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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3977191 No.3977191[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /ck/. A lot of people come on here asking for recipes to cook with the main ingredient being (X). I was thinking what if we created our own wiki filled with recipes from the entire community. Would anyone else be interested in doing this?

>> No.3977195


>> No.3977196

I wouldn't mind. I know there's the site for verticals. But I'm not sure if we have a recipe site. Either way, I'm down.

>IdNexe accepted

>> No.3977207

I don't think it's a bad idea.
We could also put tips for cooking and eliminate some redundant, everyday threads like tea, coffee, ramen, curry.

>> No.3977220

There should be a sticky with that link on it.

>> No.3977231

It is quite poorly organised... I can't see the name of what recipe it is until I click it.

>> No.3977238

>implying the internet isnt full of places to find catalogued recipes.

People ask on /ck/ for the conversation of the thread more then anything else.

>> No.3977247

I think it's silly. there's no point in your or I doing any extra work because some random anon is too lazy to crack a cookbook or use google. All this would be doing is re-inventing the wheel in an inferior format.

>> No.3977249

How make ramen better?

>> No.3977258

There are already a lot of anons coming to this board and asking for recipes because they are too lazy to crack a cookbook or use google.

>> No.3977306


That's my point. The idea is to get them to learn properly, not to cater to a misguided notion. When your kid needs help with homework, you don't do it for them, you teach them how to do it. Same thing here.

google will answer that for you, son.

Though really what you ought to be searching for is "how to cook ramen". don't waste your time with that microwave shit, you can do much better than that. A recipe will teach you how.

>> No.3977996

Guys if you do this, make sure you put your name on it.

What I hate is some fuck taking your recipe, make a book out of them and sell it taking credit. Or at least your email address.

>> No.3978404

Yeah I agree. It would be cool if we could make a better ck.booru.

>> No.3978427

> a better ck.booru

I think anyone would appreciate that. As it is now... I consider it not even worth existing. I've visited it twice and just closed the window from being put off by the layout. Seriously, how is that faggot with his dickhead cumming on a scratched up teflon pan in the top hits for a "bread" search? Worthless archive.

>> No.3979410

Does anyone have any experience maintaining a wiki? If not this might end up to be another ck.booru

>> No.3979430

I would absolutely love to do this. The way I'm envisioning it would be each recipe would have tags for the main ingredients, and that way an anon could type in what ingredients they want to cook with, and a list of things comes up, as well as some sort of meal directory.

I personally have no idea how to run/host/maintain a wiki or anything like that, so someone with the technical knowledge would have to.

>> No.3979555

I think first and foremost, you guys need to define exactly what it is you want to see. Do you want a sticky? A recipe index? A recipe generator? (There are already numerous sites online where you can put in different ingredients you have on hand to generate recipes, like supercook.com).

If you guys want a wiki filled with original content from /ck/, there is a horrifyingly huge road in front of you.

I've attempted to pull together a /ck/ "cookbook" several times in the past with others but it's pretty rough going--with a lot of the efforts ending in a "it makes the baking soda cold" herpaderp conclusion.

Most of the image verticals /ck/ has ever produced are already on the booru. There are several years worth of recipes screencapped from /ck/ on my hard drive but only a fraction of them have been tested. To have a proper recipe collection, the consensus (between myself and those I've worked with) is that image-less recipes need to be proven... Which turns into a huge undertaking.

I think what might be useful is for someone to track commonly asked questions on /ck/ for a few months or so, and then we can create a master thread where everyone answers FAQs. After that thread is completed, we can start whittling the answers down, compiling links, etc. Independently of that, another set of people could be working on collecting and testing recipes. Just my two cents.

>> No.3979572

There could be sections of the wiki, say "tested recipes" and untested recipes.
People could test untested recipes out and post their results from there, but still stand at a "use at your own risk" sort of deal until enough test it?

