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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4404441 No.4404441 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have a deep fryer or do you just shallow fry in a pan?

>> No.4404448

I have a deep fryer, but I also shallow fry where appropriate, it's hard to get certain dishes right when you only have a shallow pan.

>> No.4404453

How often do you clean the deep fryer? Do you have to empty the oil after every use or do you just leave it on the bench and change it after a few usage times?

>> No.4404474

I'd say it depends on how much it's been used, I'd never empty the oil after a single use though that's just retarded levels of expensive unless you have some sort of home fuel converter for it.

It's really easy to clean when it needs it though as it has a tap at the front like the industrial style ones, also the heating element is separate from the main unit so it's easier to disassemble for a deep clean.

Usually it'll go at most three months without a change of oil but we don't use it all that often.

>> No.4404479


Where do you keep it? I don't like the idea of keeping it out on my kitchen bench. Espresso Machine, Kettle and Microwave already take up a fair chunk of space.

>> No.4404481

Yes, and I do both.

I make rice in a pot, and think rice cookers are pointless. But I'll never agree that a dutch oven with a thermometer is superior to a deep fryer with a thermostat. I do agree, however, that "fry daddies" with the external heating element suck.

Often times you read about complaints of maintneance and how they're difficult to clean and take care of. Sure, if you don't have the right tools. All you need is a large stock pot, a wire sieve, and optionally some cone oil filters. Takes seconds to filter it out, and then all it needs is to soak in hot soapy water for a few minutes. Rinse it out, dry it very well, and pour the filter oiled back in. When it's dirty, get a funnel and pour it back into it's original container.

People are lazy and it makes me sick. Don't get a job in a restaurant if that sounds like too much work.

>> No.4404488

>People are lazy and it makes me sick. Don't get a job in a restaurant if that sounds like too much work.

Or perhaps people already have a job and don't feel like fucking with oil when they come home.

>> No.4404490

Well I guess that's very much a case of 'depends on your circumstances'. We keep ours out cause there's room at the minute, but I might put it away somewhere at some point cause the kitchen is slowly filling with seedling that need planting out when the weather improves.

>> No.4404492

You sound lazy and defensive.

>> No.4404495

Veering just slightly off topic.

>> No.4404557

Nah, just tired and irritable. Why the fuck aren;t i in bed?

>> No.4404647

You get a cast iron dutch oven to deep fry in. How many times do you retards have to hear this?

>> No.4404654


Of course you can. Heck, it doesn't need to be a dutch oven, any pot or saucepan will work in a pinch. However, it's not as safe or as convenient as a proper deep fryer.

It's no different than a toaster. You can make toast in your oven, but it's certainly more convenient to use a toaster.

>> No.4404658

>It's no different than a toaster. You can make toast in your oven, but it's certainly more convenient to use a toaster.
Fuck off with this stupid argument, dipshit.
And no, not any pot or saucepan will deep fry well.

>> No.4404663
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>> No.4404667


I never said that any pot or saucepan will deep fry well; I said it would work in a pinch.

A dutch oven is better than a thin-walled pot of the same size due to it's increased thermal mass, but you can simply use a larger pot with more oil in it and achieve the same thing. Physics, bro. Do you understand it?

Regardless of what pot you use you then have to worry about accidentally spilling oil on the outside of the pot where it can run down to the burner and risk a fire. That problem doesn't exist with a proper deep fryer. Not to mention that a proper deep fryer has a thermostat and maintains a more even temperature without the need to watch a thermometer and adjust the heat accordingly.

>> No.4404672

I don't deep fry at home. Why bother? I can go out on the rare occasions I pine for deep fried food - it's cheap and easy to find. No reason to turn my home kitchen into a fast food joint.

>> No.4404680

>troll saw an opportunity and went for it

>> No.4404681

If by troll, you mean the only person with any experience in this thread, then you're correct.

>> No.4404687

Do you even cook?

If I'm being creative in the kitchen, then I want every possible tool available.

Being able to deep fry some leftover corn tortillas is very handy.

>> No.4404688


>> No.4404695

>If I'm being creative in the kitchen, then I want every possible tool
Food Network watching wannabe faggot detected.
You poseurs sicken me.

