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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 99 KB, 500x334, street food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4059494 No.4059494 [Reply] [Original]

So I want to start a food cart, but I'm a vegan, and I need to figure out what to sell.

A hotdog cart in Los Angeles makes about $100 a day, and according to my sources (ie talking to hotdog vendors) you can make $300 on a Friday. Hot dogs sell for $3 during the day, at up to $5 at night. I don't know if that's a lot to you, but for a chronically unemployed bum that's bookoo cash, especially when I need some dough for Christmas.

The food I sell needs to be:
>Really good when you're drunk
>Cheap, at least in large quantities
>Easy to cook on the street


>> No.4059501

Duh. Falafel.

>> No.4059507

Just load up on apples.

>> No.4059508

Vegan hotdogs, the hipsters there will love it. Until it goes mainstream.

>> No.4059511

Sell cheap water and fruit outside of a gym if you go this route.

>> No.4059517


Food needs to be good and vegan?

Give up OP, i guess it could be passable when drunk. But i would not rely on drunk customers.

>> No.4059527

You don't like beans? Or salsa? Spinach, cabbage, broccoli? Mushrooms, corn, olives, potatoes, carrots, zucchini, peppers, lettuce or garlic?


>> No.4059531


Those are excelent side dishes to meat.

>> No.4059534

>vegan hotdogs
I thought about this, except that they're expensive and shitty. Most vegan hotdogs taste terrible off the grill, like bandaids, (you should boil them if you don't want them to be awful), and Tofurkey brand sausages aren't bad, but they're like four bucks for four of them. Of course, that's not a big deal when you selling them for five a piece, but it's still a fucking expense

>> No.4059535

Nice going meat-eater. Call me when you have the balls to kill your own food.

>> No.4059536

Donuts and pastry. It's common in my country and you can make pretty damn good pastry without a hint of meat.

>> No.4059540


if tasty food generates 100 to 300 dollars a day, your vegan delights should easily bring in 10 to 30 dollars a day, not to mention that feeling of superiority.

>> No.4059543

How vegan? Do you approve of eggs, cheese and honey?

>> No.4059547


Falafel is so goddamn delicious. If I were drunk, I'd be all over your cart, OP

>> No.4059553

Keep dreaming OP, but something tells me you don't even have the money to buy a cart, supplies, and get certified as a food vendor.

>> No.4059557


Yes but let's be honest out of those veggies only one can be cooked in a delicious enough manner to be considered food cart material. I don't think I even need to state which one.

>> No.4059558


Well, my grandad was a butcher, and we slaughtered almost every year because well we lived in the countryside. I did not kill the animal directly because shit, getting close to a bull tends to be a bit dangerous, but i did help troughout the process. Killing the chickens was not a problem tough.

PS brain with eggs is surprisingly good.

>> No.4059559

>eggs, cheese and honey?
what, you don't know about the oxford comma?

no eggs, cheese, or honey. How would you use honey in street food, anyway? :D

>> No.4059562


I laugh when veggies say stuff like this. Just because you don't have the stomach to shoot a bird or gut a fish doesn't mean most people can't do it.

At least people who had fathers, anyway

>> No.4059565

sell 'em for a buck or two and aim to sell 100s

remember tax and shit, dude. the irs won't let you get away

>> No.4059566

i've never cooked falafel, is that doable?

>> No.4059569


Sweets, you can put honey in/on a lot of things.

>> No.4059570


oh right. well don't drive a car until you can design and build it yourself, including getting the fuel from underground, refining it, and then getting to your car

just because i don't want to beat a kitten to death and eat it raw, doesn't mean i have no right to eat steak. fuckwit.

>> No.4059571

>PS brain with eggs is surprisingly good.

I actually want to try this; there's a country restaurant not far from me that serves it.

I've been told the taste is similar to liver. Would you say that's accurate?

>> No.4059574


no. it's impossible. all falafel is mined on the moon

>> No.4059575


Indeed, i also wonder why a lot of people find it so shocking when shown footage of animals getting killed for food. I might be a bit desensitized because i have seen that quite a few times from close up. But not like your ignorant of where your food comes from.

>> No.4059578

You aren't going to make $100 a day with vegan shit. Just sell hot dogs. Why are you restricting yourself? You wont be eating them.

>> No.4059580


do you even know what a prion is?

>> No.4059584

I've gone hunting several times with my uncle, who is an Alaskan guide. I've shot several moose and helped process several more. Never gone with him to hunt bear, although I'd like to. On top of that, there's all the salmon, pike, rabbits, and grouse I've killed.


>> No.4059587


The oxford comma is not needed. The sentence is perfectly clear and legible as is.

In any case if you don't even approve of basic food items you're fucked. What the fuck is wrong with eggs and milk anyway?

>> No.4059589


i can appreciate it being about ethics

veggie shit will probably go down well in a busy, cosmopolitan part of town. he might even be able to do specials and shit to get repeat customers

>> No.4059591


I guess yea, the texture is a lot smoother tough. Liver with onion is delicious as well.... damn havent eaten those things in a loooooong time. I miss living in the countryside.

>> No.4059595

Vegan pancake balls. You can get an æbleskiver pan and make them. Sell them four or five to a stick à la takoyaki, drizzled with choice of coulis such as raspberry, blueberry, mango or apple.

To make them vegan, you can swap out each egg for 2tbsp of gram/besan/chickpea flour, a quarter tsp of baking/bicarbonate of soda and a half-to-full tbsp of oil as well as swap out each cup/250ml of milk for 2tsp of oil and 2tsp of gram flour stirred together with enough apple juice or water (or mixture of both) to equal 1 cup. The oil and gram flour will mimic the fat and protein content of whole milk, respectively.

Not even vegan because, while I might be gay, I'm not a faggot, but æbleskiver are delicious, even vegan ones.

>> No.4059597

>we don't need the rules everything is fine

>> No.4059598


can you eat bear? why would you kill one?

i'm a meat eater, and would happily hunt, but i'm not into killing shit for the fuck of it

>> No.4059594


>this moron has no idea that NASA perfected laboratory falafel in the early 90's

>> No.4059602


The reason that hot dogs sell so well here in Los Angeles is because they are an "everyman" food. Regardless of background, so long as you are willing to eat meat, you're probably OK having a hotdog on the fly, when needed.

Vegan food is pretty restrictive. You won't be able to make nearly as much money because, in general, people who don't like meat shy away from food that books itself as vegan. Maybe you should consider cooking food that you, yourself, might not eat? I hate oysters, but I served the hell out of them (and tasted them every night to make sure they were fresh and good) for my last kitchen job.

>> No.4059604


oxford commas are a form of over correction, sir. you may like them, and stylistically they're ok, but they're not needed

>> No.4059606

Probably OPs best bet would be either falafels, or some kind of stir fries, noodles with tofu, stuff like that.

Maybe some soya like meatballs?

>> No.4059611


i like the taste of liver, but hate the thought of eating offal

let's see if some veggie gets pissed over this

>> No.4059612

I am all about Oxford commas. Deal with it.

>> No.4059615

Since it's nearing winter time I'd tray doing coffee and a hot chocolate stand.
Maybe sell some gingerbread/ other holiday foods.

>> No.4059618


make some veggie dogs too. just remeber to use different water and tongs

>> No.4059619
File: 271 KB, 1200x779, oxford_comma1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4059621


i...i can't


>> No.4059623

>prefers Oxford commas
>fuck this guy

Every time I start a thread that mentions veganism, it's only a matter of time before someone posts that motivational poster of a grill with the caption "I LOVE ANIMALS - Tasty Tasty Animals" and some vegetarian in the thread starts posting maybe-bullshit statistics about heart rates

>> No.4059625


i would argue it's not an oxford coma when it affects meaning

but whatev. you can be right for all i care

>> No.4059629


Yea, same here with me. I like liver, altough i used to hate it, but thats mostly because i ate all those things when i was a child. But now when i think about eating something i have never eaten before, and i know its made of offal, i do kinda back away off it a bit.

One of the things i really wanna try is haggis. It sounds horrifying but heck it didnt become a national dish because its disgusting.

>> No.4059630

haha that is a good one, I like.

>> No.4059631


meat eater here

one does not have to eat fat when one eats meat, and there are plenty of non-animal fats that are deadlier

>> No.4059633


>To make them vegan, you can swap out each egg for 2tbsp of gram/besan/chickpea flour, a quarter tsp of baking/bicarbonate of soda and a half-to-full tbsp of oil as well as swap out each cup/250ml of milk for 2tsp of oil and 2tsp of gram flour stirred together with enough apple juice or water (or mixture of both) to equal 1 cup. The oil and gram flour will mimic the fat and protein content of whole milk, respectively.

