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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 47 KB, 335x517, Harpoon-IPA-Back-Label.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4333133 No.4333133 [Reply] [Original]

The worst beers/alcoholic beverages you have ever had.

This stuff is like drinking my own vomit.

>> No.4333141

I don't give a fuck how goddamned hipster is makes me sound, all macrobrews; coors, blue, canadian, kokanee, bud, the fucking lot of it. tastes like coppery piss water. That includes any 'special' shit they make as well.

>> No.4333146

I would agree, but Kokanee gold is pretty good.

>> No.4333149

This. All those taste like shit to me.

>> No.4333164

the worst drink I ever had was a bloody mary from a local diner.
she put a1 steak sauce in it........

>> No.4333416
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>> No.4333580
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this is the closest i've been to tasting donkey piss

>> No.4333588

For beer? Bud Ice
Just in general? Popov vodka

>> No.4333590

Honest question, so even if your just watching football (or futbol or something, don't know where you're from) or at a friends BBQ, you insist on drinking microbrewed beers?

>> No.4333592


>> No.4333612

I think Harpoon IPA is decent in it's own right, but it is very poor example of an IPA.

>> No.4333634

IPA's in general are repulsive

>Let's drown out any and all the flavor with hops

>> No.4333635
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Shit was gross and incredibly bitter.

>> No.4333787
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Discounting shit like Budwiser

>> No.4333799

not quoted poster, but yeah, pretty much.

I mean, i dont "insist" on anything. and i dont turn down free beer, but if i am buying the beer im going to buy something good that everyone will like, rather than save 6$ and get beer everyone will tolerate just to get a buzz.

most of my friends are beerfags though. If i was dealing with a bunch of savages, like college football tailgating or something, yeah it would just be shit beer.

>> No.4333803


>> No.4333808
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also this

>> No.4333811

Colt 45
i was about 18 & its all my buddy had
a 40oz of Billy Dee's finest & a blunt
he just kept forcing me to drink it saying 'do it, it'll get you fucked up!'

>> No.4333813
File: 83 KB, 475x324, big_flats_beer.top[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna take it to the next level. Microbrewfags, stop being so edgy and make way for the true king of horrible beers.

>> No.4333815

Steel Reserve black cans.

Just the memory of those hangovers is enough to make me want to vomit.

>> No.4333817


1. It's called big flats
2. The slogan is "It's the water that makes it"
3. Do you need anything else

>> No.4333821

never again, i had a bad experience on this shit. It was the only thing around in this dry fucking town so i drank a ton of it and ruined by buddies wedding and fucked a fat chick

>> No.4333822

you're forgetting

4. Walgreens house brew intended to be as cheap as possible

>> No.4333823

Camo was 4Loko before 4Loko

but sometimes it's hard to pass on 64 ounces of 11% alcohol for $3.50

>> No.4333824

never again, i had a bad experience on this shit. i drank a ton of it in college and fucked a fat chick and puked in her bed.

i am starting to see a pattern here...

>> No.4333829


Haha I lucked out like crazy when I bought some Black Velvet because a friend had a bottle of Jim Beam in his trunk but didn't drive over. He only lived like 10 blocks away so we drove over in someone else's car and drank that instead.

I think the remainder of the handle was the longest a bottle of liquor has ever lasted that I owned.

>> No.4333850
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There's candy at the bottom Anon! It'll get you fucked up

>> No.4333871

Best: Triple Kasteel, its really rich in taste
Worst: Oh don't get me started on this, this is by far Holger. Holger is this really cheap dutch beer that is basically rejected Heineken and Amstel. It gets you drunk after only a few, but not the good kind of drunk. The drunk as in ''Oh god i'm gonna puke'' It tastes horrible (Only reason to buy it is how ridiculously cheap it is really) and the next day you will feel horrible. I first thought it was just me (Even though i can handle all kinds of beer quite well) but my friends started complaining and feeling very sick too, so yeah it is really the beers fault

>> No.4333881
File: 129 KB, 975x650, jackdaniels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it, it tasted like wood and shit. Does anyone legitimately like this stuff?

>> No.4333890

You're insane. Jack is amazing.

>> No.4333894

Maybe, lots of other people seem to like it.

I guess I've been spoiled by muh single malts.

