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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 58 KB, 639x572, chip-butty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4448534 No.4448534 [Reply] [Original]

>euros make fun of american food
>they have this shit


euros pls go

>> No.4448770

Chip sandwiches are fucking glorious you pleb. They aren't normally doubled up though.

>> No.4448771

UK != Europe

>> No.4448777
File: 81 KB, 525x350, FairyBread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australia you're not safe either

>> No.4448789

Ausfags pls go
This is one of the many things that could be like euro's sketti.
Including beans and toasties.

>> No.4448791

those isolated islands are full of fucked up people.. kind of like japan but not quite

they're not true euros, they even have their own currency

>> No.4448804

well I eat these heaps in Australia

And fairly bread is also awesome

>> No.4448810
File: 9 KB, 259x194, hoagie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not the kind of fag I am.

>> No.4448818

You realize, "Europe" isn't one place and, if you mean the European Union, Britain isn't part of that.

>> No.4448819

You know sprinkles taste a lot better on a donut instead of plain white bread? And probably on every other food on the planet.
Did some drunken retard spill sprinkles on his bread and thought it tasted good in his drunken haze?

>> No.4448821

I'm pretty sure Europe is one place. I think perhaps you meant to say something not stupid, but you failed to do so.

>> No.4448856

>Did some drunken retard spill sprinkles on his bread and thought it tasted good in his drunken haze?

Yeah, I could see that happening.

>> No.4448863

Strayans are hot.

>> No.4448867

More Americans die from alcohol than Australians every year.

>> No.4448868

>implying americans know anything about world geography

>> No.4448873

>live in europe
>never seen OP pic before, nor heard of

And you want me to go because of this thing? Heh.. nah.

>> No.4448874

Why so obsessed with YERP? You mirin brah?

>> No.4448876

> what is per capita statistics

>> No.4448880

>implying americans know anything about american geography
>implying americans can spell 'geography'

>> No.4448882

Yes, that is what I meant.

>> No.4448883


>> No.4448889

Fairy bread is delicious and cheap and can be prepared in minutes, if you're throwing a party for kids then it's an excellent party food.

>> No.4448896

Don't try to justify it.

>> No.4448903

It is still cheap crap, I'll admit that.

>> No.4448906

>the word butty is a contraction of "bread and butter"
>contraction of "bread and butter"

>> No.4448908

Because even squirrels don't eat it.

>> No.4448910

You mean possums?

>> No.4448921

good im not the only one irritated & slightly confused by that

>> No.4448922

>Expecting them to have to have good food

Also, Europe is not a country, it's a continent. Hence, we're not all the same. Never seen that shit in my country before.

>> No.4448937

Word? Should be "brutter".

>> No.4448947
File: 21 KB, 616x346, benjamin_big_brother_tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wutever, cucumber sandwiches are fucking shit anyways

>> No.4448953

Have you cooked and eaten one?
Then shut up and do that right now, then report back with your findings.

>> No.4449026

>Bread oil bread potato corn syrup salt salt bread oil

I know what it tastes like

>> No.4449048

Sprinkles have no definitive flavor, they just taste like sugar. It's like the shitty American version of french toast where they make it sweet instead of savory

>> No.4449060

sugar is a flavor, wow ur a retardo

>> No.4449100

not until you've eaten one drunk

>> No.4449108

What's non-American french toast like? I had some for breakfast this morning, and hell yeah I like it sweet, but what's the alternative?

>one egg
>splash heavy cream
>whip it.mp3
>coat two slices bread with creamy egg
>place in hot, buttered pan
>sprinkle with cinnamon sugar
>clean egg bowl, and fork/whisk used to mix it
>flip eggy bread
>similarly sweeten this side
>retrieve plate
>½ tsp powdered sugar in a sifter
>plate one slice
>sift half the sugar onto slice
>stack second slice
>you know what to do with that sugar
>drizzle honey on top

>> No.4449116

Belgians will just spread butter on bread then cover in chocolate sprinkles or chocolate sheets

>> No.4449130

Mexicans will just spread cream on a piece of bread and add honey. I think this is common in some form or another in most countries.

