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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 68 KB, 800x800, ginger-root-extract.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4254913 No.4254913 [Reply] [Original]

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWW, ANON! What the fuck is that in your fridge?!"

>> No.4254920

Anyone else ever been figged before?

I recommend it at least once. ^_^

>> No.4254928

>Figging is the practice of inserting a piece of ginger root into the anus, vagina, or male urethra. Originally applied to horses in a practice known as gingering, it now most-commonly refers to a practice in BDSM


>> No.4254935
File: 272 KB, 800x534, #4 woman eating chinese food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4254940


Faggots are a cancer

>> No.4254942

I can't tell if that lady is a old woman or a young adult.

>> No.4254947
File: 41 KB, 275x225, 12341234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"AAAAAH! HOT! HOT! HOT ! HOT! Anon, warn me if you're going to put black pepper in the food!"

>> No.4254953

>"Anon, these steaks are still pink the middle!!!"

>> No.4254961

>black pepper
>black girl
Please, no racism in /ck/.

>> No.4254964

>"Anon, we're at a restaurant! Don't eat ribs with your hands!"

>> No.4254970

racist racist racist racist racist racist

>> No.4254982
File: 137 KB, 550x413, struggling-with-chopsticks-nanning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>get home from school
>parents have ordered loads of Chinese food
>they brought in a low table from the garage and cleaned it so they can eat on it
>family gathered around low end table with shoes off eating Chinese take out
>they're sitting on pillows with legs crossed all Japanese like
>they're all crossing their chopsticks when eating
>my family is white

>> No.4254984


>black pepper
>too hot

I refuse to believe tastbud-stunted subhumans like that can exist.

>> No.4254985

The fuck?

>> No.4254989

sounds fun though

>> No.4254994

>white rice
>soy sauce
>"I'm so Asian XD"

>> No.4255003

>eating at Japanese Sushi Bar
>family orders specialty sushi
>soon as it arrives they start mixing soy sauce, wasabi, and lemon juice (from the lemon that comes with water)
>start dipping their already sauce drenched sushi in soysauce and wasabi mixture

>> No.4255009


soo.... does it feel good?

>> No.4255045

It tingles and sort of heats up. It's best to tie the person up first so they can struggle all they like ^_^

>> No.4255048

>that friend who hates bacon

>> No.4255060

>that friend who likes breadsticks, but doesn't like pizza crusts

>> No.4255079

>invite friends over
>they bring some fastfood
>when they leave they still have tons of untouched fries left and half eaten sandwiches
>they throw it in the trash and mix it with napkins and remaining soft drinks
>no one can eat out of the trash now

>> No.4255080

They do, my cousin is like that.

>> No.4255088

>>friend stays for dinner
>>makes own plate
>>eats half
>>throws rest in trash

Needless to say, I haven't invited them for dinner since.

If it was her food that she paid for, fine but I was the one who paid for that.

>> No.4255089

>ordering pizza with friends
>hour long discussion to make sure everyone has a fair amount of pizza of their liking while maintaining a budget + tip
>having to deal with a vegetarian, picky eaters, and those with food allergies

>> No.4255097

Fucking egoistic pric. Do it just for the sake of cooking.

>> No.4255106

>2 topping medium pizzas for 5.99 each
>you have 5 friends over
>3 don't have money
>2 are willing to pay for some of the bill and tip (4 dollars each for pizza, 2 dollars each for tip)
>1 friend is a vegetarian
>1 friend will not eat vegetables
>1 friend will only eat pizza with pineapple
>1 friend won't eat beef
>1 friend is allergic to mushrooms and chicken
>delivery fee is $2.00
>You have 20.00 dollars want to tip 20%
>everyone is a fat ass who can eat 6-7slices in one sitting (that's around 3/4th of a medium pizza) before feeling satisfied

>> No.4255110

>went to Hibachi Grill
>the guy started cooking the rice
>every grain of rice is absolutely coated in soy sauce
>friends are eating that shit up
>I eat a little bit of it
>spend a lot of time on the toilet that night

>> No.4255111

>3 don't have money
>everyone eats 3/4th's a pizza

There's yo problem

>> No.4255114
File: 215 KB, 497x279, seriously now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>allergic to mushrooms and chicken

I'm calling bullshit on that one. While those allergies do exist, they're in the 1% range. Your friend is just an asshole who's using a debilitating disease as a front for being picky and fat.

