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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 472x416, OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4106422 No.4106422 [Reply] [Original]

>cooking for my roommate and I
>because I like to cook
>he's barging in, as usual
>woah, wtf anon?? use a serrated knife for those tomatoes, you're gunna smash them up
>nah I got it, it's a good knife that I keep plenty sharp
>AHAHAHAHA don't even try to tell me that bullshit, bro
>here, watch out
>proceeds to hack away at beautiful tomatoes with a $1 knife

What the fuck is wrong with people?

>> No.4106425
File: 276 KB, 500x372, sliced-tomatoes-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unevenly sliced tomatoes re a pet peeve of mine. I feel for you OP.

>> No.4106432
File: 187 KB, 1600x1073, 371295t567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here, bro
I gotta go take a shit

>> No.4106442
File: 3 KB, 203x212, 1306432493691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't tell me you tried to put them on a sandwich. Or in a salad.

>> No.4106458

>roommate and I

It should be me and my roommate.

>> No.4106463


whats wrong with tomatoes?

>> No.4106479

No, OP was correct.

>> No.4106483


What if OP did. What if I eat them raw, like apples, sometimes?

>> No.4106486
File: 21 KB, 432x288, 1307081429378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're flavorless and make the sandwich soggy, ruining the texture of the entire construct. I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

Almost as bad as putting lettuce on a hot sandwich,

>> No.4106489


you've only had shit supermarket tomatoes, are are retarded


>> No.4106490


and as you can see, I "are are" retarded as well

>> No.4106495

No. It should be me and my roommate.

>> No.4106498
File: 30 KB, 387x361, 1344964331117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had home-grown tomatoes too and while I like the flavor, I still affirm that they do not belong on sandwiches. They ruin the structural integrity by making the bread soggy and the meat slide apart, and for what? "Flavor"? Don't make me laugh.

>> No.4106511

You're either flat out stupid or you're trolling.

>> No.4106513


oh right, I've been wrong all along

thanks reddit!

>> No.4106515

Tell me about it. My mother in law commented on my knives once "oooh these are niiice" I'm all "yeah, I take care of them"

I go as far as hiding them when I'm not home. I'd come home and they were in the dishwasher with all the silverware or put away in the junk drawer with all the other kitchen shit.

Dammit woman, you tell me how nice they are then ruin them like all your other walmart shit.

>> No.4106516


>> No.4106518

But...you're supposed to cut tomatoes with a serrated knife.

Do you even cook?

>> No.4106520


>> No.4106521


do you even have a sharp knife

>> No.4106522
File: 10 KB, 771x711, 1325733414690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not trolling, I legitimately don't understand why lettuce is such a staple on sandwiches. Same goes for lettuce on hot sandwiches. Just ruins the texture completely. Does texture not matter anymore?

>> No.4106524


>> No.4106528

Fuck serrated knives. The only one I have is on my leatherman and that never even gets used.

(Before you ask about bread knife, no, I don't even eat bread)

>> No.4106530


Are you the Worldwide Texture Judge or something?

I happen to think a fresh crunch and pleasant bitterness pairs well on certain sandwiches, and others agree. Others don't agree, but not all are cunts about it

>> No.4106534


Don't even tell me you just fucked up lettuce for tomatoes twice in a row, god damnit

>> No.4106535

Yes, and it stays that way because I don't slice tomatoes with it.

>> No.4106538


what the fuck are your tomatoes made out of

>> No.4106541

A waxy exterior.

>> No.4106545

Fresh crunch? I didn't know tomatoes had a crunch. Everyone knows to get crunch, you put chips on your sandwich.

Ok, that's sarcasm. But I don't think I've ever eaten a tomato with crunch. Just some mushy fiber and excess juice.

>> No.4106547

The way I was taught to tell if it should be "me" or "I" is remove the second subject. ie,
"My roommate and I/me were cooking..."
"I/me was cooking..."

"Cooking for my roommate and I/me"
"Cooking for I/me"

I could be wrong...

>> No.4106550

All you've had are bad tomatoes, then.

>> No.4106557

Ever had real, fresh tomatoes?

>> No.4106561
File: 1.14 MB, 2912x2280, 2010-11-5-garden-008-brandywine-tomatoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never change, ck.