>> No.4449139

Savory french toast is the shit. I fucking love it on Monday mornings.

>> No.4449141

>spread cream
How thick is this cream? Or do you mean cream cheese, or a form of butter? Sounds delicious, either way.

Also, this bread, is it toasted?

>> No.4449147

Like a runny sour cream with, slightly yellow/off white in Color. And yes, usually toasted

>> No.4449149

That actually sounds kinda gross, not knowing exactly what's in it/what it tastes like...

I'll have to try cream cheese (and various sweetened blends of it) on simple toast some time, see how it tastes.

Bimbo makes something here called 'rebanadas', which seems to be toast with hard-ass frosting on it. Is that a real thing?

>> No.4449156

cream cheese and mascarpone are both amazing on toast with honey.

>> No.4449158

I'm Texan and I have no idea what that is

>> No.4449160

It's called crema in spanish, it's not as sour as typical sour cream. It's a really good contrast with honey.

And yeah, rebanadas are real, you can buy them at any number of latin/mexican bakeries. They're not good without coffee.

>> No.4449162

A-are you fucking serious? Haha oh wow yuros will never be able to live this down.

>> No.4449164

What's mascarpone?

>> No.4449165

I'm Texan as well, and I can clearly see that it's fries with ketchup, between some slices of bread.

Go live somewhere else.

>> No.4449169

>yuros make fun of America cherry picking statistics from different countries
>Americans make fun of yuros

>> No.4449175

It looked like some sort of fruit and jam in between bread. And good one

>> No.4449178


1. Bacon Butty
2. Fish Finger Butty
3. Sausage Butty
4. Egg Butty
5. Chip Butty
6. Breakfast Butty
7. Beef Butty
8. Cheese Butty
9. Crisp Butty
10. Jam Butty

Come at me rest of the world

>> No.4449180

a kind of cheese, pretty sweet often used in desserts

>> No.4449190

>implying I can't spell gegoguraf

>> No.4449192

Don't act like you've never stuffed french fries in your Big Mac, OP.

>> No.4449194


Let me take a second to inform ck that britfriends refer to sandwiches as butties so this niggers post is a ranking of common English sandwiches. Let that sink in.

>> No.4449196

>mfw Americans call butter butties a sandwich

I can't believe this one is true

>> No.4449837

There are over 50 countries in Europe. Each one is very different.

>> No.4450887

there are 50 states in the US, each one is very different

>> No.4450919

I can't fathom the thought process behind the idea that countries are anything like states, really.
5/5 bretty good

>> No.4450943

>Fish Finger Butty

Food of the Gods.

>> No.4450944
File: 66 KB, 400x396, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4450948

Not the person you are responding to, but there are pretty vast cultural differences between states, even ones right next to each other.

New York is culturally different than California, which is vastly different than Massachusetts, which is different than New Hampshire, which is certainly different than Florida, which isn't anything like Alaska.

>> No.4450954

Each state has its own culture, food, dialect, and accents which are all vastly different from other states, so they're very much like being in different countries.

>> No.4450960

Guess who's responsible for deep fried pizza.


>> No.4450961

But to equate that to the difference in culture between, for example, Spain and Belarus, is plainly ridiculous. These are countries with different languages, millenia old histories and ethnicities. Not just a difference in accent, voting behaviour and preferred foodstuffs.

>> No.4450963
File: 42 KB, 500x365, tumblr_mbcqe75vrB1ri70hto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4450964

lol no. Maybe you should travel to different countries and you will realize what cultural differences actually are.

"hurrrr my cousin in the midwest likes casseroles and I like fried chicken, it is like we are in different countries"

>> No.4450965

Well, the guy never actually said each one was exactly like being in a different country, he said "there are 50 states in the US, each one is very different". It's like being in the UK and traveling from London to Glasgow. Different, but not ridiculously so.

>> No.4450968

So? Do you realize how much history is in that area you outlined in Europe vs. that in America?

Please leave your comfort zone and explore the world.