You need new friends, dude.

>> No.4255117

hibachi sucks because all the flavor is literally in the sauce. once that shit runs off the meat after like 2 minutes it's tasteless.

>> No.4255121


>> No.4255122
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>that friend who always makes your belongings feel sticky or oily

>> No.4255123

>mfw egoistic is not the same as egotistical

>> No.4255131
File: 115 KB, 1075x720, 1347178280966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cook perfectly medium and medium rare steaks for family dinner
>mom cuts into it after it's been rested
>mfw she collects all the steaks and nukes them in the microwave

>> No.4255133
File: 20 KB, 259x258, 013489714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"OH GOD THE FOOD IS TAKING SO LONG! I'm so hungry I can eat a table"

>> No.4255146

So is this a "shit white people say" thread or a picky eater thread?

>> No.4255147


Its not an ego thing. She took more food then she was going to be able to finish and threw the rest away.

My parents quite literally beat it into me that you never ever waste food. Take sensible portions, if you finish that, you can always get another helping. If you can't finish your food, pack it up and put it away to eat later but never, ever throw it away unless its obviously gone bad.

>> No.4255150
File: 28 KB, 480x360, image2415460j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey, anon. Since you're Asian you probably eat a lot of fish, right? I never had fish before. What is fish like? What do you even eat it with?"

>> No.4255156

>"I hate white rice"

>> No.4255163


>> No.4255165
File: 126 KB, 229x194, 1292205866809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"lets try that new vietnamese place that just opened up!"
>but anon, I don't like chinese food

>> No.4255170

Well, it’s not like Vietnamese food is that much different from southern Chinese.

>> No.4255172

>tfw never experience thai medium/hot in America because chefs will always give you a milder version that isn't even remotely spicy due to you being white or young looking

>> No.4255174

I'm not storing it in the soil you dumb fuck, it lasts a month in the fridge, THAT'S LONG ENOUGH FOR MY PURPOSES

>> No.4255178

This has happened to me. During the microwaving I left the house, went and had dinner at Red Robin alone.
College was nice, I moved out and don't have to see them except on the holidays I choose to visit.

>> No.4255179

>putting your soy sauce in the fridge

>> No.4255180

You don’t need to store ginger in the fridge

>> No.4255194
File: 182 KB, 1082x720, 13283903415132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to Thai restuarant
>They have a spiciness rating system on their food
>Order a 4 star spicy food
>Literally very good but very hot
>Waiter is pretty busy so I don't have a lot of water
>But can't stop eating because it's so good
>My mouth is burning to death but if this is how I die, then so be it, I must feed this all consuming urge for this delicious food
>Finally waitress comes over and offers me water
>Can tell I'm burning up
>I say "yeah it's really spicy but it's super good as well"
>She offers "oh you can order it less spicy next tim"
>Looks visibly concerned
>Say "Oh but it's so good"
>Keeps pressing the issue that I can order it less spicy
>Feel really awkward
I... I don't know why. It was good, I wasn't saying it was bad, I could handle it I just need more water next time

>> No.4255201

It’s not good for business if your clientele because of spice overdose.

>> No.4255205

Can that happen? Dying of spice overdose I assume is what you meant? I don't think I would have died ...it was good

>> No.4255211

Uh, whoops. Yes, I meant to put in “dies” there.

>> No.4255266

>that friend who has orgasms whenever she eats

>> No.4255278

My dad is that way. I don't understand it.

>> No.4255281

I think my controller just got dirty by me opening that thumbnail.

>> No.4255319

>remaining friends with someone who eats pineapple pizza
shiggity diggity doopity bop

>> No.4255330

don't let the door hit you. we don't want weeaboo prints on our door.