Serrated knives are for babbies. Sharp knives will do the trick unless you hammer or saw away like a pleb.

Brandywine tomatoes are best tomatoes. Meant to be juicy. You can use them on sandwhiches if you place them correctly.

If your sandwiches are soggy, you're an idiot. If you blame the tomatoes, you should be shot.

>> No.4106569
File: 179 KB, 589x564, 1321847461372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Awww, baby's first heirloom.

>> No.4106573

>split tomatoes
>lesions on stem

Do you even care about your garden?

>> No.4106576


>implying I didn't get this from a quick google image search

>> No.4106580

>Brandywine tomatoes
I was going to say something, but >>4106569 said it best.

>> No.4106613
File: 80 KB, 541x566, 1307210665390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If your sandwiches are soggy, you're an idiot. If you blame the tomatoes, you should be shot.

Why not blame the ingredient leaking juice all over? It's certainly not the cheese that's causing it.

>> No.4106615

>Tomatoes make bread soggy
Toast it you idiot. Or if you're using french bread kill yourself.

>Lettuce and Tomoatoes ruin the texture

Nigger are you high? Have you never had a BLT? The cold crunch of the lettuce, the soft sweet tomato, the warm savory bacon... that shit's a god-tier sandwich.

>> No.4106616

Being picky about veggies on a sandwich.
> what are you, five?

>> No.4106617
File: 26 KB, 193x194, 1355428647717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer to substitute the tomatoes with onions. Lettuce is alright on a blt, since it's not necessarily a hot sandwich. But lettuce on say, a hot chicken sandwich, looses all texture due to the presence of heat and turns into slimy mush. Barf. Don't even try to tell me it's for flavor.

>> No.4106618

How long are you waiting to eat your sandwiches? I wouldn't put tomatoes on a sandwich I'm bringing to work or something but if I'm making it fresh it's not going to make my bread soggy as soon as it touches it. You're probably using shitty bread too (read: bread you bought and didn't make)

>> No.4106619


You're the one who put the tomatoes on the sandwich in a way that made the sandwich soggy.

>> No.4106622
File: 242 KB, 2073x1331, 1321424503288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to learn how to greentext

>> No.4106624

Lettuce is for nothing but texture like Iceberg on a BLT. But I agree, people who do shit like put Romain on a hot club are retarded.

>> No.4106627

Perfect example of tomato ruining the sandwich. It's just oozing juice. I bet you take one bite and it slides apart.

>> No.4106637

Oh, so if I want to put tomatoes on a sandwich I need to make my own bread? Seems like a lot of work for such a flavorless vegetable.

Put them next to the bread and make it soggy. Put them in the middle of the meats and it slides apart and ruins the integrity from the inside out.

Face it, tomatoes do not belong on sandwiches. If you make it yourself and eat it immediately, I can see how it can be enjoyable. But if you're ordering, might as well ask them to douse it in water and save some money.

>> No.4106641

Implying the grease from all that italian meat, soggy lettuce, or the fact that it was drenched in... what is that fucking vinegar? Yeah, implying that any of that isn't a contributing factor.

That sandwich was ruined well before the tomatoes showed up.

>> No.4106644

Since we're on the subject, what is the best, meatiest tomato out there? More substance than seed and juice.
Ahat are your favorites and why?

>> No.4106649
File: 123 KB, 800x600, 1325640632111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You two need to go to your pediatrician to get your heads checked.

>> No.4106651

Anon confirmed to be Amerifat Subway customer

>> No.4106661

> confirmed for aspie faggot that is talking trash about veggies like they stole his virginity
Oh puh-leaze. Grow up faggot, you are not welcome on this board.

>> No.4106662
File: 13 KB, 122x125, 1306023767053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I see is oozing tomato and a puddle of juice. Bread looks great though. Actually, that sandwich looks delicious save for that fat chunk of tomato.

I actually really hate Subway.

>tomatic surrudg

>> No.4106668
File: 61 KB, 299x259, stimpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not welcome on this board? Yeah I've been trash talking tomatoes but I've been explaining my reasoning. Not like I'm just hurling insults from left field. I'm actually contributing much more to the discussion than you are. If anyone is not welcome, it's a namefag like you.

>> No.4106671
File: 580 KB, 3872x2592, Roasted-Tomatoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now tomatoes, to avoid this troll.

