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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4008048 No.4008048[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any recipes or sources for making bread that YOU personally trust and confirm are good?

I'm trying to become a expert bread maker, and I guess the first step would be to find some good info/recipes. Thing is that they're is just so many sources, I'm having a hard time finding ones that are "expert-tier".

Either way, what kind of bread can you make?

>> No.4008060


captcha: ateIfoc oplebi

>> No.4008072

>INB4 vagina bread

>> No.4008075

ground up Englishman bones

>> No.4008078

scandibro here

If it is white bread - I refuse to eat it. That's pleb tier

I do nordic black rye bread. If a loaf of it is not firm and heavy enough (and sufficiently brick-shaped) to beat someone to death with, then its not fit to eat

I bake it myself

>500grams of coarse rye flour (not ground into a powder,but very coarsely milled so there's quarter-pieces of rye grains in it)
>200 grams of sunflower seeds
>300 grams of regular wheat flour
>1 live yeast cube disolved in luke warm water
>a small tablespoon of salt
>a healthy dash of cooking oil
>whatever herbs or spices I feel for at the time
>water as needed

mix up, knead a little, pour into bread mold

let rise for an hour

bake for 20-30 mins at 200 degrees centigrade

Bam, the bread of vikings

>> No.4008086

Bread is a scandalous substance, I would never trust bread even if it was my wife. It'll ruin you if you put too much power in bread, especially rye bread

>> No.4008090
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I personally like making aboriginal brown bread, non toasted. It's super hard to get though, considering you have to travel to said county and pick it up yourself. But it's a real gift to chomp on it though.

>> No.4008108
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>> No.4008132
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>If it is white bread - I refuse to eat it. That's pleb tier
Say that to my france and see what happens.

>> No.4008177
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No I meant the user that would inoculate his starters by stinking his finger into the vaginas of the slutiest women he could find then making soursnatch bread.
He called his starter Jane Dough.

>> No.4008187

I mean't american white bread

What the french make isn't 'white bread' - its baguettes, and breads with an actual crust, with flavor (I should know, I've been to France often enough)

>> No.4008189
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>jane dough

>> No.4008190

> I should know, I've been to France

This is one of the most pathetic posts I've read on /ck/ all week.

>> No.4008193

White bread is any bread made with bleached flour.

But of course I have never been to france.

>> No.4008192

Sad that you haven't traveled?

>> No.4008194


If it makes you feel better, sure.

>> No.4008206

Do you even france?

>> No.4008207


No clue where you're from anon - but traveling the world and sampling the different cooking styles there is not really a bad thing

So I'm not sure what flavor of bizaro world you're from - but hey, to each his own

>> No.4008212

I traveled to France, Italy, Spain, Ireland, England, Scotland, Denmark, Japan, Australia, etc. before I was 18.

Must suck having broke ass parents that don't want worldly children.

>> No.4008214
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It's France, not ubeki-beki-bekistan.

Do you even /trv/?

>> No.4008215

> I've been to countries that are all right next to each other on my parents' dime

lol, I've taken the KTM across the border to Johor Baru just for laughs, but I don't go around bragging that I'm some kind of Malaysia expert.

lrn2 travel, plebes

>> No.4008218
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I personally believe that U.S. Americans have not done so because cheap ass parents such as France, Italy, Spain, Ireland, England, Scotland, Denmark, Japan, Australia, etc. before I was 18.

>> No.4008219

The only trip that involved more than one country included France, Italy, and England. We used to travel 2 months ever summer.

>> No.4008229


Light rye sourdough artisan loaf: 100% flour (85/15 bread/rye), 90% sourdough starter, 75% water, 3.0% salt.

High hydration baguette: 100% flour (90/10 bread/whole wheat), 95% water, 2.8% salt, 0.2% active dry yeast.

Foccacia: 100% flour, 80% water, 2.8% salt, 0.5% extra virgin olive oil, 0.3% active dry yeast

I make all of these on a semi-regular basis, along with a handful of other formulations.

Peter Reinhart's books and recipes are a good place to start for a beginner. Although I'm not particularly fond of the formulations, The Bread Baker's Bible is also a nice reference for someone just starting out because it covers each step and has sketches for technique.