>> No.4255355

>be roommates with gamer gurl
>go in kitchen to see her perched up in her chair like an owl
>she's eating a sandwich with 2 hands
>eating with mouth open
>making nomnomnom sounds

>> No.4255358
File: 9 KB, 205x286, 4158-dang-it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dad starts making lunch around 8:00 AM.
>Big chunky pot roast with shitty cuts of meat he doesn't even attempt to clean.
>Giant pot of Chicken Soup, but theres not enough met, veg, or noodles and it's basically chicken water.
>An entire roast chicken with Mashed Potatoes.
>Tell them they're wasting money by making too much fucking food.
>"We wanna have enough for leftovers."
>Taking soup to work every fucking day.
>Still reheating that shitty pot roast 4 days later.
>Parents complain me and my brother don't eat enough.
>They're making enough to feed the National Guard EVERY. FUCKING. WEEKEND.

Reason #27 why I need to move out. Motherfucking portion control.

>> No.4255361


>> No.4255367


I sort of know that feel.

Every Thanksgiving, my parents make enough food to feed 12 people for days even though we're a small family of 4 and hardly invite anyone. I had to eat Thanksgiving leftovers for almost 2 weeks while being scolded for not eating enough leftovers.

>> No.4255373
File: 32 KB, 311x500, bisquick-shake-n-pour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be roommates with a fatty
>trying to sleep upstairs
>hear some noises in downstairs kitchen
>I'm a paranoid person so I go to downstairs kitchen
>living room and kitchen lights are off
>turn on kitchen lights
>fat roommate is drinking pancake batter out of a mug

>> No.4255387
File: 34 KB, 296x276, Unable-To-Deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4255390
File: 410 KB, 300x168, 1356511092865.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this would be literally my exact reaction to that

>> No.4255394

>roommates that complain about dirty dishes when they don't even wash their own dishes for days

>> No.4255398

i threw up a little

>> No.4255402


I'm going to guess pet peeves or food rage stories

>> No.4255403
File: 30 KB, 179x189, pleasesendhelpohmygod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh god why

>> No.4255408

>roommate just stops washing dishes
>continues to eat on dirty plates
>fried eggs every day for a couple weeks caked with dried pasta sauce and whatever else he ate
>other roommates complain about having to look at them
>stores them in the cupboard dirty and takes them out to use

>> No.4255412
File: 53 KB, 198x153, aaargh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, if I were in that situation I'd rather walk in on a burglar.

>> No.4255414


Is he dead?

>> No.4255415
File: 40 KB, 198x121, I have peered beyond the veil, Eldritch horrors have peered back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


had a dish sent back because

>"they didn't like the seasoning"
...I didn't put any on...
>they put about a tablespoon of pepper on it


>> No.4255410

>that friend that hoarded a bunch of Fiery Habanero Doritos when it was selling again and still has a bag even though it got discontinued years ago
>he says no one is allowed to eat it

>> No.4255418


are people really that lazy to take 15 minutes out of their day to wash a couple of dishes?

washing dishes benefits everyone

>> No.4255424

Haven't heard from him in years - could be. It went on for a couple months, then he started washing them intermittently.

He also had bronchitis and would spit gobs of mucous in an old salsa jar. He used the same jar and emptied it when it got to the brim.

My gf came over and we made dinner and when we went to the table it was like Jurassic Park - our steps were making the mucous jar shake. She basically wouldn't come over after that.

Ever time I tell someone that story I actually gag a little.

>> No.4255426


*are people really that lazy that they can't take 15 minutes out of their day to wash a couple of dishes?

I understand being tired from work, but when you have dishes unwashed for days it

>> No.4255427


Absolutely Disgusting

>> No.4255430

this is why I don't have room mates.

>> No.4255436

>families that hoard all the crab legs in a buffet and end up not eating them all

>> No.4255440

He would also sit around wearing only a housecoat and unknowingly (I hope) do the Basic Instinct move constantly.

Thankfully I can't remember most of that year anymore.

>> No.4255442
File: 997 KB, 245x300, eww7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling him an animal would be an insult to animals. That nasty fucker is in a class of his own.

