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4364315 No.4364315 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it seem like the "go-to" drink of most restaurants is soda? Is this the best thing to drink with food, does carbonation help wirth digestion, or have I just been fooled by corporate America? What do you drink with your food, and do restaurants near you offer anything other than iced tea and carbonated beverages, or is flavored water, squeezed fruits and mammory excrete pretty much the only things to drink around here?

>> No.4364324

I always get unsweetened tea.

>> No.4364341

every restaurant i've ever been to puts ice water on the table.
they will also have an alcohol menu: local and imported beers, wines, some cocktails and 'irish coffees'

>> No.4364346

I forgot about alcohol,but noone mention alcohol please

>> No.4364356

Nevermind about the alcohol actually, I don't mind

>> No.4364357


>> No.4364362


Are you gonna get fucken sloppy?

>> No.4364366

>tfw order milk at restaurant
>Get laughed at by qt waitress
Don't see why it's not a normal option when eating out while it's normal to drink at home.

>> No.4364379


> tfw milk is expensive and you always get a small quantity

Why do restaurants overcharge for milk? I just end up drinking water and then having milk when I get home because of this.

>> No.4364381

Can't trust water since it comes from dirty taps.
Tea is highly dubious, and often fucking sweetened until disgusting.
Coffee is too strong for many foods.
Juice...should be in more restaurants but ordering it makes you look like a child so that probably hinders its uptake.
Similarly for milk.
Milkshakes are not that uncommon in burger jokes but they're not healthy and too much like dessert.
Alcohol obviously won't fly in most restaurants.
Anything else is not nearly popular enough.

>> No.4364382

Probably because milk is more expensive than a small bit of sugar syrup mixed with fizzy water.

I mean just a thought.

>> No.4364387

I order club soda whenever I go to Chili's or any restaurant of that type.

All the refreshing carbonated feel of a soft drink, without all the sugar. Plus, it's good with lemon. It's a bit of an acquired taste though.

>> No.4364393

I didn't think we could talk about it without getting off-topic
Of course not

>> No.4364394

alcohol won't fly in most restaurants?
How awful

>> No.4364401

The other day I got a sweet tea, and it tasted like liquid raisins

>> No.4364408

Sweetened tea is so disgusting. If I could be guaranteed that ordering iced tea at a restaurant got me a tea without a hint of sugar or lemon, I would do it more often.

>> No.4364430


I expect milk to be more than pop but they charge too much more in my experience.

>> No.4364434

Uh, what exactly do you want to drink?

>> No.4364437

Water or unsweetened ice tea. Or hot tea. Or wine. That's pretty much it. I never order soda.

>> No.4364446

>liquid raisins

lol, gross

>> No.4364461

ice water, ginger ale, or cranberry juice. depends on the meal, mood, etc.

>> No.4364500
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>Uh, what exactly do you want to drink?

Semen. As much as I can get.

>> No.4364540


>> No.4364550


>> No.4364556

Simple. Product markup.

Coke and Pepsi will pretty much give you their equipment for free, and then both the restaurant and the beverage company will rake in dough basically selling water with a dash of syrup.

I usually get water, but sometimes a beer or cocktail if it's a nice dinner.

>> No.4364626

You're not from the South, are you?

>> No.4364695

and i mean like 90% or more
will have unsweetened tea

>> No.4364751

Or you could just ask for good ol feces ridden tap water, that'll go good with your slop.

>> No.4364756

>living in a city with a feces ridden municipal water supply

get off the village computer, Nkembe, you're wasting precious electricity.

>> No.4364758

at breakfast i will have a cup of coffee and a glass of water.
at lunch or dinner i will have a beer (usually an overhopped IPA. get over it, i like hops) and a glass of water

>> No.4364835


>Why does it seem like the "go-to" drink of most restaurants is soda?
Let's see, why would they push a beverage with an extremely high profit margin (and potential for raising the percent-based tip), over a beverage with a slightly negative profit margin (also, what's 15% of $0?)? A better question might be: have you sustained recent skull trauma?

>What do you drink with your food
water, generally; coffee, sometimes. Random sodas, when I'm in the mood.

>do restaurants near you offer anything other than iced tea and carbonated beverages
apart from the alcoholic beverages mentioned, if the restaurant has a full bar, they can prepare 'virgin' mixed drinks. ethnic places normally have a few different options. and since i live in the south(east U.S.), sweetened & unsweeted varieties of ice tea are normally on offer.

Coffee is a bit of a toss-up. If I'm with people and the meal is winding down, then I don't want to wait for them to brew coffee. I'd rather have microwaved coffee brewed earlier in the day (makes me feel like an asshole when no one else is having dessert or coffee, but everyone''s waiting for my coffee, and then, once served, for my coffee to cool). But if it's the beginning of the meal, then it's the opposite: I don't want to purchase a cup of coffee only to have it be some microwaved, stale shite brewed earlier that day. Either way, trying to ascertain which type of coffee they'll serve, or to specify which type I want, has always been a major problem. And I don't know whether maybe this is a southern thing, but it seems to agitate & confuse the servers when you do this. More than once, I was at restaurants with a big group, and the conversations all came to a halt, and suddenly everyone's listening to my exchange with the server, as they become agitated, shouting "Do you want coffee or not, honey?" while I'm trying to give a nuanced response, friends of friends, concluding that I must be a retard (only partially true

>> No.4364892
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>be German
>be used to clean, perfectly tasty tap water
>move to the US
>pour a glas of tap water
>smell of chlorine, smell of chlorine everywhere
>mfw a pot of boiling tap water smells like being at a shitty public swimming pool

>> No.4364922

ive worked at a few places that have an instant brew one cup at a time machine that uses a coffee concentrate. Tasted like coffee to me. I always giggle inside when people said that it was not a fresh pot and to bring them a new one.

