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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 134 KB, 1500x1000, sushi0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4095344 No.4095344 [Reply] [Original]

do people really like this stuff

i had some sushi and it is the most expensive bland-as-fuck shit ive ever had

it must be the asian atmosphere that attracts people, this stuff probably wouldnt be so big if it were a south asian dish

>> No.4095353

you're not alone, OP
i think the same
bland and tasteless

>> No.4095355

everyone dresses so nice and pay so much to go get a fucking table to eat sushi

lets everybody go do what the qt asians do and pretend to enjoy this peasant ass shit

>> No.4095360

God I'm sick of all these neckbearded threads about sushi. If you can't say where you had it and it wasn't in a major port city it was obviously shit passing as sushi obviously. Learn to fish anons learn2fish

>> No.4095361

Not every food has to have a million different flavors competing with each other.
If you like raw fish, you'll like sushi. That's basically it.
Not sure why people who don't like it expect something different.

Personally, I'm not that big of a fan of raw fish, which is why if I go to a sushi joint for whatever reason, I get a roll I actually like the taste of.

>> No.4095371

oooooooo the sacred gem sushi is at the end of a long journey of searching

>> No.4095376

this pretty much reinforces the idea that people who arent in major port cities and are eating sushi are full of shit because theyre enjoying shit passing as sushi

>> No.4095380


Why do people in cities always act all high and mighty? If you've never had a toasted ravioli you shouldn't be talking about food. Some of the best food I've had in my life was from the midwest.

>> No.4095399

did you have real sushi, or did you have that awful shit that supermarkets sell in little plastic boxes?

>> No.4095408

to try out the experience i went to an actual reputable japanese restaurant, and then i paid $30+ dollars for sashimi and rolls + more for sake and drinks

i came out of the restaurant feeling immensely ripped off.. gatorade is more fulfilling than a sushi meal

>> No.4095424

Because cities have greater access to a wider array of ingredients and resources, and in the case of sushi, access to fresh fish and international notability increase the odds of a restaurant putting out quality product.

Also, toasted ravioli is shit. Midwestern food is uninteresting and worse than Southern food health-wise.

>> No.4095438

It's not about being high and mighty but eating what your surrounding areas can supply with you. Granted, you can fly expensive ingredients all over the globe now but that traveling will cost a noticeable increase in cost and a decrease in quality.
Major cities are also usually transportation hubs, therefore even if something isn't grown locally or not in season, the traveling time from source -> major city is shorter than from the source, to the major city and then distributed to non-transport hub areas.

>> No.4095440

uninteresting and tasty at a reasonable price > ''interesting'' and bland and expensive

>> No.4095445
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My experience with sushi was really weird.

When I first tried it, for the very first time, I really liked it.
Then when I tried it a second and third time, it started feeling disgusting to me, as I imagine is typical when eating raw meat.
After a few more tries I couldn't eat it at all because it made me feel sick outright.

Not sure why that happened, but I sure as hell don't touch sushi anymore.

>> No.4095453

>do people really like this stuff
>will people pay tons of money to pretend to be japanese

I love fish but this sushi trend is an obvious exploitation of white people to accept other cultures

>> No.4095456

What were you expecting? It's usually just a raw ingredient + rice... There are some more flavoursome types of sushi.

There's a roll that the place I go to serves which is deep fried sweet potato, avocado and asparagus. It's delicious.

>> No.4095459

You probably liked it for the novelty value, once that wore off, your mental wall of "must not eat raw meat" came back on. Either that or maybe you went to a nice place the first time, which gave you a great first impression but then you went to another place or the same, but the quality of the food dropped.

If you don't like it, don't eat it, not that hard of a concept to grasp.

>> No.4095467

Are you a redneck or something?

Sushi is about subtle, simple flavors. Enjoy the fucking flavor of the fish, how rich and fatty the salmon and tuna taste.

I bet a good meal in your mind is a fucking baconator and you think green tea tastes good with ginger and oranges and sugar and all that other shit.

>> No.4095477

Today, there is a wide variety of sushi besides the ones with sashimi and rice.

I like the kinds of sushi with something deep fried in it.

Here is why sushi is expensive...


>> No.4095482

Jesus fucking Christ.
You are all retards.

Sushi not sashimi is a dish of rice perfection.
The fish is literally an add on.
The real taste is the rice- it must be a balance between vinegar and sweet mirin mixing with the rice flavour.
It's fucking hard to do.
But when done right its explosive in flavour.
Also it should be served warm.

