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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4401888 No.4401888 [Reply] [Original]

Warning: don't take my advice, look up the information for yourself from credible resources and ask your doctor before doing anything. i am not responsible for anything you do, by continuing to read, you agree that im retarded and you wont listen to me.

when i go to the store i avoid 99% of EVERYTHING that has any artificial colors/ingredients/additives/chemicals in it!

i am sick of the bad chemicals in our food!

tell me this: why is fluoride good for your teeth, but they want you to drink it into your body through the faucet, when clean water you can trust should be coming out???

if you brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste, (which by the way says to contact emergency poison control if you swallow it) then its touching your teeth! that is topical contact, so why isn't that enough? why should we drink poison?

when shopping i avoid fructose corn syrup (look it up, its an INCOMPLETE sugar that poisons your liver) unlike honey, that is complete and much healthier.

eat like a bear: nuts,berries,fish,milk, salad (bears dont eat salad lol) and fruits/vegetables!

YOU DONT HAVE TO POISON YOURSELF ANYMORE, take the 30 seconds it takes (dont be lazy) to find the ingredient label on the back of your food items! if you find something that simply IS NOT FOOD/a normal ingredient, DON'T BUY IT. don't give them more money, and don't ruin your body, eat healthy so that your quality of life will be better till the moment your done!

i see this on the back of 99% of all food

ingredients: yellow5, titanium dioxide, azodiacarbonamide, hydroxypropylmethlcellulose, high fructose corn syrup, iron oxide, fluoride, aspartame.

THESE THINGS ARE LITERALLY POISON. give yourself a gentle smack on the face and wake the everloving fruit UP.

don't let them win, have a happy and healthy life. peace.

>> No.4401894

Well I agree you're retarded. I don't think I'll gratify you with a further response.

>> No.4401895

>if you find something that simply IS NOT FOOD/a normal ingredient, DON'T BUY IT
Reminds me of Oliver's tip to clueless parents who gave candy and fast food to their children for lunch.
Something along the lines of "if it's something you'd find in your grandma's cupboard, flour, sugar, butter... It's okay"

>> No.4401896

yes you shouldn't eat high amounts of processed food

no they will not poison you in small amounts

don't tell me how to eat you fucking hippy faggot, eat like a bear? i'll eat your fucking FACE

>> No.4401906

Okay Jamie Oliver, back to england now.

Please stop putting peanut butter in Hummus and using instant rice. Thanks.

>> No.4401915
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>HFCS poisons liver

GTFO and get your facts straight.

>> No.4402014


Your liver processes all sucrose and fructose the same way it does other toxins.

In excess, any sugar (and anything) is bad for you. The level of danger associated with a substance is how much of it do you have to eat for it to become dangerous to your health.

so.. ricin.. very dangerous, rat poison, pretty dangerous, vodka mildly dangerous, sugar very mildly dangerous (though chronic ingestion of moderate levels like those found in the "western diet" does lead to dyslipidemia, obesity, diabetes, gout, cancer)

on the "totally not even poisonous at all" scale you would have things like brocoli, caulliflower, lettuce, carrots, water....

OP is kind of a fag, but seriously, we all eat too much meat, salt, and sugar and need to cut it out or we won't live past 60.

>> No.4402021


in before autistics that will point out that water is poisonous if you drink too much

even though

>In excess, any sugar (and anything) is bad for you

>> No.4402030
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>not knowing that water is a chemical
>not knowing that all kinds of things are oozing out of our oxygen supply


>> No.4402073

Everything is a chemical.

>> No.4402079

Here we go again, faggot hippies not knowing naything about flouride consumption at all

>> No.4402083

OP, the message of your post is clouded by your inane attempt to inflame the community, but I happen to agree with a lot of what you are saying. I don't really get the bear reference, but fresh food is always prefered in our house to unnecessarily processed foods.

Fluoride has no business being added to the water supply. I can see having products available for those who want to use fluoride, like toothpaste or mouthwash, but having it flow freely into your home without a choice is excessive and unnecessary. Sure you can buy non-fluoridated water, but the cost is pretty expensive overtime. If you don't consume an unhealthy diet your teeth will be fine without fluoridated water. I don't think we should rely on iodized salt so much either if we have a healthy supply of fresh seafood available, but at least we have the choice to buy non iodized salt if we wish. And thankfully I have access to delicious seafood year round.

