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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 305 KB, 392x292, bento12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4109403 No.4109403 [Reply] [Original]

American bento lunch

I'm not trolling, I just want your thoughts

>> No.4109407

You have my FULL support.

>> No.4109421
File: 156 KB, 413x444, TsukutsunTsun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like putting shit on a pedestal when you do this. Especially when it's something shitty like random goldfish crackers, PB&J, cold carrot sticks, and apples.

For an American lunch that's pretty shitty and for a bento box, it's an insult

Is that what you wanted? Or did you want me to say "HURR AMERICANS RUIN EVERYTHING"

>> No.4109428

japanese bento boxes are also cold and dead food...

to each their own though... its what you like
id have the world create only pancakes and tom kha gai...

also american style bentos have been around forever. though It would be nice to see diff kinds of sandwiches maybe some nicer cheeses in place of the crackers ect. but overall success

>> No.4109431

I think two thirst of the bento aren't bad. But the whole goldfish crackers, carrots sticks and banana thing going on that other side, doesn't make sense to me.

Maybe a nice veggie salad or something else would be a better choice or at least something with more nutrients.

>> No.4109435
File: 172 KB, 500x375, 2701320468_c8a53f5bc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bothers the fuck out of me for some strange reason. I seriously can not put it to words, but it has to do with the fact that there's apples, half a banana, and carrots in there.. and then goldfish crackers for some reason

Then I compare it to the more elaborate bentos I've made and this just looks bland as fuck to me

>> No.4109436

As an American, we tend to hear "froots are good for you" and go full retard when we try to be healthy. Those are plain foods that shouldn't be together like that

>> No.4109444

>This bothers the fuck out of me for some strange reason
Because it's fucking shit. OP has the palette of a 5 year old if he made this shit.

>> No.4109446

because everything Japanese is superior right?

god I wish all the weeaboos here would just die

>> No.4109450

>For an American lunch that's pretty shitty and for a bento box, it's an insult

You're the one quick to assume I'm an otaku

I'd say the same shit too if it wasn't in a bento box. That is a shitty thing to have for lunch/

>> No.4109451
File: 59 KB, 344x291, koala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knowing words like otaku
>posting anime reaction images
yeah you're a weeaboo

>> No.4109453

>mfw the only thing I like about that is the potato salad

I like bananas and apples but I don't get why it's in this meal

The carrot are a joke

He probably put the goldfish crackers in there because he was bringing some for his kid and didn't want to carry it in an extra bag

sage before this thread turns into "HURR UR ALL WEABOOS"

>> No.4109454


An American child would not eat it.

>> No.4109457
File: 99 KB, 640x480, Makunouchi_bento.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An adult wouldn't eat this shit.

I'm going to post some appetizing bentos to ease your palettes

>> No.4109460
File: 138 KB, 800x600, tokyotvdinners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people don't have simple childish palettes

>> No.4109467

I see you pulled that pic from google image search, yes? Not something you prepared yourself?
Curious, OP (and others ITT, as well): how would you prepare a bento-style lunch box with your native cuisine? I see a lot of put-downs about the item selection in the pic, but no suggestions of what to do differently.
Are there any?

>> No.4109469
File: 14 KB, 252x336, goddomot fronk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Flower-cut the carrots and mix with flower-cut cucumber. Replace banana and fish with sliced panana and peach wedges tossed in lemon juice to avoid discoloration. Replace PB&J with BLT. Replace mayo-drowned slaw with corn, tomato and avocado salad. Keep the apple bunnies.

>> No.4109472

>raw fish
pleb pls

>> No.4109485

>turn out the nose for raw fish

Children pls


>> No.4109488

Take out the fucking fruit and the goldfish and the carrots.

Bento boxes are pretty compact so I'm pretty much thinking of chopped meat and fish and rice or a better sandwich than PB&J.

A GOOD murrikan bento sounds hard to do, but you could probably make a good spic bento (I'm a spic so I"m biased)

>> No.4109499

You're asking something hard from us

I'm American but I like cooking because I can make other food.. If I were to replace those items with something it'd be rice and fish. The potato salad stays and I'm kinda okay with the apples.

