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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 13 KB, 300x300, 0903-canned-tuna-300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4145790 No.4145790 [Reply] [Original]

How do you prepare your canned tuna /ck/? Need some good dressings for my sandwiches

>> No.4145798

mayonaisse + sweet relish, tuna salad. voila.

>> No.4145801

onions are good too, not too much. also how do you guys drain it?

>> No.4145804

yuck. too sweet for me

onion, celery, carrot, and a little mayo.

>> No.4145806

I used canned tuna to put in my macaroni and cheese.

>> No.4145812
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olive oil
french mayonaise
lemon juice

1) drain your tuna*
2) put the tuna in a bowl with the lemon juice, oregano and some olive oil and put to one side for a bit.
3) mince up a fucking onion**
4) add the onion to the bowl
5) whack some FRENCH mayonaise in there
6) mix that shit up with a fork

then slather that shit all over your bread, salad or whatever

*that shit better be dolphin friendly or I don't want you following my advice, op. Don't follow it.

** don't be a cunt about this. Just cut it up enough so you aren't choking on huge lumps of onion

>> No.4145809

Mayo, relish, apple chunks, cheese. Tuna Salad.

>> No.4145813

Tablespoon or so of mayo
On white bread.
Hot sauce or brown mustard.
Maybe some onion on that B.
Carrots, tomato or a green pepper on the side.

My regular lunch at home.

>> No.4145816

>>4145806 disgusting

>> No.4145819


well you've got monkey tits

>> No.4145822

Throw it in a pan with a little butter, use some salsa brava, a dash of beer, pepper, garlic, whatever.

Then put into a tortilla with cheese, your choice of hot/taco sauce, and whatever else you have laying around.

>> No.4145825

> tuna + mayo = good
> tuna + cheese = disgusting
I don't understand why people think that.

>> No.4145827


it's an objective truth. There is no way of disproving it.

>> No.4145834

>Have white albacore tuna
>Lightly salt it
>Have ritz crackers
>dollop mayo on cracker
>add tuna

Best easy beer snack ever. If I'm feeling frisky I'll cut up some Swiss cheese squares for the crackers, too.

>> No.4145830


>hot sauce

Oh, oh no.

>> No.4145839

Don't knock it til you've tried it.

Nigger-rigged fish tacos are pretty good.

>> No.4145843

Have *you*? Maybe you should be specific on what cheese you had it with.

>> No.4145844

how do you drain your tuna?

>> No.4145847


I filter it through a fine mesh to remove the oil then have it blessed by an organic priest

>> No.4145851

I just pop the top, press it in place, and tilt the can over the sink until dry.

Never fretted too much over it, personally.

>> No.4145853


I like this
I like you

>> No.4145856

I remove the lid and use it to strain the liquid as I pour. It doesn't remove the whole liquid but it's fine.

Haven't bought canned tuna in a while, because I am a faggot that worries about overfishing and shit.

>> No.4145860


that's not being a faggot at all, kid

>> No.4145862

>Tuna in oil

What are you even doing with your life?

Use can opener all of the way around.
Turn upside down over the sink.
Press on the lid.

>> No.4145863


being patrician. Sorry.

>> No.4145865


I take it over to the sink, then I lean in real close, and I whisper that I know it was him who betrayed me, he who was like a brother to me. Then I suddenly plunge my knife into it, with sharp, short stabs before walking away to leave it to drain out in the sink.

In regards to op.

>homemade mayo
>brunoised celery and kosher dill pickle
>lots of finely sliced green onion
>lots of fresh cracked pepper.

>> No.4145868

From a pragmatic point of view, my boycott won't do anything except serve to deprive me of tuna while it still exists in a form cheap enough for me to afford.

>> No.4145880


dolphin friendly tuna and fish are pretty big in the uk. Where are you, anon?

>> No.4145893

Just shove it straight into your mouth by the forkful, OP, like I did with a can of corned beef tonight. Might as well have been dog food for all I cared.