>> No.4255448
File: 1.06 MB, 3264x1952, firsttimetaco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"HEY, ANON! I'm trying to learn how to be a good cook like you. This is my first time making tacos. Try them! Don't be afraid to be honest with me." ;)

>> No.4255450

did you eat them and then throw up on the plate?

>> No.4255455
File: 89 KB, 816x488, 1328764634187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"YO ANON! Let's get some friends together and cook something epic like those guys on EPIC MEAL TIME!"

>> No.4255469

I would eat that without the bagel bites or pizza rolls since they will fall off anyway.

>> No.4255477
File: 34 KB, 300x450, 1239204380FI8eGZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you enjoy your sandwich, Anon?
>Good, because I spat in it while you weren't looking.

>> No.4255482
File: 770 KB, 864x900, not enough animu vomit in the world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not overreacting at all...I had a little bit of vomit come up

>> No.4255487


>tfw you took that picture years ago because it was your first time making tacos and you wanted feedback from /ck/ and people still make fun of you for making those tacos

>> No.4255515
File: 30 KB, 500x375, 1329765537237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ck/ meet up
>milk steak and jellybeans everywhere
>trusting food from a complete stranger that was willing to have complete strangers in his home

>> No.4255527

Poor baby, I'm so sorry. :( I'm sure your tacos are delicious now though!

>> No.4255534
File: 43 KB, 274x500, cheez-whiz21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be at friends' place drinking
>one of them disappears near the end of the night
>I get up to head home
>have to walk through kitchen to get out
>all the lights are out
>except the fridge light
>friend who disappeared is sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of it
>his fingers are jammed deep in a jar of Cheez Whiz
>there's Cheez Whiz running down his shirt
>Cheez Whiz all over his fucking face
>he sees me and panics
>throws it back in the fridge
>I fall to my knees in horror
>everyone comes running up

They were too late. No one will know what I saw that day

>> No.4255539

should you really let yourself be trolled by such a weak effort?

>> No.4255536
File: 37 KB, 444x312, allislost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


B-but...the carrots. And the juice...WHY?

>> No.4255546


Seemed like a good idea at the time. At that time I didn't live in an area where tacos are popular. No taco trucks/no taco bell.

>> No.4255557


oh god. At least have crackers if you're going to do that.

>> No.4255566

I've made the mistake of scratching my lads following the handling of superhot chillies. After the godawful agony subsides the sensation is a pleasant warmth. I guess I'd call it an artificial arousal of sorts. Totally not worth the initial pain but I'd consider trying it again with a milder variety.

Haven't tried but >>4255045 explains it well enough. For males the sensation makes it difficult to clench the muscles back there, which is typically necessary for the male orgasm. So it works for orgasm-denial play as well.

>3 don't have money
3 must not be very hungry then... or will be very hungry shortly.

Shiggy diggy shut it! Hawaiian style is awesome.

Consider for a moment the website you are frequenting. Take all the time you need. After it clicks you can help me pick out a bento box. It can't be pinku (that's japanese for pink)...

My buddy walked in on his former landwhale of a house-mate eating butter out of the tub with a spoon. On the bright side the guy 180'd a short while back, got on an Herbalife kick and has dropped a massive amount of weight. He's still a very sheep-like churchgoer though which is probably why it worked for him (in addition to replacing meals with shakes or however it works he also buys all their other crap like soap, lotions or whatever) but I'm happy for'em regardless.

I'll never get this. I can't not wash a dish after I've used it.

>> No.4255568

Autism Guy?

>> No.4255571

>female housemates cook for themselves for once, do it as a team, cook the most simplest shit ever

>> No.4255576

Ugh, I have a friend who does that. He burns all his food and moans as he eats it, shit is disturbing to watch.

>> No.4255585


>> No.4255590


>that friend who actually ejaculates when he eats something delicious and you can actually see his semen bursting out of his shorts

>> No.4255593
File: 13 KB, 350x264, 1330308831404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"HEY ANON! I bet you can't tell if I'm eating a large cherry or a small apple!"

