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4348609 No.4348609 [Reply] [Original]

How do I cook a perfect steak /ck/?

I always burn the outside with inside still raw.

>> No.4348618

You have to marinate it in ketchup and cook it on medium to low heat until the pink colour turns brown on the inside.

>> No.4348621
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actually its
>marinate in whole milk for two nights
>cook on low until well done
>serve with ketchup and marshmallows, cheese pizza as a side

do you even gordon ramsay?

>> No.4348625

I was asking for some honest answers but okay.

>> No.4348626


>> No.4348628
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>> No.4348636

if its burning the outside with the inside raw, you are cooking it at too high of a temperature. if its on the grill, move it to a cooler spot. if its in a pan turn your heat down. if you wanna get fancy, seer the each side and then put it in the oven for 10 mins or so

>> No.4348658


>> No.4348892

>I always burn the outside with inside still raw.
Uh, not to be a dick or anything but didn't you get the hint that your pan was too hot?

It *should* be hot to cook steak properly — a good sear is what gives the outside that great flavour and you can only get this at high temps — but not OMG-it's-burning-what-do-I-do? hot.

Regardless of what pan you're using heat the oil until it's just barely smoking, then fry for about 2-4 mins a side. You can cook hotter than this if you like your steaks blue or very rare, but for regular folk something a little more moderate is the what you need. Also a good idea to have the steak at room temp before cooking (so maybe half an hour before cooking take it out of the fridge). It's hard to cook a steak properly if it's cold from the fridge.

Learn to judge how well done your steaks are by how firm they are. Takes a bit of practice but you'll get the idea soon enough when you try it:
very yielding will be rare,
a little more bounce will be medium,
more resistance will be medium-well,
like shoe leather = well done (yeah I'm biased, this will ruin any steak IMO)

If you can afford it it's worth doing a direct comparison between two identical steaks cooked in the same pan at the same time (assuming there's room for both). Cook one for about 5-6 mins total, the other for 10 minutes. Then prod them with your fingertip to compare how yielding they are, and cut into them to check how this correlates with the internal colour.

>> No.4348928
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>> No.4348979

10 minutes is way to long...

>> No.4349076
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>> No.4349107


OK, OP, this is simple.

1) You always start with your steak at room temp before you cook it. That means leave it out on a plate or something for an hour or so before you're going to cook it. You never cook meat or poultry straight-out-of-the-fridge. If it's still "fridge cold" the outside will be overcooked before the inside is done.

2) Pay attention to the heat. The pan should be hot enough that the steak is sizzling the instant it touches the pan, and throughout cooking. Think of the sound of frying bacon. If you aren't hearing that sound then the heat is too low. HOWEVER, if you see smoke then the heat is too high. Adjust the heat so there's constant sizzling but no smoke. Some thing if you're using a grill: sizzling good, black charring bad.

>> No.4349220

Kind depends on the temperature of the oven don't it?

>> No.4349226
File: 53 KB, 599x415, Steak - Doneness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troll labels.

Better labels: pic related.

>> No.4349239

If you don't think the grill is hot enough, it probably is.

>> No.4349260
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And more troll labels. Or at least poorly informed "Look at me, I'm classier than you" bullshit beloved of 12-year-olds. That's a guide to the perfect tenderloin (or other super lean cut) but a pretty crap anything with marbling that needs to cook a little longer for the collagen in the fat to start breaking down and diffusing into the surrounding meat.

Face it, you "Give me rare or give me death!" faggots are just simple food hipsters more concerned with perception than what's actually best for the meat.

>> No.4350062

>And more troll labels.
Not even close.

Notice I said BETTER labels. Didn't claim they were the final word or anything (I often prefer medium to rare as a matter of fact, depending on the cut and the size).

>That's a guide to the perfect tenderloin (or other super lean cut) but a pretty crap anything with marbling that needs to cook a little longer for the collagen in the fat to start breaking down and diffusing into the surrounding meat.
Are you saying therefore that cuts with more fat marbling have to be cooked longer to get the best out of them, so maybe medium at minimum?

>> No.4350082
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>> No.4352304
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Yours are the troll labels.

>> No.4352692

If you can get it hot enough to scorch the outside without cooking the inside, then your heat and pan are perfect. I'm suspecting the meat was very cold when you started (microwave on low just until it is ~room temp), or.... you have a very thick steak (have to finish those in the oven), or.... Your definition of "raw" is more on the conservative side.

>> No.4352725


>> No.4352767

>medium at minimum
It's a balance between rendering the fat and losing the moisture and toughening the fibers in a naturally tender cut. For heavily marbled good cuts medium's usually the perfect trade-off, though at least they'll be more resistant to being cooked to say m-w than tenderloin would be.

For shit cuts you'll need low and slow until all (or most of the fat has rendered) without having turned the rest of it into a crispy husk, though that's leaving steaks well behind and into the territory of roasts and slow cooked bbq.

>> No.4352917

Rename that "The Pleb Man's Steak Guide" and we're good.

>> No.4352932

>Face it, you "Give me rare or give me death!" faggots are just simple food hipsters more concerned with perception than what's actually best for the meat.

YOU are the hipster, cocknocker.

>> No.4354189

It's hilarious how rawfags always out themselves as just being horrible cooks who manage to fuck up cooking a piece of meat.

>> No.4356069

Marinate it in ketchup.

>> No.4356146

Just turn down the heat a bit. If you keep having the same result and you were doing something wrong the first time, try something else.

>> No.4356179

Broil the steak, no need in searing, no need in any pans or grills at all.

Broil the steaks in the oven, wait for the fat in the steak to char on the edges, flip, look for same charring on the edges of the fat.

Perfect medium-medium rare if the steak is of a decent thickness.

Salt, pepper, garlic, pat of butter on second side.


>> No.4356388

I usually put it at 300 degrees F and 10 mins is fine for medium-sized steaks

>> No.4356398

do a simple milk-steak and jelly beans prep
it comes out perfect every time

>> No.4356454
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>> No.4357349

You need to steam it with whole milk, OP. It's the only way.

>> No.4358184


>> No.4358187

>I always burn the outside with inside still raw.

So in other words you made the perfect steak

What are you asking again?

>> No.4358199

>Not knowing that collagen and fat are 2 different things.

Your common "grilling" steaks are not cut from "working muscles". You dont have to worry about breaking down collagen