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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4118928 No.4118928 [Reply] [Original]

Made venison for the first time tonight. Aside from the overcooked green beens, what do you think?

>> No.4118931

Fucking beans, even.

>> No.4118934

I just ate dinner and I'm hungry again

Beans are a little overdone though

What are you drinking with that? Better be something good

>> No.4118939

Looks good. What are those things at the back of the plate? They look like garlic, if I had to guess.

>> No.4118942

I had a bottle of, Fat Tire. I'm sure there are better choices but I have to drink what I have at the moment and they don't sell good beer in this town.

They're mushrooms. Also overcooked. I had to use a shitty wok I had and cover them, but since it's thin I misjudged the time.

>> No.4118948

good job, I like mine just like that.

>> No.4118955

I wish I knew you, OP so I could force you to make that for me

>> No.4118964

the meat is just a bit rare for me, but other than that it looks amazing. great job op. i'd pay money for that in a restaurant

>> No.4118967

I would gladly share the recipe if I had measured the shit I put into it, lol.

Only thing I know is that I marinated in red wine, a little olive oil, worchestershire, some thyme. Fridge for 7 hours. Cooked about 5-6 minutes per side, 15 seconds on the sides that didnt touch the pan just to give it some color. Cooked with some rosemary, butter, and olive oil in pan.

It was a 6 1/2 year old whitetail buck shot in the middle of the rut, but somehow didn't taste gamey at all. I now feel like going and shooting a young deer to see if it tastes any better.

Also, patted dry and let sit for 20 minutes at room temp and salt/pepper to taste before cooking. Tented with foil and let rest for 5 minutes after it came out.

>> No.4118970

blanch yo greenbeans mofucka

>> No.4118973

looks nice but the venison could use some sort of sauce

>> No.4118977
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I agree. Pic related. Yuuuuummy

>> No.4119011
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It's burnt. And raw.

>> No.4119052

Fuck off, black and blue is master steak.

>> No.4119067

If youre a female, sure.

>> No.4119079
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sriracha top tier sauce
>fuck a ketchup bottle

>> No.4119098

3 things that stick out for me are

1) Chunk of rosemary on the plate, it doesn't look good, and its inedible
2) You have beans sticking over the edge of the plate
3) Uniform plating, now I'm not saying be pretentious, but that plate could be so much more interesting with a few plating adjustments

>> No.4119100

nice pretentious presenetation op

>> No.4119104

>placing food on a plate is pretentious

>> No.4119107

Fried rosemary is edible.

I don't understand the whole, "everything must be edible on the plate" nonsense. I get it, they say that on Chopped or whatever a lot.

>> No.4119111
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>chili sauce
I forget it fucking says CHILI on it. Anyone actually use this shit for CHILI?

>> No.4119115

Not to be a Gordon Ramsay, but that meat is fucking raw

>> No.4119118

fuck no, that shit doesn't belong on food, let alone in chili

>> No.4119154

Jealous fag

>> No.4119195

Honestly, the beans are atrocious.

Make sure you remove the two ends of the bean and remove that string that is down the sides of the bean.

The meal itself already looks heavy, so maybe just blanch the beans and give a quick sautee of them in some garlic and butter.

I bet you can't really taste that fresh, vegtable taste in those beans, damn shame.

>> No.4119368


Both ends. wut? The stem end yes, but not the tip.

Be a little positive, say what is good with the dish. Why is everyone gotta be so HIV negative all the time

Tip for beans, buy them then blanch them for about a minute and shock em in cold water. You can keep these in the fridge for a few days, so anytime you want beans, just heat up a pan, add in some butter and garlic add in beans and then some salt and pepper. Just so you don't have to take out a pot and cook off some beans everytime you want beans.

Venison looks well cooked, and potatoes look... potatoey.

Good job op

>> No.4119388

>the meal itself already looks heavy
>fry the beans in butter

>> No.4119383

>remove the two ends of the bean and remove that string that is down the sides of the bean.

>> No.4119513

I prefer it on the blue side, but it was still warm throughout and not too chewy.

>> No.4119518

Why did you leave that rosemary on the plate, your not going to eat it

>> No.4119521


if it were fresh, i would say aroma.

cooked like that, nothing.