>> No.4145894

Are they fished sustainably? That is, the stock of fish there isn't being depleted faster than it's regrowing?
Dolphin-friendly isn't what I'm talking about...

>> No.4145922


yes indeed, my nigger. Sustainable fishing's a big deal over here and in the EU generally

>> No.4145949

Stay away from that albacore tuna, its filthy with Hg.

I go in my bedroom and shut the door to keep the cats away, then I cut the lid open, let it fall in and press it down to squeeze all the water out.

Then add minced garlic, diced onion, salt, pepper, mayo, and if you're into it, either capers or minced dill pickle. If you use capers, don't add the salt. When I started out with this, I would mix the tuna, mayo, and garlic, refrigerate for a few hours, and then adjust the flavorings. Garlic is critical tho... I've never seen two foods go so well together.

A lot of these other recommendations seem like they are from noobs (tuna and grilled cheese are the first thing kids learn). They seem to be trying to cover up the flavor/texture. Nonsense.

>> No.4145957

Hot damn. None of you niggers have said tuna and chorizo? That's, like, the best flavour combo ever.
Do you guys even taste?

>> No.4145988

>Open can
>press lid down onto tuna over sink
>oil drains out
>remove lid, keep tuna in can
>extra virgin olive oil

then you eat it out of the can with a fork

>> No.4146007

> Dolphin friendly

Whole goddamn planet will kaplode if the dolphins died out. Faggots, that's why no one takes this shit seriously. Madagascar fruit tree bat, hungarian whales, and faggy dolphins ruined it for all the nom nom species like tuna and salmon.

>> No.4146009

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

i came

>> No.4146011

Butter, minced onions and lemon juice. Make a spread. No mayo, still lethal.

>> No.4146013

don't buy John West

%90 of their catch is thrown back dead and is other marine life

Can of tuna
cooked cooled tubular/shell pasta
bottle of creamy ranch
grated carrot
sliced spring onion
sliced fresh mushrooms
sliced boiled eggs
chopped tomatoes (fresh)
finely diced capsicum
torn parsley


>> No.4146017

mayo and dijon mustard (30/70)

onions if i'm not being lazy

>> No.4146020


don't drain oil into the sink you fucktard

It ends up in the waterways and ocean

>> No.4146034

This is my favorite food.

Water packed tuna, drain it however you see fit. Mix in garlic, onion, celery, salt, pepper. Scoop out some of the bread from a french loaf (or hogie roll/sub bun if that's all you have), replace the bread with lots of tuna, add some white cheddar slices, pickle, tomatos, and shredded iceberg lettuce. Wrap it in plastic or foil and refrigerate. Eat it the next day.

>> No.4146038


This fucking guy.

>> No.4146072
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>drain oil
>add more oil
>my derp when

>> No.4146079

They pack in ultra-cheap vegetable oil. He's adding extra virgin olive oil. Even if there is some residual veg oil stink remaining, it's a significant improvement.

>> No.4146086
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>> No.4146113
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>not saving the god-tier tuna flavour infused oil and using it for other things like adding a teaspoon of it to ramen with some chilli flakes

It stinky like too-naa!

>> No.4146129


You drain out the tasteless sunflower oil that is there just to preserve the tuna.

Then you drain it off so its gone

Then you add in flavourful extra vrigin olive oil which is meant to be used as a dressing.

So no, it is not just adding back oil you drained off, there is a purpose

>> No.4146131

Having gone tuna fishing a couple times, I can't attest to tuna stinking that way. The oil just smells crummy. Sorry Mr. and Mrs. Schrute, that shit's getting poured out.

>> No.4146154
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Having met god, Buddha, Mohammed, the big bang and other famous entitys I can attest they think you are a wasteful asshole who only cares about things that affect you directly

They also wanted me to mention you will die a horrible, lonely death and will be re-incarnated as a tuna and will end up in a /k/ MRE pack, eventually being left on a fire unopened for shits and giggles

>> No.4146159

Besides, it saves you a trip to the store for an expensive can of goose grease.

