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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4061518 No.4061518 [Reply] [Original]

I was the OP of the above thread, about street food.

In that thread, I asked what would be the best vegan food to sell on the street. I got some great suggestions and great advice (the best of which was "don't sell vegan versions of real food, just sell food that happens to be vegan"), and despite a distracting yet riviting tangent on oxford commas, I gotta say that is the best thread I've ever had the honor to start. Seriously, guys, I left around post 150, and it's getting close to 300.

Anyway, today I tried my hand at the street food game. GREEN TEXT GO!!

>> No.4061521

>Go to target to buy a cart and camp stove
>Fucking find exactly the cart I need abandoned outside, FO' FREE
>Friend lets me borrow cart
>Thinking of selling latkes, but say fuck it, too much work, and buy $20 with of french fries from smart and final
>Between vegetables, siracha, propane, napkins, and a bunch of other shit, spend $80
>Get out to Sunset and Echo Park around eight
>Cook fries with onions, jalepenos, and tomatoes
>Smells fucking dank
>Totally fucking disorganized, can't cook shit at right times, shit keeps getting cold while waiting for customers
>Play guitar while waiting and not selling shit till ten
>Don't sell shit till 10pm, mom buys her kids a plate. Two bucks

>> No.4061524

>Meet some cool people, a couple who are tripped out by the fact I sell anything that isn't bacon wrapped hotdogs, the only fucking thing anyway sells in Los Angeles
>Play songs with some folks, including a dude who didn't fucking know the chorus to wagon wheel, and a borracho motherfucker named Miguel who told me he didnt give a fuck that he didn't know english despite being in the country for twenty years
>Get smoked out for fries, get cigarettes for fries, get a couple bucks here in there
>Bars start closing
>A group hangs out, buys some fries, and tells me they're jugallos, which wouldn't have surprised me except they were all sorta slick Mexicans, and it's like, "don't you know ICP sucks, or is there some incredible cultural that means only white people know that even if you do like ICP, you should shut the fuck up about it"
>Me, feigning naivity: "Are they the magnets dudes?"
>Juggalo, hiding resentment: "yeah."
>Sell a couple, but around 2am start giving them away
>Made like forty bucks, still with most of my starting materials. Probably five or ten after materials

Sort of a mess, but still room enough for improvement that this is sorta viable. I was hoping to see the dude in the other thread who said he'd knock my cart over, but I'll probably be out again within the week.

tl;dr made french fries and ten bucks

>> No.4061532

>I was hoping to see the dude in the other thread who said he'd knock my cart over, but I'll probably be out again within the week.


Good job op, just going out and doing it.

I would probably do something with chicken and potatoes- blanch and marinade them at home. Easy finger food that tastes good. Cooking street food seems fun (when you aren't getting hassled), it's just seems a shame the only acceptable places to do it here are city centres like London or Manchester.

>> No.4061544

Fucking told you OP.
Fries is the shit.

Don't you need like a licence or something to sell food on the street?

>> No.4061550

Good job OP, I wish I had the balls to do something like that.

>> No.4061560

Do you even into outdoor markets?
Every town has them at least once a week and there's always street food.

And not just cheap nasty burgers and fried frozen chips.

>> No.4061565

if you're still here op that cheapest and easiest thing to sell is churros. charge extra for watered down chocolate dip.

just get a shitty wok with a large tub of shortening, pastry bag with churro star pattern, shit load of batter, shit load of disposable plates and cups, nesquick, powered milk and water for it to sell in a small disposible cup or extra.

I worked a churro stand in high school one summer. The batter was just in flour, sugar, eggs, salt, powdered milk, and shortening. we sprinkled cake sugar and cinnamon when people were sober, other wise the drunks ones never notice.

$2 for three churros the size of bananas and $1 for the cup of nesquick chocolate dip.

We made ~900 day with a third world cart set up. just make sure you get your license and set up near a park or festival with lots of foot traffic.

>> No.4061572

yeah, nobody has a license in LA. It really, really isn't an issue at all.

>Good job OP, I wish I had the balls to do something like that.
Thanks for that! It was all conceived in a rush of manic confidence, same way I get anything done.

>if you're still here op that cheapest and easiest thing to sell is churros. charge extra for watered down chocolate dip.
Still here. If you missed it, we're keeping it vegan, so churros are out. I think I'm going to keep with the french fries, they were pretty good.

The best sales tool? The fucking guitar. I brought the thing out on a whim, and people come up and play songs, and pretty soon you got a crowd of people standing around your cart, and somebody is gonna eat

>> No.4061630

>> fuck it, too much work

What vision you have. You're screwed