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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 52 KB, 432x432, slices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4351829 No.4351829 [Reply] [Original]

>"have a sandwich, Anon"
>the cheese slices are half a centimeter thick
The day was ruined.

>> No.4351831

Why was the day ruined? did you not have a cheese slicer or a knife?

>> No.4351852

why the fuck can't you say 5mm? Half a centimeter means nothing to anyone. Might as well use imperitard scale.

>> No.4351854


>> No.4351853

maybe he's not in the stone ages like the eurotrash?

>> No.4351889

>Metric system
>Stone age

Not even that fag, but nigger, do not start this.

>> No.4351892

>why the fuck can't you say 5mm? Half a centimeter means nothing to anyone. Might as well use imperitard scale.
What are you talking about? I think you were the only one having issues.

>> No.4351894

Must be why all researchers, including American ones, use the metric system.

>1/100405", 1/1574754 oz

>> No.4351897

I don't get it
What's wrong with it?

>> No.4351899

Idk what OP is complaining about but I like thin slices of everything––cheese, ham etc

>> No.4351921

ITT: My arbitrary system of measurement is better than your arbitrary system of measurement.

>> No.4351927

Thick cheese is only good on crackers.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.4351929

is that velveeta?

>> No.4351992

Thick cheese breaded and fried

>> No.4351999

Cheese curds are better though.

>> No.4352018

Just use a knife.
Or buy sliced cheese if you're not capable.

>> No.4353654
File: 5 KB, 171x251, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are correct sir.

>> No.4353689

most pointless, autistic post of the day

>> No.4353747
File: 41 KB, 500x410, camembert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets make this a cheese thread.

What's a really rich creamy soft cheese, sort of like brie and camembert but is unique somehow?

I'm really craving cheese.

>> No.4353764

I for one say OP is a fag.
A nice thick wedge of rich cheese, enough to actually slow my chewing, makes a sandwich go from pleasant meal to decadent delectable.

>> No.4354197

Goddamn I could really go for a thick slice of cheese now. Mmmmm

>> No.4354228

no one uses millimetres in colloquial speech, ya dingus. that's a unit for something one has precisely measured or at least knows that the exact measurement is.

>> No.4354233

But you are a fatty, >>4353764; your opinion is not relevant.

>> No.4354238

Yes they do, and they call them mil's.

>XYZ is five mil's thick.

>> No.4354256

it's easier to say

> five mil'


>half a centimeter

>> No.4354255

yes, for a thing with known measurements.
millilitres are too precise for visually estimating the thickness of a slice of cheese.

>> No.4354261

centimetres and millimetres are equally precise

>> No.4354284

it's easier to say "feuh" or "slub" or "juul" than either, that doesn't mean anything.

yes, but colloquial speech takes influence from imperial measurements. inches and feet are used in questimations, and the nearest analogue to an inch is the centimetre. "half and inch" => "half a centimetre"

>> No.4354299
File: 89 KB, 488x516, deal with it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's easier to say "feuh" or "slub" or "juul" than either, that doesn't mean anything.

five mil' means five mil'

>yes, but colloquial speech takes influence from imperial measurements. inches and feet are used in questimations, and the nearest analogue to an inch is the centimetre. "half and inch" => "half a centimetre"

We agree that language evolves then.

Mil' is the colloquial term for millimetre.

>> No.4354317

One purpose utensils are useless and don't belong in the kitchen, can-openers excepted

>> No.4354322

mil's still aren't used colloquially unless the exact measurement is known.

>> No.4354329

but they are

>> No.4354336
File: 45 KB, 800x600, 800px-Osthyvel_20050723_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yall niggas dumb

>> No.4354338

not for guestimations, only for known measurements.

even then, that gets ridiculous. no one needs to say "750 millilitres", we ought to switch to decilitres.

>> No.4354341

speak for yourself

>> No.4354393

get brie

>> No.4354437

>not biting cheese directly from the block
>not then spitting this bite of cheese into the dish being prepared

Is it not 2013?

>> No.4354438
File: 13 KB, 335x420, cs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lern to Ergonomics...

