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File: 41 KB, 460x360, coriander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4360782 No.4360782 [Reply] [Original]

So /ck/... Coriander/Cilantro/Chinese Parsley, whatever they call it in your country.

What side of the fence are you on when it comes to this controversial herb?

For me personally, whenever there's any coriander in my food, especially if it's the stem, it tastes as if the dish soap wasn't washed off my plate.

>> No.4360786

I'm the same way, you should read up on the people that have our problem.

But I have found I can eat it when cooked well or in some Indian dishes. Raw on Mexican and overused, no thanks.

>> No.4360789

there's nothing controversial about it.
some people have a genetic deficiency that makes it taste like soap, they are unfortunate and we pity them.


>> No.4360792

I like it. Tastes good.

My uncle has the problems with it, though. It's amusing to see him detect it in the tiniest quantities and be revolted. I'm convinced it's a genetic thing. I don't see people pitching a fit over other herbs like I see with cilantro.

>> No.4360813


I don't like cilantro. It smells nice when chopped, but the taste is awful.

>> No.4360814

it's not a "side of the fence" thing, it's genetic

>> No.4363463


What is it supposed to taste like?

>> No.4363473

It tastes like cilantro... Dunno what you were expecting someone to say.

>> No.4363482


There has to be something to compare it to. To me it tastes like soap. A very obvious resemblance to soap.

>> No.4363485

The ability to taste the "soapy" part of it is genetic. Sorry guys, you got them shitty genes

>> No.4363533

its one of the best things in food

>> No.4363570

Love cilantro, provides a nice fresh taste. Thank god I am not one of these inferior people who cannot enjoy it

>> No.4363573

some cross between parsley and mint but more pleasant. It's hard to describe the taste of herbs.

>> No.4363575

Absolutely disgusting. This shit RUINS meals.

>> No.4363579
File: 51 KB, 400x344, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pani puri hating cunts.

>> No.4363590

It tastes fresh, green, and herb-y.

>> No.4363603

I added it to a dish last week and it almost ruined it. I think it's only good if you know what the fuck you are doing—like in a curry or something.

>> No.4363625

That article is complete bullshit.

>The Official Supertaste Test

>Even though Reed has done a ton of research on supertasters, I'm still willing to believe that I'm one of them. I decide to take the official test, which involves chewing up a small strip of paper soaked in propylthiouracil, a special taster chemical, for about a minute.

Absolute bullshit. We did this test in first year biology and over ninety percent of tasters were instantly repulsed. In fact, out of the twenty at my table/group, I was the only one who didn't taste it. And I hate coriander.

>> No.4363631

I Forgot the last, and most relevant, sentence of the quote:

>True supertasters don't need that long to identify the nauseating taste, however.

There is no way ninety percent plus of my class are “super”. If everyone is that way, then it's not super.

>> No.4363636

But it... tastes like Cilantro. How would you describe what a carrot tastes like? Or dill?

Eaten on its own I can identify the part you unfortunates think makes it taste like soap, but it's so tied to the overall flavour of the cilantro and only one minor component in the flavour profile that I don't see how it could possibly be offensive. I suppose if all you can taste is that 10% that's got a vague similarity to soap then yeah, but... poor you, then.

>> No.4363646

Dill tastes like aniseed. Carrot tastes like celery×turnip.

>> No.4363655

Neither of those things much taste like those other things. I guess thinking cilantro tastes like a bar of soap is the sign your tastebuds are fucked. Kinda like being colour blind. But in that case cilantro tastes like the cross between leather and a rainbow. You're welcome.

>> No.4363661

Love coriander. Love it. I put that shit in nearly everything I cook.

>> No.4363673

Cilantro/coriander tasting like soap is a well-known genetic variation. To most people it doesn't taste like soap, but if you have that genetic variation then it does. It's just like being able to roll your tongue into a cylinder. Some people can do it and some can't. It's genetic.


>> No.4363709

I absolutely love it and use it in excess. Doesn't taste like soap to me, though.

>> No.4363761

i've never thought cilantro to taste of soal, but the flavor - even the tiniest sprinkling of it - makes me violebtly nauseous. it is the absolute worst flavor, it disgusts me to the point of hatred.

>> No.4363782


If it's so well known, then why is it never an optional ingredient? Why aren't people warned? People have no idea how much cilantro ruins an otherwise delicious dish.

>> No.4363795

And you freaks of nature have no idea how ruined those dishes are for the rest of us if you skip the cilantro. It isn't optional any more than salmon is optional in a fucking grilled salmon.

People who don't like fish wouldn't eat that; you shouldn't eat food that has cilantro in it.

>> No.4363796


Couple of weeks ago I ate a noodle dish that had cilantro stems dumped all over it. I never stopped picking them out, I swear there was as as much as OP's picture. Too bad it had contaminated the rest of the meal.

>> No.4363797


I like all the dishes I've tasted before if they're cooked with no cilantro. Should be optional, no way around it.

>> No.4363864

good luck enjoying a chipotle burrito, genetically retardedfags.

>tfw cilantro is god tier
>yfw you have more than 6% neanderthal dna

>> No.4363866


Not my fault you enjoy dish soap, freak.

>> No.4363889

I think it's great, not having that soap gene.

>> No.4363891

Except it doesn't taste like dish soap to normal people. You're the one with the fucked up taste receptors or whatever.

>> No.4363899

OP, I'm Mexican American and cilantro is as integral to our cuisine as basil is to Italian. Oh and we don't always eat it raw. Just yesterday I added some to some Caldo de Pollo (Mexican chicken soup) and that's what completed the dish.

>> No.4363936

bizarre thread

>> No.4363976

... 3% is considered a very high amount of neanderthal DNA, you know. Where'dja get your 6% number?

>> No.4364031



>> No.4364105


How would it ruin any dish by using parsley instead?

>> No.4364113

i can't live without it.
i use it always with fish - parsley + garlic, winning duet -
in pasta with seafood - really, you want to cook anything from sea without parsley? you're insane
with chicken and rabbit in a recipe 'alla cacciatora' (sound kinda like 'hunter's way')
in italian style meatballs
in soups, as my >>4363899 mexican friend says

>> No.4364123

parsley has a different flavor profile. it's like asking if you can substitute basil with mint. it's not the same thing.

>> No.4364125

>how would it ruin an apple pie to use oranges instead?
You're fucktarded.

>> No.4364189


But it's edible.

>> No.4364211

So are turnips. Maybe you should use them as a substitute.

>> No.4364218

I love it, especially with small stripes of tofu or rolled in a wrap/rice paper.

>> No.4364363

Why do I absolutely despise it when I get it served on cheapo fast food esque places, but don't mind it when I go to a proper Indian restaurant?