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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 43 KB, 367x550, 700-01345695w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4412780 No.4412780 [Reply] [Original]

Would you like your milk in a bag?

>> No.4412785

Shut up. You're getting raped.

>> No.4412787
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Captcha: the itsilpat

>> No.4412799


>> No.4412795
File: 34 KB, 300x362, gordon-ramsay-montreal-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like Aldi's?

Aldi's nutz in your mouf?

>> No.4412802

I'd like your milk in your bags, if you know what I mean.

I'm a wealth philanthropist and enjoy going to grocery stores to purchase groceries for the poor men and women working minimum wage at the front counter who always provide service with their priceless and invaluable smiles. Please continue to brighten up my days, lady.

>> No.4412808


This auto-reply window is stupid and having key commands to put in spoilers is just asking for trouble.

>> No.4412811

I dunno what you're using Appchan x (and probably 4chanx too) disables the keybinds on boards that don't allow them.

>> No.4412847

lol sauce?

>> No.4412857
File: 69 KB, 960x720, milk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Milk in a bag

My middle school started serving these for a bit. They even made us watch some informational video about it. They had to stop serving them because people were stabbing each other with the straws and using the bags as water balloons.

>> No.4412858

Thick and gloppy or thin and drippy?

>> No.4412861

I would be so worried about the seams breaking.

I once tried taking the bag out of a box of wine. After I mopped up the floor I went back to the liquor store to get more wine.

>> No.4412862

Srsly. Supply, anon.

>> No.4412863


No, but I would like to strap you down and fuck you senseless and then slit your throat.

>> No.4414075

>Police brutality haha so funneh look how they shit on our rights.

hope your daughter gets gangraped by filthy cops one day.

>> No.4414107
File: 12 KB, 344x226, the more you know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Canadian here. Bagged milk usually comes in... wait for it... Another Bag!

Each 4L bag has 3 bags in it, and you can tell pretty easily if a bag has ruptured. In my 30 years of experience drinking milk from bags, I have never encountered a single bag breakage.

There have been a few instances of pinhole leaks, but no catastrophic failures leading to mopping.

>> No.4414108
File: 225 KB, 922x882, 1348414096184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it.

>> No.4414394

Bitch my milk comes in bags, I live in Canada.

>> No.4414399

Man, I live in Canada and my milk comes in fucking cartons...

>> No.4414402

You fucking eastern Canadians and bagged milk. In western Canada, milk comes in cartons like they're fucking meant to be.

>> No.4414404

time to press charges

>> No.4414445

Y- yes, n- no, you too, op.

>> No.4414450

BC here. I can get it in cartons or jugs.

>> No.4414457

Why do Americans find milk in a bag so strange?

>> No.4414459

also from bc can confirm this

>> No.4414468

I've never understood this myself. It seems to blow the mind of all my murrican friends

>> No.4414470

I didn't even know about this until I came to /ck/. And I live in Canada.

>> No.4414480

I've had milk in bags, cartons, powder form, and from tits and I'm American.

>> No.4414496

It's foreign to us as cartons/jugs(both kinds) are the norm. I didn't even know about the whole bagged milk thing until the internet.

>> No.4414500

I've seen milk in bags in the UK.

>> No.4414502

Must be some cultural thing. Like when I put cucumber in my Pim's; everyone I know in Quebec freaks out.

>> No.4414504

They have milk in bags in the USA as well.

>> No.4414517

They're nowhere near popular and are very rarely seen.

>> No.4414635
File: 47 KB, 475x500, zacskós tej.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hungaryfag here. bagged milk has been around since the '40s, cartons appeared much later, in the '90s and it's never sold in jugs.

>> No.4414707

>milk in bags
But then wouldn't you have to transfer it to another container as soon as you open it?

>> No.4414720


yeah families have designated milk jugs no joke

>> No.4414727
File: 655 KB, 300x168, 1360856202372.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my sides


>> No.4414731

Selling milk in a bag is the ultimate in stupidity. I buy milk in jugs, which are thinner now because of the whole eco-friendly thing...I've even had the seams of jugs rupture slightly during the 40 mile drive home on rural highways.

Now let's look at the other reasons milk in a bag is retarded. How do you reseal it? Online, I actually saw where some idiot put the bag into a pitcher...still in the bag! Why not just pour it out of the goddamned bag into the pitcher?

And have you ever seen children having problems pouring milk out of a jug? Imagine that problem multiplied by infinity, when the milk is in a fucking bag.

Because it's retarded to put liquids in a container that can rupture easily. And it's more environmentally friendly to recycle a jug, than to toss a bag into the trash.

