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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 17 KB, 400x400, Zojirushi Rice Cooker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4127288 No.4127288 [Reply] [Original]

What are some God Tier rice cookers?
What else can you do with them (other the cook rice, of course)?
How long has yours lasted?
How much did yours cost?
Any tips for cooking with them (how much water should be added, how many cups of rice you should use)?

I'm thinking of buying one soon, pic related. Don't know which one to buy. I thought I'd come to you guys for help. Assistance would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance, di/ck/heads!

>> No.4127294

1. You got a good one
2. Oatmeal
3. My current one is on its third year. My longest one was probably 5 or 6, but this is the first one I've had where there were no roommates
4. About $130

>> No.4127297

>What are some God Tier rice cookers?
Pick the most expensive one you can get thats made by a Japanese company and has a locking lid. Zojirushi is particularly good
>Any tips for cooking with them (how much water should be added, how many cups of rice you should use)?
Completely depends on the rice

>> No.4127296


>> No.4127302

>looku, I got kawaii rice cooker! :3

Slow cooker not kawaii enough for you, faggot?

>> No.4127303

What are some God Tier rice cookers?

>not sure but people here always rave on about tiger brand

What else can you do with them (other the
cook rice, of course)?

>steam veggies, fish, make risotto

How long has yours lasted?

>about 4 years, I wish mine would hurry up and die, I kinda want to upgrade.

How much did yours cost?

>20 bucks

Any tips for cooking with them (how much water should be added, how many cups of rice you should use)?

>the rice cooker will come with an instruction book telling you what to put in, mine uses a 1:1 ratio. 1 cup rice 1 cup water turn it on and wait for the click.

>> No.4127306

JFC, man, I just want to make sure I buy a good rice cooker.

Besides, I suck at cooking rice. That's why I want a machine.

>> No.4127312

>we used to stack gooks like you 4 feet deep in Korea, used you for sandbags

Glad you're still in good health, grandpa.

>> No.4127313

What brand is yours?

Sorry, just want to make sure I'm not wasting my money here.

>> No.4127326
File: 16 KB, 592x333, krc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mine is a Kambrook, really cheap one I just grabbed one day in a supermarket, still going strong.

>> No.4127330

Sounds pretty good. Sorry for the endless deluge of questions:

How long have you had it? How much are you able to cook with it? Does it do the job well?

>> No.4127333

Woops, my bad, you've already answered the first question.

>> No.4127335



>> No.4127340
File: 1.01 MB, 1001x1280, 013 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god tier brand: zojirushi (which means elephant brand in Japanese)

mine: $250

time: 2 years so far. still works like new.

cool stuff: makes PERFECT brown rice. For $20 more I could have upped the model to one that also makes sponge cake.

important: cooking brown rice takes a couple of hours. But it's perfect every time. The bloody machine even takes into account the humidity in the chamber.

Picture related: you can impress cute Japanese girls with your perfect rice.

>> No.4127345

Being a normal person that isn't obsessed with Japan makes you elderly now? Grasping at straws, friend. You people just get sadder by the day.

>> No.4127347

Thank you!

>> No.4127346


I've had it for about 4 years, I think it does 5 cups of rice, it works ok for what it is but as soon as I hear it click onto keep warm mode I have to fluff the rice up with a spoon or else the rice on the bottom might get stuck on dry out a bit.
If I were you I'd get the best one you can afford though, I do want to get a better one but I'm tight with my money so I'm waiting for this one to die.

>> No.4127355
File: 65 KB, 479x639, aaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I realized grandpa never served in Korea

So where does the PTSD come from?

>> No.4127359

Just let me have my thread in peace, Jesus Christ.

>> No.4127392



>> No.4127398
File: 275 KB, 1048x1396, img20100218104753617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I should add that it makes fairly good sushi rice, too. I had a first attempt at making onigiri last week. I couldn't get them to take shape properly (need practice), but the rice was really good.

>> No.4127401

He's very sensitive about any anti-weebery. I was talking to him in another thread yesterday and he basically just repeating himself right now. He's either here 24 hours a day or he has a sixth sense for when someone is pointing out the childish weeb crap. He's managed to convince himself that there's only one person on this site that doesn't share his obsession with Japan. It's like he's never gone to /v/ or /pol/ or something.

Also, polite sage for off-topic. Enjoy your daily rice cooker thread.

>> No.4127403

Thank you, very informative!

>> No.4127410

>What are some God Tier rice cookers?
Zojirushi or Tiger.

>What else can you do with them (other the cook rice, of course)?
Cook any other grain, steam vegetables, you can get more creative than that as well.

>How long has yours lasted?
Mine has lasted about 5 years now; my parents have had theirs for as long as I can remember. Zojirushi for both.

>How much did yours cost?
Around $100. I didn't get a fancy one, just the standard one button kind.

>Any tips for cooking with them (how much water should be added, how many cups of rice you should use)?
Depends on the rice cooker. Just follow the instructions and you should be fine. If it turns out a little dry, you can always add more water; if it's too wet, just let it cook longer.

>> No.4127413


Ok, I take back what I said about being in good health.

>> No.4127433
File: 214 KB, 590x393, zojirushi-rice-cooker-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the inside of a typical zojirushi bowl. You add one cup (supplied) of rice and add the right amount of water based on the type of rice. Mine also has a porridge setting.