>> No.4255597

>pt 2
>i cook for myself
>sometimes spend several hours preparing something if my uni workload allows it
>they turn their nose up at absolutely anything and everything
>make something fairly common like beef stroganoff
>its called beef stroganoff, it is probably one of the simplest and most delicious beef dishes you can make
>would you like to try some?
>mfw i hear them talking about getting married some day

>> No.4255626

>prepare food for people
>before they even take a bit they drench in condiments

>> No.4255628

>fractal pizza
mai sides

>> No.4255631

Just to let you know, that isn't technically a fractal.

>> No.4255642

Nope. smib when I do namefag, usually in /vp/'s WFG but I've been too busy for any kind of gaming lately so I've been neglecting that board. Just haven't had any sleep and must unfortunately remain a while for a while longer. Replying to whatever just gives me something to occupy my mind so I don't zonk out.

>association yourFT
Dunno what yourFT is but here's the association:

>> No.4255649

ain't nobody going to say "cantor set pizza", that's ridiculous

fractal will have to do

>> No.4255652

>remain awake* for a while longer
It's not looking good.

>> No.4255653
File: 34 KB, 276x600, This reminds me of a puzzle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4255655


I like you folk.

>> No.4255782

>"Why are you eating chicken adobo and rice with your hand?"

>> No.4255787

>"Why are you eating steak with your hands?"

Not that I'd actually do it in public.

>> No.4255795


I'd understand eating steak with hands if it's already been cut up. If not you'd be a knife and fork.

I do eat steak with hands sometimes when I'm feeling lazy, no one is around, and I don't want to wash more dishes.

>> No.4255839

We don't want emoticon using scum either

>> No.4255846




>> No.4255848
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>> No.4255853

>Not using your hands for pizza

>> No.4255865
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, 1359798825686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't even make sense. Why would somebody ejaculate from eating?

>> No.4255876

Oh god my parents always do this kinda shit. I just try and quickly eat as much of it as possible in as little time as possible. Once it hits that 7 day old period no matter how hard you try you won't be able to stomach it.

My parents made enough food for the family this new year. We ate it for 2 weeks

>> No.4255878

i literally laughed out loud reading this.


>> No.4255881

my mom every time she eats

>takes a bite

fucking creams herself every time she eats, even if it's just a mcd's grilled chicken sandwich

and then she won't eat all day and it'll be like 4 in the afternoon and she'll be like i'm so starving i'm so starving i'm so starving and she'll wolf something down and ten minutes later she'll be moaning in agony from stuffing her face

>> No.4255882

I just got a case of jelly

>> No.4255888

I literally didn't even the simplest physical reaction towards it.


>> No.4255890

Your tacos transcend time

>> No.4255893

Am I the only one that finds it weird when someone eats a sandwich with knife and fork?

>> No.4255896
File: 216 KB, 2272x1704, hot turkey sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


depends on the sandwich

>> No.4255897


>>takes a bite

My dad does the same, he'll even do the *GASP* OHHH'' thing after drinking

>> No.4255898

i have no problem with that. as long as it fucking tastes good.

>> No.4255900

Sounds like he was doing that on purpose to make you leave.

>> No.4255904

If the sandwich is bigger than that someone's mouth, it's actually acceptable

>> No.4255923


Despite being sealed in packets, doritos won't last forever, make sure you laugh at him when he finally opens one and they are all soft and bad-tasting.

>> No.4255938
File: 13 KB, 255x165, monte cristo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sandwiches that have been prepared like a monte cristo are also acceptable to be fork'n'knifed

>> No.4256148

>that feel
My best friend/roommate drenches everything in yellow mustard before he takes a bite.
I die a little inside every time he does it.

>> No.4256158
File: 49 KB, 668x194, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4256242

Are you me?

>> No.4256286


>> No.4256316
File: 33 KB, 414x480, 1332553288001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoving vegetables up ur pooper is not good for long-term development of societies.
The antique Greek way to deal with people not paying denbs was to insert a huge turnip into their arseholes - in public. Long long ago it was considered extremely shameful in Grease to have a huge, thick, juicey hot Turnip shoved up your poopie. I guess there were a lot of people with denbs so they finally got used to the denbs and arsefucking at the same time. Now they not afraid of anything and will bring the Euro down.

