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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4397406 No.4397406 [Reply] [Original]

hey there, it's the first time i post here :)
i want to ask you what is the traditional German cuisine.
my friends and i are going to do this party with german stuff and we don't really know a lot of cuisine...

>> No.4397416

Well, if it's for a party, you can't go wrong with making curry wurst or something like that. But, if you want a hot main course, Sauerbraten is great, or Kassler Ripchen (smoked pork chops), with dumplings or hot potato salad (hot cooked potatoes in a vinegar-bacon dressing). Cucumber salad with dill and sour cream is really easy as a side dish.

>> No.4397437

A check of any menu could answer it

For a party, and doing ahead, here is what I'd do to be special.
Liptauer cheese spread, veggies and homemade or bakery rye breads.

Big sauerbraten roast which takes a few days to marinate.
German potato salad or mashed potatoes
Red cabbage casserole
honey cake or german chocolate cake

And for fun nibbles casual, I'd go get some bratwursts, very nice hoagies, BBQ that up. Then have some homemade soft pretzels and great beer.

>> No.4397447
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Can never go wrong with Rouladen. They're pickles wrapped in bacon and lean beef with mustard, cooked in gravy.

>> No.4397454

whats price-range for the menu?

>> No.4397465

we are in 13 and the price range it's 70 - 80€

>> No.4397538

hmmm how much effoert are you willing to put in?
rouladen as mentioned here
are very taste btw

>> No.4397541

tasty* wtf at my grammar today

>> No.4397557

Those are west-german rouladen btw.
Here in the superior south, we use a hardboiled egg instead of a pickle, or no centerpiece at all.

>> No.4397564

go for schweinsbrodn wis ze kartoffiknedl


>> No.4397566

I think the only German cuisine I had was Jaegershnitzel or whatever.
It was fucking good, although that was Army chow, so while I'm also impressed that it didn't taste like shit, I'm skeptical if it was like the real thing

>> No.4397587

Potato Mash, Potato Salad, Asparagus

Currywurst (sausage cut into pieces served with a hot or cold sauce made of ketchup and curry powder, served with curry powder and cayenne pepper)

Pommes rot-weiß (french fries with ketchup and mayonaise)

Spätzle; egg noodle, roast in butter an serve with crushed hazelnuts and/or lentils.

pea soup; use whole peas crushed or cook pealed peas, serve with braunbrot/croutons and/or sausage.

>> No.4397594
File: 118 KB, 396x393, 1244285492913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>easy/lazy party mode

Go to ALDIs and get buy a ton of
>Nuremberg sausages (dont buy that american garbitch)
>sweet bavarian mustard

Prepare all that stuff according to serving instructions. Serve with panfried potatoes and onion rings. Also serve crispy baked kaiser buns (cause there aint no good German style pretzels in Murrcah so kaiser buns have to do) and German beer (forget Becks though, buy Franziskaner or Spaten).

>> No.4397595

oh yea spätzle with mushroom sauce 4tw!

> superior

>> No.4397597

>forget Becks though, buy Franziskaner or Spaten

bavariafag detected

>> No.4397601
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Rightfully so. I suggested Franziskaner cause they sell it at American ALDIs (supposing OP is murrcan). The only "ungerman" thing about those Franziskaners is the bottle size

>0,33 l for German wheat beer
>mfw I first saw it but then decided that IDGAF

>> No.4397608

Linsen und Spätzle mit Saiten!

>> No.4397632

Becks is crap, no matter where you drink it. Wheat and bock beer are the only styles available in supermarkets in Germany which don't taste like piss.

>> No.4397653

ALDI frikadellen are really nice - trashy, yes, but they taste so good. Microwave 'em up and put them in a sandwich for the mushiest, most delicious celebration of pork fat you'll ever eat.

>> No.4397669

No, Becks is pisswater. I say this as someone from Hannover. I'd rather drink Holsten than that plörre.

>> No.4397677

Why German? Just curious.

>> No.4397687
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It takes a bit of time and preperation but split pea soup is a dish that can easily be made to serve as many people as you want without a lot of extra effort. Just make one giant pot. Best served with some delicious Kochwurst and Kassler.

>> No.4397747

nein Alt ist das Beste!

>> No.4397808

don't forget Braun Brot (croutons) and maggie (the only thing I actually use maggie for, instead of actual soy sauce) also that soup looks too thin for my taste

>> No.4399879

I don't think those are typically German.

>> No.4399886
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Actually, they are.

>> No.4399895
File: 7 KB, 220x162, 220px-Toast_Hawaii_RZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about german partyfood ? Toast Hawaii or Currywurst.

>> No.4399898
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If you want to shock people, Labskaus. Not even Hitler could have come up with something that horrendous. But of course, Hitler was Austrian.

>> No.4399913

Glorious schweinhaxe is glorious. Go to a butcher and get some pork hocks, heat your oven to 200C, slice the skin on the pork hocks so it is in small segments and season them with salt, garlic or whatever you will, honey is good. put your pork hocks in a tray with about 250-500ml of whatever you like to cook in (beer, salty water, etc) and cook for an hour, turning occasionally, but keeping the bits with the most skin the most exposed. Don't let your tray run dry. Turn it down to 180C, continue occasionally turning and basting and not letting it run dry. Do this for about 2 hours until the total cook time is 3 hours. Serve with whatever. As with all slow cooking dishes the longer you cook it the softer it is, but 3 hours gives a good level of softness with lovely crackling.

>> No.4399939

>corned beef, potatoes, and onion
that doesn't sound so
>beetroot, pickled gherkin, or even herring

>> No.4399942

That's silly, though.
They've them, like, everywhere, but with tiny, little variations.

>> No.4399956

What, you mean a a stuffed roll a meat? Yeah, no one has specific claim on that. Rouladen is a very traditional german dish though. Besides, who else stuffs theirs with pickles and mustard?

>> No.4399959

>tfw also from Hannover
>tfw exiled to the south
>tfw the beer there is clearly better

Look at this, I found it today in a local store (Ulm). 1l of Starkbier. Gonna try it this friday.
Go to maiselandfriendsDOTcom for more info. If this thread is still alive then, I will post again after drinking.

>> No.4399968
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forgot my pic

>> No.4399998