>> No.4450969

Maybe you should do the same? If you've ever traveled between different states you'd understand why.

>> No.4450971


It might depend on what kind you get. Some of the dyed nonpareil sprinkles taste bitter because of the food coloring they add to it. I think Peeps have the same problem but I haven't tried the non-dyed ones and don't care enough to find out.

>> No.4450973

I've actually left my country, while you haven't left your basement in weeks.

>> No.4450978

And that's exactly what it is, history. The fact that you've abandoned that history and became the joke you are today is unfathomable. "Britain is basically America now." You're even embarrassed of yourselves.

>> No.4450979

Europe's length of history compared to America's has nothing to do with whether a state has a different culture from another.

>> No.4450980

That was a very ignorant thing to say, anon. Hell, even the culture and cuisines of the North of France differs greatly from the South of France.

>> No.4450982

Look, I stayed in the US for four years of my life, in different states (I'm in IL right now, but only temporarily) and I assure you that the difference between states in the US cannot be compared to the difference between countries in Europe.

Yes, states are different between each other, but there are no two states which are as different as say, Italy and Norway.

>> No.4450983

If you think Texas and Minnesota are more different than a comparison of most other countries with thousands of years of history and culture you are just retarded.

Thanks to having educated and upper class parents, I traveled extensively from a young age. I have traveled to 5 states and 6 different countries in the past 1.5 years for work.

I see I hit a nerve! Just because you don't have the means or desire to travel outside your comfort zone doesn't mean you have to foster a sour grapes delusion and think America is a cultural mecca.

>> No.4450985

>Hell, even the culture and cuisines of the North of France differs greatly from the South of France.
Obviously, but no one would say those differences equate to the differences between Denmark and Portugal.

>> No.4450986

>I see I hit a nerve


>> No.4450992

>ignorant assumptions

This is what we've come to expect from you and that's just sad.

>> No.4450998
File: 18 KB, 390x470, Too Good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Murricans are really out-doing themselves ITT.

>> No.4450995

>Europe's length of history compared to America's has nothing to do with whether a state has a different culture from another.
Yes, history is intrinsically bound with cultural and social evolution. Do you really think ~250 year old country is as culturally rich and diverse as Europe, a landmass consisting of a mosaic of countries with unique and ancient histories?

>> No.4450997


You should probably work on traveling outside your basement before you criticize others.

>> No.4450999

>And that's exactly what it is, history. The fact that you've abandoned that history and became the joke you are today is unfathomable.
Where do you think I am from? Also, Europe isn't a country.

>"Britain is basically America now." You're even embarrassed of yourselves.

>> No.4451000

>whip it.mp3


>> No.4451001

See: >>4450978

And: >>4429522

Save it.

>> No.4451003
File: 7 KB, 200x200, oh u_levar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thanks to having educated and upper class parents, I traveled extensively from a young age. I have traveled to 5 states and 6 different countries in the past 1.5 years for work

We'll just take you at your word, right?

>> No.4451004

Dawww someone is sad. Are you programmed from a young age to react emotionally when someone objectively critiques America?

Thank god for your "public" education. Actually, didn't you have to pledge allegiance to god every morning?

>> No.4451009
File: 224 KB, 2048x1361, Potato_chip_sandwich[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4451010

>implying Europeans can afford a map to learn about Geography

>> No.4451011

It is pretty telling if traveling and not having poor parents is completely outrageous to you.

>> No.4451006

>This is what we've come to expect from you

Who is we?

>> No.4451007

Where did he say Europe is a country?

>> No.4451013

You're the only one worked up here, friend. And you can stop repeating that pledge allegiance line any day now.

>> No.4451016

You know funny thing you bring this thread up, OP, I've always had this weird notion that euros always took really disgusting, awful smelling farts because of what they eat. Yeah I'm going to stick with this assumption because of this thread.

>> No.4451017

Europe isn't a country and the UK isn't part of the Eurozone. Not sure what you are going on about though.

