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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4273700 No.4273700 [Reply] [Original]

So i have an event that I have to go to. The good news is dinner is provided. My choices are:

A veggie burger with the usual trappings
A veggie gyro with seitan, hummus, tzatziki, tomato and onion on pita.

Which one do you /ck/ recommend? Why? In theory does it really not matter cause it's basically the same thing, just presented differently?

I've never more like a red blood murican before. I can understand a meatless option but it really is sad that we've become such a limp wristed society that we can't even offer a meat choice, it's either soylent green burger or soylent green gyro. Should I just come with chicken breasts shoved in my pockets?

>> No.4273705

Soylent green is not vegetarian dumbass.

Also Americans way over eat meat, why are you so butthurt this event is looking out for your health?

>> No.4273706


You should boycott this stark raving mad hippie faggit feast or bring a bag full of raw meat and consume a blood dripping T-bone with your hands at the table.

>> No.4273707

>eating factory farmed meat = being a red blooded strong masculine man


>> No.4273709

It's sad that there's no meat offered, but between those two choices, the gyro is clearly the best option.

>> No.4273745


>better taste, it matters because of how the meal is prepared, what is used to prepare it etc

and clearly you aren't eating soylent gree,
If you want to bring your own food just bring your own food, and be up front, direct and assertive about it. No one will question you if you like what you like and don't give a shit about their feelings.

>> No.4273750

OP is a fucking whiny babby.


Man up you cunt. You do men a disservice with your shitty attitude.

>> No.4273757
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i'm aware of what it is. It's people, PEOPLE!!!!!

Why are you such an assumptive little assumpter? You are clearly so butthurt your ass is glowing red. Clearly you're missing the point, I'm exploring my options, mr butt hurt. I eat plenty healthy and I'm not asking for a bottomless bowl of pasta or 3lbs of steak.

Next time save your BS for the Chipotle threads if you're not going to contribute.

>> No.4273773
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Hey, i never said anything about "strong." And if you actually reread my post, i said there is nothing wrong with a meatless option, as a matter of fact the irony is other than fish, (yea I know I didn't catch it myself) I don't eat too much meat for dinners. I can count the times I've had a steak in the last 12 months on 1 hand.


Should I have put spaghetti in my pockets instead of meat?

Jesus these samefagging here sure seems all pissy. And calling me out for doing a "disservice." It's emasculated males like you that are the reason we are in this god awful shitty mess. Now, go make your partner some crepes.

Thank you for your post.

>> No.4273823

>It's emasculated males like you that are the reason we are in this god awful shitty mess.
>implying people who understand that to be healthy the vast majority of food we intake must be from plant sources are "emasculated"
>implying it's not the retarded sheep who stuff some sort of animal product into their faces every single meal who aren't the major cause of what ever "god awful shitty mess" you are referring to

>> No.4273824

I've never tried a veggie burger or gyro, so I think it would be an interesting experience.

I hear veggie burgers made with a big ass portobello for the patty (as opposed to faux meat) is delicious. And that was coming from someone who enjoys meat as much as I do.

That being said, if they are pretentious or militant vegans, then just leave.

>> No.4273845


Emasculated? AHAHAHA YOU DUMB NIGGER. I don't think you understand the meaning of the word.

I eat meat, for your information. I'm also not a retarded manchild who has to go have a cry about having to eat a vegetarian meal because BAWWWW MY MANLINESS. Being that insecure is the definition of being emasculated. Come back when you've grown enough balls to sit down and eat a free meal without pitching a bitch fit about it.

>> No.4273899
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Don't know what constitutes a "veggie burger" in this case. I love me some mushrooms and it would be great if that's the case but one can never tell.


dats wacist. I'm telling mom. Since I'm a manchild and all.

How bout you come back when you can carry on a civil conversation. Since I've never had either option, I reached out to those who unlike you could contribute to this thread, the ones who again unlike you make /ck/ a healthy place. I'm willing to try either option, however while my diet on the whole is healthy, I have never had either option and therefore I have no reference point. That's where good natured folks use there wisdom and guidance to steer me in the right direction. So lets try this again, stop being the chucklefuck you are and instead try using that pretentious wisdom you seem to hold over the rest of us to better society.

your turn.

>> No.4273909

its so odd that retards are on /ck/ this early...

>> No.4273924
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i agree...

>> No.4273939


a veggie burger can actually be a lot of things, either made from vegetables or beans. There's also soy, quorn or seitan. special mention for the portabello ones.

I think you should pick the gyro though, 'cause then you'd definitely wouldn't have to worry about the meal being deficient in anything. It's also tasty as heck.

>> No.4273974

gyro, definitely

>> No.4273987

>it really is sad that we've become such a limp wristed society that we can't even offer a meat choice
>implying you weren't the one who came in here with a nasty attitude to begin with

>> No.4274011
File: 46 KB, 380x570, tellemanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure showed him, you even saged his post.


>> No.4274035

wow, op is a faggot. i'm out

>> No.4274046

No I saged my own post so as not to bump this retarded thread. I wouldn't expect an attention whoring tripfag to understand how 4chan's basic functions work though

>> No.4274053

Incorrect use of sage

>> No.4274054
File: 25 KB, 391x244, Fish_Wheel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ok, bye.

A redddddd snapper....
Nothing, absolutely nothing! (the amount you've contributed)
Thanks for playing wheel of fish!

>> No.4274067

That's exactly how sage works, how dumb are you?

>> No.4274080
File: 48 KB, 400x343, cat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you tell me. You need to make it less obvious that you are trying to de-rail this thread or else all your comments will just get deleted.

>> No.4274084

>That's exactly how sage works,

On /ck/
>saging a thread
>thinking the board is fast enough for that to work effectively.

oh yeah, you sure know alot about 4chan, you were here during winter break huh?

>> No.4274094

Fuck me, do we actually agree on something?
You may overcook your burgers but at least you understand sage is retarded on /ck/.

>> No.4274101

I'm far less annoying once you get to know.

>doesn't mean I'm any more intelligent than what my posts have been suggesting

>> No.4274591

Sage prevents my post from bumping the thread. That's all it does, i don't know what you think it's for. It doesn't matter what board I'm on, or how fast or slow the board moves. If I want to say something without bringing the post up I'll use sage all I want, thanks

>> No.4274620

