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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 97 KB, 964x723, 10627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4125536 No.4125536 [Reply] [Original]

How does this sandwich look to you, /ck/?

>> No.4125541

looks like they used a tiny piece of bread

>> No.4125539

The bread looks like a snake trying to eat a prey that's too big for its mouth.

>> No.4125543

Looks like the only thing you'd be able to taste is meat. May as well eat a block of deli slices.

>> No.4125542

Can't tell if those are carmalized onions or some sort of relish.

If onions, amazing. If relish or other pickled vegetable item, fucking nasty.

>> No.4125546
File: 67 KB, 964x408, 10628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more pic...

>> No.4125547

Looks like whoever decided to use that small amount of bread doesn't know how to make a sandwich.

>> No.4125548

I love caramelized onions, but such a sandwich doesn't exactly seem like the appropriate place for them

>> No.4125552
File: 192 KB, 480x320, tempeh-sandwich-cu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks unethical. Tempeh sandwich is superior.

>> No.4125554

Looks like it would taste good, but would probably be pretty annoying to eat with such a small bun

>> No.4125558

You would think that, and I did too foor the longest time. I was always about the crisp, raw onions on sandwiches/burgers. Then I found a local sandwich shop that makes a salami/ham sandwich with carmelized onions and italian slaw. I lost my shit and have had it weekly ever since.

>> No.4125560

yes i agree it looks annoying

>> No.4125561

im all for caramelized on burgers, but for a cold sandwich i'd go raw

>> No.4125562

Yeah that's my go-to standard for average burgers. Carmelized. Raw works really well if it's a special kind of cheese, though. If I know the burgers from that particular joint are really greasy/runny I'll go raw just for the sake of having different texture.

>> No.4126954

Looks delicious. What's the green stuff?

>> No.4126972


Processed cheese + a completely absurd bread to filling ratio = only an amerilard would make it.

>> No.4126990

The meat is basically slapped in there like a solid mass of animal flesh. They should be folded and layers to give you more air pockets, and possibly staggered out with some of the cheese or toppings. Makes it easier to bite into, and reduces the possibility of the 'pull out factor'

Sandwich building... It's serious shit, man!

>> No.4127004

Americans put WAY too much deli meat on their sandwiches.

More news at 11.

>> No.4127009

Too much meat, way too much meat

>> No.4127012

the sandwich has too little bread, not too much meat

>> No.4127033

It appears to be a recumbent fold. How does one go about eating it without its contents falling out?

>> No.4127034


I actually like sandwiches with less bread than filling... I feels that the sandwich is more than a way to add flavor to your bread, it should be a balancing act between bread, meat, vegetable, and sauce.

Have ye never enjoyed a stuffed pita? Waaaay more filling than bread.

> inb4 pitas aren't sandwiches

>> No.4127036

It looks pretty fucking delicious.

>> No.4127038

With a good grip

>> No.4127039

Good, but the roll is not big enough.

Jalapeno relish?

>> No.4127040

>Non American

Yeah, your opinion doesn't count. Who gave you permission to speak to Americans?

>> No.4127041

The only way I've had pita as a sandwich is with gyro in it. Which isn't really a sandwich.

>> No.4127045

I theme it: Food Chain

>> No.4127049

it looks awesome, but a tad too much meat for my liking. what is the relish?

>> No.4127052
File: 35 KB, 550x412, filename-img-20120718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bitches don't know 'bout my tempeh reuben.

Shit's so vegan. Poutine, too.

>> No.4127055


Didn't you see the > inb4?

>> No.4127060

I'm not even hungry and I would devour that thing. If you made that then good job.

>> No.4127064
File: 5 KB, 161x251, 1301899004866s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would to have it here right now so i could eat it

>> No.4127092


Gyros isn't deli meat though. Deli meat is full of salt. If you want more meat but a chicken breast or a steak in your sandwich but not a mountain of deli meat. If you buy quality deli meat it's way too expensive too. Really good Italian or Spanish ham goes for 10 bucks per 100 gram.

>> No.4127104



>> No.4127310

I would eat it.

>> No.4127337

Sandwiches should have 3-5 slices meat MAX. Then Add a layer of cheese, some mix greens, guacamole, mustard and your choice of last sauce.

If I'm served something that can't fit in a mouth, I just walk out and leave the bill.

>> No.4127361
File: 6 KB, 130x179, 1330277624889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sandwiches should have 3-5 slices meat MAX

>> No.4127424

On this note why does a 6" subway use typically 3, MAX 4 slices of meat? fuck

>> No.4127442

imbalanced sandwich 0/10 would not eat

>> No.4127452

This prevailing ignorance is why I don't bother with deli's outside of New York.