>> No.4256464

What happened to this thread? What happened to those posts?

>> No.4256570

>had a roommate
>he didn't do shit
>I decided to clean up after myself only and let him see what he doesn't do
>I'm working full time and going to school and he's just going to school
>plays LoL all day
>hardly leaves his computer
>never cleans anything
>house looks like shit in a week
>"durrr let's clean!"
>he cleans the area around his computer and sits back down to play LoL
>bitches that the whole house is still a mess
>start saving my money so my girlfriend and I could move in with another couple
>tell his fatass I can't contribute $200 a week to the food budget anymore
>get home from work and see a letter saying I have 24 hours to get my shit out (it was a house owned by his dad so HE didn't pay shit for rent and got $50 a week to survive off of but he spent it on stupid shit)
>durr it's because I don't like your girlfriend (she didn't even live there)

>> No.4256631

there's a sushi bar in LA that will actually kick you out if you try to eat certain things with soy sauce. its fucking great

>> No.4256650

They sound pretentious as fuck. I wouldn't eat there.

>> No.4256664

No, it's a marketing strategy to appeal to a certain group of pretentious hipsters and weeaboos.

>> No.4256678
File: 37 KB, 640x480, 1357585034403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend is over at my house
>he cooked something and said I was out of pepper
>tell him where I keep my spices
>in that same cupboard I keep all of my spices
>have a sandwich bag full of Oregano up there
>few days later friend calls me and tells that the weed he found in my cupboard was bad
>check my cupboard
>oregano is gone

>> No.4256683

I'm assuming you just made this up, that's the sort of thing you get stabbed for

>> No.4256691


I don't mind if people cook in my house as long as they clean up after themselves, which they all do. This guy just went full retard and tried to smoke oregano.

>> No.4256694

i loled

>> No.4256695

No I'm talking about stealing a whole bag of your friends weed

>> No.4256696

Is your friend 12?

>> No.4256698


The hell kind of idiot can't tell oregano from weed?

I mean, as soon as he opened the bag, he should have realized that it smells nothing like weed.

>> No.4256702

seriously, this is either made up or your friend is 10/a mongoloid

>> No.4256720

we all know his friend was white, there is no need to be upset

>> No.4256742
File: 33 KB, 604x340, 1348080405287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm 17 hours late, but I just want to tell you that I feel sorry for you anon.

>> No.4257828


because the food is so good it's orgasmic. All them moans.

>> No.4257971



>> No.4258062

have you never been to the midwest?

>> No.4258141

My boyfriend covers everything in cheese and sour cream.

>> No.4258146

Quotes were making posts disappear yesterday.

>> No.4258184


that explains everything

>> No.4258226


I'm not American. I thought England was most famous for having bland food.

>> No.4258228

Murkan here

Never been to England, but I'd put even odds on Midwest vs. England

>> No.4258235

England has some pretty good heavy, hearty dishes.

Midwest has.... scrapple?

>> No.4258238

>go out to diner with friend
>order burgers
>he gets one with two patties, fried egg, and a side of onion rings
>opens burger
>puts onion ring on top
>unscrews salt shaker top
>pours a quarter of the container onto the burger
>"Man, I don't know why you don't ask them to take the ketchup off your burger. I find it tastes so disgusting."

This guy...

>> No.4258275
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>have three bottles in cupboard at my old apt
>friends come over
yo bro could I get a drink?
sure guy, but all I got is that sake shit so and so bought me
>bottle is covered in chink symbols
>bottle of mushroom soy is covered in chink symbols

mfw my friend has a glass full of dark liquid and seems to be getting a buzz off it

>> No.4258286

Working as a Walter at a sushi restaurant and this always rustle my jimmies

>> No.4258291

i dont wanna
i dont wanna
i dont wanna

>> No.4258319

>not telling your friends to put their leftovers in the bowl to feed your dog
>not having a feast after they leave
>not giving your dog a fry or 2
dumb asshole

>> No.4258333

this pisses me off so much to the point i'll just have a bowl of cereal for dinner, slaving over the grill for 30 minutes + making side dishes and having it nuked afterwards

>> No.4258334

I've been pretty much everywhere. All inall, I found Singapore had the blandest food.