Never was one for vegan food but that definition is going to make sure I remain an omnivore for the rest of my life because simply put, that's disgusting. So much for vegan food being healthy.

>> No.4059634

>all these people saying OP won't make profit.

Lol you guys apparently have no idea how marketing to vegan snowflake hipsters works.

All OP has to do is cook some mid tier vegetable shit and then make a sign for his cart saying how all of the food is obtained from fair-trade carbon-neutral producers and a portion of profits are donated to whatever is trendy to save/stop/raise awareness for that day.

Never underestimate the profitability of customers who will actually pay more for something when it has a feelgood factor added to it. Plus, they can spend the rest of the day bragging about how they're helping to save the world by eating this stuff.

>> No.4059637

Eggs, cheese, and honey is a completely different thing than eggs, cheese and honey. Imagine if someone read a recipe with this and put the honey on the cheese.

You can't assume that they will know not to combine them.

>> No.4059638


oh, and the second example is a comma splice. it's incorrect for a different meaning than you imagine, because it actually needs a colon

>> No.4059641
File: 2 KB, 100x120, +_7fcfe0eb89b85174984bfacd350ae961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a non-vegan, and I abstain from eggs and milk when they're not from an ethical farm.

I don't want my animals to be in a factory farm, so why is it okay for cows to be?

(Also, I'm working on responsibly sourcing meat, AND I love the oxford comma. You don't like things I like.)

>> No.4059642


He has to sell it on a campus tough. Maybe call it feminism pancake balls.

>> No.4059644


and the bottom eggs one is grammatically correct. stop being dumb

>> No.4059645

Oh, hell yeah you can eat bear. It's very lean and chewy, but it stews very well.
95% of people in Alaska who hunt (including for bear) are doing it for the meat, to fill up their freezer. The other 5% are rich white fucks who just want to show off a bearskin rug in their den and hire people like my uncle.

Furthermore, to the Department of Fish & Game, hunters are extremely important for population control. They issue hunting tags (special tags required to hunt things like bear, in addition to a hunting license) based on the population of whatever species.

>> No.4059647

You won't make any money. People buy dem hotdogs because it's a quick snack, relatively cheap and the kids like it, it's simple food. If your going to put up a vegan cart, only a limited selection of people will go to your cart, most kids don't like that stuff, and drunk people usually go for something more palatable then vegetable. Just do something with meat, OP, don't be a faggot.

>> No.4059648


What is context?

>> No.4059651


I wonder when they will start a department of human overpopulation. You know, for population control.

>> No.4059652


so i mix lemon juice and honey and put it with mascarpone? how is this not delicious?

and word order doesn't affect meaning when it's a list. are you the guy who posted the dumb oxford comma cartoon?

>> No.4059653

Not vegan, but what's wrong with bean flour, baking soda, and some healthier oil (like coconut)?

>> No.4059655


the two bottom readings are incorrect. they should be punctuated like that

>> No.4059656


coconut is extremely unhealthy

>> No.4059657


you two need to read up on the religion known as veganism. it's the pentecostal fundamentalist version of vegetarianism.

i.e., vegetarians live on earth. vegans live on the planet zepton, where eating something like honey, eggs, or dairy, is a SIN.

>> No.4059660

Nope. Read up on coconut oil derpderp.

>> No.4059665

I highly advocate eugenics. I opted to get a vasectomy at 21 to remove myself from the gene pool. Did my part to make the world a better place.

>> No.4059666


i know my shit, bro. i don't need to read anything


>will read anyway

>> No.4059667


first paragraph
>high in sat fats

dude it's death

>> No.4059668

>a perpetual virgin getting a vasectomy

You are what we call an optimist.

>> No.4059669

If it is a list each item needs to be separated. By saying eggs, cheese and honey you are saying that cheese and honey are their own unit together. It needs to read eggs, cheese, and honey to be separate and correct.

I am studying written communication. Stop being a retard.

>> No.4059670


uhuh. well i got two more balls attached so i could make twice the babies and improve the race

>> No.4059672

You do that, Slim.
You do that.

>> No.4059673


NO. because that would be a fucking stupid way of reading it. just because you only learned grammar last week doesn't mean we all did

also note the lack of superfluous commas here

you made me angry. i need a little lie down

also note that is a stop and not a comma. it would be a splice if it used a comma, and that is fucking terrible

>> No.4059676


get a chicago style guide and shut up. oh, and you're first year: only a freshman could be so fixated and wrong

>> No.4059677

>vegans and heart disease
I don't really buy the statistics, myself, if for no reason other than I eat terribly (lots of fried food), drink a bit too much, and smoke about a pack a day (inb4 animal products in cigarettes, fuck you). Maybe if I ate meat I'd be huge, but skipping the odd hamburger for a mushroom fried in lots of oil isn't gonna make that much of a difference

>> No.4059679


8 balls and counting, sir

>> No.4059681

>getting mad about the Oxford comma

Everyone who is anyone uses it.

Maybe you should graduate to capitalization first.

>> No.4059682


oil can be fine, depending on its type. and remeber it's calories, not food types that have the ultimate effect

>> No.4059689

>Start a food cart last winter in the bar area
>Sold potato, pork, egg and cheese skillets with onions, mushrooms, and garlic
>Made 300 to 500 at night after the bars let out
>Made 200 to 300 off the business bros in the morning

>> No.4059690


and how would capitalisation affect meaning here?

you're looking for problems, and this is making me mafer than maf

anyway, fuck it. we can fight later

>> No.4059691

Chicago uses the oxford comma.

>> No.4059693


Oil is never fine. You can just have a little less horrible oil.

Cooked or steamed is still the healthiest if your already having a health discussion.

>> No.4059694

I thought about this, but it's a bitch to cook on the set up I'm thinking about (camp stove with a giant cookie sheet) and people can't hold it in their hands.

>> No.4059697


haha. oh, and you mean USING capitalisation first, what you said could mean i a graduate of a place named capitalisation, or pertaining to capitalisation as an abstract concept

>> No.4059699


uh. the chicago style guide advises against it

uh uh. you are aware it's not literally for Chicagoans, right? it's for american english

>> No.4059701

Please leave.

>> No.4059703


oh fuuu i did a comma splice

>brb. cutting

>> No.4059704

>Falafel is so goddamn delicious. If I were drunk, I'd be all over your cart, OP

Thanks for the vote of confidence :)

>> No.4059705


Vietnamese wemen can prepare noodle soups in a goddamn kayak, what are you some kind of wuss?

But probably wouldnt be advisable as making delicious noodles would reaquire quite a lot of training.

>> No.4059708

The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition (University of Chicago Press, 2003), paragraph 6.19
When a conjunction joins the last two elements in a series, a comma ... should appear before the conjunction. Chicago strongly recommends this widely practiced usage....
"She took a photograph of her parents, the president, and the vice president."
"I want no ifs, ands, or buts."
"The meal consisted of soup, salad, and macaroni and cheese."


>> No.4059709

I can't wait to flip your cart over when you're outside the Gold Room or the Cha Cha.

>> No.4059710



>> No.4059711

if tasty food generates 100 to 300 dollars a day, your vegan delights should easily bring in 10 to 30 dollars a day, not to mention that feeling of superiority.

This post has made me laugh like three times in a row

>> No.4059712

If you did this, you would not be buying 4 packs of fake sausages, you would buy them by the case from a distributor and they would be significantly cheaper.

OP have you considered where/how you could actually set this up? Most places require hotdog carts to rent spots from private property owners or lease rights from the city. Of course, there is a black/grey market for all of this, especially if you are working at night. usually a vendor lease from a city is pretty expensive.

Myself, i have a sort of odd obsession with owning a hotdog cart as a sort of hobby business. Trying to figure out how it might work. I might like to just set up on Friday and saturday nights in my local bar district, but im having trouble finding a place to set up. My city does not do vendor leases in most situations, so i need private property. that, of course, is a whole other line of bullshit. most places with the outdoor street/crowd adjacent space also sell food, so no dice. I have some other ideas, but they are all way our there in fantasy land right now.

>> No.4059714

>Vietnamese wemen can prepare noodle soups in a goddamn kayak, what are you some kind of wuss?
Marry me

>> No.4059715

why does it need to be vegan? you don't have to eat them, you're just selling them. fuck your ethics and make dat cash!