I read every label of every food that I buy every time because sometimes ingredients change. I am very careful of what I eat and what I feed my family. I cook or make a lot of things that could be bought because many times there is a more nutritious alternative if I do. It turns out really well because things like homemade mayonnaise or sprouted wheat sourdough bread tastes better than store bought.

It doesn't piss me off that people are so adamant that eating convenience foods, it pisses me off that they get mad that I choose not to. I don't care if someone downs mt dew all day, but don't get mad when I avoid it.

>> No.4402084

your mom and i are a chemical reaction xD

>> No.4402090


You can swallow toothpaste, probably not the whole pack at once, but swallowing the toothpaste you brush your teeth with every day will not poison you.

>> No.4402110

>tell me this: why is fluoride good for your teeth, but they want you to drink it into your body through the faucet, when clean water you can trust should be coming out???

Could it have to do with flouride makes the population more docile and subdued?

>> No.4402111


>> No.4402112


None of the above.

Flouride in tap water is OK to drink because the concentration is so incredibly low.

In toothpaste the concentration is a lot higher so there's a larger risk, especially for children.

concentration, do you understand it!?!

>> No.4402115

Bears eat salad, it's called sedge.

>> No.4402117


Except Dentists recommend against swallowing any amount of flouride and adviced the government against it

Even if it were "okay" why would the government add it to the water?

>> No.4402118

mind control

>> No.4402122

A friend of mine is a dentist. She knows fluoride is good for teeth, but she suspects we're getting too much of it, and thinks that might explain the massive increase in thyroid problems over the last generation.

>> No.4402173


>>Except Dentists recommend against swallowing any amount of flouride and adviced the government against it

No, they recommend against swallowing toothpaste, which is highly concentrated.

>>Even if it were "okay" why would the government add it to the water?

Because it costs less to fluoridate the water than it does to pay to fix hundred of thousands of children's cavities.

>> No.4402210

Did you know that if you drink a gallon of water every day you'll get one aspirin worth of medicine remains in you?

Da gubmint did that to give you less headaches!

>> No.4402214

>when shopping i avoid fructose corn syrup (look it up, its an INCOMPLETE sugar that poisons your liver) unlike honey, that is complete and much healthier.

That is complete bullshit. Corn syrup contain the same sugars as honey and fruit, and in roughly the same ratio.

>> No.4402252

Oh, you should know folic acid is added to grains by law.
It helps aid pregnant women especially, but it is an additive that if you're concerned about other things added should know about.

>> No.4402269

I don't eat a whole bunch of enriched grains to begin with but folic acid isn't much of a concern for me right now. It is only added to a select amount of grains and not all of them. Folate isn't required to be added to whole grain breads right now anyway. It is in corn meal and regular flour though. Folate isn't bad for you in small quantities, it is certainly good to make sure you are getting enough six months prior to pregnancy and during. It isn't as much of an aid to pregnant women as it is to the babies they carry. Luckily folic acid is naturally occurring in a variety of healthy foods already.

>> No.4402281

titanium dioxide is not poison. They use it to make the color white.
Its also completely inert in powdered(TiO2) form.

>> No.4402305

anything is poisonous in the right amount m8

>> No.4402326

Water naturally contains fluoride. Our process of cleaning harmful elements out of water such as lead and arsonic, also removes good elements such as pottassium and fluoride.

So we add fluoride back in.

>> No.4402704


>any sugar (and anything) is bad for you
>sugar very mildly dangerous (though chronic ingestion of moderate levels like those found in the "western diet" does lead to dyslipidemia, obesity, diabetes, gout, cancer)


>> No.4402766

inb4 200+ replies.

What a shithole of a board.

>> No.4404007
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>> No.4404034

OP is right despite sounding like a preachy bastard.

Some of you amerifats will probably cry " MUH FREEDUMS! M-MUH FAST FOODS" but yes, having sugar in extreme amounts such as many tablespoons per day in the form of pop or what have you IS toxic if you do it over long periods.
Same with all the other chemicals they put in foods

Also North Americans drink way too much milk and all of western society eats WAY too much wheat.
Not nearly enough fiber either

Our diet is not sustainable and will have to change soon.

>> No.4404042


If our toothpaste already has such high concentrations, then why is fluoridation of water in low concentrations necessary?

Is the chronic ingestion of fluoride in small concentrations, despite using toothpaste, especially good for our teeth somehow?