>> No.4106675
File: 789 KB, 2048x1536, dsc02596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4106677
File: 35 KB, 400x300, 2010-08-21-IMG_7291[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4106678

actually I havent seen you around here.
I dont like you.

I prefer >>4106668 stays.

>> No.4106680
File: 55 KB, 400x401, tomato-gelee2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4106682 [DELETED] 

You could make small steaks with the loins op. I would make jerky though

>> No.4106683
File: 167 KB, 485x640, 6964052751_a4f0d3ff3d_z[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4106690
File: 104 KB, 1024x619, DSC_0426-1024x619[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4106691
File: 36 KB, 320x293, tomato-information-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4106693
File: 56 KB, 377x400, Kitchen-Talks-Prevent-Sogginess-by-Carrying-Condiments-Separately[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get this mother fucking tomato out of me!

>> No.4106695
File: 114 KB, 800x532, the-global-girl-theglobalgirl-raw-vegan-recipes-juicy-tomato-walnut-sunflower-clover-sprouts-burger-purple-basil-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4106699

Relevant to the thread:

>> No.4106700
File: 53 KB, 460x288, sandwich_1392197c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4106704
File: 15 KB, 441x411, 1306273493439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This actually looks delicious. I like tomatoes, just not on sandwiches. Greek grandmother makes stuffed tomatoes, they're amazing. Better than I've had in Greece. I always forget to ask her how to make them...

>> No.4106712

I have taken classes in sandwich making as part of my degree.
A tomato is as welcome an ingredient as meat or cheese. If you are properly dressing your bread, it should never get soggy.
If you don't like tomatoes, fine. But don't tell others off for using a sandwich staple as such.

>> No.4106718
File: 63 KB, 452x336, dentist-5-tomato_icons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> trolls face when tomato is bread of sandwich

>> No.4106721
File: 2.28 MB, 176x144, 1324677118216.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Interesting, I like the math.
>12% moisture leaked into sandwich
>tomatoes contain 90% moisture
>assume average tomato weights 4oz(115g)
>.9*115=103.5g moisture
>103.5*.12=12.42g moisture leaked into sandwich

>> No.4106728
File: 142 KB, 1500x1000, tomato-sandwich-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4106734
File: 140 KB, 700x467, ricottatomatoes3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mm tomatoes. : P

>> No.4106739
File: 202 KB, 640x425, 4877485481_56e3c247fe_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tht jewstle

>> No.4106743


Be less beta and don't let him mess with your fucking stuff.

If they're your tomatoes then you can do whatever you want with them.

>> No.4106754

Protip: Spread a tiny bit of butter (and I mean TINY) on your bread if you're putting sauces or tomatoes on your sandwich. Butter is hydrophobic, which means it will act as a barrier between the liquid and the bread, preventing the bread from getting soggy.

>> No.4106766

If it is that big of a deal, why not put lettuce between the bread and tomato? Or put the sliced tomato on at work?

>> No.4106771
File: 55 KB, 250x210, tumblr_mcfin29vRT1rv8xpl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw soggy warm lettuce

>> No.4106778

I would like this in my mouth.

>> No.4106782

This or mayo. You faggots worried about soggy bread are failing at life.

>> No.4106796

Anybody who can't make a sandwich with tomatoes that isn't soggy is confirmed for retard. You slice your tomatoes and put the slices on paper towels as you work to absorb excess moisture, then build your sandwich with bread, thin layer of mayo and meat on one side, and bread, thin layer of mayo, and vegetables on the other. Add mustard or other preferred condiment in the center to help cement the whole thing together, then put the two halves together. Consume immediately.

This isn't rocketscience, faggots. Pat your veggies dry and use a thin layer of mayo or other oil-based condiment to protect your bread.

>> No.4106820

>Consume immediately.
That isn't what people are talking about, they are talking about making sandwiches and eating them later on.

You place your tomato slices on paper towel to absorb moisture even if you are going to eat it within 1 minute? How anal and retarded are you?

>> No.4106828

Is is those that are the anal retentive faggots that don't enjoy a tomatoes natural juices and omit them purposefully just because his bread isn't able to contain a serving of condiments.

