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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4277881 No.4277881 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop craving junk food? It's day 16 of my weight loss diet (only a 500 calorie deficit) I just cannot stop thinking about junk food, all day, all night, it's always on my mind, the cheese, the meat, the gloopy sauces and the bread

Oh god help me how do I stop thinking about pizzas and burgers and kebabs?

>> No.4277890

1)don't walk near a shitty mcdonalds, try to avoid ads, which can be really hard depending if you live in an urban area or rural.
2) you rack disciprine, OP

>> No.4277901

visit more /ck/ fatass

>> No.4277902

Just cave man
That's what I'm gonna do. I just wanna eat it all it's not like I have a reason not too

>> No.4277900

why do you torment yourself?

get lean beef
mix in egg, chopped shallots and seasonings to taste
make patty
grill that sucker
chow it down

>> No.4277929

kebabs are very healthy foods - just stay away from the fries and don't slather them with the disgusting thick sauces - just go for the garlic-lemon sauce

Thin crust Pizza Marinara rings a bell? The hard part of course is to just have one slice, you fat fuck.

>> No.4277952

>mix in egg, chopped shallots and seasonings >make patty

He said he wanted a hamburger not a fucking meatloaf.

>> No.4277960

Seconded. Apart from mixing the meat with all kinds of shit - that's retarded. Seriously... Eggs?

But make yourself a burger. No fries, no coke, light on the condiments, no cheese, heavy on the greens and maybe a whole grain bun (yeah I know).

Unless you've got your hands on some lean lamb meat you might as well drink oil. Anyway, this is decent: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qxHl5VMGRY

>> No.4277965

what ails you, friend?

>> No.4277973

> Unless you've got your hands on some lean lamb meat you might as well drink oil
you can render some of the fat during the making
you can, alternatively, use lamb/beef mix

>> No.4277976

>But make yourself a burger. No fries, no coke, light on the condiments, no cheese, heavy on the greens and maybe a whole grain bun (yeah I know).

What's the point of it then

That won't satisfy my craving for salt and fat.

>> No.4277988

why would you not satisfy your need for salt? salt doesn't make you fat.
also, a good burger patty still has mongo fat in it - but not nearly as many calories as the whole thing

>> No.4277993

Stay in school, kid.

>> No.4277995

It just wouldn't be satisfying, my cravings are mostly about gloopy melted cheese and sauces

I can't have dairy or carbs of that nature anyway


>> No.4278001

>mongo fat
uh, mongos went extinct a hundred years ago

>> No.4278003

I pride myself on adopting the latest fads
keeps the mind supple and alert to propaganda effects
I even was a Bieber fan for five minutes

>> No.4278015

work with yourself, not against yourself

come to enjoy the idea of eating healthy rather than find ways to abstain from junk, because then you just think about it more and it becomes like a "forbidden fruit" sort of thing and the temptation grows stronger the more you try to resist.

think about how awesome you'll look if you just stick to it. you'll get a little more fit every day if you change your lifestyle.

>> No.4278051

You need to eat something balanced and drink plenty of water (64 oz). Have a flavorful meal with lots of vegetables and some protein. Roast some chicken with a lemon and an onion in the cavity; squeeze lemon,salt, pepper, and chopped basil over it serve with roasted zucchini, onions,mushrooms, and broccoli

as long as you stay satisfied and your meals are flavorful you shouldn't want to stray from your diet.

I lost weight, and actually kept it off, from using a diet in the "eat fat, lose fat" book by sally fallon and mary enig but it isn't for everyone. You have to cut out junk food completely and cook everything from scratch.

>> No.4278059

Stopped eating meat and drinking pop this week, OP.

It's aggravating at first but I've had a fairly easy time myself.

It's a mental thing, your pleasure center wants dem big macs. It is seriously comparable to quitting smoking.

I lucked out and even before this change my diet wasn't all that junk filled.

>> No.4278066

1. eat yer junk food
2. eat celery and apples and shit the rest of the day.

There is nothing wrong with junk food, it's just high calorie.

>> No.4278071



>> No.4278104

An important part of weight loss is letting yourself have a cheat meal once a week imo.

However, I recommend an extended juice fast to reset your body and retrain yourself to crave healthy food

>> No.4278109

You guys speak the truth, i started eating moderately few months ago. more veggies less meat and fats yet still i find time to visit kebab/burger restaurants once in a while or eat chocolate bar or something but when i dont eat it everyday or in large quantities im losing weight.
Should also try and find "junk" food places that have relatively healthy food, there should be some.

Lost 7kg in last 2months after i started being more observant what i eat and how much i eat, yet im even more energetic than before and i cant live without veggies anymore.

Trick is to slowly change your diet to better while still sometimes getting that sinful food because why the fuck not it's good.

>> No.4278110 [DELETED] 
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If it's really to the point where you can't stop thinking about food then it may be too late for you already. Junk food has all kinds of addicting shit, dropping junk food is like a heroine addict just dropping heroine all of a sudden. Not easy. Just indulge yourself. Life is too short to not do what you want anyway.

>> No.4278153

I've lost 20.5 kg over 38 days of juice fasting

Just saying.

>> No.4278290

Whatever you want to eat, just make it at home with some healthy changes. I was craving pizza like crazy so I made little stove top tortilla pizzas. Way less carbs, less cheese, and heavy topping. It was awesome, but then I eventually moved away from them to healthier options. A big one was pasta so I made baked pastas with more and more veggies mixed in, and less and less pasta and cheese. Eventually it was just baked veggies in tomato sauce which I liked. I'd say this was a huge step in eating healthy.

>> No.4279576

Amphetamines are great for not thinking about food.

>> No.4279642

amen brotha

>> No.4279651

Indulge in a small home-made comfort food meal once a week.

Should ease cravings. Don't go overboard.

>> No.4279654

what are your poops like?

>> No.4279666

Just allow yourself to cheat.

I've been steadily losing weight for a while now and I've found it to be great help if I allow myself one meal per week where I simply don't give a fuck what I eat. I don't beat myself up over it and I don't feel guilty for it.

This week I had a greasebomb at 5 guys.

>> No.4279671

Don't try to completely remove all junk food from your diet. When you do eat it, only eat your absolute favorite junk food, and then practice portion control and eat slowly. Only do this around once a week or so.

>> No.4280365

What's good is to set days you can have junk food. Like every Friday allow yourself whatever you want for dinner. that way you'll always be looking forward to it instead of constantly saying "this" will be the meal I cheat on.

>> No.4280369

Because you're a fat fuck with self control and no taste in food