>> No.4333921
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Beer Beer brand beer

Pic not related, that's just Beer brand beer

>> No.4333923

no, to me it tastes like cheap canadian whiskey filtered through a dirty bar ashtray. Its more hype than flavor. Plebro's like it cause rockstars drink it and "it gets me fucked up bro!, lets get into a fight!"

>> No.4333925
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I find Jack to be very easy to drink. Its biggest problem is that its too sweet.

>> No.4333932
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Haha, I feel like a babby. Jack is uncomfortably harsh for me and while the sweet taste your talking about is there, it doesn't cover the burn of alcohol.

That is why I'll buy honey jack, if my only aim is to get drunk.

I'm working on getting used to scotch though. I'm sure I'll be able to enjoy it in a year.

>> No.4333952

are you a woman?

>> No.4333955
File: 5 KB, 259x194, bananna beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fruity beers in general are piss, but this stuff, this stuff oh wow. I nearly vomited. Could only handle a sip.

>> No.4333965

I wouldn't feel bad. It's kind of an American thing to have a sweet tooth. If you live abroad for a while and come back it becomes very apparent.

>> No.4333969

Naw, Jack is a one-note whiskey

>> No.4333971

when fruit beers are done well, they can be excellent

>> No.4334143

Bought a 12-pack of this the other day. A single after work hits the spot, but for some reason, this has to be the least sessionable <6% IPA I've ever had. As someone who likes catching a buzz with his beer, I couldn't even get through two and I was dissapoint.

>> No.4334144
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Fuck, pic related.

>> No.4334166

Holy tits, this stuff makes me nauseous. When ever I'm close to this, and smell it...

Just.. Holy tits. I feel like I'm smelling disinfectant, while it creeps around inside of me.

>> No.4334167
File: 4 KB, 100x200, eldvatn_hvit_bakkgrund.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit. I'm a fag.

Faroese Vodka.

>> No.4334204
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>40% by volume

>> No.4334250


If I'm the one buying the beer? Yeah. Life's too short for shit booze.

>> No.4334253
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>> No.4334263
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brewdog punk IPA is like being punched in the face with a grapefruit
i hate over hopped, bitter citrus beers and i know that now but Punk was the first brewdog thing i ever drank and it disappointed me so much i drank rum and cokes the whole night instead of beer

also every single british lager "twist" thing thats being sold right now, its basically sweet lime flavouring being added to out of date beer and sold as a cooler kinda thing
like as a rival to sol? because sol is so good, right guys


>> No.4334266
File: 10 KB, 204x208, cutty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit right here, avoid at all costs

it tastes like fucking paint thinner and im typically a pretty desperate alcoholic

>> No.4334275
File: 16 KB, 350x282, threephilosophers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to drink the shit out of Aftershock when I was a teenager, it tastes like a combination of mouthwash and cough syrup.

Anyways, Three Philosophers beer; I can't stand the shit. It tastes of hops and also more hops, couldn't even finish half a bottle.

>> No.4334284

I was at a bonfire, and one dude brought some home brew beer, he offered me one and I thought
"It can't be too bad"
Christ I was wrong, It was horrible, but somehow he was guzzling the stuff down.

>> No.4334313

Can't beat Famouse Grouse for budget scotch

>> No.4334322

once i ordered a white russian, it tastes way too much like alcohol.
like way too much.

coming from someone who likes to drink vodka pure

>> No.4334336

i figure if you're on a budget, maybe scotch isn't the best idea

>> No.4334346
File: 2.77 MB, 481x358, common_law_cabin_6_by_farzelgaart-d5qrld0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that.

>> No.4334354
File: 1.45 MB, 233x291, not a lick of sense.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>40% by volume

>> No.4334358

Maximum pleb detected. Three Philosophers has an IBU of 19 and a beautifully complex body, especially for a North American rendition of a Quad. There's really nothing hoppy about 3 Phil fag.

>> No.4334359
File: 215 KB, 1280x853, photo_2_be87aa6b9704d522768780ef1b883211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good drink you can make with this?

>> No.4334402

I'm a weakling when it comes to alcohol so worst usually equals what I felt sick after drinking (too much of).

Black cherry smirnoff made me vomit so hard I pissed myself. It was unpleasant and I will never go near smirnoff again. (It's for the best, anyway).

I don't care for IPAs either. I respect them and I know lots of people love them to death but I can't stand the bitterness.

>> No.4334425

>but I can't stand the bitterness.