>> No.4364931

I know that feel. Fucking shitty americunt water. I have to use filters.

>> No.4364937

>Not drinking water
1 liter with breakfast
1 liter before lunch
1 liter with lunch
1 liter after workout
1 liter with dinner

>> No.4364951

>the tap water of a single municipality of the U.S. tastes bad
>generalize across the entire landmass of country that is several times the size of yours

>> No.4364974

america has one of the best water infrastructures in the world.
Yet, we spend billions on bottled water each year.
quit fucking extrapolating off of one bad experience

>> No.4364977
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Um. Show of hands if your local tap water smells/taste not like water?
>generalizing across the entire landmass of a country that is several times the size of your autism

>> No.4364979

taps are the same place we get bottled water
you should probably just kill yourself

>> No.4364983

oh and this faggot too.
>be all over country
>all locals say our tap tastes strange
>only people who like tapwater are hillbillies or ethnics


>> No.4364985

i am very white and live in an alright town.
i like our tap water.
i am currently visiting portland.
i, and the people i know here, all like the tap water
see i can generalize too

>> No.4364988
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Shirley you can't be serious.

>> No.4364989


protip: white is also an ethnicity. several, in point of fact.

>> No.4365002

I always get tap water. I always get annoyed to be given a 50cl bottle and to have to ask 3 or 4 times for a new one during the meal.

>> No.4365081

Hm, didn't know that restaurants used those.

I haven't figured out a good way of asking servers whether or not they're going to fresh-brew the coffee, or use old coffee. This was more a problem when I used to be really very beta, so the server would channel their agitation toward trying to make me look stupid in front of the group for not being able to just say whether or not I wanted coffee, and I would nevertheless tip 15-20% to a server who'd just embarrassed me. And the reason for causing the disturbance was that I didn't want to hold up my party with ordering coffee, if the coffee was going to be a Big Deal and take long to make. God-damn beta nature.

A little off topic there, sorry.

>> No.4365097

I always get tap water unless I'm somewhere where the tap tastes shit, like the Southwest. In NYC you can sometimes taste the chlorine, but it's rarely over the top.

If you're drinking soda you've been "fooled" by corporate America. If you're eating at the kind of restaurants that push soda you've been equally fooled.

It's true carbonation makes drinks pair better with food. But a ton of sugar in the drink only works to offset a ton of fat and salt.

>> No.4365101

>Why does it seem like the "go-to" drink of most restaurants is soda?

Because you go to shitty restaurants that cater to, shall we say, low income communities. It's probably one of those places that automatically adds the tip for groups larger than 2 because they're tired of broke ass losers leaving 0% and fucking over the staff. Not to turn this into a tipping thread but you don't run into stuff like that at decent places because decent people have common sense and don't want to drink a bucket of corn syrup with lunch or dinner.

>> No.4365103

It was a problem for me when travelling. Is it some weird American thing that my want for water always greatly exceeds what is the customary serving size in pretty much any European country I've ever visited?

In Hungary, I eventually discovered that I could drink the tap water without getting sick, a discovery which had a profound effect on my enjoyment since then I could just refill my water bottle in restroom sinks, without having to constantly request tap water (or have a waiter tell me that the tap water is undrinkable).

>> No.4365118

When I get coke, it is going to be coke. I don't want to try your raspberry peach tea, discover I hate it and go through the hassle of getting something different. I also dislike alcoholic beverage with a meal.

As for why not water, unless they use bottled/filtered water, I find the chlorinated flavor of most tap water to be more objectionable than coke.

Oh, back to original point if consistency, with juices and such, there is too much variation between brands and typically from fruit to fruit if hand squeezed. There are some orange juices I love, some are Fucking disgusting.

>> No.4365123
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>being this anal about your icky crappy vulgar taste

>> No.4365127

>If you're drinking soda you've been "fooled" by corporate America. If you're eating at the kind of restaurants that push soda you've been equally fooled.

Fucking what

>> No.4365134

It just depends on where you go. Family restaurants, chain restaurants, yeah. You're going to see a lot of diet cokes and soda ordered. Better smaller restaurants may have soda, san pellegrino or what not on order but they usually will start you with water and encourage wine or champagne.

I usually just take water with lemon. If I'm in an alchy mood I just like to order a gimlet or a dark'n'stormy.

>> No.4365138

God forbid I like what I like.

