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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 15 KB, 324x236, sandralee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4212761 No.4212761 [Reply] [Original]

Shitiest on-TV cook, fictional or real. Pic very related.

>> No.4212765

There's that TV show with the molester. I don't remember his name. It's hilarious though.

>> No.4212775

I fap to her so it balances things out.

>> No.4212777

Sandra Lee takes a lot of shortcuts which I think is the point of her show. Semi home cooking. Basically your typical housewife with a drinking problem.

>> No.4212779
File: 31 KB, 600x450, SandraLeecleavage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4212796


She only has a t.v. show because she's fucking the Governor of New York.

>> No.4212806

so just a typical housewife.

>> No.4212814

her kwanzaa cake looked good but I'd leave out the big fucking candles. I mean, how can you hate angel cake and apple pie filling?

>> No.4212821

Looks like the average fake trophy for the richs.

What does she cooks? does she have signature dishes?
Who is she anyway (frenchanon here)

>> No.4212822
File: 70 KB, 640x426, 113834323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4212826
File: 27 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youtube chef count?

>> No.4212833
File: 52 KB, 445x481, m219440226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhat related,but Irvine has a few good recipes.

>> No.4212857
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>> No.4212868

This guy means well, but is so creepy.

>> No.4212970
File: 22 KB, 111x136, 1351897476033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4213053

I can't stand Sandra Lee her shit isnt even good. She fucking made a pile of ice cream look like a baked potato. Why would anyone want to do that?

>> No.4213997

Someone is an alcoholic.


I never get tired of this clip.

>> No.4214001

It goes on the table next to the ice cream made to look like mashed potatoes.

>> No.4214003

"just two shots"

oh my god that had to taste like straight up turpentine though

>> No.4214005


I'm just waiting for this guy to make a snippy, whiny, pissy video about how his doctor is telling him they need to cut off his foot because of "the diabetes".

>> No.4214007


>> No.4214010

my problem with him is that he really has boring taste
Nothing he makes is ever anything that I wouldn't expect to be able to order at a TGI Fridays

and yes, the hair...

>> No.4214013
File: 235 KB, 616x462, sh1a13_chocolate_truffles_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or next to her sensuous chocolate truffles.

>> No.4214014

Lush Lagoon indeed.

>> No.4214053

holy shit, is this for real?

>> No.4214081

Somebody get me her videos, it's been too long since I saw something get corporated.

>> No.4214087

Yeah, this happened.

>> No.4214089

That bitch in OP's pic (I refuse to even type her name), Douchebag Donkey Sauce, and that fat fuck Batali. Those three make me rage like no other. My roommate likes to make me watch The Chew just to see how angry I get at that orange cockgobbler Batali. He won't even dare try to make me watch those other two, though. I'd just explode in a shower of hate and rage, showering the walls with my angry, boiling blood.

>> No.4214094
File: 30 KB, 488x639, 539409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the recipe for this disaster.
1 (16-ounce) container chocolate frosting
3/4 cup powdered sugar, sifted
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
Line 2 cookie sheets with parchment paper. With a hand mixer, beat frosting, powdered sugar, and vanilla in large bowl until smooth. Using a tablespoon measuring spoon or a 1-ounce cookie scoop, form into balls and place on cookie sheet. Dust truffles with cocoa powder. Cover and refrigerate truffles until ready to serve.

>> No.4214105


>> No.4214110
File: 1.29 MB, 158x129, 1329889078246.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THAT......makes me incredibly angry.

>> No.4214111

Grazie. Can never remember this landwhale's youtube when I have the urge to watch a train wreck.

>> No.4214114


and he is like the biggest manchild there is.
He is like borderline autist

>> No.4214119

Jesus christ. Cup of condensed milk, cup of sugar, bottle of vinegar, pint of mayonnaise, pound of pasta.

And you can just tell that this bitch eats like this every day.

>> No.4214123


>> No.4214125

>Buys pre-shredded carrots

Oh god. I thought I was white trashy for buying shredded cheese...

>> No.4214134
File: 55 KB, 550x413, 223445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4214137

this fucking bitch threw the dying wish of a child in his face then tried to take it back when it blew up in her face.

>> No.4214144
File: 41 KB, 550x354, 3346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how her hair is down every single time she cooks. Her hair in one of her dishes. Bitch needs to learn what a hair-tie is or cut it even shorter.

>> No.4214146

Wait what?

>> No.4214153

I used to like Diners, Drive-in's, and Dives, but as I watched more episodes, it's clear that he is only interested in a few types of food. He gets excited about pulled pork and barbeque and Cuban food.

He makes it so awkward when he goes to any restaurant that isn't completely meat oriented. I'm not even a vegetarian, but this bugs me.

>> No.4214157

Does anyone have the Youtube videos of the guy with the absolutely filthy apartment doing cooking videos? He gets pots and pans out of his bathroom and shit.

>> No.4214158

Dead serious. She got contacted by the make a wish foundation because some dying fat kid wanted her to cook a meal for him. She snubbed them so he told the press and went to disneyworld instead.

>> No.4214218

You're an idiot

>> No.4214233

I like him, he's a harmless chucklebro. He knows he isn't all about fine dining.

My only real problem with him is when he wants to create something of his own in the kitchen he's visiting. He has his own cooking show, he doesn't need to waste time on DDD with it when the whole focus should be the featured establishment.

>> No.4215023
File: 33 KB, 574x421, swedish_chef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He never even gets to cook his food!

>> No.4215028

She's better than Paxil for putting me to sleep at least. Bitch is too mellow.

>> No.4215030

She always seems like she's slightly sedated on meds. Like she walks, talks, and thinks in slow motion.

>> No.4215045

Guy Fieri- i dont even think he actually cooks
Rachel Ray- bitch should have stuck to handing out free chocolates at the mall
Bobby Flay- douche adds some extra salt to guacamole & calls it avacado relish.... you've gotta be fucking kidding me

>> No.4215050

Did anybody ever watch the food network when it first came out? before iron cheff and all the other BS. I used to watch it all the time at night because the other channels would go off air. I miss it when it was purly about cooking.

>> No.4215053

Uncle Guy and Auntie Sandy
Oh god, one could imagine, match made in heaven.

Sandra isn't ment to be taken seriously, she is to instruct housewives how to be housewives and develop a drinking problem.

>> No.4215058

I used to watch Food Network in the "How to Boil Water" days (with the comedian and the chef, not Emeril, so ... '96?).

Fuck I remember having to do the "SASE and show number" mail-in shit to get the recipes.

>tfw the first thing I ever cooked on my own was a cake from "How to Boil Water" for Father's Day for my dad
>I was 12

>> No.4215063

She's like a handful of quaaludes gone sapient and slack-jawed. It's uncanny.

And the thing between her and her husband or partner or boyfriend or whatever the fuck he is. I tried watching an episode (that I wasn't going to turn off because I wasn't going to be driving or operating heavy machinery afterwards) and their whole ...dynamic just skeeved me the fuck out.

>> No.4215073


Pretty much this. The thing is, Sandra Lee seems like she is the happiest person off the camera. You ever see how elitist and/or angry so many of those celebrity "chefs" come off?

I mean maybe it's because she is a delicious milfy drunk, but she seems happy, and her show teaches people even dumber than her how to make tuna noodle casserole in 20 minutes for their kids, I guess that's pretty cool. Not everyone can be an expert cook, some people just need basic instructions for simple recipes.