>> No.4059718

>I can't wait to flip your cart over when you're outside the Gold Room or the Cha Cha.
That's exactly where I'm planning to work! I'm gonna try to get out tonight, hope to see you there

>> No.4059719


why are you quoting an edition a full fucking decade out of date?

also note the caveat that supports what i said: it's used when there're a conjunction in the last noun phrase, eg: the mac and cheese example. omitting the comma here would affect flow negatively

dude, i know my shit. i don't wiki and then get what i read out of context

>> No.4059720

>Most vegan hotdogs taste terrible off the grill, like bandaids

Seriously, what the fuck is up with that

>> No.4059722


pffft no way brah, I rep the glorious Drawing Room

>> No.4059723


also i am drunk as fuck, so not i even know why i typed there're

>> No.4059726


also, good luck and i will not actually flip your cart

>> No.4059728

This was a big concern from the start.

Basically, fuck it. I talked to a guy and he said he's been working without a license for years, and says generally he is told to move along.

They cost a few hundred dollars and take a bunch of going to government offices. I don't have the money right now, but I'm thinking of getting one in the future.

>> No.4059731

>Likewise, The Chicago Manual of Style (2010) "strongly recommends" using the serial comma because "it prevents ambiguity."


>know your shit
>say Chicago doesn't use oxford comma
>didn't know that Chicago uses oxford comma

>> No.4059735

>>Most vegan hotdogs taste terrible off the grill, like bandaids
>Seriously, what the fuck is up with that
Yeah, you really have to boil them. I hate it when I go to some function and someone is like "Oh Anon we got you some smart dogs!" and I have to insist that no, seriously, they will taste like fucking bandaids unless you boil them

>> No.4059736

petroleum comes from dead dinosaurs, making it an animal product.... vegans always fail to realize this, get off our roads!!!

>> No.4059737

If Muslim convenience store owners can sell booze, I don't see why you can't sell non-vegan stuff to people.

>> No.4059742


it repeats the mac and cheese example; as in it's only used when it prevents ambiguity

don't fucking google me and then quote snippets from shit like about dot com. you need the full context, captain

>> No.4059743


I still say he needs to play up the ethical vegan angle and charge double to the hipsters who will eat up that bullshit.

>> No.4059744

>also, good luck and i will not actually flip your cart
And they say 4chan is for assholes! Thanks for that.

The Gold Room $4 for the shot and beer is fucking boss, right? Me and the old lady get like three of those then head down to the Echoplex for dancing all the time.

>> No.4059745

Go be drunk somewhere else.

>> No.4059746


What makes animals superior to plants? Just because plants cant look back at you when you kill them?

Plants are alive as well. What does even go on in a vegans brain?

>> No.4059747


your own fucking cite, dude. your own fucking citation

>Most British and Australian style guides also discourage use of the serial comma in simple lists, allowing it only "when its omission might either give rise to ambiguity or cause the last word or phrase to be construed with a preposition in the preceding phrase" (Australian Government's Style Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers)

see? see that fucking also

>> No.4059752


fuck you. i eat rocks. dead rocks.

>> No.4059753


it's fucking great, also awesome for catching soccer matches.

i spend the majority of my time in los feliz/silverlake, but i have a very soft spot for the gold room from when i lived right there.

>> No.4059754


>The Gold Room $4 for the shot and beer is fucking boss, right? Me and the old lady get like three of those then head down to the Echoplex for dancing all the time.

Hahaha. Of course you do.

>> No.4059756
File: 132 KB, 800x800, catmando.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4059759

rocks have souls too dude


>> No.4059760

Yeah i dont disagree. Truth is (usually at least) the entities that get mad about unlicensed food people are 9a-5p organizations, and the police dont give a fuck or even resent the idea that they should waste time chasing hot dog carts and taco trucks.

If i ever succeed in getting a cart up and running i am going to get a catering license because they are cheap and allow you to be a licensed/insured food service provider without having an actual location. While that license does not technically allow me to serve food on the street, it would allow me to record sales sessions as catering to the owner of the property i set up on, and then be able to legally pay taxes and stuff.

yeah i know, why pay taxes? I actually work in a heavily regulated sector of the finance industry and any financial impropriety re: a business or taxes results in termination.

Even still i would start out unlicensed/ no tax until i was sure it would be a profitable venture.

>> No.4059761


Stone soup. My favourite rock recipe.

>> No.4059772

>fuck you. i eat rocks. dead rocks.
Why eat rocks instead of plants and animals? There are MANY studies that show that rocks respond to external stimulae, and therefore feel pain. Also, they have community relationships, which is why they sometimes move in groups, which we call "Avalanches".

Where's your morality now?

>> No.4059774

The vast majority of fossil fuels are plant-based.

>> No.4059777

hm. i'm surprised at some of these responses. i live in san diego and twice in 3 years have i lived within less than 5 minutes walking distance of a kebab place. actually, the last place i lived was the gaslamp district and i lived within less than 5 minutes of 2 places. istanbul cafe and chopahan afghan cuisine. now i have moved to an area outside of downtown and there is a kebab place right across the street.

>> No.4059786

>>Start a food cart last winter in the bar area
>>Sold potato, pork, egg and cheese skillets with onions, mushrooms, and garlic
>>Made 300 to 500 at night after the bars let out
>>Made 200 to 300 off the business bros in the morning
Holy fuck.

>> No.4059793


Mixed with animals. Fossil fuels are never 100% animal free.

>> No.4059797

Also, I thought about latkes, or potato pancakes.

They're easy and cheap to make (use apple sauce for eggs), greasy, and you can eat them with a napkin. They're good like french fries, yah know?

Downsides are I couldn't sell them for more than $2, and it's hard to yell "LATKES! LATKES!" and sell them to drunk people.

>> No.4059801


Sell them as delicious as fuck bitchin finger food.

>> No.4059802

seitan strips in a stir fry of daikon, carrot, sugar snap peas, bean sprouts,baby bok choy, broccoli, celery, scallions, garlic, ginger, 1/4 sesame oil to 3/4 olive oil and soy/mirin 50/50 mix. steamed rice, it's fantastic as a vegan recipe and should hold a long time in a steam cart and would be enjoyable by all comers.

>> No.4059810


daaaamn. and now i've heard sunlight feels pain, i have no food bar these jews i was roasting

>> No.4059815


this is it. the license isn't about being caught and fined, but rather for if there's a problem later on...like food poisoning or injury

>> No.4059823

Just sell Knishes at that point.

>> No.4059829

why not eat gingers, i heard they have no souls.

>> No.4059831

So just say "Pancakes"
if they are delicious and have some heft drunks won't notice

>> No.4059832

>seitan strips in a stir fry of daikon, carrot, sugar snap peas, bean sprouts,baby bok choy, broccoli, celery, scallions, garlic, ginger, 1/4 sesame oil to 3/4 olive oil and soy/mirin 50/50 mix. steamed rice, it's fantastic as a vegan recipe and should hold a long time in a steam cart and would be enjoyable by all comers.

That's probably delicious, but as someone mentioned earlier, the appeal of hot dogs is that they require no explanation and are familiar to everyone.

I was also thinking about tacos. Would anyone buy a vegan taco? How about potato or cactus tacos?

>> No.4059842


I tought we already established that animals should not be eaten. Get rid of what your roasting.

>> No.4059843

>So just say "Pancakes"
>if they are delicious and have some heft drunks won't notice
But they're not exactly pancakes. The texture is totally different (you cut up the potatoes with a cheese grater), and they're not sweet, but savory

see this

>> No.4059844


If you are going to sell tacos, you will most likely have to sell meat ones as well. Or you will alienate a huge customerbase. People will probably flock to your tarco stand and when they ask for a seafood or meat taco and you explain them only veggie tacos are served, they will leave.

>> No.4059845

Souls don't exist and my red hair is nicer than yours.

>> No.4059846


OOOOOH A rösti. So thats what a latkes is.

>> No.4059847

>Would anyone buy a vegan taco?

if it can't have any form of cheese or sour cream, no. Not even drunk. Especially not drunk. That's when I want satisfying food

>> No.4059851

i'm pretty sure EVERY american has eaten at a chinese buffet and is familiar with stir fry, it's easy to yell out and you wouldn't have to explain it other than if you have a peanut allergy i wouldn't eat it. hot dogs are safe because it is processed down to absolutely nothing but the meat protien and has almost no allergy possibilities. there are plenty of other suggestions out there too. bratwurst stand, pizza stand, vegan tacos, potato salad sandwiches.

there is also the possibility of just a vegetarian stand where you serve eggs products also then you have the options of egg salad sandwiches and deviled eggs, everyone loves deviled eggs, trust me.

I am a chef/line cook and could come up with hundreds of possibilities for a stand that could hold well in a steam table and could be fresh vegetarian or vegan possibilites but it's hard when you yourself are so picky and indecisive.