Also, it's not being all that anal. Go to the grocery store and get five different ojs, try them and tell me that there are not massive differences in the flavors. Additionally, water quality varies equally wildly when you travel any. Or do you think sulfur dioxide, iron, and chlorine add a certain something to a steak?

>> No.4365139

>implying Coca-Cola doesn't have god-tier cola bouquet, unparalleled by any other cola
>implying that the only thing better than Coca-Cola isn't Coca-Cola from a fountain dispenser (fresh-mixed syrup & soda ..... mmmmmm)

>> No.4365144

>I am so used to the artificial consistency of processed foods I can't handle inherent variation found in nature

Wow, it's like you've completely lost connection with reality. You are a great mindless consumer.

>> No.4365148

>I only drink distilled water with my steak

You are fucked up bro. You should move out of your urban comfort bubble one day and try having a garden, hunting, and foraging for foods.

But the genetic variation among wild types would probably freak you out.

>> No.4365157

>being this obsessed with cartons of OJ and pairing the sulfur tasting tap water in your god foresaken hellhole with steak which I guess you think is the pinnacle of fine dining

You disgust me. Just trying to put myself in a mindset where I can try to think like you and respond is making me feel dirty.

>> No.4365161

Except that the variations I speak if have more to do with how it was prepared and if it was fully ripe more than any "natural" variation.

>> No.4365169

>the artificial consistency
The consistency aspect is NOT artificial, retard; that part's real. That would be the whole fucking point, in fact: the REAL, RELIABLE, DEPENDABLE consistency.

>> No.4365196

I'm in Pennsylvania with well water, it's fucking delicious.

>> No.4365197

Or you shouldn't make assumptions.
I hunt and harvest around 5 deer a year. whenever I cook said deer it always tastes like deer. A backstrap never comes or tasting like liver. Also, oj was just an example if fruit juices, one I assumed most people would have experience with.

I also plant around 5 acres of veggies, keep scuppergnons, muscedines, mulberry trees, peach trees, and walnut trees, as well as raise and slaughter a pig every year.

Inconsistency with any if these is poor ingredient selection. People not using them at the right point in their ripening process, using different and sometimes illsuited cultivars or in appropriate cuts if meat. Like making mexican cornbread with peaches and cream corn (a very sweet corn cultivar) would be Fucking disgusting.

>> No.4365635

Think carbonation helps cut through the grease of greasy fast food, making for a more satisfying "washing it down".

McDonald's fries with a glass of water...makes greasy water.

>> No.4365649

Just today I had a salted plum soda water. with my pho.

I like my own version more... theirs was too salty and pho is already salty... felt like I was going to stroke out.

>> No.4365658

Austin tap wate is awesome, except north Austin after an algae bloom. Compare this to Houston water, which is skaaaank.

Water quality despite processsing seems to be strongly influenced by geology. Austin has a lot of limestone to help filter, but Houston has a bunch of gumbo mud pond scum and plastic castaway dildos to fiter their water through.

>> No.4365659

Can we all agree that drinking water through a straw is weird?

>> No.4365673

The why is easy: it's marginally profitable, easy and constantly in demand. It's much more profitable if the restaurant uses plastic, washable cups over styrofoam/etc. (something like $.05-.10 per cup adds up over a month, a year).

Post mix, soda water and cups are all you need to ring in $1.95 (or fucking more, some owner's have brass balls) for every single person. A six top will already have a $12 bill before they even order their food, not to mention if they want to buy some alcohol too.

tl;dr plenty of money to be made for an item that's in high demand

>> No.4365678

Been a while since I lived in Austin, but N Austin is essentially Little Mexico, right? I lived there for a bit but forgot what side (p. sure north).

>> No.4365679


Who the fuck does that

>> No.4365684

people wearing smearable lipstick

>> No.4365687


>Lipstick smears all over the rim of the glass
>Lipstick smeared straw in that same glass


>> No.4365690

Ah, but the straw messes up a woman's lips less than a glass rim.

>> No.4365695
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in that case

>> No.4365723


>> No.4365738
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Normally when I eat I have a nice cool refreshing water. Though I normally eat at home, and when I'm at a restaurant I often get a Dr. Pepper, just because I never have one at home. Coffee with a glass of water to wash the food down with is good as well.

Although nothing beats sprite, which is a truly tasty beverage to wash your food down with.

>> No.4365744


Dr. Pepper or Root Beer

Cream Soda if they have it

If they have both cream soda and orange or grape soda, mix together

Better than SPROITE

>> No.4365781


People find life awfully boring. The fizzy sensation on their tongue is stimulating for them.

It reminds them that they're alive, even though they should die.

>> No.4365783

Sodas have high fructose corn syrup in them which fucks with the stomach's ability to send the "stop eating, we're done here" signal to the brain, so you eat more

>> No.4365785


jesus christ what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.4365787
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>> No.4365863

it's true
same with the burn and buzz of alcohol
same with hot peppers
same with cocaine
same with fine art, if you're into that sort of thing
everything nice, really, is just momentary respite from DEATH DEATH DEATH DEVASTATION SHIT HAPPENING ALL THE TIME ALL AROUND YOU

>> No.4365877
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you scare me

>> No.4365882


Source pls

>> No.4365888
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