>> No.4106829

>That isn't what people are talking about, they are talking about making sandwiches and eating them later on.
What? We're talking about sandwiches and tomatoes in general. There's only one chucklefuck that won't give it a rest about how tomatoes are going make his sandwich soggy, presumably because he buys all of his sandwiches from the grocery store.

>> No.4106836

>You slice your tomatoes and put the slices on paper towels as you work to absorb excess moisture
why do you hate tomatoes?

>> No.4106842

He's probably wondering when the attack of the killer tomatoes is going to happen.


Death and destruction on these monsterous proportions have never been seen before!

>> No.4106846

You pack your damn ingredients separately, and assemble at lunchtime. If you don't want a soggy sandwich, this should be the obvious answer. I put my vegetables in one bag with a paper towel to absorb extra moisture, and the sandwich in the other. If I didn't, I'd be full retard.

I don't put my tomatoes on paper towels unless I'm packing them for lunch later. But since everybody in this thread was being so anal about soggy fucking tomatoes, I figured I'd give them an answer.

>> No.4106848

Anybody who can't make a sandwich with tomatoes that isn't soggy is confirmed for retard. You slice the tomatoes with a freezing microtome and then put the slices on paper towels to absorb excess moisture. Then place them in a dehydrator placed within a large vacuum desiccator full of silica gel. After 7 days you remove the slices and they are critical point dried in liquid CO2.

Then build your sandwich with bread, thin layer of mayo and meat on one side, and bread, thin layer of mayo, and vegetables on the other. Add mustard or other preferred condiment in the center to help cement the whole thing together, then put the two halves together. Consume immediately.

This isn't rocketscience, faggots. Pat your veggies dry, dehydrate, dessicate, critical point dry, and use a thin layer of mayo or other oil-based condiment to protect your bread.

>> No.4106877

You could just make a wrap with a tortilla. Those things are pretty resiliant against getting soggy. If it's gonna sit there for three to four hours before you eat it, a wrap works. It can clearly be done with bread as well, but sometimes you just want to take it out of the bag and eat it, no hassles in the middle of the day or in an office.

>> No.4106894
File: 55 KB, 639x481, 1308451380940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sogginess is only half the problem, the other half is the texture and to a lesser extent taste. Unless the tomatoes are home-grown, they've been scientifically proven to have little to no taste (see: artificial ripening). The cost of potentially ruining a perfectly good sandwich comes with very little gain.

>> No.4106906
File: 20 KB, 500x375, 1307937945208.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm mostly complaining about restaurants. They factor in the tomato (because every damn sandwich has to have a tomato) in the cost and I just end up having them omit it anyway. I have nothing to complain about at home because I don't include it then.

This seems a lot of work for just a tomato. Having the sandwich pre-assembled and omitting the dressing for a later time isn't so much work, but taking all that time to prepare the sandwich beforehand and then spending time to actually make it? A lot of work for a mediocre sandwich ingredient.


>> No.4106915


This I've grown up disliking even homegrown tomatoes being put into my sandwiches. Although, I cant really say I enjoy most tomatoes, unless they're cooked, or mixed with spices and herbs.... Having Tomatoes on a sandwich never seemed like it would be tasty to me, I always pictured a big mushy tomato right in the center of the sandwich, and the thought alone would make me cringe

Although if I dont mind sun-dried tomatoes on a sandwich, those are mighty tasty.

>> No.4106923
File: 171 KB, 375x375, 1307386925624.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, sundried tomatoes on a sandwich are excellent. especially with red onions.

>> No.4106930

It's not just the tomato, but the lettuce, pickles, or whatever other veggies I want. They'd all make it soggy. And it's really not that much work. I'd have to slice the veggies anyways, so I just drop them in a sandwich bag as I go, add a paper towel, and close it. The only added step is getting the veggies in and out of a bag and opening my sandwich again. Thirty seconds and two cents worth of bag for a fresh sandwich? Totally worth it.

I buy my tomatoes from a friend who grows them for a fruit stand. I don't really bother with tomatoes when they're not in season, but I have endless supplies of cheap, fresh tomatoes in the summer. Feels good man.

>> No.4106939


I wish I could endure the crunch of a raw onion, but something about it sends a weird chill down my spine.

I know Im probably missing out on a bunch, but man is that a gnarly crunch in my opinion.

>> No.4106944


You know, I'll restate the gnarly crunch a bit differently, seeing as I like Salsa, but for some reason, raw Onions get me every time, when they're by themselves.