>> No.4059855


If you are going to sell tacos, you will most likely have to sell meat ones as well. Or you will alienate a huge customerbase. People will probably flock to your tarco stand and when they ask for a seafood or meat taco and you explain them only veggie tacos are served, they will leave.

You're not wrong, but what sort of vegetarian might you be inclined to buy?

>> No.4059862

>I am a chef/line cook and could come up with hundreds of possibilities for a stand that could hold well in a steam table and could be fresh vegetarian or vegan possibilites but it's hard when you yourself are so picky and indecisive.

If you have other suggestions, I would really appreciate them. You make a good point about stir fry, but I was looking for something that you could eat with one hand.

>> No.4059863

>Souls don't exist
[citation needed]

>> No.4059864


why vegan op? And if you're vegan already don't you know any cheap shit you could make?

also, where's your start up funding coming from?

>> No.4059867


tofu kebabs/gyros?

>> No.4059869


Good luck with what you stand for dosn't matter if what it is, It's just good if you have values and stand by them. Even that faggot hunter guy.

>> No.4059870
File: 151 KB, 500x332, 6557676927_ee2b44c800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have only ever had one vegan/vegetarian food truck that was close to being good enough to eat twice, and it was NOT cheap.

Enjoy your failed dreams.

>> No.4059872

>vegan taco

fuck no. Fuck fuck no.

OP if you're going to force the vegan thing and not bend it a little for the sake of customers and profit, then at least just sell a normal food that happens to be vegan, like falafel or potato pancakes or something.

Absolutely do not sell a vegan version of typically non vegan food. That's the shit that completely turns people off of the idea of vegan in the first place.

e.g. I love tofu. I love bratwurst. Tofu bratwurst is a revolting idea, and I find it as unpalatable as you would find falafel with ground animals substituted for ground chickpeas.

>> No.4059881

I'm just saying you can call them whatever you like at night and people won't really care as long as they smell, taste, and look good

by day definitely call them Latkas

>> No.4059882


I would never buy a vegetarian. They are ussually scrawny and dont know how to prepare meat products. So they would not be much use as work force or servants. Id rather buy a stronk healthy meateater.

But in case you mean food? I would buy pasta dishes, falafel foods, rrosties. Stuff like that. But for non vegans adding cheese, eggs would probably be usefull as in my opinion those things give dishes a lot of flavour.

>> No.4059885

If you are going to do this anywhere do it close to an apple store.
I sold some shitty tofu tacos with cilantro near one and they just lined up taking pictures and calling in the douche train for reinforcements.

>> No.4059888


Actually a falafel made with meat sounds delicious.

>> No.4059891


GENIOUS. Could a starbucks work as well?

>> No.4059897

stuffed crepes, gyros, submarine sandwiches, burritos, kebabs, toastadas, quesadillas, bao, dumplings, soup in a cup, egg rolls, wontons, pot stickers/ gyoza, tamales, pizza, burger (seitan), hot dogs (can be vegan dogs), seitan riblets, tofu is kind of resistive to taking on flavors but seitan is an amazing product willing to accept all flavors and cook very close to beef or pork products. it's also very easy to make at home with nutritional yeast, vital wheat gluten, tomato paste, and seasonings to make it what you want meat wise. it grinds it makes strips, it's delicious. anywhere you need meat substitute for seitan.

>> No.4059900


thanks for that, I need a good laugh.

>> No.4059905

>why vegan op? And if you're vegan already don't you know any cheap shit you could make?
Animals, I guess. I was about ten when I decided to be vegetarian because I felt bad thinking about the cow that died for my food. I remember the moment, I was actually sitting right where I am right now (I'm at my mom's house). It was a completely emotional decision, and intellectual considerations like "well this is the natural order of things" didn't really have a place. A few years later, I read about veganism on the 'net, and figured that I would be really inconsistent if I didn't do that, too.

I don't understand why everyone isn't vegan, and when I explain to people, I realize I sound like I've had a religious conversion. It's the closest thing I have to a religion, and I like that it emphasizes that thoughts and philosophy matter and have a place in reality: I feel something about eating animals in my mind, and this affects my behavior in the physical world, if you'll excuse the new-age-bullshit-sounding term.

>also, where's your start up funding coming from?
I'm using a small grocery cart, the sort you see old homeless ladies pushing around, with a camp stove and a large (maybe 2'x3') baking sheet. It's pretty cheap, and I just got a check from my new job

>> No.4059908


>> No.4059909

You're a fucking faggot, you know that right?

Make money anyway you can, even if you need to use meat.

>> No.4059912

Tofu is fucking shitty, I think everyone would agree. I've never made seitan, but I'm told it's relatively easy, which is good because faux meats are very expensive, and there isn't really anywhere to buy them in bulk.

>> No.4059918

>just sell a normal food that happens to be vegan


You don't see carts selling muslim food bragging about how it's halal and properly killed and shit... they just sell their food

veganism is basically a religion and people are turned off by religion. Just sell some food and let the food stand on its own.

>> No.4059920

>You're a fucking faggot, you know that right?
I'm can be a bit of a prick about it, but the dude asked me.

>Make money anyway you can, even if you need to use meat.
Part of the appeal of a food cart is that I'm my own boss, and I don't have to do anything I don't think is ethical. Yeah, selling overpriced and unhealthy food to drunk people is a few steps away from mother teresa, but I work in a call center right now and spend most shifts with a strong urge to kill myself for the good of humanity.

>> No.4059921


Wouldn't a meat falafel essentially be a burger patty?

>> No.4059924

>>just sell a normal food that happens to be vegan
Fair enough.

Thats why I wanted to sell tacos that are already vegan, as opposed to regular tacos with faux meat. Potato, cactus, beans, there are some other

>> No.4059926



At the very least OP, either falafel, or at least go vegetarian. As a meat eater, the only time I would eat "vegan" is if I was on the verge of death, or it was prepared by an expert, which I highly doubt you are.

So, if you want this to be successful, and refuse to use meat, at the very least do Vegan and Vegetarian. Cheese, eggs, milk, and butter open you to a large amount of dishes, and turn almost anything delicious.

But you don't seem to get it, so have fun losing money.

>> No.4059929

>Apple store
I'm going with drunk hipsters
>At the very least OP, either falafel, or at least go vegetarian. As a meat eater, the only time I would eat "vegan" is if I was on the verge of death, or it was prepared by an expert, which I highly doubt you are.
Highly doubt? I'm a white trash vegan, you better fucking believe I had to learn how to cook.
>But you don't seem to get it, so have fun losing money.
I'll probably make less that I would have in the end, but I'll have fun doing it, and I'll be doing it my way. Wish me luck, right? :D

>> No.4059933


You understand you'll still be referred to as "the guy selling fake tacos", right?

I really question your thinking that trying to sell vegan stuff to the drunk crowd is in any way wise.

The only vegan thing I would touch if drunk would maybe be falafel. The next closest would be hashbrowns, but I'd still want cheese on it.

>> No.4059936


I'm all for the ethical treatment of animals, but you turning vegan as some sort of statement is overall pointless, and makes you look pretentious.

People are going to be grinding up animals whether you like it or not. Better to eat the meat, then let it spoil on the shelves if it doesn't all sell out.

>> No.4059939

There's a lot of South Indian street food that could work for you, but I don't know how you'll have enough customers as a street vendor. Perhaps ask in the punjchan thread?

In the west you're fighting against the idea that they're not getting their money's worth if there isn't meat.

>> No.4059940

>People are going to be grinding up animals whether you like it or not. Better to eat the meat, then let it spoil on the shelves if it doesn't all sell out.
Vegans and vegetarians are retarded and meat is delicious, but this is a really shitty argument, dude.

>> No.4059944


In OP's defense, the guy did ask why. It's unfair to call him pretentious for answering the question.

>> No.4059947


You're seriously going to be using a shopping cart?
That feels like buying street food from a hobo. /thread

>> No.4059949

I advise you to read up on local laws about this. Chances are, just throwing together something slap-dash like that will be a major violation of health codes, industry laws, other things like that.

>> No.4059953

>I'm all for the ethical treatment of animals, but you turning vegan as some sort of statement is overall pointless, and makes you look pretentious.
Hi! I'd really like to not get lost in discussing animal rights. You are right, I can be a bit pretentious about it, though I make an effort not to be. We could discuss this for a while, but usually the discussion ends with someone saying "I'm going to eat meat whether you like it or not and you can't stop me" and I say, "You are correct", so how about we just skip it :)

>You understand you'll still be referred to as "the guy selling fake tacos", right?
Have you ever had potato or cactus tacos? It's a thing, at least it is here in Los Angeles

>> No.4059955


Of course it is, there are a lot better arguments, but what would be the point.