Stop rating delicacies from food courts kids. It's like saying McDonalds is a representation of all burgers.
This thread is bad.
It makes me feel bad.
You are all bad people.

>> No.4095500

look neckbeards I don't care about your insecurities or how other city people make you feel inferior. But let me lay out down plain and simple:
Sushi is a fast food cuisine of fish and rice originating in Japan. Japan is an island nation near China. Island nations before colonialism and industrialism almost always relied on fish for the majority of proteins in their diet. MOST often fish wad caught and consumed daily. Fast forward to today when sushi has become a status meal for westerners. Fish outside of major port cities is not caught and consumed daily the fish that is caught is not treated with the same care in these new sushi cultures. Three result is fish that both looks and tastes inferior to it's Japanese counterparts. The consumption of sushi outside of port cities adds the complications of time to a product that is really only good if served within 48 hours of catch an kill.

Some tell tale signs you aren't eating good sushi:
> your chef doesn't tell.you what is fresh
> there are only rolls on the menu
> the menu does not include all three of the following: nigiri, maki, sashimi.
> there isn't fresh fish on a sushi case in front of the bar
> there isn't wasabi being freshly grated in front of you
> wasabi isn't already on your food when served

>> No.4095505

I dont know where you guys get your sushi, ive had sushi in many places, some very expensive highclass to almost fastfood like restaurants... and ive always liked it. ofcourse better quality = better sushi. The fish is very flavorfull and have a great texture and combination, and the rice alone is good enough to be eaten with nothing.
THe only bad sushi ive had was from a supermarket, if you only eat that shit then i guess i know why you hate it -shrug-
but again, if you dont like fish in the first place why bother.

>> No.4095506

>The real taste is the rice-
rice doesn't taste like anything

I just wish all sushi eating faggots would just move to japan and let people in the real world cook and eat our fish without a problem

>> No.4095509

ive eaten sushi in tokyo many times when i was a student there, only 30% of all the restaurant i ate sushi in (and thats alot) did the grating wasabi thing.

>> No.4095511

I didn't like sushi the first time I tried it, but the first time I tried it was on a cruise ship buffet that was probably way old and basically just bad. I live in a non-coastal region, but my favorite place gets flash frozen fish of high quality, and I trust my chef to serve me fresh fish.

Sushi is a subtle food; you're supposed to be able to enjoy the flavor of the rice as much as the fish, for example. It's also about texture as much as it's about flavor. There's something really nice about the way good cuts of tuna will melt in your mouth. Nothing compares to that.

At my favorite restaurant, I can get a huge bowl of thai-style curry, sweet potato tempura, two rolls of sushi, and two drinks (because I'm splitting this with a date; it's enough food for two) for around $25, which is about as much as I'd spend anywhere in the area, so I don't really think it's overpriced. I've once or twice splurged on a meal of nothing but sushi, for two, and even that's just $40, which for a really special date is not bad at all.

I love my local sushi joint so hard it hurts. It's just a hole in the wall, but it's an awesome hole in the wall. But basically, if you don't like sushi, then don't eat sushi. I don't eat liver often because I don't like it. It's not rocket science.

>> No.4095514

Rice tastes like heaven.

>> No.4095515

why someone would pay loads for ''subtle'' is beyond me

truth is people want to feel a sense of prestige when theyre eating something ''exotic'' and decorated and artful

balance between vinegar and sweet mirin lmao go and eat sweet pickle relish with rice

>> No.4095517

.. maybe if you just... ignored sushi... then you wouldnt have a problem. nobody is forcing you to eat it? just ignore the people loving it and make your own damn fish?
goddamnit people making something so easy to ignore into a huge problem. dont go into sushi restaurants man, big deal.

>> No.4095521


Why do people pay retarded amounts for otoro nigiri if the fish is just a garnish?

You're a fucking retard, case closed.

>> No.4095523


You have a really poorly developed sense of taste if you think pickle relish tastes anything like mirin, friendo.

Actually, that should also answer your question as to why anyone would pay for subtlety in their food.

>> No.4095530
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>> No.4095533

Sushi rice isn't just rice.

>> No.4095534

I used to laugh at my richfag friends for blowing 200+ on a single meal @ a sushi place and then I still do.