>> No.4414734

i like to make fun of bagged milk as much as anyone, but why would that be a joke? everyone should have at least 1 extra pitcher lying around. i use mine for water, for example.

bags are probably more eco-friendly, maybe they'd suit you. but my milk jugs are thick as ever.

>how do you reseal it?

you answered your own goddamn question, you put it in a jug (without the bag).

and you can only find so many uses for a milk jug before you just start throwing those away too.

>> No.4414749

because milk pitchers are not pitchers you fill with milk, they are devices to keep the bag upright when opened, so it doesn't spill in your fridge

>> No.4414774
File: 238 KB, 2262x1591, Sainsburys milk 1,2,4 - amended.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thank you.

>> No.4414798

Wat? I've removed many a goonbag from its box, never broken a single one.

>> No.4414799

u wot?

well now that's just silly. what is the point of keeping the bag? do they think it stays fresher or some shit?

>> No.4414900

In Canada, milk comes in bags!
In Canada, milk comes in bags!
In Canada, milk comes in bags!
In Canada, milk comes in bags!

>> No.4414907

I'm pretty sure you can buy a large bag with multiple smaller bags containing milk.

I guess it would end up with a longer shelf-life.

>> No.4414908


So do Canadians. We're very health conscious.

>> No.4414937


I prefer to come in socks.

>> No.4415007
File: 23 KB, 357x480, milk-bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4415028


its stupid as shit, thats why. do you not have enough resources to make gallon jugs or something?

>> No.4415081
File: 97 KB, 400x382, 1358037593049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4415086


It's not stupid at all. It costs less than making rigid jugs, plus the milk stays fresh longer because there is much less headspace in a bag than with a jug. Less headspace means less oxygen in contact with the milk which means it stays fresh longer.

>> No.4415108

Until you know, open it.

>> No.4415342

>easier to transport
>less material to recycle
>easier to freeze
literally no reason to sell milk in big jugs

>> No.4415386

Growing up, milk was sold in carboard triangle/pyramid-like packages. Each two of them could fit onto one another to make a cube. Each pyramid held a half litre. When shipping, the pyramids were stacked into cubes and the cubes stacked into refrigerated shipping lorries/trucks for sale and distribution.
Once opened, though, the pyramids could not be resealed, leading me to believe that they were only 500ml each so it would be less necessary to have a large jug or jar into which to pour the remaining milk. Each pyramid cost ₤250, about 12-13¢US. Were they still available, each pyramid would cost about 35¢EUR each today because a litre of milk costs about 50¢EUR and it's always more expensive per unit to buy smaller quantities. US gallons would cost around €2.80 (about $3.65USD).
Why does Canada sell them in bags and the US in jugs?

>> No.4415394

>not drinking milk before expiration

HOW? i go through a gallon by myself before that shit goes bad easily. sometimes two.

>freezing milk

shit Canada get it together.

>> No.4415404


>not filling head space with inert nitrogen

What shit tier brand of milk are you buying?


>> No.4415421

>About a month into working at a grocery store as a bagger
>Start dreaming about bagging
>"Will plastic be okay, sir?"
>"Did you want your milk in a bag?"
>"Can I help you out to your car today?"


>> No.4415432

Y-y-y-y-you too.

>> No.4415469

Same here in Alberta.

>> No.4415512
File: 47 KB, 500x500, real milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am German and wat is dis?
Seriously tell me one advantage of a fucking milk bag.

>Tetra Pak real milk masterrace reporting in

>> No.4415567

>Seriously tell me one advantage of a fucking milk bag.
It is much more efficient when it comes to packaging and shipping milk bags than milk cartons.

>> No.4415572

Here's an example.

>> No.4415592

i live in minnesota, my roommate is from wisconsin. he buys milk in bags from quik-trip. then he puts the bag in a special pitcher for milk bags. then the milk drips out from the spout part constantly.

>> No.4415599
File: 24 KB, 281x211, mgid uma artist mtv.com 960808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-n no....I m-mean yes. I-m s-sorry, I don't mean to confuse you. I'm re-really sorry ma'am. Whatever is easy for you.....

I-I really like your apron......I'm sorry I hope I didn't offend you.......I'm sorry.

>> No.4415603

>then the milk drips out from the spout part constantly.
He's doing it wrong then.

>> No.4417396

>would you like paper or plastic, sir?
i'll take a rubber
le storytime:
i brought this thread back from page 8 just to say thank you to the op for posting this picture. that chick gets me so damn hard... seriously i've beat it like 3 times cause i've come across that pic on the first page (not to that picture, but it provided the initial arousal and desire to start fapping)

>> No.4417419


>> No.4418217

milk causes cancer

>> No.4418312

Same, then again I'm a lactosefag, so I try to stay away from milk anyway.

>> No.4418314


>> No.4418316

>freezing milk