I'm saying vegans in general are a bit pretentious.

>> No.4059963

Do you grow all your vegetables? Do you grow your own wheat? Mill it into flour?

Fuck off faggot

>> No.4059974

Good thread, thanks everyon!

>> No.4059987

poutine cart

appeals to both hipsters and plebs

also very appealing to bar crowd drunks

>> No.4060006

Okay guys, I don't know what the fuck poutine is (googlin in the next tab AS I TYPE) but I'm going to try this shit out. Wish me luck! Will report back tomorrow

>> No.4060027


>implying good gravy can be made without meat products

>implying poutine can be good without cheese curds

I honestly wouldn't be willing to even try vegan poutine. I'd just go to the next food cart

>> No.4060038

>Ctrl+F fries
>No one suggest french fries

I bet if you get if you get a good potato, make your own fries, and can find a good method to cook them, you'll sell loads.

Good fries are god tier, especially when drunk.
Make your own ketchup and other condiments too.
Get fancy cool looking bags/cones to put them in, I can't see how this would go wrong.

Or, roasted sweet chestnuts.
Perfect for Christmas time.

>> No.4060039

OP have you heard or Street Cart Fries?
This one Greek Restaurant called Spitz has amazing fries.
I would say go Mediterranean and don't advertise Vegan because it repels meat eaters.
Just have a vegan menu on the side
PS good look with Mexican food trucks if you are in southern California

>> No.4060041

Just sell fucking Elotes Asado. It's just roasted ears of corn and it's perfect to sell to drunk hipsters. It's poor ethnic mexican food. If you really have to do it vegan just slather the ears in a mix of vegan mayo and lime juice then sprinkle it with chili powder and chopped cilantro. To get normal people to buy it roll it in crumbled cotija cheese after. Shit's delicious and cheap

>> No.4060044

good luck with your life
vegan poutine sounds disgusting
fuck you tofu and imitation meat stuffs
>that is all

>> No.4060056

Just sell anything The Cinnamon Snail sells and you will have $$$$$$$$: twitter.com/veganlunchtruck

>> No.4060064

why not sell salads on a cart

>> No.4060066

$3 - $5 for a hotdog?? What the fuck.

Shouldn't be more than $2 and even that's pricey for street meat.

>> No.4060090
File: 28 KB, 220x216, psf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a.) You're a vegan. I get it, but you shouldn't expect other people to restrict their diets because you're too squeamish to serve meats (and cheese, eggs, etc.).

b.) You need start-up money and suitable equipment. This won't be inexpensive if you want to do it right. The last thing you want to do is get your clientele sick from food poisoning.

c.) Running your own business requires determination and hustle. This sounds like it would be difficult for a self-admitted bum.

d.) If you still want to give it a shot, try a pasta stir-fly. You'd need three or four burners with saute pans. Have three types of noodles ready to go (linguine, ziti, and fusilli, for instance). The patron gets to pick his noodle and then from six veggie add-ins (mushroom, tofu, string beans, peas, broccoli, carrots, etc.). They'd be able to finish it off with a choice of sauce (tomato-based, or a cheese substitute). You throw it all in the saute pan to heat it up. It would take an average of 4-5 minutes per plate. With four burners, you could serve up to 100 people an hour if you work hard.

e.) Each dish would cost you less than $1 in ingredients, and the fact that you stir-fried it right in front of them adds value. I bet people would be willing to pay up to $8 per dish without blinking.

f.) I would not advertise Vegan as the main attraction. Just simply list it among the bullet points you make when advertising your business, unless you're targeting a hipster neighborhood.

>> No.4060095

>>4059559no eggs, cheese, or honey

WAIT WTF? Vegans fucking care about bees too? I suppose that means they won't even eat jellyfish?

>> No.4060097

it's deep fried so idk how you'd sell it in a food cart

>> No.4060108

The Israeli rip-off (and now internationally popular) falafel is deep-fried. The original Egyptian/Palestinian/Lebanese one is a pan-fried patty rather than a deep-fried ball.

>> No.4060113

>never had field roast frankfuters

>> No.4060117

fucking shit. you'd have to get rid of 90 percent of the posts in this thread to get to anything relevant. the only decent recommendations were the pancake balls, noodles, and the discussion about licenses.

>apple sauce in latkes
you're joking right?

What kind of cooking tech does a food cart have? Is it gas or electric?

>> No.4060121

This. Especially since a hotdog from Costco comes with a drink for $1.50. Though, I suppose the higher prices would pay for the convenience.

>> No.4060127

OP should sell salad. Delicious salad, healthy too!

>> No.4060130

Usually propane.

>> No.4060135
File: 22 KB, 325x306, obaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm using a small grocery cart, the sort you see old homeless ladies pushing around, with a camp stove and a large (maybe 2'x3') baking sheet.

>> No.4060140

>How would you use honey in street food, anyway?
Guess you've never had honey roasted nuts. I feel bad for you

>> No.4060141

>doesn't understand the difference between practical and moral objections

Stay edgy kid

>> No.4060143

can you even deep fry on a food cart though?

>> No.4060162

So, it's okay to want to save all the animals, but yet not give a shit about the environment?
>pick and choose your moral and ethical opinions based on what's convenient for you.
>muh rights
<span class="quote">>2012[/spoiler]

>> No.4060165

I've had very good vegan gravy, I was surprised at how good it was.

Most people's normal gravy for poutine is over salted shit anyways.

>> No.4060170
File: 5 KB, 251x211, 1260483649075s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying vegans don't add a shitload of salt to their food in order to make up for lack of flavor and fats.

>> No.4060176

Your entire post was about the act of designing and building a car and refining your own fuel, nothing to do with ethical concerns about the environment. All the practical points you mentioned were irrelevant to the moral debate.

I eat animals and I'm morally ok with farming and killing them. I drive a car and I'm morally ok with polluting the planet. I am not willing to perform all the labour in either of those tasks though, both because it'd be extremely tedious and also because it's completely unnecessary.

If you really can't differentiate between morality and practicality then you must be extremely autistic.

>> No.4060179

this one wasn't salty, when I get poutine when it's not from Quebec or surrounding areas it tastes like an oxo cube.

but go ahead thinking that vegan substitutes have to taste like shit.

>> No.4060180

So really, you don't even have an argument. You're fine with doing whatever suits you, regardless of the impact. That's not practicality, that's being morally bankrupt. You value convenience over work. You have officially invalidated yourself.

>> No.4060181
File: 93 KB, 650x433, Zombies_Neftacos-Feliz_Tacos_-with_Sweet_Potato-and_Turnip_Green_Mash-650x433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best options seem to be something potato or sweet potato based (tacos, hash browns, fries), flour based (mini doughnuts, churros), or something like a burrito (bean, falafel, seitan gyro).

>> No.4060185

> vegan substitutes have to taste like shit.

But, they DO. If you really wanted to be a vegan, you'd just eat your fucking vegetables and fruits and quit trying to replace meat and meat products. The fact that you eat that crap means you don't really want to be a vegan, you just feel like you should. You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.4060187

Wow you really are autistic. I thought it was just an error on your part and a bad analogy but you honestly can't seem to comprehend the difference.

Have you been diagnosed? How does it affect your everyday life?

>> No.4060188

Is it ok if I kill my own animals to eat?

>> No.4060189

>retorts with base insults
>can't prove his point

LOL, keep it up junior. This is hysterical.

>> No.4060194

I'm not a vegan, but there are many vegan gravies that are great, and the one I get from this bison grill is sadly the closest to authentic quebec poutine vegan or not in Toronto. Toronto makes such shitty poutine.

So, vegan gravy is delicious, wipe your tears.

>> No.4060198

The ONLY acceptable vegetarian gravy is made using marmite or vegemite. All other vegan/vegetarian gravies are shite. No better than thickened water.

>> No.4060199

>You're a fucking idiot.
no, you are, buddy. I've been to plenty of vegan restaurants and had some really great gyros, milk shakes, etc. You're just some fucking neck beard who eats at mcdonald's everyday with a bone to pick.

>> No.4060202
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>wants to start business
>asks 4chan for advice

Yeah, you're going to be a fucking millionaire, I can tell already.

>> No.4060205

I guess these are the anti-social symptoms. It's quite sad really, you can't even hold a conversation long enough to answer a few basic questions?

I'm generally interested in your condition, why won't you just answer me?

>> No.4060208

The icanhazcheeseburger guys seem to be able to do it.

