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File: 273 KB, 760x511, bill_murray_suntory_time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4165164 No.4165164 [Reply] [Original]

Can it be liquor time?

What do you drink guys? Maybe after a good dinner, while you're talking with your friends and parents.

>> No.4165172
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its always liquor time

>> No.4165173
File: 35 KB, 450x337, rhum-arrange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy Gin and Tonics all throughout the night .
A black russian after a good meal is fine too.
Where I live, it is customary to have a few bottles of homemade "rhum arrangé" in the cupboard. It's local white rum infused with your choice of fruits, spices or herbs.
>pic related

>> No.4165179

Could I infuse my own rum with fruits and whatnot, if I had a bottle of unspiced gold rum? Just put the rum in a jar, along with say, some lime peels, ginger, vanilla bean, cloves, and cinnamon, or what have you, and strain out after about a week?

Also, does that flavor profile sound appealing? Would I be able to add, say, mango chunks, or would it just turn to mush?

>> No.4165180

Johnny Walker Black. Breakfast of champions.

>> No.4165181

that looks really good, and refreshing too!

I really like Baileys, bloody mary and gin tonic.

>> No.4165195

Mostly bourbon, but I'm a poorfag so I can't afford a lot better then Evan Williams, or ordinary Four Roses.

It's possible, but I'd taste a bit after a week. Normally, when I make limoncello out of 180 proof, I keep the lemons in the bottle for about two weeks, maybe more. Mango might turn into mush, but you could strain that out I guess.

>> No.4165199

You can but a week isn't enough, count at least 6 weeks before you even taste it.
Ginger and clove you need to remove after a few weeks as they keep giving their flavor to the rum, and it gets too empowering. Same with cinnamon (leaves are better than sticks for rhum arrangé btw). This profile is nice, you can add an anise star and a coffee bean or two to stay in the same spicy tones.
I'd say use the mango in a different batch.
Your rhum arrangé can be ready to drink faster with fresh fruit, you'll need to strain the fruits before they get all gray and mushy though, as they give their flavor very fast and then just decay. Mango and pineapple are very easy to make (I add vanilla too), and letchees and longans are customary too. If you do, always remove the pits as they will turn your liquor brown.

>> No.4165221
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I just like to sip absolut straight from a tall shot glass. Maybe an icecube added if it is not chilled enough. I'm not so much into mixed drinks. I also like bourbon on the rocks and I occasionally drink beer if it looks dark enough. A friend of mine loves those sugary caprihinias or whatever they are called but I like the taste of alcohol on its own. I never drink gin after that one time that I went insane.

>> No.4165283

you ever had a margarita? Not one you get from buffalo wild wings, or from some shitty "cantina," but a real one? Half the appeal is the way the other flavors compliment the spirit. Try making this:

Get some quality reposado (gold) tequila, and MAKE DAMN CERTAIN it says "100% de agave" on it. A good brand is Milagro.

Pour 2 oz of that in a glass, with no ice in it.
Then, add the juice from 1 large lime, or 2 small ones.

Then, in a steel strainer, muddle 1 jalapeno with a half teaspoon of sugar until mushy. Pour it out, making sure there are no little bits of it left. Then, pour the tequila and lime juice in, and add a tablespoon of agave syrup, and just a very very very small pinch of salt. Cover with ice and shake for just a few seconds, and strain.

>> No.4165286

I like bourbon.

>> No.4165292


He's going to use rose's, and you know it.

Don't even bother trying to help these people, they don't want to be helped.

>> No.4165296
File: 76 KB, 308x300, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wait a second, why isn't there any cointreau in your recipe? and what's with the damm agave syrup? jalapeno? what?

also any tequila that uses the word "gold" in the name is not good.

>> No.4165358
File: 60 KB, 500x389, m1kzcf9Quq1rpds5no1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Margaritas give me a hangover 10 minutes after drinking them really. Thanks for the recipe though I probably will try it. I'm only 24 years old (my birthday was three days ago actually) so I've only recently started drinking "nicer" things per se. I do like that sort of culture's offerings culinary wise (though I am not good with it myself and prefer to cook very spicy asian stuff) so I am really basing the experience from one shitty restaurant I went to that didn't even have a lock on the bathroom. Got walked in on, very shit.
As for the tequila I'm going to ask my local liquor store owner what is best, he knows I don't shirk on price if I truly like it more especially when it comes to wine which he has a somewhat decent selection of. ( Also Inb4 absolut insults, it's a step up from smirnoff and tastes slightly less smooth than greygoose, it's a good compromise for my tight budget as of late) If anyone has better vodka recs for me I will gladly take them but I live in a small village so it might not be available and we can not get liquor shipped here to residences.

>> No.4165371

Another good mid-tier vodka is Stolichnaya.

>> No.4165378

I used the word "gold" because you might not have known what "reposado" means.

Agave syrup. It's delicious.

There's no cointreau because cointreau is orange flavored candy.

Jalapeno. You dump the actual pepper out so there remain trace amounts of the alcohol soluble oils in the cup, and the alcohol in the tequila neutralizes the capsaicin, so you just get the earthy tones of the pepper, complimented by the floral tones of the tequila, and the sweet tones of the agave syrup.

