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4262943 No.4262943[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>UHT milk

>> No.4263459

I don't drink milk now that I am lactose intolerant, but when I was a kid I freaking loved that milk. It tastes freaking good.

>> No.4263462

>was a kid

>> No.4263473

we never had fresh at home. my parents just bought crates of UHT - the top drawer of the fridge was always nothing but those cartons.

if someone does a tea round at work there's always a risk that UHT will get used, and i won't know until i take a sip of tea and retch at the taste.

>> No.4263478
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It's completely undrinkable compared to normal milk. This is a scientific fact.

>> No.4263516

it's like, what's the point? I've never been in a set of circumstances that necessitated using that jizz

>> No.4263527

Apparently to most europeans, UHT is "normal" milk.

>> No.4263537

>citation needed

>> No.4263542

>America starting shit it can't finish
Bitch nigger, I've never even seen the stuff

>> No.4263554

>UHT milk has seen large success in much of Europe, where across the continent as a whole 7 out of 10 Europeans drink it regularly

>ultra high temperature (UHT)6 milk is commonly used in many European countries, particularly in Belgium, France, Sweden, Spain, and Portugal, where UHT milk represents >90% of total milk consumption.

Do you want to keep being mad or can we just agree that Europe's reputation for appreciating nice food might just be a little bit of a hilariously bad lie?

>> No.4263563

I didn't even what UHT milk was till I googled it.

>> No.4263568

>most countries
>names a fraction
wow, your PhD prepared you well for doing excellent research Cptn. America. We're in awe of your country's culinary accomplishments like the hot dog that can't legally be called a sausage and burgers so big they get banned outside the US.


>> No.4263570

Mountain Dairy or go home

>> No.4263572

yeah, because America really trend sets in cuisine, doesn't it...

>> No.4263574


Well, we're talking about countries that aren't behind the iron curtain. It's impossible to believe any of the statistics from Czechosloviakia, Roumania, and Byelorussia, so why even bother? Are you some kind of Slav who gets butthurt when your gypsy homeland isn't mentioned?

>> No.4263577

As a Amerifat I don't think UHT comes close the culinary abominations that we enjoy. Proportionately, we lead the world in the worst food on the planet.

>> No.4263581

So I see a source on one side of the argument, and I see you presenting a logical fallacy on your end.

Well here's something by your own accidental admission; your government has to regulate hot dogs and hamburgers to maintain your perceived food culture.

>> No.4263586
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Read the fucking article; France, Germany, Spain, and Belgium consume MASSIVE quantities of UHT milk.

>> No.4263596

>logical fallacy
I don't think you know what that means

>> No.4263604

this, take a look at one aisle in our supermarkets. UHT ain't got shit on our crimes against food.

>> No.4263609
File: 571 KB, 1600x1131, Logical Fallacies 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure I do.

>> No.4263610

You've obviously never been to Norway. Norway's cuisine is a prime example of having the best of something but not having the faintest clue of what the fuck to do with it. Great quality ingredients, but completely lacking in knowledge of its use. You think British food is bad? Finnish? They ain't got shit on the Norwegians. These motherfuckers have access to the best of the best and ruin it all in various ways. Unlike Sweden or Danmark, they don't have a strong baking tradition. Sure, they bake, but not anywhere near the variety and expertise of the Swedes and Danes.
Even Iceland, at least, has an excuse for being so awful (worse than Norway): relative isolation for centuries and little-to-no native agricultural history.
Norway has no excuse. Fuck Norway. Fuck it in the eye with a big rubber dick. F'real.

>> No.4264685

If it's a race to the bottom you want, a race to the bottom you shall get.
In America we don't even start out with quality ingredients. Think of the most punishingly bad way of manufacturing and processing food, we do it. Europe might have some health abominations but they don't even come close to the shit we do in America. Not even close. I'd go as far to say, as an Americlap, that our food is the worst in the history of this planet. Ever. Ever. Ever

>> No.4264699

I disagree, sort of. British cuisine and its descendants are worse, all together. As in British, American, Australian cuisine. Plus it's all unhealthy as fuck which is why anglo-saxon countries are all fat.

>> No.4264712

Britfag here. We have fresh milk. In every home.

However, where tea and coffee is made that is not the home, (read greasy spoon cafes, hotels, planes etc.) there are often little UHT milk containers because the milk is being stored at room temp for a long time.

TL:DR - we do have UHT milk here, but not in our homes.

>> No.4264768

I can't comment on Australia man but our food is a lot worse than that in Britain. Shit, they had to send Gordon Ramsey over we were doing such a shit job.
But seriously, Burger King, Pizza Hut, McDonald's, KFC, most soft drinks, Pringles etc. etc. etc. are all American things that we've exported that have fucked the world up. Health wise and environmentally. Even fucking Starbucks has ridiculously unhealthy drinks. How the fuck do you manage to make coffee unhealthy. We have a lot to answer for. The food industry in this country and their cunt backwards reliance on 'muh freedoms' to prevent curtailing obesity make me ashamed to be an American sometimes.

>> No.4264784

Two words: American cheese.

>> No.4264795

the rubber squares or the stuff that comes in a jar
yes, we have cheese in jars.

>> No.4264805


What about the one that comes in a spray can?

>> No.4264832


I hate this country :(