>> No.4127446

Oh, wow, that's so convenient!

>> No.4127448
File: 188 KB, 850x484, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only god tier rice cooker.

>> No.4127450


They're also much heavier and more dent and scratch resistant than your run of the mill $50 cooker from Target, and you can order replacement bowls direct from Zoji assuming you live in a real country.

>> No.4127449


read the fucking manual.

>> No.4127463

best rice cooker? A fucking pot, you imbecile. Learn how to cook rice in a god damn pot like a normal human being. And don't give me that weebery crap about using a rice cooker, nips used pots like normal people before they invented rice cookers.

god damn heathens should've all died in the wars.

Captcha: inglates and

don't you mean INGRATES, captcha?

>> No.4127464


>> No.4127468

I was going for bitter old korean war vet, actually.

>> No.4127479

Yes, sir! I shall do even better, in fact! I will tear a coconut apart with my bare teeth and place it over a fire made with the pure, manly rage within my hairy chest.

And, so help me God, it will be the best rice ever made on this planet.

>> No.4127493

The Zojirushi rice cookers are worth it for the easy cleanup alone. I've never had rice burned to the bottom of the pot.

Actually I don't even bother cleaning it. I just soak up any water in the inner lid. Next time I use it a quick wipe with the hand and the left over rice film from the previous use just flakes off. Though I do let it sit with the lid open until it cools and drys before putting it away.

>> No.4127505

And it feels super kawaii, right? Nothing is better than knowing I'm touching something a beautiful Japanese woman hand crafted in a crowded Japanese factory. I'm literally quivering right now.

>> No.4127507

>he's so mad because Japan

Shouldn't you be posting about suicide in Japan?

>> No.4127521

What the hell are you on about? Do you see me saging like an idiot? Get a psychiatrist or something.

>> No.4127546

I'm looking for a bento box, it cant be pinku (that's Japanese for pink) or any girl color. It has to be of 2 or more kotoba (that's Japanese for 2 compartments) and has be be chibi (small) sized. And has to be really kawaii (cute). Also It has to be about 10-20 bux. And you have to post pics of it first (i want to make shure it's kawaii [cute]). And it would be nice if it came with matching chopstick holder (WITH chopsticks). OH! and it CANNOT have any cartoon pictures, or be made out of plastic. It has to be made of ceramic, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was made in japan. and not in china or corea (Korea) or whatever. I have found a bento box similar to the one im describing in e-bay, but it was 1 kotoba, and i don't want my gohan (rice) to touch my other things (it can get wet and i would not like that, plus 2 compartments looks more kawaii)

>> No.4127559

>Also It has to be about 10-20 bux
(900-1800 Yen)

>> No.4127579

I was waiting for some faggot to post that.

Asian fag here, are there any other questions about rice cookers that haven't been answered?

>> No.4127583

Do you ever remove the bowl from the rice cooker and wear it as a helmet?

>> No.4127584

I... I do that sometimes...

>> No.4127592


>Asian fag here, are there any other questions about rice cookers that haven't been answered?

Love how an asian shows up to save the day and answer our questions about rice.

>> No.4127611

You've made it pretty apparent that you idolize them, why wouldn't they have an inflated sense of superiority?

>> No.4127626


I don't idolize any race over another, I treat each person as an individual and don't lump them together and judge them by there place of origin.

>> No.4129182

>Any tips for cooking with them (how much water should be added, how many cups of rice you should use)?

>the rice cooker will come with an instruction book telling you what to put in, mine uses a 1:1 ratio. 1 cup rice 1 cup water turn it on and wait for the click.

My rice cooker lied to me. It says to use a near 1:1 water rice ratio, but it actually needed something like at least 1.5:1 or more.

Don't always take everything the instruction book says as end-all.

>> No.4129773

Inner pots of rice cookers usually have some lines that show how much water you should put in.
We need to refer a correct line according to how much rice you use.

>> No.4129782


when you read the thing about "cups" of rice did you use the measuring cup that came with it, or a standard dry measuring cup? because they're not the same.

>> No.4129916

We are supposed to use the cup that comes with a rice cooker. Technically it has something to do with japanese measurement called 合(gou).
1合 is about 180ml and the cup that comes with a rice cooker is based on the measurement.
On the other hand, as you know an ordinarly cooking cup is 200ml.
So just use the rice cooker's cup or use an ordinary cooking cup having the 180ml line.

>> No.4129925

another very satisfied zojirushi user reporting in

>god tier
>burnt rice at the bottom that takes soaking and scrubbing, if not scraping to get out
>unevenly cooked rice
>isn't sticky/fluffy
>can't just set timer and leave the pot alone, especially if its brown rice, oatmeal or other grains that cook for a longer amount of time

>> No.4129929
File: 24 KB, 620x339, ayn-rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I totally agree anon, I judge each person on the content of their character and their observable actions not by their language, race, or the color of their skin except for niggers everyone is the same on the insides,

>> No.4130074

Just get a microwave rice maker if you cant cook rice on the stove for whatever reason. It works just as well.

>> No.4131324

Because on a general scale, the average Asian/Chink eats a lot more rice than your average American or European person.
Therefore, your average Asian who has even an inkling of how to prepare a meal would probably be more knowledgeable of what is a good rice cooker in terms of value for money.

Just sayin' if there were questions, I'd be happy to answer them.