>> No.4354450

If you were able to know it was 5mm then where is the failure in communication, faggot?

>> No.4354485

Ok this seriously made me loose my shit

>> No.4354515

You shat yourself?

>> No.4354549

What the fuck is this thread

>Autists arguing about millimeters versus centimeters
>People calling each other fat
>People arguing over cheese slicers
Jesus fucking Christ is this still /ck/?

>> No.4354571

holiday weekend, bru.

at least it's not another ramen thread.

>> No.4354584

>at least it's not another ramen thread.
I think Id prefer that.

>> No.4355368

>There will never be a quality at home solution for slicing blocks of cheese

>> No.4355387
File: 56 KB, 760x760, Bamboo-Cheese-Slicer-26130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just do what I did.
>buy random cheap wire cheese slicer, pic related
>buy a small length of titanium wire, you can get this online on most chain mail supply websites
>replace shitty wire that came with cheese slicer
>enjoy thinly sliced cheese

>> No.4355427
File: 39 KB, 320x286, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a fucking knife?

>> No.4355450


>> No.4355498
File: 227 KB, 1600x1120, 1363613269928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Use an osthyvel or get fucked.

>> No.4355519

>"Unique" "Cheese"

Velveeta. The most "unique" "cheese" you will ever eat

>> No.4355521

Alton? Alton brown is that you?

>> No.4355527

>hamburger bun
>entire camembert wheel
I call it the camemburger.

>> No.4355569

no, but someone who has seen damn near every episode of good eats and likes to improve things.

>> No.4355585

Why would you think titanium is better than stainless steel or aluminum for cutting cheese?

>> No.4355634

What you do, see, is you go into a McDonald's double cheeseburger, and what you do is you open it up, and you put a wheel of camembert in the middle.

>> No.4355636

strength. I've tried stainless steel and aluminum before they actually start to stretch and deform pretty quickly. The titanium one i made has lasted me for about 5 years of almost daily use and is still holding straight and tight. there's a reason they use it for prosthetics on people.

>> No.4355647

There's also a reason they don't really use it for knives.

Titanium shouldn't perform better at this than stainless steel.

>> No.4355652


What's the point of arguing with someone like this. It's like trying to convince the amway lady that it's a pyramid scheme. It will just get both of you angry and nobody wins.

>> No.4355657

pretty sure the reason they don't use titanium for knives is
1. It would be expensive as fuck
2. you would need special equipment to sharpen them.

other ten those 2 reason, a titanium knife would probably work just as well as a stainless steel and last longer, but i'll look up some info on that see if i could find a specific reason why.

>> No.4355661


It doesn't hold an edge the way a good knife steel does.

Maybe the other guy had only tried shit tier steels and that's why it seemed great.

>> No.4355664

i probably should of looked it up before posting, but from what i read its because you cant get a sharp edge like you can with steel, but there are knives made of titanium out there because they are so damn tough. Anyways i wasn't talking about knives in my first post because a thin piece of wire and a edge on a knife are 2 different things.

>> No.4355668

Titanium is weaker by volume than steel. To have the same strength, you need a thicker blade. This makes it inferior for cutting, especially in something like a cheese cutter.

Titanium is mostly preferred over steel where weight, corrosion resistance, or heat tolerance is important.

>> No.4355686

> we ought to switch to decilitres.
I'd rather not. I find it easier to keep the units straight in my head when they're all sets of 10^3. Having to juggle the powers from meters->centimeters->millimeters is confusing enough.

>> No.4355694


>Basing your unit of distance on the immeasurable circumference of the Earth.

Shit nigger at least I can measure how long the King's foot is.

>> No.4356307

Can't be, it's not a multitasker.

Speaking of Alton, has anyone who uses Twitter ever asked if he's visited /ck/?

>> No.4356505

Doesn't matter what the primal basis for the measurement is, it's how the larger and smaller portions of that measurement interrelate that makes one superior to the other.

>> No.4356508
File: 163 KB, 824x700, b_2012030816595959207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the master race and your problems will cease to exist.

>> No.4356509
File: 655 KB, 300x168, 1360856202372.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>measuring a unit of length with a unit of volume