>> No.4404045

1. see the next answer
2. yes

>> No.4404048


>> No.4404060

You still didn't answer my question:
If toothpaste has fluoride in such high amounts, why is it not sufficient enough that the water supply has to have fluoride as well?

>> No.4404065

Chemicals suck.

>> No.4404070

OP has some points.

To boil it down:
Less simple carbs, less red meat, less sugar
More complex carbs, more complementary proteins, more fiber

If everyone followed those simple rules the obesity and diabetes epidemics would not exist

>> No.4404082

vitamin toxicity motherfucker

>> No.4404085

my sides. my hippie friend on facebook said this. fuck you anon. this hurts.

>> No.4404116

When I was little, I used to eat my bubblegum flavored toothpaste. I don't have a problem ingesting fluoride.

>> No.4404140

>mfw America started using fluoride because the Nazi concentration camps had a surplus after feeding it to the Jewish prisoners

>> No.4404144

>in before autistics that will point out that water is poisonous if you drink too much
What does a legit analogy have to do with being an 'autistic'?

>> No.4404211

Go live in Australia. HFCS is banned. As well as mostly everything you posted there.

>> No.4404235

really stops all those riots and violence in your country eh?

>> No.4404428

This nigga knows what's up. People are dumb

>> No.4404464

I did. My answer is in that post, labelled ‘1’.

>> No.4404511

Because topical use only protects top layer of teeth. It needs constant reapplication as life wears teeth down. For addolescents injested fluoride helps developing teeth grow stronger.

Fluoride is also important for bones. Without fluoride calcium cannot be properly metabolized.

>> No.4404515

There are no proven negative effects from ingesting fluoride in our water at it's current concentration. The poison warning is on toothpaste tubes because of the high concentration of fluoride. You'd need a shit tonne of fluoride that not even a whole tube of toothpaste could provide to kill you--you could get sick though.

Prolonged ingestion of fluoride at high concentrations, amounts impossible to ingest from water fluoridation, does indeed result in some shitty things. Been linked to arthritis, causes skeletal and dental fluorosis to a high degree etc.

However, topical products seem to do the job well, water fluoridation mainly benefits children in poor and socially deprived communities, as their parents cannot or will not buy those topical products. The former is evident in Europe, where fluoridation has been completely stopped in most areas, yet the rate of decay has continued to decline at a steady rate. Most of Europe is also quite developed, however.

So in the end, there seems to be no reason to continue fluoridation of water in developed areas, but at the same time, there are hardly any negative health effects from the concentrations used in fluoridation.

Australia still fluoridates it's water.

>> No.4404521


Not everybody uses toothpaste bro. Should they? Of course. That doesn't mean they do it though.

>> No.4404537

Also, in Cuba during its 'special period' in the 90s, following the fall of the Soviet Union, the country was pretty much in disarray as they had no concrete means of trade and supplies. However, fluoridation also stopped during this period. School children would wash their mouths out with a 0.2mg/ml (or something like that) gargle/wash and the mean levels of dental caries declined, with toothbrushes in high demand.

Also occurred in Prague during the... 80s? Maybe? Can't remember exactly. Percentage of children using topical dental products increased from around 50% to 98% over a period, no water fluoridation, but dental caries still declined.

>> No.4404544

>Without fluoride calcium cannot be properly metabolized.
Not sure if serious...

>> No.4404547

>. It needs constant reapplication as life wears teeth down.
Oh, like brushing your teeth 2-3 times a day???

>> No.4404553

People who are pro-fluoride should look at the efficacy rates that have been published.

In the age of fluoridated toothpaste and good dental health/education, fluoridated water is unnecessary.

>> No.4404556

You can do whatever you want. I'll be over here giving zero fucks and continuing to enjoy all those tasty chemical laden foods.

>> No.4404563

Fluorine is a naturally occuring element in water. When ee regulate fluorine we also remove excess.

>> No.4404571

>When ee regulate fluorine we also remove excess.
There aren't many places with excess fluorine in the water table.

>> No.4404578

>chemical laden
Pick one.

I bet your parents raised you on fast food and soda lol.

>> No.4404604

It really is important to avoid chemicals like polysaccharides, amino acids, and triacylglycerols. You never know what they could do to you.

>> No.4404608

>gais everything is a chemical!!!

Is this still an excuse for wit?

>> No.4404621

No, it's a message to not use words like a retard.