>> No.4146177
File: 76 KB, 598x504, 1351308516363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't take credit for this recipe, I lifted it from /ck/ about a year or so ago. Its delicious though and I feel compelled to share it with ye all.

You will need:
>Canned Tuna
>Lemon Juice
>Salt & Pepper
>Bell Pepper (or carrot)
>Saltine Crackers (or breadcrumbs, or anything like that.)
>Cajun Seasoning

Step One:
Chop up your celery, onion and bell pepper (or carrot) very finely and sautee it for a bit. (This'll obviously be your Mirepoix or "Holy Trinity" depending on which you decide to do. Either way, it's 1 part celery, 1 part bell pepper (or carrot) and 2 parts onion.)

Step Two:
Strain your tuna. Dump it into a bowl with the sauteed mixture and some saltines along with the Cajun seasoning, salt, pepper and lemon. Add egg. Mix it up.

Step Three:
Make patties out of the mixture. Lay them aside.

Step Four:
Cook the patties! Toss them in the same pan you sauteed the aromatics, cook them with butter until lightly browned on each side.

Step Five:
Eat. I like them in a pita with a light cream sauce or just plain. You can also try them on a fried tortilla with fresh veggies. It makes a great lunch.

Hope you enjoy!

Forgot the mayo/mustard. You need to add mayo and or mustard to the patty mixture.

>> No.4146179


Fresh caught fish doesn't smell like anything you dumb fuck


If you're going to lie, at least make it believable

Also if you've ever tasted fresh tuna, filleted straight away you'd never eat canned again

>> No.4146180

1 can of tuna
1/2 cup of sweet corn grains
1 tb of mayo
1/2 or 1/3 tb of yellow mustard

Drain the tuna, add everything listed above, enjoy

>> No.4146184

what carbohydrates pair well with canned tuna? i eat it with crackers but i'd like to change it up a bit, maybe have a baked (sweet) potato?

>> No.4146193

Tossed Romaine Salad
Tuna Can
Four Cheese Ranch dressing
Salt & Pepper

Hardmode: Nacho crumbles

>> No.4146192


sounds delish


scoop out the sweet potatoe flesh
mix with the tuna, some mayo, onion, cracked pepper and salt

put back in, bit of grated cheese on top, bake further 10 or so mins

I'm making it for dinner thanks anon

>> No.4146195



>> No.4146197


tell me which way it 'stinks' then


>> No.4146198

Never mind that I said that it didn't stink that way. If you've ever even been NEAR a fishing boat, you should know exactly what it smells like. It's certainly not
>doesn't smell like anything

You're trying to bluff but it's something so many people will be familiar with, Most everyone reading will know you're wrong from experience because they've either been out fishing or have gone dockside. How fucking pathological do you need to be to get this desperate in your trolling? Get some help.

>> No.4146202


Point out the poor grammar in 'lrn2read'?
Anyway, >>4146131 said Tuna freshly caught doesn't smell of anything. You then called them a 'dumb fuck' and went on to reiterate exactly what they'd just said.

Thus, the lack of reading ability lies with you, friendo.

>> No.4146207


I fish all the time

>alvey master race reporting in

so now it's the boat that stinks?

your autism is showing

>> No.4146214

>Anyway, >>4146131 said Tuna freshly caught doesn't smell of anything. You then called them a 'dumb fuck' and went on to reiterate exactly what they'd just said.

>Having gone tuna fishing a couple times, I can't attest to tuna stinking that way.

autism level rising

hurr he called me dumb but I'm smart see

>> No.4146224


Really, you've done goofed and instead of being a man about it you're just continuing to argue a point that you're actually objectively incorrect about.

