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4452720 No.4452720 [Reply] [Original]

eurofag wants to know-which American beer is the worst,what to avoid?

>> No.4452729

Taste is subjective. You need to taste them to find out for yourself. Furthermore drop the whole Euro calling American made products bad spiel. You are being a douche.

>> No.4452732

They're all good.

>> No.4452735

Objectively? The worst beers are the cheap ice beers, like keystone ice, natural ice, etc etc.

There are a ton of really good craft beers in the US that you should look for, though you'll probably be overwhelmed by plebshit like shocktop and sam adams which aren't craft but pretend to be, and aren't good at all.

>> No.4452748

Pretty much all our exports are the crap macrobrews. It's really about taste, though. I would avoid anything with the word light, ice, malt liquor, or high gravity on it, as well as Budweiser, Miller Genuine Draft, Keystone, or Busch.

The middle-tier are okay ones like PBR, Miller High Life, Coors, Blatz and Old Style. I also think Old English, Colt 45, and Mickey's is pretty good (although malt liquor and technically not beer).

And then all the craft ones are hit and miss and are too numerous to expand on. I think Sam Adams is our number one "craft" beer, and it's pretty good. Not amazing, but drinkable and unoffensive.

My favorite ones are local, state, or regional so probably wouldn't get out to Euroland.

>> No.4452760

Any American beer labeled "Ice", "Light", "Premium" or "Genuine" is going to suck.

>> No.4452762

Don't let any hipsters trick you into drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon, it is urine.

>> No.4452764

Grainbelt Premium rules.

>> No.4452766

Hipsters don't drink PBR anymore. You're about 2 years 2 late brah.

>> No.4452769

They do when they're poor.

>> No.4452770

Sam adams have a couble really good beers. They have the best double bock that I have had. All the others I have tried tasted watered down in comparison. Including Troegs double and a german(can't remember the brewer) double bock I have had

>> No.4452772


That's why hipster always drank PBR - it wasn't ironic, most hipsters have crippling substance abuse habits and the fucker is cheap.

Hipserts went extinct in 2010 though

>> No.4452775


Hipsters and PBR were ca.2005. Around the time when AA was still considered hipster wear. That type of hipster culture doesn't exist anymore, anywhere. So where the fuck do you live that 2011 reality had 2005 hipsters drinking PBR to be cool? The same place where nutella and sriracha are new and cupcakes are just taking off?

>> No.4452782

>Hipserts went extinct in 2010 though

>> No.4452794



Trust me - I'm cool enough I'm into the shit that'll be mainstream in 2021. Hipsters aren't a real thing anymore

>> No.4452834


"Hey Bob, did you hear there's trucks you can buy food from? I just hope there's not too many HIPSTERS wearing aviators to their Arcade Fire show to ruin it!"

>> No.4452859

old milwaukee


>> No.4452873

Are you a hipster historian? Who pays this much attention to current fads?

It's worse than actually being a hipster - being the bitter ugy that obsesses over the latest mildly annoying hivemind fad.

>> No.4452893

It's not hard to notice these things if you live in a major city and/or frequent lesser known shows in your area.

>> No.4453335


If you're going to throw around the word hipster you should know what the fuck it means

>> No.4454235

avoid lagers, they're all bad

>> No.4454244

Shlitz is the least awful cheap american beer.
PBR is hipster piss asswater, avoid avoid avoid.
Generallty speaking the best American cheapies come in glass bottles not cans.

>> No.4454250

Magic Hat once made a lager that made me cry tears of joy, and alcohol.

Sadly I haven't seen it since.

Yeah, pretty much all inexpensive beer is crap, big surprise. But I do like Old English. I think Mickey's is awful though.

>> No.4454272

If it has a commercial featuring football players, packaging gimmicks, or sponsors anything like nascar, don't drink it. Its quantity over quality alcoholic barley water for people who don't actually like the taste of beer