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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.56 MB, 2896x1944, HENS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4004647 No.4004647 [Reply] [Original]

This is what I cooked for dinner for me and my man tonight.

Eh? EHH?

>> No.4004652

Looks pretty good, I would have left the hen to brown a little bit longer under the broiler though.

>> No.4004651

I fucking love cornish game hens, if that's what that is. Looks good.

>> No.4004660
File: 1.21 MB, 2896x1944, RISOTTO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep! Took all fresh sage, rosemary, parsley, and thyme (lolol scarborough fair), garlic, and butter, and got allllll UP under dat skin and rubbed it in.

Then I shoved halves of lemons up the butts.

This was the first course, bacon leek risotto with a fried egg.

>> No.4004662 [DELETED] 

garnish is for cheap whores

why don't you let the content of the plate speak for itself rather than shoving your "artistic creativity" down other people's throats?


>> No.4004665

Lol youre retarded fuck off.

>> No.4004664

Otha one was browner and I was hongry. My oven is retarded old and very uneven but I'm proud of myself for getting them both with at least SOME brown!

>> No.4004668

Typical uneducated middle easterner

Why don't all you middle eastern fucks just kill yourselves so my country won't waste money on you anymore and we can take your oil?


>> No.4004670


>putting a few herbs in front of the chicken

trying too hard.

>> No.4004671


Israel is the only true country. We make porn to defile your women and you eat that shit up!

Now we have occupied your thread about garnish!

Behold the might of the CHOSEN PEOPLE

>> No.4004675

>garnish is for cheap whores
if i was still a working chef i would scream that at someone tomorrow

>> No.4004679


Glad someone agrees with me. If you can't put it in your mouth and eat it, it shouldn't be on the plate (exceptions, tooth picks and skewers and shit like that)

Aren't you glad jews invented bread? So you can fill your nasty whore mouth with your utensils too.

>> No.4004680

doing that was more to serve the purpose of showing my boyfriend each herb I put on the hen so he could get to know what flavors come from where, I didn't garnish my own plate. He even picked up the sage and went WHATS THAT and nibbled on it and learned about it. That wedge of lemon back there was functional too. So hush yer tits.

Also who gives two tiny fucks about what garnish I put on? Its my own goddamn house I ain't plating for your faggoty resturant.I mad. No lol jk i aint mad just all stoned.

>> No.4004691
File: 500 KB, 215x219, 1351693291223.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


your boyfriend must have shit tastebuds if he can't taste whats on the chicken. If you didn't give a fuck you wouldn't put it on there, pretentious camera shit.

Also way to be a defensive try hard.

>> No.4004695


Your last sentence makes you look like an uneducated white trash bimbo. I bet you date a black guy you dirty goyim.

Of course you didn't garnish your own plate. you have no sense of pride. You only care about the image your "boyfriend" sees. The fact that he didn't know what sage looked and tasted like till now shows me how hard you have failed in life. Stop trying to be a 50's house wife. Get a real job and earn your way.

>> No.4004696

I totally disagree. Skewers have no place on a plate, garnishes can actually add something to a dish.
I think the real argument here is "Inedible garnishes are for cheap whores."

>> No.4004700

I woulda poached the egg here. You've already got a fried taste and texture from the bacon, use something else.

>> No.4004707


She is a cheap unskilled whore who thinks presentation qualifies her as a good cook. She can't even do that right. Look at the smudges down the side of the bowl? Absolutely disgusting.

Someone post the absolutely disgusting picture.

>> No.4004709

He doesn't have shit tastebuds he just doesn't know jack shit about herbs and cooking.
2/10 I aaaallllmost raged. Lol.

>> No.4004712


If he doesn't know about herbs and cooking... he has shit tastes. you must be on meth again tammy-lyn.

>> No.4004715

needs mashed taters

>> No.4004716

Whatever you say duderanch

>> No.4004719


Havent even read the thread, please go.

>> No.4004721

This I will agree to.

>> No.4004725



A voice of reason among the wail and shrill cry of undomesticated sluts.

The risotto is obviously a poor attempt at "cuisine." I bet you used something from a can.

>> No.4004737

lol can you guess which it was?

guess guess guess.

>> No.4004742


>2/10 you almost got me troll!

no I was being serious, fuck off your little sprinkling of shit and your camera filter. If you actually put the herbs on the plate so you could eat them that would be great but you just cut a few pieces off and tucked them in front of the bird to look all pretty.

Your boyfriend must be a smoker or something.

>> No.4004745


I will not respond as long as you use "lol" in every post.

I bet you end texts that aren't funny with "lol."
It doesn't make you funny or quirky. If you did it in real life, you'd be that freaky fat chick who nervously giggles at everything.

>> No.4004746

Your beliefs of the lives of cheap whores does them honor, as you seem to evaluate them to have more class than you do, good sir. The garnish on OP's image is rather clumsy, but your words alone are enough to make me wonder whether ignorance is an individual trait in your people, or whether it is institutionally ingrained.

>> No.4004748

so many of mad its like whaaaaaaaaaaaaat

culd u get any madder tho?

But for real it was SO tasty sad that I could not share.

>> No.4004750

>you'd be that freaky fat chick who nervously giggles at everything.

Maybe she is?

>> No.4004754

> you'd be that freaky fat chick who nervously giggles at everything

And the kicker is I kinda smell a bit too. Like that weird cheese-y acidic smell that fat girls have.