Enjoy having half your population on some form of welfare while having your corporate shill politicians spend trillions on bailouts and wars to line their pockets.

lol land of the free indeed.

>> No.4451018

Keep telling strangers your life story on the internet, it's very telling.

>> No.4451020

Not that guy, but there is more than one person on 4chan. Just a heads up.

>> No.4451025

Listen, idiot. No one said Europe is a country, can you creatures not even read now?

>> No.4451026
File: 66 KB, 540x420, 1360548586029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a welfare state

>> No.4451032

Nice to know we didn't end up missing much from breaking off of Britain and forming



>> No.4451024

Texas is a horrible place.

>> No.4451037

Keep feeling jelly that people are seeing the world while you waste your life browsing threads on your computer.

>> No.4451038

Yes, but there's only one who repeats that line in literally every thread that has America in the OP, I'm just waiting for angry Canadian guy to stop in. He must've found a new anime or video game, he practically lives here.

>> No.4451040

Is story time over yet? I need to go grocery shopping in a few minutes.

>> No.4451042

British people have the worst diet in the world

>fried fish

>> No.4451044
File: 228 KB, 1500x1000, mitraillette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone calm the fuck down and have some fine Belgian cuisine.

>> No.4451046

>enjoy being a nation I'd take a dick in the ass to live in while I instead suck the dicks of delusion

lol yuropoor indeed

>> No.4451047

inb4 this thread turns in2 murka v yrop

>> No.4451049

>doner kebab

>> No.4451055

Confirmed for never having visited Britain.

>> No.4451057


England (or UK or GB or whatever) is not in Europe you fucking idiot

>> No.4451063
File: 21 KB, 250x250, 1359072780379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Europe was created by history. America was created by philosophy.

Now stop this. I am an American. I understand that we aren't as different between states as European countries are between countries. All the people in this thread, European or American, sound equally as stupid.

>> No.4451066
File: 18 KB, 645x997, gent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is what Americans actually believe

>> No.4451068
File: 648 KB, 2000x1124, dsc00032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's observe as the Europeans gather around the trough to dine on their continent's finest cuisine.

>> No.4451069

American here. Would eat/10.

>> No.4451064

i dont like it when a sandwhich is so big you cant fit it in your mouth or all the shit falls out

>> No.4451071
File: 315 KB, 300x186, 0000000 lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks doing chores for his momma and daddy makes him less neckbeard

>> No.4451078

I have. Ireland was terrible. London was pretty boring. I ate at Gordon Ramsay's restaurant Maze which was pretty good. Scotland was the best.

>> No.4451080








>> No.4451084

I was in Holland last month and the fries are awesome there. The paper cone they come in is annoying though.

>> No.4451085

Oh, I see, you just need to have the last word, this is very common amongst isolated neckbeards. Have a good day, anon. Try to look out a window at some point.

>> No.4451087

hahaha I love when the butthurt Americans start getting defensive


>> No.4451091

That looks delicious. The deconstruction of the kebab is a marvellous thing.

>> No.4451093
File: 55 KB, 590x250, belgian_beers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. Down it with one of these bad boys.
See, we are not so different, despite the kiddies fighting here.

>> No.4451095

Giving sugar on bread to children. All of my wut.

Is this how they really think in the colonies?

>> No.4451100

A jam sandwich is the same from a nutritional point of view.

>> No.4451103

>tries to be superior against taking the last word by attempting to take the last word

Enjoy masturbating to your cartoons.

>> No.4451109

This looks like it was typed 12 year old, I think that says a lot about Europe.

>> No.4451111

Oh dear.

>> No.4451112

That is horrific

Fucking nasty yuroporks

>> No.4451113

Yeah but fuck, at least it tastes like jam.

>> No.4451114

nice quads

>> No.4451119

You're not supposed to fit it in your mouth at first. You eat the fries until you can close the sandwich and finish it.

>> No.4451121

the UK is part of the EU, we just haven't adopted the Euro as our currency.

>> No.4451122


You would struggle to get that meal with any reliability outside of the north east of England and Scotland.

When I used to drink more I could manage that but the salt level if really high, delicious though.

