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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 79 KB, 515x570, turkeydaynov18th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4011844 No.4011844[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


I got dinner tonight...

>> No.4011853
File: 68 KB, 491x434, turkeydaynov18th2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muuah hahahahahahahahahaha!

Aahahahahaha I'm crazy! Crazier than a coconut! Everyone say hello to my grey parrot, Roger.

Stand back Roger!

>> No.4011868
File: 52 KB, 515x424, turkeydaynov18th3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to take a moment to point out the importance of proper cooking.

I washed the bird out thoroughly before I laid on the bacon lattice and I have a meat thermometer as well.

I have wrapped this creation in a clean paper shopping bag. This prevents splattering in the over from all that tasty crunchy bacon.

>> No.4011876

Please tell me you're going to feed some turkey to the parrot... That would be awesome and somewhat cannibalistic.

>> No.4011878
File: 70 KB, 400x284, 26236065[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4011879

Oh 4chan.... oh you! Of course I will be giving Roger some delicious turkey and stuffing later.

What a great idea!

>> No.4011888
File: 17 KB, 213x268, MV5BMTQxNzc2MTg1OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjE4ODAwNw@@._V1._SX213_SY268_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have my attention.

>> No.4011891


>> No.4011892
File: 53 KB, 511x330, turkeydaynov18th4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trick to a moist and tender turkey is to cook it at a temperature below the boiling point of water, but slightly above the temperature you want it to end up when it is done.

For that reason I started this bird off at 350 degrees and I'll turn that down to 325 after the first half hour. I plan to let this cook for 4 hours at least, so I'll check back in with you guys then.

I have guests arriving soon for this feast so I won't be able to stay on with you guys but expect a pic before the carving, etc for 100% sure.

Until then, how are YOU cooking your turkey this Thanksgiving?

>> No.4011894


>> No.4011898

and this is why I love this board

>> No.4011912

You don't plan to baste the bird during the cooking ?

>> No.4011921


>below the boiling point of water
>325* F


>> No.4011923

Oh definitely, but I'm going to be entertaining guests and rushing around so I won't have much time for updates sorry guys.

I now realize I kind of made this big cliffhanger, not my intent. I have all kinds of sides to cook, wine to pour, stuff to do I just wanted to share this with you all.

>> No.4011927

You have to factor in the size and poundage of the bird and realize that the majority of the bird has to warm up to temperature which takes quite a lot of time.

>> No.4011932


I don't understand. Are you saying that you cant the internal temperature to be below 212* F?

>> No.4011935


>> No.4011936

Just because the ambient over temp is at 325 doesn't place the bird temp at the same heat level.

>> No.4011941

So I'll let this cook at 325 for the first two hours or so and then lower it to about 200 I suppose.

>> No.4011944

Yes, but OP said to "cook it at a temperature below the boiling point of water," making it sound like he was going to set his oven below 212* F.

>> No.4011946

You want to get the whole bird up to temp and then lower it back down again.

In any meat, the tiny bundles of muscle cells are surrounded by a tough layer of connective tissue. To make the meat tender, we raise the temperature until the connective tissue melts into gelatin. But if the temperature gets above the boiling point of water, the steam will burst open these little soft sacks of gelatin, and all of the juices will end up at the bottom of the pan, instead of waiting to ooze out of the meat as it is sliced.

>> No.4011949

And this, temperature too high, is what causes dry turkey.

>> No.4011988

So op should of stated desired temp of bird during cooking phases, or at the end.

Instead we got cook below boiling point if water. If your birds internal hits 212 or 100c. You should call the fire dept.

>> No.4012026

>I washed the bird out thoroughly before I laid on the bacon lattice
you washed Roger? what is he doing on the counter? what if feathers get in your food?

>> No.4012584
File: 79 KB, 597x429, turkeydaynov18th5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'll be it came out even better than I had hoped guys!

This is the final product, I have to fight the guests off of this baby all right.

Dinner is served

>> No.4012589
File: 71 KB, 546x363, turkeydaynov18th6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for hanging in with my through this, have a great Holiday season everyone.

>> No.4012602


>> No.4012625

this is what brings /b/ here.

>> No.4012683

What seriously?

I went to all the trouble to include you guys and you sage my thread?

Tell me exactly which threads you made tonight and lets compare.

>> No.4013634

Is it even safe to leave that type of thermometer in the oven?

>> No.4013641

it should be. Most cooking thermometers are designed to be very heat-resilient.

But more importantly, could've used a popup disposable thermometer.

Well well, barded turkey. I'll be interested to see this result.

>> No.4013645

so, how did it taste? Was the bacon overpowering or did it do its usual magic of blending?

>> No.4013693

why you having turkey OP, Xmas not for weeks yet?

>> No.4013708

They're on sale for thanksgiving ya dummy

>> No.4013720

lol, what is thanksgiving hahahaha