>> No.4109503


looks good OP.

would eat gladly.

(because i'm not a pretentious weeaboo faggot)

>> No.4109508
File: 40 KB, 400x295, Marmitex_com_divisao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Brazil some places sell disposable "bento boxes" we call them marmita and are a bit different from Japanese ones.

Pic related. Not the best example, just googled for any pic

>> No.4109510

Because you have to be a weeaboo to not want to eat what looks like a kindergarten's lunchbox right?

>> No.4109511

Please tell me that image had that little bubble in there rather than you not being too br to know how to save images

>> No.4109517


what kind of picky asshole considers himself too old to eat a PB&J and some fruit?

>> No.4109521

>don't like the food

Fucking pick one. I never said I wouldn't eat it.

>> No.4109522

>how would you prepare a bento-style lunch box with your native cuisine?

Roast beef and sharp cheddar on rugbrød with horseradish mustard and garlic-rosemary aioli (no veg). Cold grilled asparagus with garlic and lemon, half a pickled peach, romaine lettuce, sliced onion rings and tomato; all on top of a freezer-pac (the last set to be added to the sandwich). Included would be a 7 oz homebrew (During the summer/fall my 200-day Lager, during the winter/spring my Sgt. What'shisname's Egyptian Extra Stout). Lunch is meant to be accompanied with about a liter of water.

>> No.4109528

Yeah, it was already there. I just got that shit from google

>> No.4109533


is... is that ketchup on that spaghetti?

>> No.4109534

Someone who would rather eat a real bento box?
Bananas and apples and carrot sticks and Goldfish should be eaten as snacks or have something done to it, not thrown into a box and called "lunch"

>> No.4109536

I've actually tried ketchup on spaghetti

Shit's pretty fucking nice, especially when you add some meat to it

>> No.4109537

can't post file link because 4chan thinks it is spam

>> No.4109538

What about... an Italian bento?
I'm imaginig one of those frilly paper cups full of mushroom risotto, another with some room-temp rosemary-garlic-and-peppercorn-seasoned grilled or roasted chicken wing sections, a large portion of salad greens, a little cup of vinaigrette, a few grapes and/or cherries, a piece of bread and some cheese.

>> No.4109545


>Bananas and apples and carrot sticks and Goldfish should be eaten as snacks or have something done to it, not thrown into a box and called "lunch"

if only your ancestors could hear you say that

>> No.4109550

tfw my ancestors were Cuban

>> No.4109553

Oh wait, are you implying that my ancestors were poor and trying to make some compare contrast out of this?

>> No.4109557

See I'm not the type of person to eat unseasoned shit or just boring fruit and crackers for lunch. I like them as snacks inbetween meals but for lunch I can't eat that. If I was forced to, sure

Also anyone crying WEEABOO needs to fuck off to >>>/b/

>> No.4109558


your cuban ancestors wouldve probably been very happy with a lunch full of fruit, potatoes, and sandwiches you fag

not every meal needs 3 hours of preperation

>> No.4109575
File: 173 KB, 640x1080, 1356644001637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The difference is I have a choice and they didn't.

>whaa eat what I like because poor people wouldn't complain

>> No.4109581

Have fun starving because you don't want to eat apples

>> No.4109587

You mean what American Tv dinner used to look like. Oh god I hate Conagra

>> No.4109589
File: 319 KB, 640x480, dltawistdasts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you practicing talking to a picky child or are you actually reading what I'm posting?

>> No.4109593


eat what you want, but to say that fruits, veggies, crackers, and a sandwich doesnt qualify as "lunch" is retarded

>> No.4109594

>I'm imaginig one of those frilly paper cups full of mushroom risotto, another with some room-temp rosemary-garlic-and-peppercorn-seasoned grilled or roasted chicken wing sections, a large portion of salad greens, a little cup of vinaigrette, a few grapes and/or cherries, a piece of bread and some cheese.

Hmm...Risotto is good, I'm thinking slow cooked thigh instead of wings though. More protein and less bone (once you've de-boned it after stewing) for the same mass.