>> No.4404696


I can do this all day.

>> No.4404698

I can sniff out hacks all day too, little fella.

>> No.4404705


>> No.4404706

>If I'm being creative in the kitchen, then I want every possible tool available.
Good to have gullible consumers who think the next gadget will make them great cooks...

>> No.4404707

Who said anything about gadgets?

>> No.4404709

Fuck you, he's creatively spending money to try to keep up with real cooks.

>> No.4404716

You sound like one of those idiots who roasts a pork shoulder marinaded in liquid smoke in the oven and calls it barbecue.

Sorry, but you're going to need a smoker if you want to play with us adults.

>> No.4404721

You're projecting, hack.

>> No.4404725


>> No.4404726

I have no reason to deep fry tortillas at home. I live in a Mexican neighborhood, so I can get a bag of 30 good quality tostadas for $2.

I'm a home cook, not a restaurant cook. I do not aspire to restaurant cooking - I'm too busy coming up with my own spin on grandma type dishes from around the world. Everyday kind of foods. When I want special occasion kind of food I'm happy to pay someone who does that to cook it for me.

>> No.4404728

Quick, wash your avocado slicer and butter dispenser with your butthurt tears.

>> No.4404735

Cutting tortillas into strips and frying them is great for garnishing soups and salads. Cut into triangles for chips, or fold/flatten for taco shells and tostadas (as you already mentioned). Leftovers can be crushed and used to dredge, for instance, flavored cream cheese (avocado is nice). All those different foods from a single ingredient.

You're doing it wrong.

>> No.4404734

dawww someone is mad and can't stop replying

Face it, you are a shit cook who thinks buying whatever the Food Network advertises makes you a great cook. Consumer sheep detected, stick to Taco Bell.>>4404725

>> No.4404736


>> No.4404737
File: 13 KB, 310x337, lildutchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on what I am frying. I have an electric skillet for frying chicken, but I can accomplish frying smaller things like okra in a small enamelled cast iron dutch oven.

>> No.4404743

Naw, man. Doing it right. No need to eat deep fried shit often enough that I'd bother with it at home.

As for garnishing, I'm a fucking home cook. I have no need of garnishes beyond chopped green matter (parsley, cilantro, chive, scallion, etc).

>> No.4404745

Your food sounds bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.4404748

gb2 the cooking channel, hack

>> No.4404750

Enjoy making fast food at home, getting fat and taking cholesterol meds by 35.

>> No.4404788

This nigger doesn't know about canola and peanut oil. Most restaurants will be using vegetable oil, so if anyone is going to have elevated cholesterol, it's people that eat fried food as a treat while dining out.

>> No.4404794


>> No.4404803

I have a deep fryer. It was a bad investment. I bought one because I was hosting a party and its an easy way of feeding alot of people by baking french fries and party snacks and spring rolls.

I was a lazy fuck back then and instead of cooking or buying healthy food i'd just deep fry a box of chicken nuggets instead. Eating junk food for a week made me feel like shit.

Its collecting dust now in my kitchen cabinet. I stopped using it after the first and only batch of oil I bought for it was used up. (there are bottles for specific sizes of deepfryers) You can fry about 6 times with one bottle, and ive had a rancid, hoarding neighbour who never did. The stench was awful.

>> No.4404810

>>>/g/ is the autism board, not /ck/. Go there.

>> No.4404813


How about not being a greasy fuck and baking the tortillas like a normal person does?

>> No.4404816

The hack is saging now pretending to be someone else. I told you I can sniff you out, boy.

>> No.4404817


What do you think is in vegetable oil that isn't in canola and peanut oil? Vegetables don't even have cholesterol

>> No.4405254

Well all the arguing aside a deep fryer is one of the only ways to get consistently good exotic doughnuts made properly at home. I'd hate to try and fry quark bällchen in a shallow pan or in a less precise vessel like that cast iron pan.

>> No.4405392


Baking isn't normal. It's a substitution for people who can't figure out how to fry them. It takes far longer than frying and the result isn't as crispy. Why would you use a method that takes more effort to produce an inferior result?

>> No.4405415

I've both had a deep fryer and fried in a pan. You know what I found out? I hate frying shit.