>> No.4119529

I actually did eat the rosemary leaves with my potatoes.

I like the flavor.

Pretty much the only thing I've seen I really need to work on are my fucking green beans, but to be honest that's the first time I cook them from fresh. I didn't realize you had to take off the stems, etc. I just ate it like that. Taste was good, but lacked the crunch of a nicely cooked vegetable.

>> No.4119534

I can see why he used rosemary because rosemary and potatoes work well together, but your telling me you would put fresh rosemary on a plate of food for aroma...?

>> No.4119538


Yeah, I would. A big, fat sprig like that, bruised with the blunt side of the knife.

>> No.4119542

I have more venison, green beans, and potatoes uncooked. I might just make it again tomorrow to try and improve the things people pointed out. I for sure need to learn how to cook the beans.

>> No.4119545

but its not doing anything. its just there, useless. your not going to eat raw rosemary... I prefer to smell what I have cooked or what someone else has cooked for me because smell plays a large factor in taste.

>> No.4119553


It's sitting there, doing exactly what it should, smelling like rosemary. As you put it, smell plays a large factor in taste.

>> No.4119560

Yeah and smelling venison while eating venison is better that eating venison and smelling rosemary. just like drinking wine and tasting wine, same concept applies.

>> No.4119564

same as last thread

deep fry herbs like rosemary

recipe 4 success

>> No.4119567


No, that's stupid. Try it before you spout off your opinion. Great pains are take in the finest restaurants in the world to produce a smell that complements the main dish.

Next time you have a porkchop or something, hold a sprig of rosemary directly under your nose while you eat it. You'll shit bricks.

>> No.4119572

Why woulden't you remove the ends of the bean and the string? Even if the beans are quite tender you still want to do this. Why the fuck would you want the stem still on there? So you can spit it out later?

>> No.4119578

I cook proteins at a zagat rated 28 restaurant, adding herbs to food is constant, but if I were to add raw rosemary to dish I would probably be fired, There is a reason great chefs like Mike Anthony, and Thomas Keller don't do that, because it distracts from the ingredients and the cooking.

>> No.4119580

>still doing plebian cooking methods like pan frying

OP, why not sous vide it (use a slow cooker or even a thick pot with thermometer), then blowtorch it.

The surface doesnt even look that browned, the grey band is way too large, and the interior is undercooked.

>> No.4119589


You'd get fired because it's out of style, not because it's bad technique. Also,

>namedropping Thomas Keller

>> No.4119594

Tell me when was it in style? also bad technique.

>> No.4119598


All the way up to the 80's. You clearly don't know your shit.

>> No.4119613

and its 2013. there's a reason no chef does that in their establishment.

>> No.4119615

Cooking is not a fucking fashion show, and its treatment as such has lead to some of the worst trends, national habits, and even idiot-targeted cookware history has ever seen.

Not to decry anyone inparticular, even a lowly dishwasher, but when you insist upon something for the sole fact that someone else is doing it, you hurt everyone from the ignorant housewife to the actual industry workers.

>> No.4119672

But we're not talking about "cooking." We're talking culinary arts.

>> No.4119683

"We're" criticizing a picture of food without being able to determine flavor or aroma.

So fuck that.

>> No.4119686

How about from now on you fucking pieces of shit provide a recipe to what you fucking made before HURR DURR HOWD I DO

It's looks pretty, that's pretty much all I can say based on that image

>> No.4119709

Reading is fun.

I don't own a crock pot or the like. I grilled it in the pan because I thought it would be best out of what I have available.

I thought it tasted good, and believe me when I say I won't eat shit even if I made it. I'm self taught for the most part, so I've had plenty of failed experiments.

>> No.4119722

Can you explain to me how you know the deer was 6 1/2 years old? I've hunted for 20 years and I've never heard somebody judge a deer down the the half month.

>> No.4119733

*down to the half month.

>> No.4119738

They're born in the late spring to early fall, so based off that, currently they are half a year into their age in winter more or less.

So 6 years based on teeth, then the 1/2 year give or take. It's a pretty common thing in, Texas. Idk?

>> No.4119747

How many points did it have? Big spread or tall tined?