>> No.4095541

ikr i could eat that shit with nothing else and still have a meal out of it. its really fucking hard to make perfect sushi rice, the texture, the handling, the ingridients and how and when you combine them.
this is why sushi is called a food art, if you just smash your sushi together its gonna taste like shit.

>> No.4095544

This is 4chan, they feel super kawaii and closer to the Japanese when they eat sushi. Why else would they sit here discussing it every day? There's really nothing to discuss. The only thing that separates a good sushi restaurant from a bad one is the quality of the fish.

They actually say that if you can taste the fish (I'm being completely serious here) then it's not fresh and it isn't good sushi. It's pointless.

>> No.4095547

It would seem that mod just came in and removed a bunch of posts, banned someone and/or the troll deleted his posts and went back to his bridge.

Your faggotry is showing.

>> No.4095551

... are Chinese or Korean owned. Does that take away the authenticity of the food?

>> No.4095553

>subjective > subjective

>> No.4095557

Man, I've tried making sushi at home more times than I can count, and while I've always made sushi that is edible, I can just never get that rice right. It's always a little too sweet or a little too salty or a little too vinegary. Fuckin' rocket science, man.

>> No.4095555

its not the same, i know

but its still ridiculous to actually pay so much for blandness

>> No.4095558

Who gives a fuck about authenticity?

>> No.4095563

It's argued by some Koreans actually invented sushi.

>> No.4095565

I guess you don't

>> No.4095566

ikr i feel the same way, i just cant nail it either. my sushi is okay but its nothing like a good sushi chefs work! wonder what the fuck is the secret i feel like i do everything right

>> No.4095574


Cool trips, but again... Man if you think sushi tastes bland I think you've been destroying your palate with too much coffee or something. I pay for it because I find the dimensions of flavor in a piece of perfectly cut raw fish amazing.

The deep ocean notes, the provocative sense of nakedness. ...There's something a little bit sexual about eating sushi for me, frankly. I'm sorry you don't experience the same flavors I do.

>> No.4095575


>> No.4095587

So-called authenticity has nothing, really, to do with quality or even the eating experience.

>> No.4095589

no i know what you're talking about with these dimensions

i know how nicely it goes with the texture but it sure as shit isn't worth what they charge

>> No.4095592

If someone wants it bad enough to pay for it, I ain't gonna stop em.

>> No.4095599

Koreans are butthurt over every other invention in China and Japan because they've been lorded over by either Japan or China since the dawn of time.

>> No.4095602


Worth what they charge? The place I go to is relatively cheap. I spend roughly $15 there for a meal, which is around the same as I'd spend at any other restaurant in my area.

Either you are getting ripped off or ...I guess your idea of eating out is fast food?

>> No.4095616

Ditto. I fan my rice while I'm adding my vinegar/salt/sugar mixture and everything, but it's just never quite on the mark. I think part of it is because I get tired before I've fanned my rice to room temperature. If I could keep it up until it was all cool... Where can I get a slave to fan my rice for me?

>> No.4095618

for a few morsels of unsatisfying blandness $15 is a bit much

i can get a proper meal for under 10 bucks that isnt fast food anywhere, come on lol

>> No.4095658

Where does "a meal" turn into "a few morsels."

Oh, right, it does that when you have a dick so far up your ass that you've forgotten elementary school reading comprehension.

Again, if you don't like sushi, then don't eat it.

>> No.4095667

If you're eating at a sushi restaurant that will serve you enough sushi to qualify as a meal for $15, you probably shouldn't be posting in this thread. You've never had good sushi, you're just bored, angry and arguing on the internet again.

>> No.4095672

>being this poor

>> No.4095673

I thought I loved sushi until I went to a proper sushi restaurant. The store-bought version has a much less pronounced seaweed flavor which I enjoy. Seaweed is fucking gross. Basically, I only like cheap sushi and even then only the shrimp, salmon, tuna and egg types.

>> No.4095690
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>> No.4095701
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>> No.4095704

enjoy your tasteless fish jello you female

>> No.4095708

You baka gajin will never understand the complex yet elementary constituents that make up what is Sushi. Pls murikkka gb2 eating ur bland as fuck bigmacs.

>> No.4095718
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I really enjoy sushi but damn, that comment of yours almost makes your butt rage visible.
>fucking baconator
>fucking flavor
Just calm down

>> No.4095720

I will, if you promise to enjoy whatever it is you enjoy and stop being a cunt to me for liking sushi.