>> No.4451124
File: 460 KB, 220x132, 1348347881670.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are a bunch of faggot neckbeards arguing on an internet forum like it matters.

Pro tip: shut the fuck up because
a) no one is going to win the argument
b) youre just trying to make each other mad
c) i fucking hate you and hope you die

Stop thinking in terms of differences and start looking at the similarities

P.S. fuck you assholes

>> No.4451126

interesting. i like that. whats the sauce?

>> No.4451128

You understand there is no pork there.

Mushroom pakora too I think, very good.

>> No.4451130
File: 119 KB, 640x480, eurolard-trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It smiles as its mother takes a photograph of it with its elegant snack. Look at how round its face is.

>> No.4451133

fuck off

>> No.4451135

>Forming your opinions on over half a billion people in fifty countries on the remarks of a single person on an anonymous message board.

I think this says a lot about your intelligence.

>> No.4451137

I'd be embarrassed too.

>> No.4451141

You're looking for arguments in this childish thread, I think that says a lot about your intelligence.

>> No.4451142

im from america but this is fucking annoying because you guys are so gay.

>> No.4451143


>Fairy bread


>> No.4451144

The white cabbage salad is an essential part of the kebab meal imho.

Note the Rubicon - nobody drinks that stuff without the involvement of a take-away.

>> No.4451148

looks like a munchies box.

Say what you want that shit is great when you're drunk or high.

>> No.4451150
File: 61 KB, 600x600, trina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not getting a trina with your kebab

>> No.4451155
File: 55 KB, 600x600, vimto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not vimto

>> No.4451160

Europe - the land of drunks and druggies eating garbage out of boxes.

>> No.4451162

shut up

>> No.4451163

It's probably Andalouse or Américaine (yeah we have a sauce called American). Like a hot mayonnaise with herbs, spices, pickles, etc.
We have a fuckton of different dipping sauces for fries in Belgium.

>> No.4451166

Take-aways are often frequented by people who are too drunk to cook, and are often in towns near licensed premises. They are usually open late.

The food in them is brutalist but really very tasty.

>> No.4451177

>Take-aways are often frequented by people who are too drunk to cook

Explains a lot about you guys tbh

>> No.4451181

A butty isn't just a sandwich. It's the most simple sandwich possible. It's bread and butter, yes, and then one filling. Sauce optional.

Butty is a northern (think poor/working class) word. As such, the butties tended to be simple, filling and cheap as fuck.

A butty is something shoved into bread. It's satisfying, not dainty. It's full to the brim. It's stodgy. It's high calorie. It's what happens when all of the potatoes from dinner were eaten, but there's still some of the protein left. Or you cooked too little for dinner and there's something left in the fridge.

The butty is a beautiful thing. It's eminently practical and, as such, natural.

The butty was here before you were. And it'll be here after you're gone.

>> No.4451193

Jam has flavour rather than just colour. You'd have jam on toast, so why not a sarnie?

Would you dip your toast or bread in pure sugar?

>> No.4451196

>Sauce optional.

Steady on. Ketchup is approaching mandatory on a chip butty.

>> No.4451202

The fuck were you raised son?

HP brown sauce all up in that bitch!

>> No.4451203

In the US the equivalents culturally are
ordering pizza i.e kids like it on weekends, or buying a hamburger/chicken or whatever in person whilst slightly drunk.

A take-away it really 2 distinct entities - the shop business and the delivery.

>> No.4451205

Yeah, but not on other butties.

Fish finger butty can have ketchup or not.

Breakfast butties should have beans, so sauces other than brown are entirely necessary.

Crisp butties can't deal with the salt added by ketchup.

Ketchup on jam butties, what are you doing?

>> No.4451209

Oh no, the parochial differences. For sandwiches my rules are:

Chips = ketchup
Bacon = ketchup
Sausage = brown

>> No.4451214

>Feeling the need to qualify HP Brown Sauce.
>Not just saying Brown Sauce.

The fuck were you raised son?