>> No.4258356
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>MMMM mmm MMMM mmmm MM mm MMMMMM!

>> No.4258359

That reminds me:

>13 years old
>My mom used to make small piroques for my lunchbag
>One day I didnt eat it and left it in my bag, just to forget all about it
>A couple months later Im called to the kitchen where she is standing, furious
>She is holding up the bag of rotting piroque that has been grinded and pounded by books for months
>Screaming at the top of her lungs"WHAT IS THIS? WHAT IS THIS?"
>Try to explain her its just an old lunch but she'll have none of it
>She ends up threatening me to admit its weed or she will have it send to the police to confirm it
>I tell her to just do it
>She then opened the bag and, to my horror and amusement, took a deep breath, probably trying to confirm it's weed
>That fucking look on her face

I never heard for it again, but damn it will be fun to bring up to a family reunion

>> No.4258361

>"I don't know how to cook. Only thing I can do is make sandwiches"

>> No.4260559

>orders food at restaurant
>when food arrives picks out almost half of the ingredients off dish
>not just ordering food without all those things you don't like

>> No.4260592

Water doesn't help spiciness, asshole. You drink milk or eat some type of bread to cool the spiciness. In fact, it'd be better to not drink anything if you're only choice was water.

>> No.4260840
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oh sweet merciful god, what the fuck is that?
>"hey anon, i got some expresso beans, want an americano"

>> No.4260932

"Why are you not peeling those potatoes anon!"

>> No.4260941

The only one I can think of off the top of my head..

>Cook simple meal for myself and friend
>They only have a few bites
>"Everything okay? You hardly touched your food.."
>"It's not a big deal.. it's just that the noodles aren't fully cooked.."
>Just apologize because I don't feel like trying to explain 'Al Dente'

>> No.4260976

Lol did somebody eat this crap? I want to see pics.

>> No.4261000

This. That's why naan bread exists.

>> No.4261020

>melting some butter in the microwave
>must've put it on 2:00 instead of :20
>don't realize until the timer goes off
>nothing in the dish or on the microwave
>the butter is literally GONE
still don't understand it to this day

>> No.4261025

I'll admit to being one of those people, though I do have ....suddenly I'm having a brainfart and can't think of the word I want... ANYWAY I don't do it automatically, unless it's a dish I've had a ton of times before prepared in a way I'm familiar with so I know what it tastes like before I add anything.

Examples would be pretty much anything my mom makes because she always caters to my dad's blandness: Tuna salad is just tuna and mayo, I add ground habanero and capers; meat is always roasted (so basically pot roast or roast chicken); fish is almost always salmon, and pan-seared, I've requested we do a tartare or ceviche sometime, but I have no skill in cooking so I don't want to do it without her helping me along lest I burn the house down.

Don't get me wrong. I love my mom, and my mom actually is a good cook, I just wish she'd work on expanding my dad's palate (pallete? however it's spelled, it's 3am and I'm too tired to bother checking) so he'll learn to like more than three things.

>> No.4261048

>Dad makes one of the most basic dishes ever for dinner
>Dad takes drink of whatever he's drinking
>Everything he eats makes insanely loud crunching noises for some reason

I'm so glad I moved out 2 years ago. I also have my girlfriend conditioned to not make any slurping noises when she eats, or to make the AAAHHHH sound after drinking. Which took a while because she used to live with a bunch of Asians when she was in college and apparently it's "respectful to the chef" if you slurp the fuck out of your food.

>> No.4261058

>but I have no skill in cooking so I don't want to do it without her helping me along lest I burn the house down

Are you a 8 year old girl? You are joking about the "burn the house down" part right? I'll assume so.
Just try and make the dishes you want to make, if they come out like crap it just adds to the experience. Also, dishes like ceviche and tartare are incredibly simple to make.