>> No.4060211
File: 81 KB, 548x532, 1328585253999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound mad? You mad, shit eater? There's NO SUCH THING as vegan gyros, vegan chicken, vegan ANYTHING with a meat word in it. You're a first world problemer with an entitlement issue. I'm sorry you can't accept what you are. It's sad that you think that you could insult me by inferring I eat at McDonalds. That's pretty pathetic. "Uh, I can't think of a good argument, so I'll just accuse them of eating fast food". What. A. Moron. You. Are. You may be able to fool your other dipshit friends, but we who actually know and understand food will always out you for the fraud you are.

>> No.4060215

so you are a child and can't eat anything that confuses you?

>> No.4060217

What's sad is the fact that you have to try and change the subject to divert from your own ineptitude. Why don't you tell me what happened in your life to make you so morally bankrupt?

>> No.4060219

This must be the same autistic kid that wont answer my questions.

The vast majority of vegans aren't vegan for practical reasons, like not liking the taste of animals products. It's entirely based on morality.

They would love to eat a mushroom sandwich that had the exact taste and texture as a bacon cheeseburger. But they can't, so they try to find the closest substitutes they can.

It really is incredible how your autism prevents you from understanding the basics of moral objections though. It's like you can't empathise at all.

I'm not a vegan. I love meat. But I can totally understand that people are vegans, not because they don't like meat or aren't willing to build their own farms, but because they morally object to what they see as the mistreatment and murder of animals.

>> No.4060223

The only people who are confused are vegans who think that by eating fake meat made up of shit tier by products and additives, that they are somehow eating normally. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.4060227

If they had such strong morals, they wouldn't eat a piece of fake shit and pretend that it's meat. That's just hypocrisy.

>> No.4060231
File: 14 KB, 220x211, ChuckLorreHWOFSept2011 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so damn mad

>> No.4060232

>Makes a post about the practicality of building your own car, refining your own fuel, paving your own roads
>Get's called out on those practical concerns being irrelevant to the moral discussion
>Suddenly starts talking about the morality of pollution
>Gets called out on that being a completely different issue
>Can't even understand that practical concerns and moral concerns are separate

Sorry, who's the one changing the subject here?

It's absolutely incredible how bad your social skills are. You must be really badly autistic, like much worse than I though. You seem quite jaded because of it too -- you probably always understood that your parents saw you as a burden.

I don't think I can explain this any clearer to someone with such an obvious lack of basic human empathy, but the practical concerns you raised originally were completely irrelevant to anyone's reason for being vegan. That's the point we were discussing. You trying to quest my morality is much more off topic than my discussing your autism, since your autism is actually affecting our conversation.

>> No.4060236
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Oooo, you really got me there. Gee, now I feel shamed.

>> No.4060243

First of all, you (due to your zest and zeal for trying to be "internet bassass boy") incorrectly assumed that I made the post about building your own car. I replied independently, because your post was so fucking stupid. Morality in and of itself should be a factor in your everyday life, including practical concerns, otherwise you're just a posturing, hypocritical moron. Which, apparently, you are.

>> No.4060244

>You're a first world problemer with an entitlement issue
>arguing on 4chan

I think veganism is retarded, but no where near as retarded as you.

>> No.4060248

>not arguing on 4chan

Why the fuck are you even here, then? Can you not into 4chan?

>> No.4060255

The more people your food appeals to, the better you'll do. Marketing your food as vegan will make it appeal more to a minority of people, but less to a majority. So the best thing to do here would be to make vegan food but not market it that way. Try to focus on things that the average person would like.

Falafel was already mentioned, and could be a good choice.
Fresh cut/fried french fries would be a good choice too, though deep frying might be difficult.
Maybe crepes would work? I've seen recipes for vegan crepes, and a lot of people wouldn't be able to tell the difference. You could do a lot of different kinds of fruit fillings and stuff.

My only other advice would be to try and avoid meat-substitute items (veggie burgers, veggie dogs, tofu, etc.) A lot of non-vegans will be turned off by that sort of thing.

>> No.4060264

>incorrectly assumed that I made the post about building your own car. I replied independently, because your post was so fucking stupid
>autism speaks

Hey I'm just going to take a comment specifically replying to another comment, take it completely out of context, reply to it as such, but pretend until much later that I was actually replying in context so therefore my post makes no sense.

I was replying specifically to one post, saying it was irrelevant because it had nothing to do with morality. Did you lay the fucking cable that's connection your modem to the internet? Did you mine and work the copper to create it? No? Then what the fuck are you talking about saying I "value convenience over work"? It's nothing to do with convenience you mongoloid, it's about efficiency. It's fucking impossible for me to perform every stage of production in every part of my life, I accept that we live in a society where individuals perform specialised roles for the purpose of efficiency. I'm morally ok with being reliant on other humans. And I'm morally ok with those humans performing those roles, and I would be willing, MORALLY, NOT PRACTICALLY, to perform them myself. I'm not actually going to go and fucking do each and every one of them, but I'm ok with the fact that other people are doing them for me. If I wasn't I would live as a subsitence farmer in a fucking remote jungle somewhere, like you seem to think you should.

You are so painfully autistic that it physically hurts me to try and communicate with you. It's like you're barely human. I honestly can't tell if you are even able to understand anything I'm typing, perhaps you are actually completely incapable of reciprocal communcation.

>> No.4060277
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Oooooo, someone got a case of the mads.

>> No.4060285

>studying written communication
<span class="quote">>2012[/spoiler]
I seriously hope you're not majoring in this.

>> No.4060292

If it doesn't have meat or cheese in it, it's not real food.

>> No.4060304

0/10 would not buy from. That shit sounds sketchy, OP, and I would not want to eat from it. I think even hipsters would hesitate eating food from a shopping cart.

>> No.4060311
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>> No.4060315

Is it a thing amongst the drunks past midnight who are stumbling home, or a thing with the effeminate faggot hipsters?

>> No.4060375


>> No.4060391

Exactly. Speaking as a frequent drunk stumbling home after midnight, if I'm getting food, it's chicken and chips, or a kebab. To make any money off a food cart you'll be selling to the sort of person who isn't looking to branch out and try your falafel and hummus pitta breads.

>> No.4060397


>> No.4060399

Maybe not. There's an old Mexican woman in my mostly Indonesian neighbourhood who sells tamales out of a metal trash can she carts around in a push-cart. When she removes the lid of the trashcan, there's another, smaller metal trash can inside sitting over some heat source or other (I can't tell what it is, but maybe dying coal). She removes the lid from the smaller one and a puff of steam rises from it. Inside are the tamales. She sells them $1 per meat tamal and 50¢ per meat-free one.
The neighbourhood has seen a recent influx of hipsters over the last three years and a few buy tamales from her. Mostly, though, it's other Mexicans, a few Indonesians and some Khmer that buy from her. She must make something like $50 daily in profit considering how cheap tamales are to make and how many she sells as she goes around announcing "Tamales! Tamales!" at passersby. She's like an ice cream truck except year round and with tamales.

>> No.4060405

>>4060399Mostly, though, it's other Mexicans, a few Indonesians and some Khmer that buy from her

Their standards for hygiene aren't really known to be high.

>> No.4060411
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Mee goreng fits the bill. Easily made vegan (goes great with tofu and egg), *amazing* when drunk, it's mostly noodles and noodles are cheapp, and it only takes a few minutes to cook once you have everything already prepared.

>> No.4060414

I guess not. I don't really care about that sort of thing too much myself, either. I grew up in southeast Asia, so street hawkers aren't something I'm afraid of.

>> No.4060422
File: 27 KB, 500x375, picCj2Q7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually that's not that difficult to make and drunks would eat it. Samosas would probably be a lot better though. I always get a couple to go when I'm going by the Indian grocery to eat on the way home, pretty cheap to make too.

>> No.4060441
File: 29 KB, 400x300, dosa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>4060255Maybe crepes would work? I've seen recipes for vegan crepes, and a lot of people wouldn't be able to tell the difference. You could do a lot of different kinds of fruit fillings and stuff.

>your face when OP will never have the motivation to get up early enough to make the masala dosa

>> No.4060443


I forget: do vegans eat fish? If so, fish and chips. Salty and deep-fried is the way to go if your target market is drunks.

>> No.4060445


Spring rolls.

>> No.4060454

*some recipes do have 1 tbsp clarified butter in the filling but I have seen it substituted with good results

>> No.4060455

You're thinking pescatarian. OP is so vegan he doesn't eat honey.

>> No.4060463


Then he shouldn't do a food cart. Maybe some kind of smoothies or coffee cart, though.

>> No.4060472

>>4060185 If you really wanted to be a vegan, you'd just eat your fucking vegetables and fruits and quit trying to replace meat and meat products.

I think part of the problem is Western vegans are trying to get a decent amount of protein with each meal but they don't actually know how to cook anything but Western foods which traditionally contain meats so the only thing they know how to do is use fake meat.