>> No.4004756

did u like how I used food adjectives 2 cuz cuz like i am supr shef

>> No.4004763

I don't know what this thread is about but this stopped my scrolling
Fuck you i don't lie on the internet Im a fat chick I understand this I don't plan to stay this way but never even at my heaviest weight have I had that "fat girl" stink that's not because they're fat its because they're unkempt fucking disgusting people that reflect badly on everyone i have never been so disgusting to let my pH turn me to pickled cheese smell

>> No.4004764
File: 1.90 MB, 368x340, nadenade.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good girl.

>> No.4004765

your god is a bitch, and your chicken is probably dry and tasteless! lulz

>> No.4004766

Well that's great and you should be massively proud of yourself for having a normal, human amount of hygiene my love.

>> No.4004769

Thanks you :)

>> No.4004771


Thanks for admitting you are part of the problem. I don't believe that some people are "just" fat. You gotta work on being a lazy lard ass to get that way. Working out, eating small portions, eating the right food... it is like doing 2nd grade homework, but for your overall health and attractiveness.

Put your fat to good use and stoke a fire.

>> No.4004775
File: 66 KB, 402x728, 1320639151850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now its time to go on a walk, gotta burn those delicious calories.

>> No.4004777

lol lookit this gui even tha fat ppl make him upset gosh so easy 2 tick off hey buddy didjya wake up on the wrong sid eof the bed lolol hey hey.

>> No.4004780

already burnt em off with some turbo kegles

>> No.4004788

no. go out and get real exercise . cardio.

>> No.4004795

Kay gonna go hit the gym damn you really woke me up man i gotta get that cardio together i gotta get my bod hot and in shape make it rockin for the summer so I can get all the babes

>> No.4004827

I actually laughed when I saw faggots complaining about the herbs on the plate. I garnish my dishes with what they call "inedible" things for the photo, and I eat like 10x as much of the garnish that was shown in the photo. You fools are some sad ass fucks.

>> No.4004836

You mean like you eat garnishes?

Cause dude I eat parsley all motherfucking day. I'd sit and eat a whole bunch if I could.

But thank you dudeman, opinion appreciated.

>> No.4004838


IN HONOR OF THIS THREAD: I vow to garnish every dish I post on /ck/ with something that is actually, completely inedible/indigestible.

>> No.4004840

I'm cooking that today as well.

>> No.4004845

Your food must be pretty shit if you'd rather munch on raw herbs.

>> No.4004846

Herb garnishes? Of course. I eat a leaf of fresh basil with every bite of some kinds of pasta or pizza. I eat at least 20 rosemary stems with my roasted potatoes. This is the beauty of having an herb garden.


>> No.4004847

>implying some raw herbs aren't motherfucking delicious

>> No.4004851

Fat bitch pls g

>> No.4004852

hes trollan brah
hes on a roll 2nite

>> No.4004850

Uh, I said I eat the herbs with the food. Grow up.

>> No.4004854

go* Damn keys

>> No.4004859

Way too heavy on herbs. Unless you're cooking like 10 pounds of potatoes you wouldn't taste any of the potato with that much rosemary. They're meant to be a complement, not the main focus.

>> No.4004857

There's actually a good chance he has absolutely no knowledge of fresh herbs in dishes.

>> No.4004865

Naw dude he's bein a poop just let him be himself.
Although this I will kind of agree too. If you're cooking for yourself though then fuck it.
fatroll fingers couldn't quite push em down all the way huh?

>> No.4004866


It's not cooked in. I have a twig/leaf of rosemary with every bite of potato when I'm having rosemary potatoes. Not taste the potato? I'm not really worried about that when I'm having rosemary potatoes.

Damn, you guys are .... odd tonight.

>> No.4004868

I'm totally serious. If you're eating the herbs, with or without the food, your food is shit. No troll. If you have to add additional herbs, at the time of consumption, you did it wrong. Adding all those herbs to the plate is acceptable if you're like OP, trying to show someone what the different flavors are, but what you're describing is just poor craftsmanship.

>> No.4004869

Fresh herbs are better not cooked. They burn away. Fresh basil for example. You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.4004873


Holy shit you poor lost ignorant soul.

>> No.4004875

Ok, i'll give you basil. It should still be added to your sauce, before the sauce is added to the pasta. Are you gonna tell me you make a tomato sauce without cooking your thyme in it? Your oregano? Fuck off your high horse cunt.

>> No.4004874

You...... must be black.

>> No.4004877

So this is what /ck/ has become.
I'm sorry I even wasted my time itt.

>> No.4004879

Good riddance

>> No.4004880

You're too upset for me to take you seriously. Fuck off my high horse cunt? What? I'd tell you to try to be literate, but I'm not sticking around to see if you improve or not.

>> No.4004885

ITT: the same three guys

Seriously guys? This is /ck/. No one gives a fuck if she's a woman. The hen looks good, as does the risotto. Please take your virgin angst back to /b/ or /r9k/
If this were some dude you guys would be brofiving him from here to eternity.

>> No.4004887




Additional girly emotions expressing gratitude

>> No.4004893


I may be mad but later I'll be calm and you will still be stupid.

>> No.4004909

XD Suck my dick 8=====> Faggot

>> No.4004934

Looks good but I don't care for the raw herb garnish. You make your boyfriend sound like a child. Let him cook with you instead of lay out all the ingredients on the dish.