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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4177001 No.4177001 [Reply] [Original]

how much money do you spend on food every month?

I did some basic calculation, about $600.
This is food for two (including my lunch at work), plus diapers and food for our baby for one month.

How about you /ck/?
Also, what monthly amount is considered low and expensive per person?

>> No.4177011

Around £120

>> No.4177023

For three people, who eat roughly two meals a day, 500-600$ a month.

It's our luxury expense - we love splurging on good meats and cheeses.

>> No.4177048
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It's between $300-400 for two people.

We try to do a seafood boil once a month which can be comparatively expensive to the rest of the eating.

>> No.4177055

Probably around $600-700 per month or so.

That's just on myself.

>> No.4177058

We spend around 500ish, for two adults and a 16 month old. Food has gotten expensive around here! We don't use any prepared stuff, so that is probably why. It would be less, also, if the deer season hadn't been so miserable this year.

>> No.4177060



You are either eating a over priced hipster, hole in the wall dining establishments or supporting a fat ass binge eater.

I spend about 15-20 a week.

>> No.4177066

$300 between 4 people

>> No.4177068

oh, I also send meals to my ailing Mother-in-Law about five times a week as well.

>> No.4177069

Anywhere between 200-250$ a month.

>> No.4177076


Do you pan fry fra gras with saffron and sprinkle beluga caviar on whole truffles then eat them like apples?

>> No.4177078
File: 279 KB, 1920x1080, get out jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even know how expensive diapers and other baby-related shit is?

>> No.4177089

First of all I live in Sweden, so prices may vary. Second of all it's more closer to $530 but I just made a rough calculation. I'm not quite sure. Somewhere between 500-600.

And is it really that expensive? 2 lunches, 2 dinners and 2 breakfasts every day the entire month. Plus additional snacks and crap. Also, child.

>> No.4177091


Check your frugality, you frivolous closet case trying to cover up your "DL" lifestyle by having children and a mock loveless marriage of convenience.

>> No.4177101

No, I just buy good quality food. I don't like to eat like a fucking pauper when I can afford to buy better quality food.

I spend around $200-250 every two week on groceries. I usually go out to lunch 2-3 times a week when I go in to the office, that's around $15-20 per day since I go to decent restaurants. Beyond that, I'll usually go out once or twice a week to have a few beers and dinner with friends and maybe order pizza or Chinese food once a month.

I see no point in eating rice and beans, ramen and bargain chicken thighs and eating off the dollar menu for lunch when I can afford to avoid it.

>> No.4177107

OP here, I forgot. My budget include hygiene products too.

So yeah it's definitely closer to $500 than $600

>> No.4177113

>2 lunches, 2 dinners and 2 breakfas

yea that's way too high.

eggs .99/doz
chicken .99/lb
potatoes .20/lb
rice .23/lb
beans .26/lb
*any veg on sale .39/lb

with a well stocked pantry and some spices your looking at a few buck a day.

>> No.4177122


I'd love to put you on one of those reality shows where they make over privileged assholes live on the streets for a time and watch you cry like a baby.

>> No.4177136

I get by on $160-170 a month
if need be, I can skate on 120.00

For 1 mouth to feed,

A few years ago I was $3 a day budget,

>> No.4177137


Why? Spending $200-250 every two weeks is not that much. I've known "poor college kids" who could easily spend that much between ordering pizzas and eating fast food. Obviously you could eat for less but that's hardly "over privileged".

>> No.4177150

Hey, fuck you. I've been down the poverty road before. I grew up poor, living off welfare and from food we got at food banks and from the church we went to.

I was thankfully able to pull myself out of that shit, have a successful career and get a good job so I can now afford to spend more on whatever I want. Sorry if that offends you, but get over it.

>> No.4177166
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Your mom. If any of that were true, it should have taught you to not be a wasteful piece of shit, running all over town trowing money away on shit you don't need and could easily get cheaper if you put one once of effort into it.

>> No.4177171



>> No.4177172

But that's what I eat, except the chicken. And the eggs are free range organic. Potatoes are $1.2 per KG.

I spend $9 per day, roughly. I don't think it's that high for 3-4 meals.

