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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 331 KB, 1537x1080, shitfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4376342 No.4376342[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You call that breakfast? I've taken better looking shits than that.

>> No.4376355

wtf did they do to that egg? Looks kind of interesting, actually.

>> No.4376647

Britfag here. Pisses me off when theres too much beans in a full english. I prefer them as a rarer resource to cherish then a lake.

>> No.4376656


>> No.4376669

Texas here, looks good to me. Would be really good if drunk and/or hungover.

>> No.4376677

>no mushrooms
>no hash browns
>no toast
>unheated beans

I'm American and we only have the Eggs/Bacon/Biscuit breakfast in stores, but if you're gonna do an English breakfast, go all out.

>> No.4376698


Just deep fry your egg in ultra hot oil

>> No.4377418

Another britfag disgusted at the lack of skill that someone threw this together with. Let's break it down:
>Undercooked pathetic sausage (minimum requirement is 2)
>Sad looking bacon undercooked, lacking any hint of crunch on the fat. This is a sin in some towns in the UK resulting in instant gallows.
>Egg is a shambles, cooked too quick on too high a heat. The chicken must be hanging himself at the treatment of his unborn young
>FUCKING FLOOD OF BEANS AND BEAN JUICE MY GOD WHO ARE YOU TRYING TO DROWN? The acceptable amount is half of that nowhere near as much juice
>As mentioned by the other anon, no hashbrowns, no optional mushrooms/tomatoes, looks to be bread on the rack instead of toast. Who made this, a blind palsy patient with a jug?

-5/10 would not feed to a starving African child dying in my arms

>> No.4377419

Yeah, crack it in and stand well back. I'm guessing the guy wants to look like Two Face from Batman.

>> No.4377422 [DELETED] 



>> No.4377449

>-5/10 would not feed to a starving African child dying in my arms

I love you, /ck/, you never fail to make me laugh.

>> No.4377455

>Regular toast
>Not fluffy, crusty loaf to soak up that torrent of bean juice.

>> No.4377456
File: 113 KB, 720x540, British food - Full English 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating a pussy version

>> No.4377471

Why is it every fucker possible undercooks baked beans so badly.

>> No.4377475

Oh god, that reminds me of a greasy spoon here that literally covers everything else on the plate with a huge mound of beans and pretty much ruins the lot, especially the eggs

>> No.4377477

>baked beans

what are you? homeless?

>> No.4377515

The egg looks a bit burnt but not as disappointing and cheap as the rest by a long shot.

Needs fewer beans (/beansauce), better sausages and bacon, some mushrooms, some tomatoes, maybe some hashbrowns.

>> No.4377533

From that reaction I am going to guess your nationality as being American. I will never understand this inherent aversion to beans from Americans when I am sure baked beans were invented by cowboys, the symbol of America.

>> No.4377537

We don't have to eat poor people food anymore.

>> No.4377545


just no

>> No.4377546

Well I'm Slovenian and we also hate beans outside of salads.

>> No.4377557

What's wrong with beans exactly? They taste nice and are good for you, full of fibre and protein while counting as one of your 5 a day. What do you mean by poor people food too? All of the highest French foods we see now started off as peasant food. Hell every component of a meal can be called poor people food if broken down. The fries that go with your burger, strips of potato, the ultimate peasant food.

>> No.4377568

>implying some foods won't always be peasant
>implying you don't treat our (and the Germans') liberal use of cabbage the same way

>> No.4377590

I definitely don't. There's a definite association between cabbage and the impoverished, which I think comes from Victorian fiction mostly, but it's not peasant food by a long shot.

>> No.4377589
File: 32 KB, 400x289, boterham-met-kaas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

average dutch breakfast right here

>> No.4377765

Baked beans are the shit! But we usually have them with barbecue food/dinner, as opposed to in a breakfast. I'd eat it with breakfast, though. Love me some day old chili before I go out

>> No.4377791
File: 46 KB, 649x486, wtf_breakfast1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4378154

I started adding those beans to my eggs and bacon. I liked them a lot, so I have a whole lot of them per portion. There are rumors that they make you fart really badly, but I seem unaffected by beans.

>> No.4379877

But beans are the tastiest part

>> No.4379887
File: 735 KB, 1600x1200, Photo0165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4380222

>everyone eating undercooked bacon
Fucking gross

That shit needs to be crispy or charred.

>> No.4380250

If that's not blood you need to see someone about your terrible eating habits of ruining perfectly good eggs.

>> No.4380254
File: 112 KB, 640x480, tapatio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4380266

I assumed sense you decided to cover your perfectly good food in spicy shit you must be new and accidentally cut yourself on a knife and bled all over your eggs. Cis-scum.

>> No.4380268
File: 21 KB, 255x288, 1236736141717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crunchy bacon

>> No.4380275
File: 6 KB, 130x179, 1330277624889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4380547
File: 44 KB, 600x645, 1223456455345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I could eat from that for a week.

How fat are you guys?

>> No.4380550


I could eat that 6 meals a day and not gain wait... when I was 17.

When you're in your 30s, your metabolism slows down.

I didn't believe it when I was your age either.

>> No.4380558


Im 28.

>> No.4380570


You don't sound like it

>> No.4380574

My mum has the worst internet spelling ever after having texted for a while, she's nearly 50. It really doesn't mean much. Old people are stupid too.

>> No.4380578

>I could eat from that for a week.

>How fat are you guys?

How's that desk job where you never have to lift anything heavier than a piece of paper going?

>> No.4380584


Confirmed for underaged. Enjoy your ban.

>> No.4380589

baked beans are not cowboy fare, they are New England grub, it is a northern thing. Beans are extremely popular in the U.S. , but vary extremely in preperation.
In the south and west they are boiled and never sweetened. In the southwest they take the boiled beans and mash them and toast them in a skillet. Real refried beans are so good they can be the focal point of a meal.

>> No.4380611

I'd eat that. It's a lovely filling breakfast, what's to hate? Admittedly there are too many baked beans for my taste, but that's just nitpicking and the person who made this probably just likes baked beans.

>> No.4380654

Its not a full english unless:
Minimum 2 sausages
Hash browns, crispy.
Fried Egg/Scrambled Eggs
Baked Beans
Black pudding (optional, not to everyones taste)

>> No.4380672

Confirmed for not being able to read