>> No.4095729

If you're the same guy that was talking about going to a sushi restaurant and getting a meals portion of sushi for $15, you need to stop posting. You've never experienced good sushi before.

>> No.4095744
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>> No.4095749

And you're a pretentious snob, the very reason OP started this stupid thread to begin with. By the way, not that poster, but I can get two rolls for $15 and they taste awesome. Which, when talking about food, is what matters most to me.

>> No.4095758

It isn't good sushi then, they can't afford to sell high quality fish for less than $15 a roll. Just go to a sushi buffet if you're going to eat anything less than top grade fish.

>> No.4095759
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2 rolls is a meal?

for 15 dollars?

>> No.4095762
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>> No.4095765

>taste is what matters most to me

too bad whenever you see this on ck it means "i have no idea what is good in life"

>> No.4095767

>You like something I don't like, so therefore you're wrong.

Buffet sushi is overpriced and shit tier, even compared to the rolls I get. I never said my $7.50 rolls were god-tier, only that they taste pretty damned good to me. But go on, I can feel your asspain levels rising.

>> No.4095768
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1,000 yen (12 bucks) sushi.

>> No.4095775

Not the guy who said he got a meal for $15. I was comparing to what I got for the money. I get those two rolls, a huge bowl of thai curry, some sweet potato tempura, and split it with a date for like $25 total. Pretip. I'm friends with the owners so they'll usually throw our drinks in for free, and they'll usually hook me up with whatever is best that day.

>> No.4095783

Why would I be asspained that you eat poor quality sushi? You're the one that should be asspained. I eat real, top-quality sushi, I have no reason to be upset.

Hey, it's that guy that pretends to live in Japan and mentions random food prices.

>> No.4095785

this simply isn't true. not in the global sense. maybe in your area, but certainly not enough for you to make this generalization.

>> No.4095788
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I'm Japanese.

>> No.4095794
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>> No.4095801

Then why do you give so many shits about what I eat? If you don't like it, don't fucking eat it, but telling other people not to eat food because you don't like it is the stulidest shit I've ever heard. I don't like liver, but I solve that by not eating it often. You can enjoy the fuck out of liver and it doesn't affect me in any way.

>> No.4095805

Even more stupid than that typo, for the record.

>> No.4095808

We get it, you can stop bumping this troll thread now.

>> No.4095825

Conveyor Belt Sushi

>> No.4095827

Spicy tuna is good faggot.

>> No.4095834
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I'm Black.

>> No.4095873

Hes trying to help you people stop waste money.

>> No.4095890

Learn How to Eat Sushi the Right Way.

>> No.4095906

>implying there's a wrong way

stop being a weeaboo faggot

>> No.4095909
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Protip: If you don't live in a large city (NYC, Chicago, LA, SanFran), chances are you're eating Chinese/Mexican sushi. Every time we go out, it's funny to hear my friends talk about how much they love the "authentic" stuff over store bought, all the while I'm listening to the chefs shoot the shit in Chinese.

>> No.4095916


>> No.4095927

This is what I think about Jap culture (food & otherwise) and the army of weaboos that clamor behind it


>> No.4095931

>Learn How to Eat Sushi the Right Way for Dummies.

>> No.4095933

Why ahould the people who enjoy aushi move? We have no problem livong here. YOU are the one who infact have a problem, so move yourself, don't bother us, you selfish asshole.

>> No.4095938


That was me, and I'm loling at you since I lived in Japan for a year. I know from sushi, mate. The area I live in happens to have the highest percentage of Japanese people in Canada, so the sushi restaurants here are many and varied.

Maybe you're from some fuckoff nowhere hick town in the bible belt of Murrica. That's the only reason I'd assume you can't get good and cheap sushi. You clearly can't be from any major metropolitan area.

>> No.4095939


except... Japanese restaurants aren't like that

>> No.4095944


>posts a parody video
>thinks it's real life

oh, you

>> No.4095964
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Look at all the weaboos coming to the rescue!

>> No.4095983

I like sushi. But I add a bit of salt to it.

>> No.4095984

nigger can't eat authentic sushi..
taste disorder.

>> No.4095995

I would fucking love to eat at a place that refused to offer those rolls. They are my least liked rolls ever. Pig disgusting. I always sort of rage inside a little when I see someone order a plate of california rolls and "ooh and ahh" over it.