But whatever you say, I guess.

>> No.4177195


Right now, not a lot. I can spend less than $150.00/mo. on food, but I remember several times going to the grocery store and have the cashier smirk at me saying something like "That'll be $535.54 please."

I used to spend about $600.00/mo. on groceries, for myself alone, not counting eating out, which I did almost daily.

I really miss having money, but having money has its downsides, too.

>> No.4177205


I see you're back from your b& and I just wanted to let you know that /ck/ was a much nicer place when you were gone.

>> No.4177206

I feed two people... Probably spend about $200 a month on groceries, and another $50-$100 eating out.

So let's just assume $300.

>> No.4177223

Assuming absolutely no sales/special offers, I eat for $7/day. However a pretty substantial amount of my diet can be bought in bulk when the price is right and I do exactly that. I easily come in under $200 on average.

I prepare all but maybe one or two of my own meals every month (or eat as a guest, which is offset by me hosting later on) and I stick with water or my own tea/coffee which is included in the aforementioned cost.

>> No.4177241

Oh, and getting to your second question: there are a variety of reasons why I would consider my cost to be higher-end. First off my diet is devoid of grains and starches, so my costs aren't offset by laughably inexpensive things like rice, oatmeal, potatoes, etc.

Secondly, I opt for frozen vegetables over steaming my own fresh from a farmer's market. As such I'm consistently paying $1.30/lb no matter how good a deal I could get otherwise.

Thirdly, I pay a bit more for "non-generic" ingredients. I'm not buying the cheapest eggs, meats, salad greens, fish, etc. that are available.

Finally, I enjoy a protein shake after workouts but I can't find the flavor I like most in bulk quantities. Ends up being a full dollar per day just for that drink.

>> No.4177250

It is the truth. I grew up poor and now I have money to spend, so I spend it.

Why does how someone else chooses to spend their own money even matter to you?

If I decide I want to have a rib eye steak and a nice bottle of wine for dinner instead of a cheap hamburger and a glass of water, it's really none of your concern.

>> No.4177260

He was banned again? Know what for?

>> No.4177271


Yeah, he was doing his normal shitposting thing and then made some comment about the OP wanting to do unspeakable things to underage females. Every post in the rest of the thread was thanking the mods for b& him.

>> No.4177272
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What a weird fucker

>> No.4177277

Guys I don't think its worth it to start a new thread, but I have an avocado and some chicken nreasts , I'm euro poor so the chicken breast is rare for me, could you give me suggestions on what to make? I'm willing to buy ingredients if I have too' thanks.

>> No.4177279

I'm on here 18 hours a day. How did I miss this shit?

>> No.4177280

Avocado is rare for me

>> No.4177282

$240 per month, roughly. About $70 per week for 4 adults and a cat.

>> No.4177289

It's us 2 and a preschooler and we spend about $5-600 a month (sometimes less) on all of our monthly shit. We try to have lunches brought from home (leftovers, sammiches and shit) but sometimes eat fast food garbage.

>> No.4177292

Oh.. and I guess the 2 cats are worth mentioning, what with their litter use and food consumption

>> No.4177451

150€ per month (+/- 10) for one person
i actually save up the recipes for at least a month once every few years, so i can get a better overview of my money sinks

>> No.4177462

Between $600 to $800 a month for 3 people, which includes going out for dinner, etc.

>> No.4177484


rofl, poor people actually think this.

Sorry, but when you have money you don't eat shitty food. I have a friend from Colombia (parents are self-made millionaires from NOTHING via construction) whose parents are so fucking stingy literally every light is off in the house at all times except when they are STRICTLY needed. It's a 3 million dollar house... BUT** even they buy good quality food, and I can guarantee it is more than $600 a month.. lol.

Just because you can't afford something doesn't mean other people shouldn't buy it. People work hard to buy nice things, that includes food. Sorry it makes you mad.

>> No.4177491
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Just wait until you have a teenager in the house. Our bill went from about the same as yours to about $200+ more a month once our son hit his teenage growth spurts. That kid can down a gallon of milk in a day and a half. He's 14 and is 6'0 and wears a size 13 1/2 shoe.