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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4357810 No.4357810 [Reply] [Original]

>Have loved shrips and prawns my entire life
>Eat them with carcass and everything because I'm too lazy to take it off
>Eating assorted seafood one day
>Wait a minute
>The eyes
>The legs
>The antennae
>Realization washes over me
>"I'm eating a fucking sea cockroach"
>Can never eat them again unless they've previously taken the carcass off
Things that ruined food for you general

>> No.4357817

>Accidentally drinking expired milk
>The texture, smell and flavor
I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemies.

>> No.4357830

Just like a lot of kids, I couldn't eat vegetables.
Turns out vegetables are actually delicious and my mom was just a shit cook.

>> No.4357832

>eating a bowl of cereal
>notice some of the pieces look weird
>look closer
>fucking tons of moth larvae
I don't like to think about how many I must have eaten.

>> No.4357846
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>Order a sub from some shit restaurant in the middle of nowhere
>Massive clump of hair trapped in the middle
I don't trust anyone with my food anymore.

>> No.4357850

>got food poisoning from a bad steak
>couldn't eat steak for like 5 years

Also that artificial strawberry flavored antibiotics ruined any strawberry flavored candy for me

>> No.4357863

Welp, there goes my breakfast for most of this year.

>> No.4357866


When I was born to about 4-6 years old I took medication that tasted like grape soda. I still can't drink grape soda and can barely drink grape juice.

>> No.4358011

>was young and not good as swallowing pills
>had to take some capsules
>mother mixed the powder from the capsules into chocolate pudding
>kept doing it despite me wanting to just take the capsules normally
>couldn't eat chocolate pudding for many years without a gag reflex

>> No.4358022


I mixed it with ice cream on my own accord.

>> No.4358038

>summertime, drinking a beer
>put the beer down to smoke a cig
>hear a fly's wings buzzing against something
>stupid fucking fly caught in something
>finish cig
>pick up beer, take a sip
>wtf, something chunky in my mouth
>spit beer on floor
>motherfucking fly was in my beer
>just almost drank a fly

Bitch fly ruined that beer for me. Had to crack another one.

>> No.4358042
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>"I'm eating a fucking sea cockroach"

I realized that a couple years ago and haven't been able to eat shrimp (peeled or not) since. Actually, I used to keep aquarium shrimp. They were transparent (pic related), but when they died they would curl up and turn opaque. Of course, I'd have to pick out their corpses from the aquarium, and with each new dead shrimp I became less and less attracted to the idea of eating their larger relatives.

>> No.4358043

That happened to me once with a canned coffee. Fucking traumatic.

>> No.4358044


My parents did that with jam. two pills in a spoon of jam. Fortunately jam is still good for me.

>eating cheese cauliflower
>delicious, made with cauliflower from my Gran's garden
>suddenly green things
>what the...
>giant fat dead caterpillar inside one big floret
>green things are it's shit

I'm gagging just remembering it. I can't eat cauliflower at all now. I've had bug in my food before, but for some reason that one really squicked me.

>> No.4358094

even worse are those that eat them with the "veins". By veins they mean their shit tube and blood vein.

>> No.4358126

>not sipping sizzer/purple drank/lean/barr

>> No.4358127

>work at sandwich place
>prepping vegetables
>cut open green pepper
>three gigantic fucking caterpillars inside

Thankfully they weren't moving or anything.

>> No.4358129


I don't know what any of those things are because I drink water.

>> No.4358130

I once opened a new box of cereal, and moths fucking flew out of it.

>> No.4358133

>brother is selling those chocolate bars for his school
>we end up with too many chocolate bars, can't sell them all to the neighbours
>they last too long because parents don't want us eating a metric ton of chocolate all at once
>one day I notice some little holes in the chocolate
>totally little airbubbles from when the chocolate was drying in the mold
>except not. little bugs were burrowing through the chocolate, it was like an ant farm in there
>the bugs were like 1/5 the size of an ant. for years I had to carefully inspect chocolate. the holes were so small it was always hard to be sure.

>> No.4358134
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I love ant farms.

>> No.4358150
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>Purple food dye ins stuff like Easter eggs or Gatorade

I dont know why but purple food dye has such a strong taste

also that shit they give you at the dentist that is suppose to taste like bubblegum

>> No.4358157

Replace fly with wasp, and beer with mountain dew, and that's exactly what happened to my coworker one day at the jobsite. I had to drive him to the ER because the damn thing stung the shit out of his mouth and throat and he was allergic.