>> No.4451215

Fuck you. I love fucking chip sangas and I'm Aussie, they're best when you butter the bread

>> No.4451218

You wot m8? Daddies brown sauce.

>poor childhood

>> No.4451223

Different strokes for different folks, the only time red sauce touches my butty is for fishfingers.
Somewhere with nasty ass own brand brown sauce. I've been burnt by that shit too many times. HP is the undisputed GOAT of brown sauce, why settle for anything less?

>> No.4451227

>Daddies brown sauce.
>Dat Heinz brand loyalty.
>Dat erryone you were poor.

>> No.4451229

Absolutely, why would anyone ever have anything other than HP.

No need to qualify.

There is no alternative.

>> No.4451238


Fuck it, it's late.

>> No.4451242

ITT - brits and aussies celebrating ketchup and bread sandwiches

>> No.4451247
File: 863 KB, 3008x2000, potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot the chips. They are made of potato.

Pic related, these are potatoes.

>> No.4451271

the starch is key

>> No.4451273


>HFCS w/ tomato paste
>deep fried starch
>HFCS w/ tomato paste
>deep fried starch

I should corner the market on spurdo carts in the UK, I'd make millions.

>> No.4451275

It is the entire point of the sandwich. This is why French fries are unsuitable despite being delicious.

Running around at school, playing football in the cold. Fuelled by potato and bread.

>> No.4451279


ITT Russian cuisine without all the fancy stuff. UK's food was so bad they needed a whole new class of places, gastropubs, to indicate which food was barely edible instead of completely inedible like most of their crap.

>> No.4451280


I wonder what the uk version of spurdo would look like

>> No.4451285

>whole new class of places

You understand this is just a restaurant with a bar, where no tie is required. R-right? Don’t believe the hype.

>> No.4451331

That's fucking disgusting.

>> No.4451346

I have to hide this thread because the OP image is so disgusting. Farewell.

>> No.4451351


oh, so still inedible food? Way to fail, UK.

>> No.4451366

>tfw you can go to high class dinning establishments such as Denny's like amerigoats

>> No.4451376


Nobody eats at Denny's in the US, it's simply a place for old people to order food and teenagers to drink coffee and smoke.

>> No.4451382


>drinking capacitor juice

>> No.4451386

Chip buttys and fairy bread oh I miss home

>> No.4451418

>Nobody eats at Denny's in the US,
Must be why there are 1600+ Denny's in the US.

>> No.4451436

There are alot of old people in the US

Baby Boom?

>> No.4451574
File: 557 KB, 768x1024, this_is_europe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting European pizza.

>> No.4451581



you said butt

>> No.4451695

America was never a colony.

>> No.4451698

More than $100,000 debt per murican- you're not poor either, are you?

>> No.4451707



There is a Denny's in Vegas with valet service.

>> No.4451756

>trash all over the floor
>disgusting food
>xbox 360
>one of the creatures is attempting to drink dish detergent, possibly as an attempt at suicide

>> No.4451760

So essentially a butty is just leftovers thrown into a sandwich?

>> No.4451766

They're really this stupid.

>> No.4451794



it's literally frosting and sprinkles on white bread. like some impoverished downtrodden mother threw it together last minute for her child's birthday and the idiot kid thought it was the greatest fucking thing ever. and thus a tradition is born.

>> No.4451799
File: 95 KB, 1297x892, 1364160407941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yuropoors can't make fun of sketti, which isn't even very common, and then say "fairy bread" isn't vomit inducing

>> No.4451872

I would.
The meal looks pretty decent too.

>> No.4451886

>one of the creatures is attempting to drink dish detergent, possibly as an attempt at suicide

Oh boy.
You don't know the joy of Irn Bru.
I genuinely pity you.

>> No.4451943
File: 75 KB, 789x346, 1359503496723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4451963

They just don't know.

>> No.4451972


>> No.4451979
File: 1016 KB, 3072x2304, Mitraillette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Popular in Wallonia and the Nord region of France, where it is also known as "Américain" (American sandwich).
>Fuck you France

>> No.4451981

lol no, I'm just gonna start calling that a butty here in Texas now. I do that shit all the time, cept with leftover brisket or some quail.