>> No.4008235


Why exactly are you proud that mommy and daddy have lots of money for you to use?

That's not something you brag about, if anything it's a fact you would try to hide. If you had a brain in you, or any sense of reality away from your spoiled rich white douchebag lifestyle, you would realize that.

Seriously, who brags about mommy and daddy buying them stuff, and being born into a wealthy family, which took you ZERO effort? Are you retarded by any chance too?

>> No.4008241

>That's not something you brag about, if anything it's a fact you would try to hide
Why would someone want to hide the fact that their parents are successful?

This makes no sense.

>> No.4008243


Trashy new money detected. You must be from the west coast or the southeast.

>> No.4008246

Not the same guy but seriously, you came off like a douche with that "been to France enough times" stuff.
In polite conversation mentioning what social class you hail from is akin to namedropping.

>> No.4008257

>Trashy new money detected
How cute, did you recently start reading your only book in your house - that highschool copy of The Great Gatsby?

You don't have to brag about it, but I wouldn't be actively trying to hide the fact that my parents have money. That is retarded.

>> No.4008262

>new money
Why do people think coming from several generations of spoiled family, and never knowing normal living, is better than having parents that worked their way up and appreciating money?

>> No.4008267


You're not trying to hide it, so why worry? Just get used to being thought of as a clueless jackass who thinks he can impress strangers by oh so casually mentioning that he went on an airplane ride with his parents every summer "just like successful people do".

Congrats, you're awesome and should feel awesome about your probably at least lower middle class heritage.

>> No.4008274

there's some bullshit ideology that 'new money' just buys shit to show where they're at, socioeconomically, while 'old money' is typically a little more self-restrained, and makes better long term buys

either way, it's fucking stupid — and whoever prides themselves on the digits in their bank account and feels that makes them superior to others is a pathetic human being

>> No.4008273

>at least lower middle class heritage.
I live in Canada, no one cares about heritage.

I also don't discuss my family's wealth to people IRL; most of my friends aren't aware that my parents have around $6,000,000 in assets.

I save that kind of talk to make poorfags on 4chan upset.

>> No.4008286


By "hiding it", I basically just meant not spouting about how you go on multiple vacations every year, and waste money frivolously on stuff you don't even appreciate.

IE. Not bragging like a 13 year old who's mom just bought him an alienware computer so he can browse facebook.

Which is what you might as well be doing in this post; >>4008273

Whether you don't notice or not, I KNOW you act like a snobby spoiled kid in real life, and show it too in many ways. The large majority of people don't like people like that, you dumbfuck.

>> No.4008289

Thanks for ruining a good thread with a really stupid argument.

>> No.4008295


By the way, I'm sure most of your "friends" know damn well how rich your mommy and daddy is.

I would bet many of them only hang around you because of that.

>> No.4008299

>Whether you don't notice or not, I KNOW you act like a snobby spoiled kid in real life, and show it too in many ways
Nope. I hunt, fish, and spend most of my time outdoors. I am a poor grad student, despite the fact I could easily call up my parents and ask for a few thousand if I wanted (never have though).

You want to think that everyone thinks I am a snobby asshole IRL, but the fact is, no one does. I can cultivate different personas based on various situations/people.

>> No.4008303

>By the way, I'm sure most of your "friends" know damn well how rich your mommy and daddy is.
>I would bet many of them only hang around you because of that.

>> No.4008306
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>I can cultivate different personas based on various situations/people.

>> No.4008315


Oh, I know you. You're the guy who keeps mentioning how awesome he is compared to the rest of /ck/ because he's the only person here who went to college, and how he doesn't have a cell phone and how he got to where he is without any help from his parents. You're studying some kind of life science, and you like mushrooms.

Keep this up and in another year I'll know your name and where you live.

>> No.4008314


most rich people are pretty nice.

>> No.4008311


>poor grad student

You're delusional now too? Do you even what the word poor means? No matter what you do, you can ALWAYS fall back on your parents money.



>> No.4008319

>You're delusional now too? Do you even what the word poor means? No matter what you do, you can ALWAYS fall back on your parents money.
That doesn't mean that I live extravagantly and do not have to live on a tight budget.