>> No.4119754

Scored 145 1/8 on a typical 8 frame. Mostly tine length and a lot of mass.

>> No.4119771

>raw deer
is that safe?

>> No.4119776

People eat raw beef don't they?

>> No.4119820

No, actually. All deer are immune to, but nevertheless carry anthrax. If just one person should eat improperly prepared venison, they risk creating an epidemic, killing millions.

Based on the details provided by the OP. I speculate that you have maybe a week to live. God save you.

>> No.4119825

How long did this rest for?

>> No.4119830

Damn it OP
I just passed up some venison steak in the supermarket earlier
That looks fantastic

>> No.4119849

I take shit for this but I like my steaks medium well. Aside from that, your plates are square. That makes me sigh.

>> No.4119884

that looks fucking amazing but try making a cranberry or lingon sauce to go with it! tastes good even with the potatoes! or and im not joking find a chocolat sauce recipe! the strong flavours of the chocolate really compliments a strong favloured meat like venison!

>> No.4120642

About 5 minutes, tented with foil.

Thanks for the compliments guys.

>> No.4121084


This has to be the loveliest dish I ever saw. If I had one wish in my life, it would be to eat that dish with my boyfriend.

It is the most beautiful plate I have ever seen in my entire life.

I would slit my wrists with tears in my eyes as I'd exhale my last breath, in resignation before the fear of never being able to sit to eat that dish.

It has to be the most glorious and epic thing I have ever seen.

It is on a par with this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWlXU2DeYkQ

It is a dish so heavenly so as to make me pray the Gods for salvation.

>> No.4121415

Lol, now I know it sucks if it's getting trolled that hard.

>> No.4121429


It's sceak, he's probably at the end of a 3 day meth bender.

>> No.4121439

Once again, /ck/ shows how low it's standards are.

>> No.4121445

>wild game

Enjoy your parasites

>> No.4121450

Shits raw.

>> No.4121457

>It's sceak, he's probably at the end of a 3 day meth bender.

lol'd because truth

>> No.4121458

Which parasites?
>inb4 Lyme disease

>> No.4121543 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 363x364, no-meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck off op meat is murder

do you think that deer wanted to be killed?

>> No.4121584

Wild game do carry parasites... do you not believe this?

I also had Lyme disease last summer, so fuck off man, too soon.

>> No.4121595

Fuck you that deer begged me to end his life. His wife was cheating on him with his best friend and his kids didn't respect him. He lost his job 5 years ago and was a miserable, lost, sad- ass bastard.

Also meat is delicious.

>> No.4121894

I'm not in a tick zone, but nice try. No diseases here.

>> No.4121926

>implying deer understand concepts like life and death

>> No.4121949

>Implying they don't by not taking into consideration the actions they take to run away from foxes and shit

>> No.4121969

Wild animals can have all kinds of nasties and I would go by the old standard for pork.

I'm pretty sure when they're being eaten alive any animal has a faint grasp of the concept.

>> No.4124337

The agricultural dept. down here is pretty strict on parasites, etc. and we do have red zones that require certain medicines to be sprayed.

Like I said, I'm in a clean area without any quarantines. But, I understand the concern.

>> No.4124341

so we can eat chicken raw too.
thats nice

>> No.4124429

Looks good OP, nice job

>> No.4124447

OP, if you were a woman, I would love you tenderly.

>> No.4124458

Unfortunately, I am a man. Not only that, but would you believe... a Mexican cooked that?

>> No.4124477

I hope it was Salma Hayek.

>> No.4124534
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Nope, still just me.

>> No.4124586
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>eating raw meat

Might as well eat jello.

>> No.4124590


Op's pic is not raw meat. Raw meat does not have a jello-like consistency. Rare meat has that property. You've never tasted raw meat before.

>> No.4124599

IDK, I learned in the army that all the best cooks are mexican housewives....

are you my latina waifu op

>> No.4124710

That looks thoroughly appealing and I would be your best friend if you gave me that for dinner.

>> No.4124947

cook the meat, think of the worms and bacteria that are still in that shit, might as well eat the bastard fully raw

>> No.4124959

this is why we should not be afraid of irradiation

>> No.4124966

Yes, because people will irradiate their wild game.