-born illness.

>> No.4469729


Medium high heat, butter up the pan, crack your eggs, drop to low heat or simmer, and cover for about 4 minutes until the white has JUST set. Alternatively, you can wait a little longer until the yolk develops a skin on top, and just starts to set, as is my personal preference.

>> No.4469859

You can also use a little extra butter in the pan, then drizzle the hot butter over the top of the egg, making the white and yolk set up a bit.

>> No.4469869

Runny yoke is absolutely disgusting. I gag if I leave even the smallest amount uncooked.

However, the best egg is over medium. About the time the yoke begins to turn into a solid is when best served. Especially on burgers or sandwiches.

>> No.4469871

You prefer a creamy yolk, then, rather than a fully hard-cooked one. Not so it will run, but you could spread it with a knife if you wanted, right?

>> No.4469875

soft boiled egg with a buttered bread sliced into strips for dunking

fuark yes

>> No.4469879

Scrambled egg sandwich with mayo on toast.

>> No.4469881
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>tfw non stick pan and eggs almost always end up sticking in some part

>> No.4469905


That's what happens when you cook in a non-stick pan above medium; you also get cancer when you do that. How about you just get a stainless steel pan and learn how to cook?

>> No.4469911


>> No.4469917

I don't.

>> No.4469923
File: 2.60 MB, 3264x2448, 2013-02-01 14.01.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prepare them as a golden-brown omelet with cheese.

> See far right

>> No.4469967

Looks tasty, yo.
What are those green things in between the sausage and the omelette?
Some pickled concoction?

>> No.4469971

you can get cancer from almost anything

>> No.4469974

Just apply some kind of fat.

>> No.4469988

Green olives marinated in chilli and ginger(?).

>> No.4469993

Neat. Looks like a hangover cure.

>> No.4470006

You think it's funny now, but when you're 30 and already dying you'll think about all the carcinogens that didn't need to be in your life that you knew about and deemed acceptable.

Shit, I see people I know dying left and right from mesothelioma from asbestos. That shit was everywhere, and still is. And mesothelioma is a HORRIBLE way to die. I couldn't fucking look at them, they were suffering so much. Fuck.

So I ain't telling you to up and throw out your non-stick pans, or stop smoking, or use less molded plastics, or stop buying over-preserved and over-processed foods, or stop getting X-rays at the dentist or any really paranoid shit. I'm just saying, be aware of the things you do and how they can impact your health. If it's not much trouble to avoid or substitute them, why not? If you live to be a spry old man/woman, you might feel like it was useless. But you might've actually saved yourself from a horrible, early death that could have been prevented.

Stop living life recklessly and start living it to its fullest instead.

>> No.4470013

I never said it's funny.
And I am over 30.
And a failure, I know this without anyone telling me. And some douchebag rants and preaches to me on 4chan of all the shitholes on the net. Negro, please.

>> No.4470019

Well maybe you shouldn't just casually dismiss problems on the grounds that everything else gives you the same problem.

Maybe that's why you're a failure.

>> No.4470024

I'm not casually dismissing. I am stating a fact. Cancer is everywhere. Fucking nanoparticles aren't the only problem.

>> No.4470027

I take it back, you probably failed at everything because you give up on a problem as soon as you realize you need to do more than one thing to solve it.

Also because you call people names.

>> No.4470032

The fun thing is that I don't even drink and that's a normal cooked breakfast for me. It's usually either eggs, baky and toast covered in grease or a bowl of bowel-scouring grain muesli.

>> No.4470034

>Cook a couple more minutes until the yolk is cooked through

That's at least over medium, probably more like over hard. Over easy means the yolk is still runny.

>> No.4470035

lol. just from curiosity, why did you use a pic of Harrison Ford and that particular one.( a decent man and actor from star wars, Indiana Jones and tom clancy based films He looks like a dog trying to shit a peach pit in that photo..

>> No.4470036


>> No.4470041

Didn't he shove a gerbil up his bum?

>> No.4470105

holey moses, can I come eat at your house?. I only get those at Christmas, family reunions, pig pickings and after funerals. the filling is made with the hard boiled yolks, mashed with equal parts real butter and mayo, a little dried mustard and sweet pickle relish, then dusted with paprika. Maybe its better I don't eat them every day. Aside from giving me the farts, it cant be good for your heart.But at holidays, reunions or wakes, if you don't get there early, you get store bought rubbery eggs, sliced canned ham and take out fried chicken. shit, I can do that myself. At least take it out off the box. or plastic clam shell. before putting it on the buffet line. I am aware not everyone has the skill, time knowledge or funds to make old school food, but innovations like egg white and tofu fritatta topped with morning star farm vegan chirosa and and fake cheese, with gluten free brownies made with carob and stevia ?. well, i try to eat healthy, and mostly do, lots of fruits and veggies, but keep that stuff to yourself .

>> No.4470106

As a meal, fried.

As a snack, pickled.

Goddamn I love me some pickled eggs, top notch bar food.

>> No.4470379

You could die from simply going outside, do you stay inside all day?

>> No.4470391

>139 posts
>no one has posted this video


>> No.4470449

I knew what the vid was going to be before I even clicked the link. I am Nostradamus.

>> No.4470471

>over easy
>cook until yolk is cooked through
no, nigger, just no. That's over well. Do you even egg?
Over easy is flipped once, then plated immediately.

>> No.4470620

If you eat over cooked eggs (non runny) you are a faggot, its the same as ordering a well done steak.

>> No.4470822
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Over easy master race reporting in!

>> No.4470826

>beaten, splash of milk
>low heat, stir constantly
>serve and eat once it's no longer sloppy but still moist

>> No.4470848

>Soft boil (~6min)
>Put on toast (buttered)
>liberal amounts of pepper

GOAT egg.

>> No.4470860



with hot sauce a little salt and tons of pepper

>> No.4470886


Shit food for shit people.

>> No.4470893

Over easy. Or hard boiled, with just a little salt. Or scrambled, with cheese and salsa. Or huevos rancheros. Or in shakshouka. Or deviled. Or...

>> No.4470948

>scrambled with whatever meats and/or veggies i want
>soft-boiled mixed with tuna and avocado (muh /fit/)
>eggs benedict, but only if i'm out for breakfast

>> No.4470953

post it

>> No.4470996

Yeah! Don't eggs come from an asshole? That's asshole food!

>> No.4471031

>cayenne pepper or some peppercorn medley
>oregano/italian medley spice mix
>shredded cheddar cheese sometimes
>occasional dash of onion or garlic powder

I have yet to find a better way.