Having a safety net does not mean I don't live according to my own means. It is part of a proper education, something my successful and intelligent parents cared enough to impart on me.

>> No.4008325

>You're studying some kind of life science, and you like mushrooms.
No, I am an engineering student.

And I have a cell phone.

>> No.4008329

went from a bread making thread to a $bread$ making thread

>> No.4008330

haha that was pretty good man

>> No.4008337
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I tried....

>> No.4008342
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Anyone else actually prefer breads made from whole wheat grains? I know traditionally that's not how breads are made but for some reason it's just more savory to me.

>> No.4008343


I'm sure they exist, although I've never met one I personally liked.

Waving a magic money wand around though for other people, in which your main motive is probably just to make yourself look better, does not mean they're "nice" though.


Good for you.

If I met you in real life, no matter what bullshit you say about how you're living right now. I guarantee you that I could immediately estimate the wealth of your parents from being in your house/dorm and talking to you for 2 minutes.

>> No.4008347
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FF ... dude ... could you please make a vid on creating a proper sourdough starter? i'm on day 5 of mine and it's still pathetically dormant (maybe i'm just being an impatient fag ...)

>> No.4008348

>I guarantee you that I could immediately estimate the wealth of your parents from being in your house/dorm and talking to you for 2 minutes.
Probably not. The only different between me and other students is that I cook better food.

>> No.4008351

white sourdough is actually more healthy than whole wheat sourdough, if that helps you in any way

>> No.4008355
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What do you mean?

I make almost all of my breads with at least some whole wheat. I don't really enjoy breads made exclusively from whole grains, but I do think that bread without at least a modicum of whole grains is relatively flavorless.

>> No.4008362
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What is your current schedule with the starter?

It usually takes me 2 weeks or so before I feel a starter is ready to start baking with. Just have to patient and persistent with it. Switching over to whole wheat flour or rye will get it going much faster, usually.

>> No.4008366
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>I'm sure they exist, although I've never met one I personally liked.

Does your interaction with wealthy people consist mostly of watching coming of age comedies?

>> No.4008380
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i'm scooping half out, and refeeding with flour and water every 12 hours. i'll start using rye flour instead of bread flour for the feedings though.

BTW ... i was recently informed that my water is slightly acidic (i'm on a well) ... the pH is 6.5 ... is that gonna kill the natural yeast in the starter?

>> No.4008384

I think this is where most people get their ideas about how vegetarians act too.

>Living vicariously through your TV =/= experience

>> No.4008388


No, it came from kids I knew through middle/high school.

The thing is, the only people I probably would have liked that were rich, most likely wouldn't have let me know they were rich.

Catch 22 really.

>> No.4008400
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That's not sufficiently acidic to cause problems, would be my guess. By the time your starter is fully colonized with lactic acid bacteria, it will become far more acidic than 6.5 when fully activated and ready for baking.

Are you seeing any activity? Is it rising at all? What's the ambient temp where you keep your starter?

>> No.4008403

>Catch 22
Is this the second book you read in your life, thanks to highschool?

>> No.4008417
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when i go to scoop and refeed, there's lotsa little bubbles on top, but no rising (yet anyways). i began this starter Monday afternoon.

the house stays fairly cool (mid 60s), but i keep it on top of a TV receiver, so it feels fairly warm to the touch when i pull it to refeed.

and since i'm bothering you with a million questions ... any suggestions on where to get a brotform? i hit a few local stores and everyone working there gave me a blank stare when i asking about one. any preferred online vendors?

if you live near DC, let me know ... i owe you a beer

>> No.4008426
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Lots of little bubbles is par for the course right now. I can almost promise that if you switch to rye or whole wheat (which you can then knock out later by feeding only with bread flour once it's active, if you want a white starter) you'll be seeing considerably activity in 2-3 days. Just be patient. The mid-60's is a real bummer for starters. My house is mid-60s right now, and it's taking about 2-3x as long for my starters to activate and be ready for baking.