Without meat OR dairy, they're pretty much left with... soy (tofu), nuts, and lentils. Which they could make into absolutely delicious foods if they knew how to make Indian and Thai food but they don't so they make tofudogs instead.

>> No.4060474

>coffee cart
>no dairy

Yeah... that will work well.

>> No.4060484
File: 29 KB, 300x400, dosa cart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh...my...god it does exist

>> No.4060490


>Food Cart Friday - A few weeks ago I finally found the Vegan Dosa Guy's Famous Vegan Food Cart. It was nestled under a grove of trees at Washington Square Park - a skip away from NYU, in NYC's Greenwich Village neighborhood.

>Ever since I moved to New York City about four years ago, eating at "the famous vegan food cart" was one of the items on my Things to do in NYC list...

Vegan food cart

Will I'll be damned

>> No.4060497

The best-rated coffee place in my city is a vegan, hipster place that blasts hardcore all day. I wouldn't have thought hardcore to be hipster, but lo-and-behold, this place does it.
I've tried the place: the coffee is shit, the baristas are rude to seemingly anyone that isn't dressed as they dress (rude to me and I observed them being rude to another six people, all of whom were dressed decidedly unhiply, who came in for coffee, but kind to three people who came in for coffee and were dressed in cut off jean shorts and seat-belt-buckle messenger bags) and the prices too high ($3 for a regular and $4 for a large; yeah, fuck you, too).
Don't underestimate the borg-like mentality of vegans and hipsters; they'll lie through their seitanic mouths, saying that this vegan place or that vegan place or the other vegan place are all delicious when, in reality, they each serve food that tastes more like plasticine than anything remotely edible.

>> No.4060507

I think OP was trying to get normal people to buy his food, not just hipsters.

>> No.4060516

Indeed. Animals are too tasty to give up.

>> No.4060524

That's actually probably a pretty good strategy to make money. By driving off non-hipsters, you ensure that hipsters will continue coming there, and hipsters are perfectly happy paying absurd prices for ass coffee. Can't blame 'em for trying to get paid.

>> No.4060532

That only works for stationary locations that are shiny enough to attract hipsters. OP's shitty little foodcart doesn't have the critical mass.

>> No.4060540

curries, rice, some sort of dessert like raw brownies (google bitch)
make watermelon lime strawberry juice and sell that

>> No.4060543

Then OP should serve normal food.
The best bet, something everyone can agree on, would be a deep-fried food of some kind. Even the staunchest anti-veggie person will eat deep-fried something or other, right?
In this area, there's a thing called 'Spanish fries.' It was introduced by the Italki Jews in the area who also created the chicken cheesesteak (the Ashkenazi, Sephardic and Mizrahi jewish rabbinical ruling against the consumption of poultry with dairy does not apply to old rite Jews and schools of thought descended from them, such as the Italki). It's julienned potatoes, sliced pickled jalapeños and sliced shallots all deepfried together then dusted with salt and smoked hot paprika. It's served in a paper cone or one of those boat-like paper trays and eaten with a fork.
With the shopping trolley rig that OP describes, however, deep-frying the stuff would not be within his/her abilities.

>> No.4060558


There's your one and only obstacle

>> No.4060568

The dosa guy seems to be doing just fine. Granted he appears to also have hotdogs for the Amerifats and children.

>> No.4060576

loving hut. google it.

>> No.4060584

>so much shit pretending to be "vegan ham", "vegan BBQ", wtf "tofu steak", "big vegan notdog"
>vegan cheesecake wtfamireading

Fuck you fuck you fuck you

If you absolutely have to have a vegan restaurant this is how you do it:


>> No.4060615

> giving hints to the enemy

Op is going to give up on veganism in like 3 years, just forget about it.

>> No.4060633

Tempeh. Veggie burgers.

>> No.4060637

Vegans wouldn't be so bad if they'd learn how to make vegan food that isn't shitty. Yeah, it takes a little more preparation and experience but you actually end up with food. Tofu can be made into delicious food but shaping it like a hotdog and sticking it on a bun makes less sense than beef flavored ice cream.

>> No.4060642

Don't generalize, my macaroni and 'cheese' would change your life.

>> No.4060644


But these are people who weren't making non-vegan food that wasn't shitty. They didn't give a fuck about food until they decided that they'd try out this veganism thing for a bit.

>> No.4060647

>>4060642my macaroni and 'cheese' would change your life.

Would it also give me oral herpes?

>> No.4060650

there's a shit load of them in portland (but you knew that already)

>> No.4060653

The difference is, it's easy to make meat delicious. You know what you need to put on a steak to make it awesome? NOTHING!

Making good vegan food takes work.

>> No.4060662


Cooking a steak properly isn't trivial. Temperature control, timing, all that stuff takes practice. A gelatinous blue rare steak or an overcooked lump of mealy leather are pretty terrible things.

Also, if you're not putting salt on your steak, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.4060669

Cooking? Salt? Why don't you just save some money and get a hamburger.

>> No.4060681
File: 9 KB, 183x200, 3819495773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4060702


I don't think you guys are really familiar with the LA food cart setup, the fuel is sterno cans.

Take shopping cart, put baking sheet over it, light sterno cans underneath, cook.

>> No.4060719

Hey Op...

I've done this off and on for years when I had the spare time. I was blessed with the ability/curse of not feeling comfortable unless I'm busy as fuck. Don't really care about the cash, but then I don't believe in busting my ass for free.

Never been to LA, so I can't tell you what to do, but I will give some pointers since there is zero chance your cart will take $ from mine:

- get a vendor permit and serv-safe cert. Fuckin competitors will immediated turn you in if you are competing for their $. They are cunts, stay away from them. You don't want the fines, or having your equipment impounded. If u just want some xmas money don't bother, but you will not last long otherwise.

- fuck everything you think about food/taste/demand. You aren't the ones buying the food, your customers are. If your cart is in a snooty neighborhood, then you specialize in caviar sammiches and mineral water. College area? Think oversized sammich with deep fried horseshit on top. Commuters pass by your cart in the morning? Damn tastey coffee. Rich area = flavored oatmeal, fruit. Poor area = lots of butter and cheese (think McD's). You have to be surgical in selecting your product or you will fail....

>> No.4060751


I live in OP's neighborhood, people do not hesitate at all to buy danger dogs (bacon wrapped hot dogs) from these kind of setups all the time.

>> No.4060768

People who make life changing decisions based of food are either fat or stupid. Sometimes its both.

>> No.4060771
File: 55 KB, 497x550, 1253863446437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on and cry vegan limp-wristers. You're gayer than actual gay men who fuck other men in the ass recreationally.

You buy apple macbooks and starbucks custom coffees, playing into a stereotype of hipster garbage that has become an embarrassing parody of it's own supposed 'irony.'

Go snivel and gush over your special fair trade africum coffee beans, and talk about preserving mother nature with your shemaghs wrapped around your necks.

I pay for the majority of the country's natural resource protection and preservation with my hunter fees. I obey strict guidelines and lotteries to determine how many deer/duck/etc are hunted sustainably. I eat meat like my species has for generations since the cave days when you berrypickers were crying in the corner after the females ignored you, like they do now 'nice guy/girl/heteromollusctransvampire.'

On an unrelated note, I will say that having a full Ulster Fry-up with international students from the UK the morning after a pub-crawl truly hits the spot. Today was a good day.

>> No.4060777


Hahaha, oh wow... Do you? Prion (if it's there) from another species! Oh no! Give me a break.
Even a steak from a cow infected with mad cow, has a 1:4000000000 (1 in 4 billion if that number is tl;dr for your prion laden brain) chance of infecting you with the same mad cow shit.

You have a better chance of winning the lottery than getting a prion to actually take hold and multiply.

Brains are good. In the skull, and on the plate. I suggest you get more of both into your life.

>> No.4060778

> starbucks

You actually live somewhere that starbucks isn't basically like mcdonalds?

I want to know where that is! I imagine the traditional costumes of your people must be so colorful!

>> No.4060793

So i recently went to Thailand, and a thing that i really want would be a pancake / crape (lol) stand that sold it with fillings like bannana/choc, egg (obviously not for you), nutella etc. All they did was premake the batter/dough, roll into balls, keep em in a lil box, take out out and thin it out as you would maybe like a pizza dough? Then as you cook the first side, you load up the toppings, fold it in on itself, then flip to brown both sides. Mhmm

>> No.4060799


>> No.4060857


good for hair though. trust me.

>> No.4060887


fucking this.

>> No.4060890

This guy commenting again...

