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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4167361 No.4167361 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/ what's your staple food?

The food you eat multiple times per week, the food you always cook up if you have no other ideas for today.

>> No.4167366

Indian bean stew. easy, healthy and delicious.

>> No.4167369

Beef fried rice.

6oz sirloin
1 cup (precooked) white rice
1/4 chopped jalapeno
1 large celery stalk
2 tbsp soy sauce
1/2 cup chopped broccoli
1/4 cup carrots
1 medium onion, diced
1 clove garlic
1.5 tbsp olive oil
1 egg

Cook that shit on medium high, beef, veggies, then rice. Add egg after adding the rice. Add soy sauce shortly thereafter.

>> No.4167370

Tacos, honestly.
Mostly bean tacos, I make my own salsa and tortillas too.
Staple because poor

>> No.4167374
File: 44 KB, 521x172, MIchelin Tire Eatery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Addendum, if niggas don't thinly slice their beef for this, they're idiots.

>> No.4167394

Can you fry uncooked rice just in oil?

>> No.4167395


Sure you can, but it will be rock hard just like raw rice.

>> No.4167397

I'm looking at this recipe that calls for frying it in oil and then adding water and bringing it to boil, it seems backwards,

>> No.4167398

Chicken fajitas. Tortillas, chicken, bell peppers, an onion, some tzaziki sauce and some salsa.

>> No.4167400

that's the basics of pilaf. Changes the texture of the rice as it cooks, adds awesome flavor too.

>> No.4167404

Pizza, I'll generally eat over 14 a week, but that's because I'm a fat sack of shit.

>> No.4167402

That's how my mother does it, if you do it right the result is pretty good
Also, she fries some sliced garlic in the oil before adding the rice to taste it up.
And don't you ever be late for adding water, unles you do it in <30 seconds you'll be eating rocks

>> No.4167407
File: 712 KB, 1033x416, Screen Shot 2013-01-20 at 17.40.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some variety of lentil stew/ soup.

Left is from last night. Red and green lentils with onions, garlic, tomatoes and spinach.

Right is from a few weeks ago. Red lentils, chickpeas, green peas, courgettes, onion, garlic and tomatoes served with rice and chutney.

I eat them because they're cheap as chips. I use tinned tomatoes and frozen veg, so they cost next to nothing to make (and are bloody delicious.)

>> No.4167408

>14 pizzas minimum a week
What the fuck?

>> No.4167411

Interesting, thanks /ck/.

>> No.4167416

Probably chicken fajitas. Can't complain really, easy and delicious.

>> No.4167418

-Omelets of all varieties
-Spinach Salad with homemade caesar
-Roasted Chicken (either whole or thighs/legs)
I find it never hurts to have a few simple, satisfying dishes you can go to even in a hurry. I like that I can throw any of these together even if I get home late from work.

>> No.4167419

Also looks very good, cheers!

>> No.4167426

I suggest you order larger pizzas so you can say you're on a diet and proudly claim you're down to 8 pizza a week

>> No.4167429

Shit, that looks godlike, mind posting the recipe¿

>> No.4167430

Fried chicken, red beans and rice (ham hocks only), and buttermilk biscuits.

I love red beans and rice, but it goes down a lot easier with a piece of fried meat on the side. I limit myself to one per meal to keep the price down and make it a bit healthier.

>one piece of fried chicken
>one biscuit
>half a cup of rice
>all the red beans I want
>huge glass of sweet tea or water

>> No.4167437

Left looks pretty tasty, right looks like dog shit, but I hate green peas due to psychological trauma.

>> No.4167443
File: 180 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 20-01-2013 at 17.51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sort of just make it up as I go along depending on what ingredients I have laying around. But in general:

Chop and fry a large onion with 4 crushed garlic cloves and some chilli flakes until soft. Add tin of chopped tomatoes, some stock, your lentils (+ beans/ chickpeas/ pasta) and a ton of spices. (I normally use coriander, ginger, basil, cinnamon but that's because I'm odd. Use whatever you have laying around.) Boil for a while, add your veg of choice at some point depending on its cooking time, boil a bit more, season and serve.