>> No.4127454
File: 19 KB, 385x456, 1322850407382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A food item as undefined as the sandwich
> definitive guidelines

Yeah, nah.

>> No.4127455

would devour/10

>> No.4127466

He's a certified Sandwich Artist from Subway

>> No.4127510

New York has shitty delis

>> No.4127529

European detected

>> No.4127548

>Sandwiches should have 3-5 slices meat MAX.
well that fucking depends on the size of the slices

>> No.4127549
File: 37 KB, 1130x900, 1308015164475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tomatoes on a sandwich
Enjoy your soggy bread and collapsing sandwich at the expense of "flavor" and "crunch".

Seriously, I don't get why there has to be a tomato on EVERY sandwich. They fucking ruin it, and even if you take them off you still paid for them.

>> No.4127555

yeah, I don't pick them off, but I don't understand the appeal of raw tomato on sandwiches

>> No.4127558

No, don't feed the reoccurring troll.

>> No.4127587

>that feel when soggy bread near the end and you have to tear it off leaving an imbalance of bread and innards

>> No.4127775
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1354395144381s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>If I'm served something that can't fit in a mouth, I just walk out and leave the bill.

no, you don't

>> No.4127783

Like too much meat. I like to be able to taste the cheese on my sando.

>> No.4127788

Then make a cheese sandwich, faggot.

>> No.4127802


I don't want to. I want a meat and cheese sandwich with a better cheese:meat ratio than one slice of cheese and half a lb of meat. I also like more varied vegetables than just a piddly leaf of lettuce and soggy-lookig tomato. Get some sprouts and pickled jalapenos on there or something.

>> No.4127902

>that feel when you're eating a sammich and the shit keeps moving around so you're left with an imbalance of too much bread/filling at the end

>> No.4127903


I will hunt you down and tear off your fingernails

>> No.4127946

here we fucking go again. tomatoes have a rightful place in sandwiches if timing and sensibility in structure is used

>> No.4127955


come at me bro.

>> No.4127977

most vegetables will take away from meat and cheese and are an overall detriment and just serve as cheap filler

>> No.4127981


>> No.4127983


Not if you like the taste of vegetables, man. Sorry your babby palate can't discern anything more than fat and sugar.

>> No.4128253

> Really good Italian or Spanish ham goes for 10 bucks per 100 gram.

Ok.. $45/lb for deli meat my ass.

That sammich looks like shit. Meat looks old and greasy. I could see eating that much ham or beef, maybe even turkey, but not greasy old salami.

>> No.4128265

Looks American. Unhealthy, greasy, trashy, unlikely to taste of anything but fat and salt. Meat looks like processed trash scraped out of pig anuses and still they've stacked a quintuple helping of it.

>> No.4128276


Yes, that much and more for the really good stuff. It is known to baffle Americans who are used to buy the biggest amount of food for the cheapest price and think they are still getting the best quality. http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/youngandhungry/2009/04/07/how-many-slices-of-iberico-bellota-ham-can-get-for-20/

>> No.4128279

>implying I couldn't go to any country on earth and find a greasy, shit tier sandwich just like this within an hour of wandering around their capital city.

>> No.4128288

Lunch meat makes me gag. I can't stand the smells it leaves on people after awhile. It's just disgusting.

>> No.4128299


>> No.4128331

> Yes, that much and more for the really good stuff.

The "really good stuff" eh?

> Americans who are used to buy the biggest amount of food for the cheapest price and think they are still getting the best quality.

Assholes like you, regardless of origin, who can't judge quality or flavor on its own merit and instead rely on brand names and price tags to tell them what to think.

>> No.4128335

There's a deli by me that sells these absurdly over-stuffed sammiches like in op's pic as a "get you in the door" special. They take a loss (or break even probably) on the sandwich hoping you will buy other stuff while there.

Rather than fiddle around with buying deli meats since I don't eat it much, I get those sammiches occasionally and take them home and make a couple smaller ones out of it. I know they look absurd compared to others... I was in holland last month and someone made me a sammich... The meat was so thin you could see light through it. It was tastey tho... The meat didn't distract from the good bread and retardedly-thick piece of cheese.

>> No.4129135


Mad pleb with pleb tier taste buds and/or no experience with "the really good stuff" detected. I bet you think caviar and truffles are a rip off too. Maybe you're even one of those people who make their grilled cheese sandwiches with kraft singles. I lol at you.

>> No.4129159

Not a fan of lettuce on sandwiches, especially the iceberg which you've put at the bottom to soak all moisture and be devoid of any crunch that may make the lettuce enjoyable. otherwise, looks like a salty greasy italian hero.