No sweat on the questions. I just order all my brotforms from online retailers to skip the hassle of trying to chase them down in store. Sometimes places like Sur La Table or baking specialty stores have them, but it's not a guarantee. You can also buy bread baskets and line them with linen if you're on the DIY tip. I buy most of my stuff through Amazon/Breadtopia or the San Fran Baking Institute (because it supports students).

>> No.4008430
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Also, sadly, I live about as far away from DC as you can on the continental US. I'm in Los Angeles. If you ever take a trip to the west coast, let me know and we can hang and bake bread. Maybe I'll even let you buy me a beer.

>> No.4008449

> having a nice ass bread knife with traditional serrations
> not having a MAC SB-105

Why won't you validate my gadgetfaggotry, FF?

>> No.4008471
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Hah, you should see some of the other wild gear I have in the kitchen (ice cream maker with compressor, commercial mixer, . Truth be told, I was a major knifefag for a long time, and have a pretty significant collection. I now actually have so many damn knives that I have at least 7 that are still brand new in box (Shuns, Wusthofs, and a couple small brand Japanese), just waiting to be used should I ever break a tip on any of the other knives we keep in the block. Some are chef's knives, some are others. People just keep giving me knives as gifts (bad juju, I know), even though I no longer ask for them.

As to the bread knife, that's just the Wusthof I've been banging around for about 10 years now. Came with the first set of nice knives I ever purchased. Truth be told, my favorite bread knife is an offset wood-handled Forschner I used to use when I worked garde manger, but it has disappeared into the clutches of my sister, who fell in love with it.

>> No.4008476


does it make sense for me to (in the interest of making sure i've the mixture enough exposure) set my current starter outside for some additional wild yeasting?

>> No.4008487


As I have come to understand it, ambient microflora is not very important in the creation of a sourdough starter. The most important sources of bacteria and yeast are actually flour, hands, and maybe water.

There are some people who advocate soaking raisins or grapes in the water you use to feed the starter (for one or two feedings) to inject a little wild yeast into the mix, but I've never tried it.

>> No.4008488


ah! i just left a flour/water mixture by an open window sill for hours (per what i've read online) ... is there a "best practices" for the initial creation of the wild sourdough starter?

>> No.4008491


There is no wrong way, my friend. You'll wind up with a successful starter so long as you give it time to get rolling.

>> No.4008506

Traditional dutch bread from the provence of limburg
70% rye flour,30% whole wheat flour,
55%(of combines weight flours) water
pinch of salt
2% yeast
knead to a dough and let it rise for 2 hours, bake it on 170 celsius for 2 hours let cool all the way( +/- a day). cut the ''pre (sweat)bread'' small and soak in water for a few hours.
then ad 100% 50/50 rye /whole wheat flour ,
sourdough +/- 20% ,1% yeast
knead to a tough but smooth dough let i rise for an hour to an hour and a half then bake at 220 for 2 hours in a bread baken pan

>> No.4008515

>ambient microflora is not very important in the creation of a sourdough starter
I don't really buy that... the air (depending on the season) is full of yeasts and bacteria.

>> No.4008527

nah it's true. yeast that CAN feed on what you want to culture grow on the food itself. this is true of both bread and winemaking. it is why apple cider goes hard too. boiled water is probably a good idea so you don't add any unwanted bacteria.

>> No.4008536

Do you have access to a vagina?

>> No.4008564

you're cute

>> No.4008728

I made pizza bread with baking powder for the leavener. It actually tastes good. Is there a reason I should not continue doing this if I want a quick pizza?

>> No.4008977

by a bread book written by a bread expert. pro tip you won't understand a God damn thingy in that book at first if it is indeed written for bread making that's the book you want. After that you must learn to love all your loaves.

>> No.4009287
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I want to make ciabatta for Christmas.

But I know nothing about bread making.

Help, /ck/

>> No.4009317

Have made this myself. You are all welcome.
You will have to eyeball it a bit and use your instincts. Also, do it when you have ALOT of time on your hands to watch a few movies. You will have bread dough stuck to everything, including your hands. Your arms will be sore from beating and turning it, as the recipe makes a FUCKTON of bread.

>> No.4009318

good luck love >>4008977