On an unrelated note, anyone have any idea what root vegetable this is? I bought it by mistake thinking it was sweet potato, but it's white on the inside. (There go my sweet potato chips.) I need to cook it tonight, so answers appreciated.

>> No.4167444
File: 38 KB, 580x386, genimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canned tuna with brown rice and cucumber slices

if I have time, i'll make Salad Shirazi (pic related) to replace the cucumber

>> No.4167446

It appears to be my left nut.

>> No.4167456


Does anybody have the image showing how men and women show things on the internet?

Men show the object

Women show themselves and the object,

>> No.4167465
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>> No.4167459

Oh fuck, here we go.

>> No.4167462


shut up


nice lips

>> No.4167467

>white knighting on /ck/


This thread is going places! Thread limit by tonight.

>> No.4167470

Guess what's my dinner for tonight
Thanks, will do it someday. Also, on the vegetable no idea, you could try browsing wikipedia for different kinds of tubercules

>> No.4167475

thick udon noodle stir fry, takes 10 - 15mins, at least 3 times a week after work

Thick udon noodles
Some kind of meat, usually thinly sliced pork belly or whatever is in the fridge
sometimes Kimchi
Misc veg, spring onion, mushroom, broccoli
Soy sauce, sriracha, salt, pepper
1 egg mixed in at the end
sesame oil

>> No.4167476

>Guess what's my dinner for tonight
A heaping dose of cock?

>> No.4167479

hey guys it's a girl lets all give her attention...

>> No.4167492

8 replays giving attention to the picture instead of the text. Do you even logic?

>> No.4167493

>8 replays
Do you even proofreading?

>> No.4167496

>Do you even fingerslip?
Nah, you're right but my point stands still

>> No.4167498

Mushrooms. God, I don't think I could live if I didn't have access to some kind of edible mushroom.

That and rice.

>> No.4167507

Sweet potatoes are white on the inside. Yams are reddish or whatever.

>> No.4167520

Wrong way round, but I guess it's a yam. I've just chopped it up and thrown it into a pot of salted water. Nearly all root vegetables make good mash, so hopefully this is no exception. I've also added a few carrots to the pan to give it some colour.

>> No.4167529

Rice and frozen vegetables. Stir fry with some teriyaki sauce (I have a huge bottle in my fridge.) DONE.

>> No.4167527

a sweet potato is a yam why are you even fucking here why

>> No.4167531

Chili. Cheap, easy, leftovers for days.

>> No.4167532
File: 10 KB, 393x245, boniato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mabe it is a sweet potato, search white sweet potato

>> No.4167534

I'm Indo. We call it Kip Smoor. If your philipino, you know it as Chicken adobo.

It's cheap. Easy to make. And tastes good.
I make it at least three times a week.

That, and Soto Ayam on other days.


>> No.4167536

Pasta..without a doubt.

Usually with ground meat (beef or turkey) in a red sauce. We'll eat this two or three times some weeks if we're especially busy/tired/lazy to cook

>> No.4167540

>Although the soft, orange sweet potato is often mislabeled a "yam" in parts of North America, the sweet potato is botanically very distinct from a genuine yam, which is native to Africa and Asia and belongs to the monocot family Dioscoreaceae.


>> No.4167556

rice, green beans, bechamel sauce with some powdered chicken stuff in it, all mixed together

20 minutes

>> No.4167893

3 cans of tuna. One each for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


>> No.4167929

Sauce is whatever I can scrounge up.

>> No.4167940

Probably curry. Tilapia, chicken, melon, tofu, beef. Whatever you have lying around can be made into delicious curry.
That or pilaf/fried rice. I like to sautee vegetables one night, take the leftovers and throw em in rice, and have a rice omelette the next morning. Delicious

>> No.4167944


>> No.4167959

pasta bolognese

>> No.4168042


I eat rice and lentils on an almost daily basis.

>> No.4168049

Rice. Usual Thai Jasmine or Black.

If I have plain white, I usually steep some tea and use the liquid to cook it in the rice cooker. Fragrant and delicious.

>> No.4168053

Mastermind, will try for sure next time