>> No.4404623

This is embarassing to read and the only logical response is Fremdschämen.

We should axe /x/ already, seeing that it is a major source of pseudoscience like the "anti chemical" and "fluoride conspiracy" proponent's quackery.

>> No.4404624


Also DHMO. I'm so insightful guys! And food has carbon so it's organic!

>> No.4404635

The 1992 fluoridation census tells us that about 30% of communities that rely on natural fluoride have levels about 1.5ppm. Some as high as 5ppm

Unfortunately they did not test natural lrvels in controlled fluorine areas. So the data is incomplete.

>> No.4404666

>i am sick of the bad chemicals in our food!
Watch out for the dihydrogen monoxide op, that's the worst of them all

>> No.4404694

>but at the same time, there are hardly any negative health effects from the concentrations used in fluoridation.

says who?

>> No.4404697

so is this bullshit?


>> No.4404753

they are just going to say yes so they can justify their crappy diets. do your own research and come up with your own conclusion.

>> No.4404925

Says numerous, numerous reports. I could link you at least 10 and rebut the ones you link me, as most of the reports that say lel bad stuff happens are either in areas of extremely high natural fluoridation or the researchers are stretching their analysis out of the bounds of their investigation.

>> No.4404937
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>64 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

>> No.4405040
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I don't know, but a lot of people really hate fluoride. I think it is stupid to put it in the water, personally, but why does it matter. I just found this pic, I don't know what I think of it yet.

>> No.4405042

>Says numerous, numerous reports


>> No.4405128

She's anti-gmo.

She's a knee-jerking idiot.

She's probably also against vaccinations too.

>> No.4405176

>People are still against vaccinations in this day and age.

Stop reminding me

>> No.4405178

So you think there are no ill effects from vaccinations? I'm sure you would think otherwise if you were paralyzed as a result of vaccination.

>> No.4405186


That word means fake yes?

>> No.4405190

that's tough talk for someone with an acre of dicks in their mouth

>> No.4405284

well, I am not so super stoked that gmo foods don't have to be labeled as such either. I would like to be able to make that choice for my self, along with having a choice to have fluoridated water. At least I have the choice not to vaccinate my child. I weighed the options, looked at every side of the argument and decided that the pros outweighed the cons and so I vaccinated him. I am still unsure about other things though, the overprescription of antibiotics for young children.

>> No.4405292

What month was he born?

And what country are you in?

>> No.4405307

he was born september of 2011, we live in the United States.

>> No.4405370

Lucky him.

He will be older than most of his classmates. Which statistically means he will do better in tests.

He will also be 30%losing less likely to be diagnosed with adhd than the average student. And 70% less likely than august births.

He will be nore likely to do well at sports, and he will have an easier time socializing.

>> No.4405372

Yeah we all read that book too.

>> No.4405389

Good book. But only a small part of my knowledge. I am working on my doctorate in education policy at gmu. My thesis is on theto effects of birth months on student development.
Ignore the word losing. My phone likes adding random words after percentages

>> No.4405391

that's sweet, thanks for doing that. I don't know what that has to do with vaccinations or chemicals in food, but it was nice of you to report back. :)

>> No.4405396

Just remember, plenty of good fat in his diet. Important for brain development at a young age. Fullfat milk is what makes the dutch awesome.

>> No.4405441
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we get non-homogenized full fat milk specifically for him. It is local and comes from grass fed cows. I like hearing advice promoting whole milk, I get pamphlets in the mail from the US government telling me to feed todlers low fat or no fat milk!

>> No.4405447

I listened to the audiobook while working in the lab. Great stuff, every researcher should read his work.

>> No.4405455


>> No.4405460
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The 'vaccination give childern autism' is bullshit, its just a popular meme because people are too stupid to check facts for themselves, and just believe what their dumbass friends/ media say

>> No.4405476

yeah, I managed to debunk the vaccination/ autism theory pretty quickly my concerns stemmed from other vaccine injuries. I like to think we were pretty thorough. I am just as careful of what we eat now, I do a lot of research before I go grocery shopping to make sure that everyone is getting the nutrition we need and to avoid the junk we don't.

>> No.4405489
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Scoobie would be proud :)

>> No.4405608

>why is fluoride good for your teeth, but they want you to drink it into your body through the faucet, when clean water you can trust should be coming out???

they add it to the water BECAUSE it is good for your teeth.