I'll make it nice and simple for you

1) Anon A said tuna freshly caught doesn't smell
2) You misread that as 'does smell'
3) You proceeded to lead some weird polemic against Anon A
4) I carefully explained the situation to you
5) You still don't seem to understand

Everything you post from hereon in is really just a testament to how pathetic you are. Go for it, champ. If it helps you to work through your parents' neglect of your cultural and academic enrichment that's fine by me :)

>> No.4146239


1) Anon A didn't say it doesn't smell. He said it 'doesn't stink that way'. So it stinks, but not that way

2)Also Anon A claims to have been tuna fishing. A lie

e.g. He doesn't run that way

>This implies he runs ANOTHER way

so he does run, but not that way

The tuna doesn't stink that way. DOESN'T.
This implies it stinks ANOTHER way

my brain hurts

>> No.4146247


Not party to any of this but why would you lie about tuna fishing :S

>> No.4146254
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ITT pedantic faggots derail another thread.

What is /ck/'s feels on tuna melts, prefence for bread or cheese?

I like rye with extra old cheddar myself, but smoked gouda is good too.

>> No.4146255

Day old baguette and any cheese that doesn't leave puddles of oil.

>> No.4146257


oh fuck, I've just realised I could possibly make that right now.
How would parmesan go with it?

>> No.4146261


fuark that sounds so good. post pics and let me know how it is

also, please help: how do you bake your sweet potatoes? i normally just drizzle some olive oil and salt over the top and pop it in the oven at some temperature that suits me for some amount of time until i feel it's done enough

>> No.4146263
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I know you read


I am right

furthermore, if 'Anon A' had of simply stated 'Tuna doesn't stink' it would have saved you from looking stupid

'Freshly caught tuna doesn't stink at all' would have been even better

Also please stop referring to yourself in the 3rd person

Later faggot, feel like going fishing now. Wish me luck

>> No.4146265

any bread with american cheese

>> No.4146273


They're heaps nice if you boil them in salted water for about 3 minutes or so (make sure it's boiling before you drop em in)

Just be careful you don't lose that godly skin, take em out before they're even slightly tender, just to get some heat inside them.

drain them, toss in olive oil, sea salt and pepper, if you can get heaps of cooking salt put a layer of it about a centimetre thick on the bottom of the baking dish, place the sweet pottys on top, bake at about 180-200 (fan forced/convection) for 20-30 minutes, till the skin is crispy

will post pics!

>> No.4146284


did you just type 'had of'? You lost ALL credibility with that invented term.

>> No.4146292
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love knowing some tard on the other side of the world is embarrassed

>> No.4146301


Only one way to find out, but i'd assume it would be good.

>> No.4146302
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you people are what make the internet, and more specifically /ck/ suck.
Please go away.

>> No.4146305


I'll try it later and post results.
Might whack some tomato puree on there too. For shiggles.

>> No.4146308


yeah I did.

That's shitty grammar, I'll admit it.

Still, I'm going fishing.

Gunna call it even

later faggot

>> No.4146313


>implying the internet doesn't inherently suck anyway

I bet you get mad at trolls on facebook tribute sites

>> No.4146325


>What your favorite McDonald Subway KFC meal
>Post god tier store bought dressings
>Ramen idea
>What I drink tonight
>My pizza chain teh best then yours
>How do I into rainbow brownie

>> No.4146338


no. I get mad at double niggers fucking up my precious /ck/

>> No.4146339

Duke's Mayonnaise is key, OP.

>> No.4146341


> [picture of regional pizza variation] this pizza is better than your state's equivalent
> what can I cook in a microwave
> I love ketchup with steak

>> No.4148132

>Drain brine from the tin
>Put tuna into mixing bowl, mash up with a fork
>Add salad cream (Miracle Whip or something similar may work for you Murrikans)
>Chop up red onion, yellow pepper & chilli
>Mix togetha
>Spread on sandwich

>> No.4149227

then the toilet? or where