The salad is nice, how about a radiccio, endive and arugula salad with a prosciutto-balsamic dressing?

Can't go wrong with cherries especially good dark cherries.

What sort of bread and cheese? I'm thinking Pane Carasau with Mascarpone and a little cinnamon and brown sugar or mayhap a Mascarpone and fruit preserve stuffed Sgabeo.

>> No.4109595

Stop getting mad when people complain about food just because you're too poor to have a choice

That's hilarious

>> No.4109599

You're reading too much into my fucking post

>> No.4109602

It is lunch, it's just a boring one. Bento lunches should take more effort to make, however.

>> No.4109604

Not all bentos have to be complete works of art and have food carved into pandas and shit, a bento is just a lunch box.

>> No.4109606


>You're reading too much into my fucking post

>Bananas and apples and carrot sticks and Goldfish should be eaten as snacks or have something done to it, not thrown into a box and called "lunch"

No, I just read your post.

>> No.4109616

A bento is a specific type of lunchbox you retard.

I can't believe you're defending what's in OP's image and making a big deal over this.

>> No.4109619

>and literally interpeted it

>> No.4109632
File: 49 KB, 544x408, bento21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4109636


fuck. whats with japan and hard-boiled eggs?

shits NASTY

>> No.4109645

That's not a bento box, that's some kid's lunchbox


>> No.4109648
File: 1.54 MB, 320x240, 1349663813248.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A bento is a specific type of lunchbox you retard.
>I can't believe you're defending what's in OP's image and making a big deal over this.
>is a specific type of lunchbox you retard.
>big deal over this.

>> No.4109655

All I did was criticize this and you went full apeshit on how I'm an ungrateful son of a bitch and how I don't consider it lunch and how bento boxes shouldn't be decorative

All I'm doing is correcting you

>> No.4109660

I'm not the same person but, I think you had enough 4chan for today.

>> No.4109662

Think you should look at the other guy's posts before you say this. He's coming off as very obnoxious cunt, I just wish he would stop replying to me.

>> No.4109667

cold risotto doesn't taste good, may rice salad with grilled vegetables and scamorza is better

>> No.4109669

Good substitution man. Sounds good.

>> No.4109670

What the fuck is a bento box?

>> No.4109671

There are some pasta salads that I would eat as a meal

>> No.4109672

google it!

>> No.4109673

A bento isn't that hard to make you faggot

Each item in there is good but we're criticizing the meal as a whole.

Your whiny shitposting ruined my thread, fucking great

>> No.4109674

Assuming you live in North Korea and can't access Google

Bento (弁当 bentō?)[1] is a single-portion takeout or home-packed meal common in Japanese cuisine. A traditional bento consists of rice, fish or meat, and one or more pickled or cooked vegetables, usually in a box-shaped container. Containers range from disposable mass produced to hand crafted lacquerware. Although bento are readily available in many places throughout Japan, including convenience stores, bento shops (弁当屋 bentō-ya?), railway stations, and department stores, it is still common for Japanese homemakers to spend time and energy for their spouse, child, or themselves producing a carefully prepared lunch box.

>> No.4109679
File: 26 KB, 400x267, #1 -9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white man's bento box

>> No.4109680
File: 657 KB, 1280x960, dsc00952-1280x960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white man's bento box 2

>> No.4109683
File: 433 KB, 473x379, PIC_0442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a real bento lunch

B-but my banana and carrots ;_;

>> No.4109685


>collard greens

a more disgusting way to serve vegetables doesnt exist

>> No.4109686


bro your rice has ants in it

>> No.4109687


It's a lunch box. Weeaboos like to to make the pretense that it's impossible to refer to japanese things except in the original japanese.

>> No.4109688
File: 13 KB, 317x499, 1339476036736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4109690
File: 58 KB, 300x258, A050_Pizza (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4109692
File: 129 KB, 250x325, 250px-KrillinBU01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yours don't?

>> No.4109693

this video is relevant to this thread

>> No.4109697

When you really look at that bento stuff it makes Japan look like an autistic nightmare.