A million times this. If I wanted to drink something that harsh I would take shots of cheap vodka. Beer should be smooth and crisp and not like you just licked your carpet.

>> No.4334429

Remove the alcohol and leave everything else and the remainder will be 60% the volume of the original.

>> No.4334438

I've also found some amazing fruit beers. The problem is most of them are made by microbrews that specialize in IPAs and don't understand that a fruit beer needs MUCH less of an overpowering flavor of hops.

>> No.4334462

what's with all the hate for overhopped ipa's?
maybe its because I am from sonoma california, but they are my beer of choice. I fucking love bitter hopps. the more the better I say.

>> No.4334476

/ck/ is full of 15 year old kids looking for "muh buzz" instead of actual flavor. They don't want to spend the time/money developing their palates while enjoying good brews.

Case in point >>4334425

>> No.4334502

When you get older you will start liking bitter foods like vegetables, coffee, and beer.

>> No.4334517

i drink a lot of craft beers, but i much prefer the kind of savoury bitter coffee flavour of dark beers, or the kind of warm maltiness you get in red beers, to overhopped blonds. i don't care for dry wines either. it's a matter of taste, i think.

>> No.4334627


Jack Daniel's is at the very top of the list, next is some Australian craft rum my boyfriend brought with him. Things get blurry after that.

>> No.4334666

People like you are the cancer killing craft beer

I am a certified beer expert and professional beer critic, and the over-hopped dick-measuring contest that has taken over the craft beer limelight is creating a culture that isn't focused on making a solid, unique, or BALANCED (you hop heads familiar with the concept?) IPA, just making a beer for the goddamned neck beards to doff their fedoras and exclaim "lol 2bitter4u pleb LOLOLOLOLOL I'm so Le gentleman"

This is just as bad as super-spicy wing-eating competitions. Enjoy being pandered to by hop puns.

>> No.4334671

>I am a certified beer expert
Okay, I lol'd.

>> No.4334672

>people can't like bitter flavors because I don't
Cool story bro.

>> No.4334675

Stella, never got how people liked it.

Even Bud, Coors and such are better as they're unremarkable rather than just bad.

>> No.4334678

>I am a certified beer expert and professional beer critic

Yeah, well my dad is Moot. Get b& fagt

>> No.4334684

Pretty much this. I love a good hoppy IPA as much as the next guy, but its gotten out of hand. Seems like half the new brews are double imperial IPAs with like 120 ibus and Im getting sick of it. IPA is not the only variety of craft beer. I wish we would put half as much effort into ambers, bocks, and stouts as we do into IPAs.

>> No.4334694

I like bitter. One of my favorite beers is lynchpin White IPA from Green Flash. It was crisp, balanced the grapefruit and lemon peel against a little bit of white pepper spice and a bready malt backbone. THAT is a good IPA.

That said, one of the shittiest beers I've had in a long time was Mikkelers 1000 IBU. Unbalanced, one muddy opaque note, just jacking off.

>> No.4334695
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>> No.4334703

Goddamnit this happens every time

>> No.4334702

>Certified beer expert.

You mean like a cicerone? Perhaps you should do some research next time you try to lie.

In any case, while I do love IPAs and North American hop profiles, I really love all beers, most of my favorites being much maltier brews. Belgian dubbels and quads are among my favorites.

IPAs, however, are not the only beers with huge hops. Beers like Russian Imperial Stouts have CRAZY hop profiles but are balanced well.... just like a good IPA you fuckwit. This is the same reason why Double IPAs are generally considered better beers, because the extra malt body balances the beers much better, the higher ABV cuts some of the bitterness, and the use of hops is entirely justified and well rounded.

But you obviously know what you're talking about Mr.Beer Expert, so keep throwing around your buzzwords and shitposting like you know something.

>> No.4334708


One of the biggest, most important brews to beer "nerds" is the Russian Imperial Stout. Any brewery worth their salt makes one, and if you don't know that, you obviously don't know much about craft beer. Perhaps you need to look a little harder instead of just blaming IPAs.

>> No.4334710

Yes cicerone you faggot but I might as sell say I'm a wizard for all the people who know what that is.