>> No.4451982

>freedom fries on french bread

>> No.4452010
File: 118 KB, 1024x768, Hot-Dog Sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot dog sandwich recipe.

>> No.4452034

they look fucking awesome
will try if I go to brussels/10

>> No.4452039

What the hell is that pink slop over the fries?

>> No.4452060
File: 20 KB, 250x188, chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related, these are chips

>> No.4452087

...did they seriously garnish that shit???

>> No.4452095

> traditional Britain


not mashed


>> No.4452100

It's cake for poorfags

>> No.4452103

its extra pepper

>> No.4452117

shut your whore mouth. those are crisps.

>> No.4452143
File: 91 KB, 808x609, 1366654002607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i beg to differ

>> No.4452172

...said the nigger.

>> No.4452178

go take your sissy hankerchief out of your sleeve and shove it up your ass. oh wait, you say "arse".

>> No.4452180


>> No.4452190


A chip is a small, thin, usually ovalish piece of something that shaved off of a bigger something. That describes potato chips exactly, so they are chips

French fries are also crisp, so why don't you call them crisps instead and call the ones that look like chips of a potato "potato chips"?

>> No.4452201
File: 41 KB, 489x489, 1364065118911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just call 'chips' 'sjips'
and 'fries' 'friet'

>> No.4452622

Britain ∈ United Kingdom
United Kingdom ∈ EU
United Kingdom ∈ Europe


>> No.4452756


Ah that famous english wit comes out! You sir are the spiritual heir of Oscar Wilde!

Oh wait, you're just a faggot.

>> No.4453400

They're so embarrassed of themselves. Do you pathetic idiots have no pride left?

>> No.4453420

Mmm, that looks good.

>> No.4453424

But Oscar Wilde wasn't English nor even a Brit.

>> No.4453554

Dear Murrikans,

Please see >>4449528


A. Yuropoor

>> No.4453565

>Do you pathetic idiots have no pride left?
I hope you realize your nationalist pride comes from propaganda and being coerced into "pledging allegiance" your whole life.

>> No.4453661
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>> No.4453693

>so much asspain in one picture

Jesus Christ /ck/

>> No.4453721 [DELETED] 

You can stop repeating yourself and day now.

>> No.4453725


>> No.4453738
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>> No.4453768

Looks plasticy and artificial.

>> No.4453795
File: 52 KB, 500x333, BurgerVanBurger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I drove past a Wimpy at some point in the 1990s. They are somewhat extinct in the UK.

The burger I most associate with the UK is the kind purchased from a van, which usually is just meat with fried onions in a bun.

>> No.4453801

>euros buy burgers from a van

Fucking yuropoors

>> No.4453802

Do you never sleep?

>> No.4453805

You can stop repeating yourself any day now.

>> No.4453807
File: 17 KB, 300x200, Sleep is for the weak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget the sauces!

You have a choice of red, or yellow. Neither makes much difference.

Murrikans don't know bout my mobile chip shop

>> No.4453818

SF bay area here. I certainly DO know about food trucks, including mobile fish n chip/burger trucks.

>> No.4453820
File: 1.16 MB, 2048x1536, burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is mostly a thing at sporting events or galas or whatever.

There is not enough business purely in burgers to make a living in the UK, it is more of a minor actor in UK fast food.

The sort of burgers you get at restaurants and gastropubs are these weird stacked things which are too big to eat in the normal way, with excessively high quality meat in the burger.

>> No.4453825

He said a van not a food truck retard

>> No.4453845
File: 1.97 MB, 510x416, 1367556954849.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4453847

I think we are talking about the same thing. No need to be rude, don't stoop to the level of the thread.

>> No.4453861

>fans and food trucks are the same thing

Jesus Christ /ck/

>> No.4453862
File: 53 KB, 533x611, 1350689547866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you fell for my 10/10 troll

I posted this shit on /b/ a few weeks ago. Believe me, very few people in the UK enjoy Wimpy burgers - you'll now mostly find them in bowling alleys. Amazed they haven't gone out of business yet. The pictured 'Bender' burger is the most repulsive thing on the menu by far.