>All bento items must add up to a specific number of right angles.
>All bento items must contain specific colors and always omit others.
>Items in pieces must contain a specific number. No more no less.

Am I missing anything?

And the kids are looking, LOOKING for the poor kid with the incorrectly made bento to give them shit.

>> No.4109700

A bento is a more specific term. It's not synonmous with "lunch box"

Seriously you anti-weeaboos are even more stupid and obnoxious than weeaboos themselves

>> No.4109701

It's called neat presentation bro

>> No.4109702


>um excuse me that translation isn't completely accurate

Sorry poindexter, I've got no time for such niceties.

>> No.4109704

Elementary school lunch in America for comparison: >>4109690

Next I'll hear someone defending the American lunch or something, this thread already is turning pretty shitty

>> No.4109705


Please excuse me, I should have said it's an autistic lunchbox.

>> No.4109708

A bento and a lunch box are two different things with completely different characteristics of both. Go be edgy kids >>>/b/ if you're going to call me autistic for telling you where you're wrong.

>> No.4109709

>Not sure if troll.

It's always Time for Wapner(tm) somewhere I guess.

>> No.4109712

How would I be trolling
Thats seriously how it's packed

>> No.4109721


fuck i just want a bite of that fried chicken it looks so good FUCK

>> No.4109724

Okay folks, if you don't know already or are certainly not a weeaboo and are confused for some reason it goes like this:

The culture in general is filled with complex rituals that seem almost comically tedious or even insanely obsessive compulsive.

The idea is that if you are worth a shit you will be able memorize every fucking detail you are saturated with. From everything to eating food, to making food, to how you should enter a room, etc.

The end result is a bunch of neurotic bastards terrified they are going to make one mistake with all these thousands of protocols, ONE.

>> No.4109726

What's with the collards hate?

>> No.4109727

It's a combination of looks and practicality; if you know what size, shape and color your food is going to be then you can pack it much more efficiently and have it look nice as well. It's a cultural thing, mostly; marriages of aesthetic and efficiency are very highly regarded in Japanese culture.

>> No.4109730


its like eating hot sour leaves

>> No.4109736

And? It's a good source of fiber, vitamins C, K, A and calcium. If done right it's a damned tasty way to get your necessaries.

Especially if paired with fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy and corn on the cob. As much iced tea as you can drink to wash it down with. Have a little peach cobbler ala mode for desert and a nice post-prandial mint julep or cognac.

>> No.4109738


all of that sounds great except the collard greens

fucking hot leaves

>> No.4109739

gb2 /fa/

>> No.4109741

Mayhap you should try mustard greens or turnip greens instead. Or kale. I fucking HATE kale, but you might like it.

>> No.4109827

that middle piece of chicken...

>> No.4109829

dinosaur chicken nugget

>> No.4109852

You get out of here with your Sketti shit.

>> No.4109854

I bet my ancestors used to eat goldfish crackers all the time.

>> No.4109856

So a bento box isn't a box with food designated for lunch in? Stay autist

>> No.4109857

Bento you say?

>> No.4109858

Personally..I think it's a very sweet thing to make if you have a kid. As for an adult maybe a fuller lunch. I think it's very nice and if made for someones child it means you really love them.

>> No.4109864

I assumed it was made for a kid. PB&J and goldfish? It screams "this is for a kid!"

>> No.4109868

You understand how acids work right?

>> No.4109869

I've always had in my mind that rice and sushi are an integral part of any "bento," along with design. And years back I saw a story about a guy that LOVED fresh sushi and had it everyday, but he eventually got some parasites in his brain from it and an image of it got around. Since then I haven't been able to touch the stuff.

just felt like putting that out there.

>> No.4109872

>collard greens
Disguising. I love most types of greenery but I can never make myself take more than a bite or two.

And what the hell is that mushy stuff? Mashed potatoes? with corn maybe? Almost looks like some types of macaroni and cheese.

>> No.4109873

It's a bit untidy. I would've made sealed sandwiches and cut the veg and fruit more decoratively then put it into cups.