>> No.4165383

Do you have any reccomendations on red wine? I like white wine, but most reds I drink are way too bitter, and some of them leave my teeth feeling gritty for some reason.

>> No.4165389
File: 279 KB, 400x542, 63[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So guys, imagine you're in a bar and a man orders an Amaretto. What's your impression of this man?

I like Amaretto but I'm not sure, is it considered gay? Too fancy?

>> No.4165393


>why is this faggot getting Amaeretto and not whiskey like a normal non-faggot

>> No.4165422

a good rule of thumb is: if it's sweet, it's for girls. Gin tonics is an exception. But you should not care either way

>> No.4165420

Deep Eddy Vodka

>> No.4165426


>But you should not care either way
I know you're not supposed to care. But you always do, right. Imagine I meet the woman of my dreams, I order an Amaretto and she thinks I'm gay. That would suck.

>> No.4165430

meh. Kinda gay, but if that's what you like, order it.

>> No.4165432

true, stoli's pretty good

>> No.4165447

Alright I can give that a try, I saw it in the back of one of the local markets. Thank you.

Gritty? Hmm. The bitterness is what I go after honestly. When the bottle uses descriptions like "oakey, smokey, earthy" I usually pick it right up. If you want a sweeter red wine, why not drink a blush? I personally can't say I like it but perhaps drink it until you acquire a taste of some kind for red wines. Although, I don't think blush even can be considered red wine can it? Perhaps Merlot? I am very fond of Cabernet Sauvignon and Chianti personally. I'm at a loss as to what to recommend to you as what you are looking for is what I avoid, sorry. All I can say is go with a Merlot for now.

>> No.4165450

No one is going to think you're gay because of that one drink you ordered at some point, that's stupid. Make sure you don't talk with a lisp, and wipe the cum off your chin before talking to girls and you'll be fine. Unless you actually happen to be somewhat effeminate. In which case you need to overcompensate by drinking only straight whiskey.

>> No.4165452


>> No.4165466

That this guy has a lot of cavities. That stuff is too damn sweet.

As for gay, no. I drink liquers straight quite a bit. I love Grand Marinier straight, in a little cordial glass.

>> No.4165476
File: 57 KB, 605x605, 1353707495669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I used the word "gold" because you might not have known what "reposado" means.

I think if someone can memorize a brand of tequila that may or may not be available at any given store, you can memorize what the word "reposado" looks like, thus opening up hundreds of good, and in fact probably better, alternatives.

>orange flavored candy

Yes, orange flavor is a necessary part of a margarita. By definition, if it does not have an orange liqueur, it is not a margarita. You're one of those "anything served in a cocktail glass is a martini" types, aren't you?

>Agave syrup. It's delicious.

And belongs in your diet soy chai latte, not in margaritas.

>so you just get the earthy tones of the pepper, complimented by the floral tones of the tequila, and the sweet tones of the agave syrup.

That's nice. You should start a blog. It could be called "how I take the good out of good cocktails and replace with fussy nonsense, using several words to explain why".

>> No.4165480

The least offensive red wines I had were Cabernet Sauvignon. My main deal ad probably somewhat of a circular problem. I'm not a huge fan of red wine, so when I want to try some, I kind of go cheap, because I don't want an expensive bottle of stuff I can't drink. I usually keep some cabernet around the house anyway, but it's mostly for cooking. Same with a bottle of sherry, marsala, and a decent chardonnay. Although I like to drink the chardonnay as well.

>> No.4165489

Sparkling reds are really nice. Try a sparkling shiraz if you can find a cheap one.

>> No.4165502

>implying a Godfather(Whiskey+Amaretto) isn't god-tier
Although straight Amaretto in a bar is gay as fuck.

>> No.4165733


Make yourself a Godfather:

1.5 oz. Scotch
.5 oz. Amaretto

This is my standby. I've experimented with other portions but this 3:1 ratio is not too sweet and just right IMO.
Personally Dewar's White Label and Disaronno.
But if Disaronno gets too expensive, Dekuyper's will do.

>> No.4165751

I adore Bourbon.

My favorite is Basil Hayden's 7 year batch. But for cheaper I really enjoy some of the low end Four Roses. I love having a good bourbon and coke. But only when I can find a Mexican coke, the lack of syrupyness that you get from HFCS gives it a crisper mouth feel and an overall more pleasant experience.

I've also started drinking Gin. But every time I use up a bottle of Bombay Blue Sapphire, I get gifted another bottle. So I haven't been able to try out different brands yet. I hear good things about Tanqueray and Hendricks

I also love making Sangria in the summer.

>> No.4165787

Drink mainly bourbon/rye and brandy. Scotch and good aged rum occasionally.

>> No.4165847

So I recently discovered Gin and Tonics. Is it gay to order that at a bar?

>> No.4165854


Brotip: if you have a concern that ordering a drink at a bar confirms your sexuality, it may be time for some soul searching.

>> No.4165856

I don't think so. I usually order whiskey so I don't know, but to me a G&T is a pretty suave drink.

>> No.4165864

I mostly like beer, but a Dark and Stormy is nice too.