>> No.4095997

Well, now I live on the West Coast and I guarantee I get "authentic" sushi out here. However, I used to live on the Gulf Coast, and the sushi was definitively un-authentic if not downright awful. I remember the first time I had sushi out here, and thinking "oh my god, this is what sushi is supposed to be like!"

>> No.4096000


or you are a pleb with taste buds ruined from constant addiction to junk food that is jacked up in sodium and sugar. most americans are like this which is why they have such an aversion to fresh vegetables and the like and drink sugared or aspartame toxic drinks instead of water.

my taste buds are normal and i find something like a raw carrot fucking delicious, while i find your junk food completely revolting, almost like eating rat poison.

>> No.4096003


come on though. no spicy tuna roll? the fuck man?

>> No.4096005


I don't know if you're a sperglord or just a troll. Leaning toward the former.

>> No.4096010
File: 2.23 MB, 200x112, FUCK.+my+reaction+when+i+m+killed+by+a+creeper_3141dd_3735587.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be half japanese
>love sushi
>love spicy tuna even more

>> No.4096149


> that awful shit that supermarkets sell in little plastic boxes

Fuck you, supermarket sushi is delicious

>> No.4096155

I bought some fancy ass sushi at a fancy ass sushi restaurant. It cost me about $50. I walked out thinking, "The stuff I buy at Kroger is just as good and cost less than half the price."

>> No.4096156


Well I wouldn't say it's ASS good as restaurant sushi, I've been to one sushi restaurant and the tuna roll I ate there was great, but I hate how the people on this board act like supermarket sushi is equivalent to McDonalds or something. It's pretty good quality and very well made, even made fresh in-store by a guy who knows what he's doing

>> No.4096164

A Japanese guy makes the sushi at my Kroger, in south Arlington, TX. It's definitely as good as the restaurant stuff. But perhaps I'm just lucky to find a store with higher quality.

>> No.4096166

I actually live very near there. Cedar Hill, TX. I'll have to check that out! How expensive is it?

>> No.4096168

>do people really like this stuff
yes, but you don't have to

You tried it, it wasn't to your taste and that should be the end of it, I have no idea why people are getting so butthurt over the idea of someone not liking sushi.

>> No.4096171

no, they're just weeaboo fucktards

>> No.4096172

It'll fit your budget. They wouldn't sell it if they couldn't price it for the average joe. It's the Kroger on South Cooper St., past Walmart on the right hand side.

>> No.4096179

Great. The closest Kroger to me us the Duncanville one (I think) but they don't really have shit (because it's Duncanville, lol). Is there a particularly good time to go? Or is it always available?

>> No.4096227
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I like sushi too. I usually eat it while drinking Ramune. Sometimes, I feed a bite to girlfriend Harumi. But she's really just a body pillow so she doesn't really need to eat, which means more for me!. ^o^

Here's me, getting ready to go to my favorite sushi restaurant! ^^

>> No.4096230

korean= fake japanese

>> No.4096234


you're prolly one of those guys who thinks they can broil a better steak than a high end steak house.
"durr...i can buy that on same steak on sale at kroger for 5.77 a pound.....i feel ripped off."

you are a fancy ass moron.

>> No.4096331

I hear that the ancient form of sushi, fish fermented within sweet/glutinous rice (rather than rice flavoured with vinegar with fresh fish), may have been a Cambodian development and made its way to Japan through trade since the Khmer empire was one of the few Japan had contact with before the Meiji restoration.
That long, thin Japanese tobacco pipe who's name I can't remember has been proven to be of Khmer origin: I can't imagine that it's the only thing the Japanese learnt from the Cambos.

>> No.4096333


Not really. Kind of the other way around, actually. Non native Japanese (read: not Ainu) are about 98% Korean.

>> No.4096336

I've eaten raw salmon throughout my life, so sushi kinda naturally tasted good to me.
It's fucking expensive though, I give you that.

>> No.4096349

But that's wrong. Japanese are just under 50% haplogroup D while Koreans are just under 50% haplogroup O3. Both numbers are really rather high as far as this sort of thing goes and proves that neither group is really very closely related to the other. In comparison, Ainu, who have traditionally not disseminated with outsiders, are just under 90% type D and are more closely related to the Japanese than the Koreans are.
Other close haplotype relatives to the Japanese are the Andamanese and the Tibetans.
The Koreans, in turn, have their closest haplotype relatives amongst the Achang, the southern Chinese, the Garo, the Han and also the Tibetans. The Tibetans are equally split between D and O3 at around 40% each with the remaining 20% interspersed between other haplotypes.
The Japanese barely have any O3 and the Koreans barely any D. They are not related groups.