>> No.4109884

i like that


awful is that what they serve in your schools? fuck me i wouldnt subject my kid to that err'day

I would totally eat this man, though i wouldn't make it for myself. but kids would be all over it. This is a solid lunch. what is the white creamy stuff? And why no meat?

>> No.4109904

I'm pretty sure that photo is old. They're trying hard to phase out what they consider "unhealthy" foods in schools. Definitely includes pizza.

It's a good idea in theory of course, but sometimes they take it too far. I remember a story about a little kid bringing a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, an apple, and maybe some type of chips from home, and a teacher took it away and forced them to eat a school lunch which had (among other things) a meat. Which the school supplied in the form of chicken nuggets.

Also I think the white / yellow stuff is potato salad, maybe egg salad.

>> No.4109906

oh, and the parent was obviously forced to pay for that lunch the school forced the kid to have.

>> No.4109912

>a teacher took it away and forced them to eat a school lunch


>> No.4109917

Yep. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/17/critics-see-govt-meddling_0_n_1284262.html

They tried to shift the blame onto the individual teacher, but I remember little crap like even when I was in elementary school.

>> No.4109919

Oh, and it was actually a turkey-and-cheese sandwich.


>> No.4109941

some american schools have decent lunches. it is very rare though

>> No.4109989

Man, how is it possible that you guys get such shit lunches?

Our school had lunch that consists of mostly fresh food brought in from the market on the day, cooked on the day and delivered from the school kitchen to the classrooms an hour before lunch time starts in a washable-reusable plastic lunch box.
Usually served with white rice cooked in a industrial rice cooker, which finishes cooking half an hour before lunch and kept steaming hot until serving time.

Get non-canned soup on Tues and Thursdays, get Fresh orange juice from a fruit shop opposite the school.

2nd servings are first come first serve but free as long as there's any left.

Price rounds to around 2.5USD a day.

>> No.4109992


In Hong Kong you had an educated population and a food-oriented culture. In Murrika we have a population that regards education with deep suspicion and our food is produced by corn cartels. Guess which country is going to have better school lunches?

>> No.4110028

Poster who came up with that meal in the first place here.
For one, I like cold risotto. To each their own, I guess. Actually maybe instead of risotto, I could have arancini. They're basically Sicilian-and-Neapolitan deep-fried rice-or-risotto-based onigiri, usually stuffed with stewed peas, cooked ham and mozzarella or similar-style cheese. The name means 'little oranges.' It's a dumb name.
>a thigh instead of wings
Good idea, too. One thigh should be enough. I would still want it to be roasted or grilled, though.
>prosciutto balsamic dressing
I don't know what that is. I am from Italy and I have never heard of such a thing. I was thinking a basic vinaigrette, 1:1:2:5-6 pasted garlic:prepared mustard (preferably American-style):food acid of some kind (such as vinegar or lemon juice):olive oil.
>pane carasau
I don't herd goats.
I'm thinking simple pane cafone, maybe even homemade since it takes little-to-no-effort.
As someone suggested, scamorza would be good, but I might be leaning more towards provola, the much milder cousin to both scamorza and provolone. All else fails, a coin of Galbani crema bel paese would go nicely. It's my favourite factory-made cheese.
We seldom use cinnamon. I can't actually even think of a single Italian dish that does. In fact, I just google image searched 'ricetta cannella' (with no quotes: it means 'cinnamon recipe') and everything that came up looked foreign. I like the stuff, but it's not used in Italian cooking. It would be akin to using basil in a traditional English Sunday roast: might be good, but it's not something that's generally done.

>> No.4110039

But we pay less taxes than Americans...one would expect that even if they give a proportionally less % of tax income to subsidizing food costs, the quality of school lunches should still be equal or even higher than some Asian city.

>> No.4110059

It's a lunchbox, not a 'bento box'. Stop being idiots.

>> No.4110083

making a meal of co ordinated food and flavours in a box is good

trying to make things cutesy but with mismatch food that tastes bad is bad

in my opinion, meticulously crafted bento boxes with small portions of cutesy food arent great either

>> No.4110101

looks good and would eat