Saying THIS guy is right. 100%. It's market research 101. Everyone hates what you like, no matter what it is. So go with what works. Not saying anything against vegan, per se. But it will no sell en masse unless you appeal to the masses. The masses like luxurious, over the top, bang for buck. All of them.

Choose your demographic, then find locations that are teeming with them. Find out what's in the area, be different or unique. But don't be esoteric for the sake of it.

Make a flagship product, advertise it. Make it your own, and get flamboyant at making it. Then offer the vegan alternative of said product. That's establishing a customer base, then expanding it.

Fucking profit.

But always know; you only get out what you put in. Put $10 of effort in a day, and that's what you'll get. So go for the million dollar effort. Wake up knowing you are going to work your ass off, if only so you can say you worked harder than yesterday.

>> No.4060893


let him have his adventure and possibly getting curb stomped in the end.

>> No.4060906

This guy again.

I say all this knowing I cannot follow my dream of a food cart.

I live in a Canadian city that deals with 8-9 months of blistering cold winters. The street crowd is sparse at best.
Even the coldest night on the slowest corner can net you $100, but at what cost? Permits, standards. 3 hours of cleaning and prep each night, even if you only get 1 hour of sales time. Then the parking fee for the cart. Transportation, permissions, inevitable waste, ... it all adds up. And it adds up to a loss, unless you can invest until the name becomes recognizable. Then, maybe, just MAYBE, you can start to turn a profit, even in the bleeding cold.

Some day maybe, but not now. I need to hold a 9-5 job for my family, not chase after a dream that will ultimately consume all my available time for 2 years or more, before I have anything to show for it.

Reality sucks, unless you work hard to make it your own.

>> No.4061316

you don't need to advertise them as vegan, that's just gonna alienate people.

make the recipes clean, and noone will be any the wiser.

>> No.4061533


you don't have to advertise as vegan, but you should not advertise yourself in any way that implies meat. for example mentioning tacos, hot dogs, sausages, gyros... anything like that is just going to piss people off.

if you have it on the menu as "Aasedfasdf (this is a kind of vegetarian sausage)" then people won't feel like it's a bait and switch.

But better yet just avoid anything that connotes meat.

also sage because I am tired of this thread and op was probably high when he came up with the idea.

>> No.4061540

Whoo! Back! Posted another thread with the stories, but I'll try to reply to as many posts here as I can. It's fucking five am, I started selling at eight, and fuck you

>french fries
That's what I ended up doing. I trying frying them, but I think next time imma just get a fucking vat of oil and do it like momma did

>Just sell fucking Elotes Asado. It's just roasted ears of corn
You mean corn on the cob? the fuck?

>> No.4061543

>a.) You're a vegan. I get it, but you shouldn't expect other people to restrict their diets because you're too squeamish to serve meats (and cheese, eggs, etc.).
I don't want to get into this again, but suffice to say it's important to me I don't sell it, either.
>b.) You need start-up money and suitable equipment. This won't be inexpensive if you want to do it right. The last thing you want to do is get your clientele sick from food poisoning.
Yeah, there's a certain irony in mean trying to avoid the horrors of alienating, capitalist labor by going all Adam Smith on everyone.
>c.) Running your own business requires determination and hustle. This sounds like it would be difficult for a self-admitted bum.
It hasn't been difficult. The idea that I might not have to work under a boss is really fucking motivating
>d.) If you still want to give it a shot, try a pasta stir-fly. You'd need three or four burners with saute pans. Have three types of noodles ready to go (linguine, ziti, and fusilli, for instance). The patron gets to pick his noodle and then from six veggie add-ins (mushroom, tofu, string beans, peas, broccoli, carrots, etc.). They'd be able to finish it off with a choice of sauce (tomato-based, or a cheese substitute). You throw it all in the saute pan to heat it up. It would take an average of 4-5 minutes per plate. With four burners, you could serve up to 100 people an hour if you work hard.
Are you fucking kidding? Okay, so street food is fucking a mess, and you don't have time for four fucking burners. I've got to worry about customers, cops, sanitation on a fucking sidewalk, and I don't want to ask every motherfucker if he wants snow peas or mushrooms.

You're adorable.

>> No.4061554

$3-5 hotdogs
One fella I talked to (if you meet Omar selling hotdogs in K-Town, tell him whats up from Jimmy for me :D) told me that he changes the prices based on what time it is. People don't ever bat an eye at $4. That's just what they cost.

>vegan gravy shit people keep bringing up
Yeah, fuck that, vegan gravy is boss as fuck. I'll post the recipe later because fuck

>>wants to start business
>>asks 4chan for advice
>Yeah, you're going to be a fucking millionaire, I can tell already.
Favorite post so far right here

>> No.4061558

>You sound mad? You mad, shit eater? There's NO SUCH THING as vegan gyros, vegan chicken, vegan ANYTHING with a meat word in it. You're a first world problemer with an entitlement issue. I'm sorry you can't accept what you are. It's sad that you think that you could insult me by inferring I eat at McDonalds. That's pretty pathetic. "Uh, I can't think of a good argument, so I'll just accuse them of eating fast food". What. A. Moron. You. Are. You may be able to fool your other dipshit friends, but we who actually know and understand food will always out you for the fraud you are
Holy fuck I know this dude probably already skated out of this thread, but fuck HE MAD. Also he used the word infer when he meant imply, but I bet someone else already mentioned that

>Easily made vegan (goes great with tofu and egg)


>> No.4061567

Okay I knew I said I wouldn't, but I'm gonna do one HULK SMASH
>Go on and cry vegan limp-wristers. You're gayer than actual gay men who fuck other men in the ass recreationally.
Not gonna comment on this directly, other than to note here I am being ironically called gay. I want everyone to remember this use of irony (inb4 nope: poster is using the word gay ironically in that he is using its connotative definition while ignoring its denotative definition, ipso facto fuck you) because I'm going to bring it up shortly
>You buy apple macbooks and starbucks custom coffees
Nope. I am genuinely poor. I come from a poor family of distinctly poor people with a long history of fucking up financially because we are poor white trash. I'm using a friend's computer that he lent to my mom, who is also poor.
>playing into a stereotype of hipster garbage that has become an embarrassing parody of it's own supposed 'irony.'

>> No.4061568

>Go snivel and gush over your special fair trade africum coffee beans, and talk about preserving mother nature with your shemaghs wrapped around your necks.
Is being concerned with the environment a bourgeois indulgence? Because not being concerned with the fate of humanity sorta seems like a dick move
>I pay for the majority of the country's natural resource protection and preservation with my hunter fees. I obey strict guidelines and lotteries to determine how many deer/duck/etc are hunted sustainably.
So. fucking. what?
>I eat meat like my species has for generations since the cave days when you berrypickers were crying in the corner after the females ignored you, like they do now 'nice guy/girl/heteromollusctransvampire.'
Here, the poster says that I am not sexually attractive to the female, unlike sexy manly-manly over here. I don't mean to brag, but I get fucked a lot.
>On an unrelated note, I will say that having a full Ulster Fry-up with international students from the UK the morning after a pub-crawl truly hits the spot. Today was a good day.
Cool, dude!

>> No.4061570

>Food cart
I don't mean to get on you, but hustling blows. You have a consistent job where you're not constantly worried about getting fired for not meeting quotas. I know 9-5s aren't exactly glamorous, but you have stability and a family, I would kill for that, and I hope my burning envy can encourage you to appreciate your situation a little more

>> No.4061629

>>I was ten when I decided
>>a few years later I read

You are not fit for anything but menial tasks. Don't tax yourself with your faggy entrepreneurial venture.

>> No.4061841

Again, there are several vegan food trucks/carts in NYC. Vegan dosa guy has vegan dosas, caters to NYU students. There are a couple of "Hearty Bites" carts that basically have field roast hot dogs/sausages. They taste like shit but people buy them.

Cinnamon Snail is by far the most popular. It has sandwiches and breakfast items, but it seems to get most of its press from delicious baked goods, including the best vegan donuts. I would go so far as to say that much of their food is delicious because it is dripping in grease, so maybe do that with your cart. Just because it's vegan doesn't mean it's not deep fried soy covered in mashed potatoes and syrupy sauce.

>> No.4061870

Okay, I didn't read the whole thread but can't OP just boil up some pasta with some kind of tomato and herb based sauce? Go downtown and market it as healthy to the office types. You can still serve vegan food but I think if you call it vegan you'll alienate non-vegans

>> No.4063509

I gave you an option that a guy does here in my neck of the woods, $1 worth of food sold for $8. This dude says he can clear $1000 on a busy weekend night. He's got his shit together, and his cart is very organized. I'm just tossing this out there for you. If you don't think you can do it, yes, I'm still adorable.