>> No.4096395

I had some really good salmon when I went to a local place here in Vancouver. It was more sashimi than sushi I believe, but I quite liked it. Had it with some fresh snow peas with a bit of salt. I'd like to go again sometime, but I keep getting distracted and putting it off.

>> No.4096425

> rice doesn't taste like anything

I cringed a little. Are you a heavy smoker, or perhaps drink heavily on daily basis? Or perhaps have some sort of disease preventing you from tasting things that you may not know about? Too much spicy food, too much hot food, depending on your background?

You know how people wash rice? Some people can tell you the difference between rice washed just once, and rice rinsed three times, from the same batch cooked the same way, with same amount of water.

Rice contain starch, which amylase converts ever-so-slightly into sugar compounds in your mouth. Depending on rest of the mouthful it changes a few compositions in taste.

Chew your food, anon, and perhaps seek a doctor, because you might have some minor problems that, once fixed, will improve your quality of life. Good luck.

>> No.4096433


are you new here or something? missed the 3 daily threads about what kind of sriracha makes rice less bland?

>> No.4096438

Oh, right. But I thought most people are joking about those? R-right? Guys?

>> No.4096440


Don't get me wrong, I'd love it if normals would post around here regularly. But objectively speaking, perhaps you'd fit in more at a site like egullet.

>> No.4096468

Don't worry, you are not the only one that can appreciate rice on /ck/.

You know, i have met a relatively good amateur cook that couldn't tell the difference between differents kinds of rice (jasmine, basmati, etc)

Another that thinks raw salmon is just a flavorless jelly.

And people like OP

I think some people just are not used to delicate flavors. Probably the kind of people that put ketchup/mayo/chilli/ other dressing in every meal.

Just different kinds of tastes

>> No.4096490

It's not so much that I appreciate rice as much as rice itself is a staple part of diet for people with Asian backgrounds (I am Asian), so that it's a reflex to just conjure up all those childhood memories, personal fuckups when making rice, and every detail there are to all kinds of rice.

Delicate flavors aside, some stuff are fairly obvious in my opinion. Some people won't notice certain stuff, and that's ok. Alton Brown once noted on Good Eats that the boom of heavy spicy sauces might be contributed to the Baby Boomers growing old and needing something heavy to be able to actually taste thing, and perhaps it's not just the Baby Boomers - our generation is used to super-saturated flavors between fast food, junk food, drinks, and years of habits that previous generations didn't have to face. So I think it's probably... That we are killing our own tastebuds.

>> No.4096533

You'll never know the joy of:
>Going to a local sushi shop that's owned by an aging Japanese couple.
>The husband always makes the sushi and doesn't let anyone fill in because he's worried about the quality of the sushi.
>Whenever he was sick they didn't serve sushi, only the simple warm dishes.
>The wife knows me by name and knows exactly what I want, I even get a discount for being a loyal customer.

15 piece sushi set for just over 10€.
Their profit margins must be razor thin as they use high grade salmon and tuna.

>> No.4096738

my taste buds are fine thanks very much

i also happen to like things with subtlety like cheerios and sugarless tea

but sushi really is not impressive, its bland and you are charged A LOT for it

>> No.4096747

I pay $20 from the all you can eat place and its delicious, not my fault if people are willing to pay $3+ a piece because the restaurant tells you so

>> No.4096750

its not bland, its delicate. this is a serious distinction, and not all of them are delicate either, some are explosions of flavor

>> No.4096764
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Yep, the typically thought of sushi, raw fish(bland), plus white rice(bland), wrapped in seaweed(bland), makes for a very bland combination. That's why purist sushi sucks.

But then there's tempura, and grilled seasoned fish, barbecued eel, all kinds of sauces you can add, can add cheese, salty roe, minced up seasoned salads of fish or crab to stuff them with. There's lots of ways to add flavor to sushi, unagi rolls are addicting as hell with that sauce they use. What sushi is, is a great base for flavors. Even boring purist sushi is good dipped in a salty sauce, and it's healthy.