>> No.4261079

Meh, depends how good the sushi bar is. At the local one I get lunch at sometime I dunk everything and mix my soy and wasabi. At the one I go to for real good eats I do the dip and flip, keep everything separate, etc.

>> No.4261085

What? How is a knife and a fork dishes?

>> No.4261096


And today we learned about evaporation

>> No.4261104

Really? Are you that fucking retarded?

>> No.4262915

I don't like the taste of ginger.

>> No.4262940


Butter does have water in it, so evaporate does happen, but the actual lipid (fat) doesn't evaporate as easily. What happened was most likely decomposition (due to high heat)

>> No.4264421

>You are joking about the "burn the house down" part right?

Of COURSE I am. Doesn't mean I wouldn't prefer to have someone who knows what they're talking about to monitor my progress. But your point is taken.

>> No.4264430

I'm not sure suggesting raw meat or acidulation cooking dishes for novice cooks is a good idea.

>> No.4264458

Who the fuck does that?

>> No.4264547


>> No.4264551

my dad even finds Sweet Chili Sauce too hot...

>> No.4264591
File: 151 KB, 400x566, 8194824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy some spicy cheetos
>dad is coming over for dinner
>make some medium-rare steak, mashed potatoes and rice
>notices my spicy cheetoes, takes the spicy cheetos and puts it on a bowl of rice
>he's eating spicy cheeto rice

I honestly don't know how I should feel about this. I wouldn't call it disgusting or anything, but he has some weird tastes.

>> No.4264604
File: 18 KB, 379x214, okay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spicy cheeto rice
That sounds far more appealing than it has any right to.

>> No.4266093
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>> No.4266181
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>complaining about too much food

>> No.4266192
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I have a friend who will add salt, pepper, or hot sauce (sometimes all three) to food before even tasting it.

>> No.4266208

my grandma used to make me that when i was little because we were poor. it's actually good

>> No.4266234

My dad would always eat tuna fish (or chicken) salad (which means mayo+fish or chicken) on white bread with grape jelly. Shit is vile.

>> No.4266342

that picture is horrifying, the longer i stare at it the more distressed and disturbed i become

>> No.4266381

>how do i into greentext story

>> No.4266400

No. You don't have a friend like that.

>> No.4266414


Hot Cheetoes are good with something starchy like white bread or rice.

>> No.4266470

Midwest: corn dogs, gyros, horse shoes, italian beef, chicago pizza... it's not that bad. Just all killer fat

>> No.4266792

what exactly does milksteak taste like? Is it at all edible? Or just a waste of good meat

>> No.4266806

srs? Singapore has a wide variety and rich history of delicious food. I lived there for a year and almost never had a bad meal. Where the fuck were you eating?

>> No.4266807

I thought it was because they had no cutlery

>> No.4266808

so you don't wash your cutlery?

>> No.4266880
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Taste exactly how it sounds. Creamy meat. An almost gravy.

>> No.4267083

>live in midwest
>any time i go out to eat at a restaurant i make a scene because i literally baptize my food in black pepper

shit be bland yo

>> No.4267093

You're eating the wrong shit man. What did you have there?

>> No.4268258



I got exactly this from my housemate and his sister when they were looking through the back of our fridge.

>> No.4268260

Ginger is such a fucking pain in the arse to cook with.

The margins between not being able to taste it and it overpowering everything in your sauce are insanely tight.

>> No.4268277

Old woman, look at her hands

>> No.4269015

>sister has chinese boyfriend over for Thanksgiving
>we take out the cranberry sauce to eat
>chinese boyfriend asks in excitement
>"Oh, is that pig's blood?"
>we all look at him like he's chinese

>> No.4269027


I'm guessing you're using ginger of various different ages. The problem is not an imaginary fine line between too little and too much; the problem is that some days you have strong ginger and other days you have weak ginger. Taste some before you cook with it. That way you'll know how strong that particular piece is and can adjust the recipe accordingly.