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4107407 No.4107407 [Reply] [Original]

>not eating sustainably sourced fish


>> No.4107411

>On a list of fish

>> No.4107412
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dun eat me plox

>> No.4107415

Individual consumer choices make no difference in this area for a variety of reasons. The only way our grandkids are going to have ocean fish to eat is by international cooperation by all national governments and aggressive enforcement of quotas. Sadly that's never going to happen because Japan, so I'll just eat my fish while I can.

>> No.4107417
File: 86 KB, 550x825, fishposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too- fuck kids they can eat whats left.

>> No.4107420


The reason canned tuna is low in mercury is because trawlers are catching all the immature specimens before they can reproduce.

Eat canned tuna, cause tuna to become extinct. It's a win-win.

>> No.4107423
File: 29 KB, 320x320, Don't Give a Damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

canned tuna + cheap ass kraft mac n cheese + frozen peas= delicious

>> No.4107428

No, it's neither delicous, healthy or cheap.

>> No.4107510


>not being in2boycott


what is it with you American'ts and mercury. I've never heard of any country so obsessed with mercury levels in fish. You'll shove food so high in fats even looking at it will make your heart hurt down your gullet but fish makes you shit the bed. What's the deal, friendo?


OP, did you see that River Cottage guy's TV thing about sustainable fish?

>> No.4107527


Boycotts work great when they have an impact at the source. For example, the UFW organized anti-pesticide grape boycotts in the 1980s had an immediate impact because grapes were produced and consumed in the same geographic region. Industrial ocean fishing is too big of an industry and for every environmentally conscious consumer choosing the green stickered fish at Whole Foods, there are 10 more hungry people in Bangladesh who don't give a fuck and just want to feed their kids.

tl;dr your feeble efforts are meaningless without unified government backing, enjoy the fish because it won't last much longer

>> No.4107710


>(citation needed)

>> No.4107722


These things are common knowledge to anyone who lived in the western US in the 1980s. For those of you who didn't, Wikipedia is your friend.

>> No.4107737

>caring where they get your fishes

they don't even have any feelers

>> No.4107789

I dig on big sushi tuna


fuck the hippies

>> No.4108374


sure feels samefag in here

>> No.4108467

>Still eating animals

>> No.4108483

If the fish is delicious, i don't care how and where they got it

>> No.4108488


thanks for that intelligent contribution

>> No.4108499

>telling me, as an individual consumer, not to eat delicious red snapper
yeah, fuck you

>> No.4108506

>implying the seas are more at risk by over farming than corporations polluting the oceans with post production waste

>> No.4108938

>not eating catfish and carp raised on organic feed you grew yourself, which has been fertilized with your own urine

Seriously, though, welcome to the future.

>> No.4108940


What do you mean by "the seas"? I don't really give a fuck if some beach in antarctica has red tide, but I'm going to be pretty upset if I can't eat any more tuna.

>> No.4109096

Wild blue-fin stocks are close to depletion, the only reason why it's still on the market is because the industry caught so many of them, there's still a huge amount of frozen blue-fin left that could be sold. Once the last of those stocks are gone, the price of wild-blue fin would probably double in price.

Eat yellow-fin tuna, it's just as good, just that the size of the fish isn't as impressive, that's about it.

>> No.4109134

I live far inland, and the nearest body of water is a river you could piss in to improve its quality. The river has a bad pollution problem, so most fish has to be flown in. Should I even bother with seafood, or is there anything that's still worth the trouble?

>> No.4109140

If you live in or within 12 hours drive of a major transport hub, you could try and see what sort of quality seafood you get.
But if you're no where near the sea and the quality of your local water-ways is piss poor, then you might as well just eat land animals.
Alternatively, stick to flash frozen fish fillets, those tend to stand traveling long distances much better than fish that is pretending to be "fresh" by not being frozen.