>> No.4106947

>You pack your damn ingredients separately, and assemble at lunchtime.

I thought I was the only one who did this, brother. ;_;

>> No.4106956
File: 6 KB, 363x360, 1307670917399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love onions but I've heard the same thing from friends. I look forward to the crunch but I can see how it's kind of strange, it's crunchy all the way through. Most crunchy things tend to shatter once chewed, but the onion is pretty uniform.

>> No.4107000

The distinction between I and me is that I is subjective (nominative)--that is, the pronoun of the subject of the sentence--and me is objective, being either the direct (accusative) or indirect (dative) object.

You would have learned this if the school system you went to bothered to teach basic Latin grammar to its students.

The ordering of the subjects--"my sister and I" or "I and my sister"--is entirely a matter of aesthetic and style and not one of grammar.

>> No.4107008


Heaven forbid a knife be called upon to do any actual cutting. And heaven forbid one should have to use a steel before and sometimes after most events calling for cutting.

>> No.4107016


May I ask, your opinion on the texture of a Coconut?

Also, I enjoy the crunch of carrots, bell peppers, Celery, and cucumbers. I myself have never understood my dislike for raw crunchy onions. Maybe its years of experiencing oddly tasting pizza's and being forced to eat cheese burgers with diced onions as a kid, and disliking the texture of squishy food with crunchy onion, who knows.

>> No.4107025

You claim tomatoes are "flavorless". Wow. Fucking faggottttttttt. Kill yourself.

>> No.4107029

Please forgive I, me was too busy not giving a fuck.

>> No.4107032

why didn't you yell at him to get the fuck away from your tomatoes? why didn't you tell him to get the fuck out? are you beta? do you even cook?

>> No.4107161

I cant eat bread of any kind unless it is warm or toasted.
Am i a bad person?

>> No.4107403
File: 38 KB, 400x400, Bill Nye but that's wrong, you fucking retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cooking for my roommate and I
uses a prepositional phrase. The preposition 'for' is used. A preposition can only be used before proper nouns and objectively declined pronouns (such as 'him,' 'her,' 'you,' 'me,' anything that ends in '-self,' and others) and cannot be used before subjectively declined pronouns (such as 'he,' 'she,' 'I,' and others).

Here are some examples of correct use of prepositional phrase.
>He did it for me.
>He did it for her.
>He did it for him.
>He did it for himself.
>He did it for you.
>He did it for them.

Here are some incorrect usages:
>He did it for I.
>He did it for she.
>He did it for he.
>He did it for they.
>He did it for we.

Adding a co-object connected by 'and' such as in OP's usage of 'my roommate and I' does not change the grammar rule guiding proper use of prepositional phrase.
Though the subject was omitted in OP's greentext, it was implied. 4chan greentext tends to omit subject. For example:

>be discussing proper English grammar
>not even a native speaker of this language
>clearly know more about proper usage of English than many native speakers

In each of those greentexts, the subject 'I' was omitted. The verb 'to be' was also modified for the infinitive as in the case of 'be discussing proper English grammar.' In the second greentext of the example, the verb 'to be' was also omitted, leaving only 'not even a native speaker of this language.' To make that into a sentence, a subject must be added along with a verb. In this case, the singular first person and the singular first person present indicative conjugation of the verb 'to be' are both implied. Properly, the sentence should read:
>I am not even a native speaker of this language.

And now you know. Idiot.

>> No.4107489



>> No.4107539


>> No.4107561


Who are you

>> No.4108059


So then the correct phrase would be

"Cooking for my roommate and myself" ?

>> No.4108067

Yes, or "cooking for myself and my roommate."

>> No.4108074


Any kind of bread eh? Well, I have a question, Have you ever had any type of Indian bread, or Persian bread, lets say, Naan and Lavash for Instance?

What about Pita bread, do you Toast that, or make it warm as well?

How do you go about warming up a Baguette? Do you cut a piece off, then pop it in the microwave, or toaster?

are you using the word "Cant" in place of the word "Dislike" or "Will not"?

I am interested in how one would not eat bread unless it was warm or toasted.

What about things like Banana bread? Do you need those to be warm as well, in order for it to be edible to you?

>> No.4108087

babby's first babby's first