Also way to sidestep my entire god damned argument and tacitly agree with me you ginormous ballbag

>> No.4334715

>I am a certified beer expert and professional beer critic
Cool, so you spent money on accreditation. lol what a good pawn you are

>> No.4334722

You need that shit for the industry, it's worth more than a shitty ol F&B degree these days

It's all about certifications now. Mixology, wine, tap systems, whiskey, vodka, gotta catch em all

>> No.4334752

Well if you're such a big cicerone, why don't you show us your super cool certificate? I'm sure you'd love the chance to swing your dick about and we'd love to see it.

>> No.4334758
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>> No.4334764

I'm not sidestepping your argument because you had no fucking point to begin with. One guy said he didn't like IPAs so I called him out for not developing a palate and giving them a shot. You took what I said, turned it into something else, then attacked it. You strawmanned a fucking internet beer argument you vapid cunt.

IPAs have their place just like every other brew. In fact, I've been on a great sour kick lately enjoying a couple of good local Oud Bruins and Flanders Reds. But I'm sure they're just for hophead lel beernurd faggots like me right?

>> No.4334781
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>oh god I look like such a fool

There I even did your reply and your inner monologue

Were you the one that said the more bitter the better, or were you the other guy

Also goddamn untangle your jimmies

>> No.4334792

I JUST told you which one I was. I only said "/ck/ is full of 15 year old kids looking for "muh buzz" instead of actual flavor. They don't want to spend the time/money developing their palates while enjoying good brews."

You're just trying to look cool on 4chan right now and it shows. At no point did I say every beer needed to be a hop bomb nor I only drink said hop bombs. It's great that you have your cicerone certification and that you're using your greater powers of beer knowledge to tell people on /ck/ what's what.

>> No.4334799

>small test
>guys you don't get it, I'm an expert!!!

>> No.4334801

I see your point, but honestly? Its personal preference. Just because some of us do not care for IPAs doesn't mean IPAs are terrible. I love the smell, I even enjoy a sip or two, but I can't finish a bottle because it's too heavy on me. Tastes -alright- but it's not what I'd want to drink when I could have something a little lighter. I don't see what age has to do with anything.

>> No.4334812

Well MAYBE I lumped you in with this faggot >>4334462 on accident

OK??? Golly. The only qualms I have are with beers and beer drinkers that prefer more hops over better beer. That's the trend making the industry into some kind of D&D secret coven no girls allowed club.

>> No.4334818

What is it like having a certification that has no prestige attached to it?

>> No.4334837
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Death is preferable to Montezuma tequila.

>> No.4334838

I get it mayne, it's hard to distinguish people on the internet, just be less of a "I'm a learned beer scholar sucketh my dick" asshole next time and just form a solid argument.

I feel your pain though. I've been brewing for 3 years and am finally opening my own brewery in a couple of months. I've been worried about it because while we have the usual session beers that everyone enjoys, I'm going to take more of a Lost Abbey/Ommegang/Hill Farmstead direction and balance old world brews with more popular styles. Considering I live in the Northwest though, I'm sure hopheads might not back me like they do their local 10k IBU brews.

>> No.4334881

I think you're starting at a good time for a more old-world or farmhouse style brewery. I'm sure you've noticed how sours and Brett and wild ales have been gaining traction, there's definitely plenty of room in the market, especially if you can "make it your own".

Be sure to distribute in Vegas when you can, we're a major blind spot with a big beer community.

>> No.4335108

microbrews are terrible oversweet baceria laced hitholes. drink bud light like a man. if you're going to poison yourself.

>> No.4335130


>> No.4335139

i always bring my own six pack to whatever party/event i'm going to because nobody ever buys good beer

>not doing this

>> No.4335142

My friends aren't niggers who think "Natty Light" is good beer and buy microbrews for events.

>> No.4335145

I always bring a bottle of scotch

>> No.4335226

Alcopops. They're all sugary vomit.

>> No.4335270
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>tastes like a combination of mouthwash and cough syrup.

I know exactly what you mean, never tried Aftershock, I use to drink the shit out of Jager when I first started drinking and I have no idea why. I hadn't drank it in forever and my friend bought me a shot of it a couple of months ago and I nearly threw up right after. It tastes like medicine.

>> No.4337071

you do make a good point in that craft beer has entirely too much emphasis on hops, a reaction to the flavors piss water that has been coming out of the big 3 for over 100 years. but, just because there is an over saturation of extream hop beers, doesn't negate the fact that a lot of them are very good, and there is a demand for them.