>> No.4096772
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how does delicate not mean bland? It means the magnitude of flavor is very low. It's just a pretty word meaning the same thing.

>> No.4096795

Full Moon Sushi in SoCal is pretty good. Really cheap too. 6 California rolls, 2 shrimp tempura, 1 of each broccoli, onion slice, potato slice, and carrot slice, a small salad, a bowl of rice and miso soup.


Their actual top shelf stuff is all under $10 as well.

>> No.4096879
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Please. Tell me more.

>> No.4096886

anaheim guy here ill have to check it out

>> No.4096897

>people saying rice is bland

They season that shit with wine, vinegar, sugar, and salt. The word sushi means "vinegared rice." It's not just plain white rice

>> No.4098463

>people saying rice is bland

>> No.4098465

People have been ruined by junk food, there's no taste for subtlety anymore. I appreciate intense tasting dishes, but I can also enjoy something lighter.

>> No.4098467
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The everyday rice is just rice cooked on water.

>> No.4098479

delicacies doesn't mean good, fucking insects, MAN are delicacies
oysters on the other hand, are good

>> No.4098487

>What's the problems with insects? What makes an entire class of organisms to be bad tasting? Some of them might be good, others not so much and some might be terrible tasting but they are just another kind of animal.

>> No.4098492

del·i·cate (dl-kt)
1. Pleasing to the senses, especially in a subtle way:

del·i·ca·cy (dl-k-s)
n. pl. del·i·ca·cies
2. Something pleasing and appealing, especially a choice food.

>> No.4098860

sushi is fucking delicious, I mean I probably wouldn't pay like 100 bucks for a little bit like some people do but i eat it a few times a year, most of the places around me are owned by chinese though

weeaboo I may be, but my eclectic tastes in japanese media don't extend to food, every culture has something fucking delicious and sushi is one of japan's
I personally like the pancake things more though

>> No.4098861

sometimes I ask for a bowl of just sushi rice, short grain, cold cooked in rice wine oh my god I'm fucking salivating

>> No.4098869


Omg I went to the store and bought some frozen tilapia to mix with my bowl of zatarains and it tasted like shit, omg sushi is like so disgusting ^^

>sushi thread
omg u weeaboo u mev to japn if u want be weboo huehuejeje
>steak thread
omg if u not eat medium well stek u not et real steak >.<!

>> No.4098879

Raw tuna tastes really good, even the cheap shit they make at supermarkets. Fresh chutoro makes my mouth orgasm.

Never could get into other fish, the only other thing I order at sushi joints is eel.

>> No.4098900

bland means there is no flavor, delicate means the flavor is subtle but complex

>> No.4098943

Southeast asian here. I find that it tastes totally bland and any taste is from the wasabi/soy sauce. Terrible, really.

>> No.4098960



>> No.4098962

1. You're not southeast asian
2. Your terminology gave you away

>> No.4099012


I love spicy tuna, california rolls are complete shit though

>> No.4099024

>eat shitty cheap maki rolls at some mediocre chinese buffet

>> No.4099056
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The convenience store onigiri in Japan taste like heaven compared to the most expensive sushi where I live.

Calrose is just not the same. Also fuck you Japan for your export-grade shit.

>> No.4099072

I'm going to hide the thread, but before I do, I just want to say that I think sushi sucks.

If you're not Japanese and don't live in Japan, you shouldn't even bother. Find dishes that are unique to your region and learn to cook them. Chances are the ingredients are going to be high in quality and affordable.

>> No.4099084


Pretty much since pretty much every prefecture borders the ocean. When I visited Japan I had a tip that all the sushi bentos are made that morning, and an hour before close they go on slash discount. So I would go in, buy like 10 and eat some damn nice lunches for work that were cheaper than what I was normally buying.

>> No.4099132

could you be any more obviously white?

>> No.4099137

I like sushi. I will fight you, OP.

>> No.4099153

> Calrose is not the same

Yeah that's because it's better.

>> No.4099165

Southeast Asians fucking love sushi, though I can see how people certain races (whose cuisine are more heavily seasoned) wouldn't like it.

>> No.4099170

So what if the taste of sushi depends mostly on cultural affinity? Coca-cola tastes rubbery and bitter, but it still goes perfect with a burger.

>> No.4099180

uh, what's wrong with ginger in green tea? or ginger tea for that matter. or ginger for that matter! bitch, we can throw down right here if you got a problem with ginger.