>> No.4453911
File: 457 KB, 1600x1200, DSC_2442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>letting this thread leave the front page

Bumping with disgusting Eurolard pizza.

>> No.4453972

What the fuck, how the fuck is that pizza?

>> No.4454064
File: 188 KB, 1600x1067, smörgåstårta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out this European delicacy.

>> No.4454080
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>mfw everytime I see kabob pizza I want it

>> No.4454082
File: 7 KB, 189x267, datface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kebab pizza

you are worst turk

>> No.4454083
File: 154 KB, 500x375, 351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to Canada..

>> No.4454084

>tfw straya
>tfw Vegimite and salt&vinegar chip sammies

>> No.4454088
File: 68 KB, 614x409, IMG_1997-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Make this, people. Make this.

>> No.4454091

That looks delicious and it's something us amerifats do regularly for breakfast.

>mfw canucks eat syrup drenched pancakes and bacon for every meal
>mfw no face

>> No.4454107
File: 179 KB, 1600x1067, Pizza Crust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually murder it in cottage cheese aswell, or to the side howevr i feel at the time! ^-^
Pic is poutine pizza.. isgood

>> No.4454114

this... this right here is a buffalo chicken horseshoe pizza.

It's crust topped with a white cheese sauce, topped with buffalo chicken, topped with cheese, topped with fries, topped with more cheese.

It's heaven.

>> No.4454115
File: 278 KB, 1600x1200, bufchickpizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.4454116

is bullshit. nobody have more than one potato

>> No.4454158


Damn that meal looks fuckign delicious. I fucking hate living on existential minimum.

>> No.4454176


what is that red thing under the patty? it looks like rhubarb

>> No.4454192

God bless Scotland.

>> No.4454195

it's a hot dog

>> No.4454202
File: 65 KB, 480x640, hnnnnggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4454234

I genuinely laughed out loud.

>> No.4454243
File: 2.38 MB, 2816x2112, OriginalPoutineLaBanquise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4454256

the only good thing in this thread

>> No.4454275

>I'm just waiting for angry Canadian guy to stop in. He must've found a new anime or video game, he practically lives here.
If you always notice someone on 4chan, it means you are always on 4chan too.

>> No.4454288

are those cocktail weenies under that burger?

>> No.4454302

>come home from work
>read threads of interest while hiding a dozen or so vegan/vegetarian troll threads and fast food
>notice a Canadian blabbering on about America
>immediately recognize the post style and comments

You're reaching... as usual.

>> No.4454323

Chips, mayo, and what else? That looks delicious!

>> No.4454369

>while hiding a dozen or so vegan/vegetarian troll threads and fast food
lol butthurt detected.

>> No.4454373

Today I just learned there is only one person on /ck/ whose favorite tea is the Turkish Tea.

>> No.4454389


what a dumb fucking idea.

you're supposed to eat your sandwich first, the fries are an accessory.

with a dumb ass design like that you're going to get full before you can even eat the damn sandwich

yes im mad

>> No.4454402

>you're supposed to eat your sandwich first, the fries are an accessory.
lol wut

>> No.4454411

How am I butthurt? I just hide the garbage, it's to be expected on a board as bad as this one.

>> No.4454422

>I just hide the garbage, it's to be expected on a board as bad as this one.
I'm curious, why visit it all the time if you think this?

>> No.4454490

I come here when I get tired of that site that's filtered here, like every other person who used to actually post OC but gave up. Rarely here very long though. Are you still pretending this board isn't the worst possible place to discuss food and cooking?

>> No.4454513

Chips = brown or ketchup or frutti (but only in sandwiches, don't go putting sauce on chips any other time you scumbag)

Bacon = Brown (no butter you filthy animal)

Sausages = Who cares? (brown)

>> No.4455572 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 550x370, fattyAmerican'ts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silly Americans