Instead of having a recipe generator we should defiantly have links on the front page, as well as.
"Ck approved sites/youtube channels/ blogs"

>> No.3979658

I agree with you, but I think the wiki might be the best way to go. Like >>3979572 said, there'll have to be some sort of system where people post their recipe as an article, with tags, and it goes under the untested page. From there, if the poster already tested it, they can put up a brief blurb saying whether it worked or not. If they don't test it (I'd rather that new recipes not be posted, only tried and true ones) it would be up to the community.

However, /ck/ isn't a big enough community, so I think the best way to go would be to ONLY post tested recipes that have been cooked before. Personally, I think that only makes sense.

>> No.3979726

bumping because it sounds interesting.

(hint: it wont work anyway because you are too lazy to even make a sticky)

>> No.3981065

Can we get the ball rolling on a sticky already?

>> No.3981174

>don't waste your time with that microwave shit
Whoa, where the fuck am I? People who truly enjoy quality food and ingredients being active posters? This isn't the /ck/ of a few months ago.

>> No.3981221

Would be great if we could just link people to articles on certain things.

I don't have anything to add to it myself but I'd love to see what you smartpeople come up with!

>> No.3981225

Has anyone been to foodsubs.org?

I'm thinking a wiki based on that site's info + recipes would be nice too.

>> No.3981226


What if we had threads now and then? Like, a 'general' thread we posted whenever the old one got old?

Could link an ingredient that needs recipes, and it'd be like a challenge.. add your recipe and link to the ingredient... each thread something else? "today we're expanding the cakes category add your favourites" etc

I think if the community keeps at it in that way, the content would stream in. We'd just need a 'how to post of a wiki' page that explains it well enough, and I'm sure that exists anyway.

We should just make a wikia or w.e.

>> No.3981276
File: 11 KB, 485x340, geico-gecko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just employ a /g/e/ck/o

>> No.3981322

This happened a few months ago. However, it didn't last long as we didn't get the requisite help. Perhaps you could build off of our old site?


>> No.3981347

In all truth, the only board that I know of that has actually put together a "good" topic based wikia is /v/.

I've heard /tg/ has a pretty good one going as well.

>> No.3981969

I'm on board with this. Having recipes marked as "tested" sounds like a pretty simple solution, and being a wiki people can always add photos and verticals to it. I don't know how simple solutions escape me. : |

I'm at work so I can't really spend too much time on 4chan atm, but here's a "plan of action" outline I have from previous attempts at a sticky:

-How can I improve my ramen? ("it's disgusting, but here are some links", etc.)
-What do I need to stock my first kitchen? (tools, appliances, groceries, etc.); minimalist set up
-How do I learn how to cook?
-How do I shop for groceries?
-What cookbooks are good for beginners?
-poorfag guide & resources
-/ck/ approved websites/blogs/youtube channels
-homegrowmen & homebrewmen archives


As for collecting recipes, I really like what >>3981226 said about having different threads every week where anons can submit their favorite x recipe. We do have a board archive again, so keeping up with the thread wouldn't be too difficult (the archive doesn't save pictures in full size though, so saving verticals and images would be up to us).


>> No.3981973

I would build off that wiki, with recipes, as well as questions shown in >>3981969

If anyone has the technical knowledge to format pages and such, so as to build a very basic layout, I would immediately begin typing up some rough articles.

>> No.3981979
File: 13 KB, 347x302, ck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(the archive doesn't save pictures in full size though, so saving verticals and images would be up to us).
Assuming that there will be some type of admin or whatever making the threads, they can manually archive them. And I don't mean by saving each image 1 by 1.

Gotta love HTML.

>> No.3981981

If you don't mind, let's maybe get started on content asap...? Worst case scenario, we can put everything up on blogspot or a tumblr as a temporary measure, and then transfer everything over to a proper wiki.

>> No.3981990

I had no idea there was a board archive, we need to spread it's existence around.
I also think that the homegrown/homebrew archives are a good idea as well.

>> No.3982009

Since /ck/ is food and cooking, we could also probably have a "preferred alcohol" kind of thing, ask people what their favorite kinds of each main types of liquor/beer/whiskey/ect. is, compile it and get the most common suggestions as starting points.

>> No.3982179

Are we doing pictures or text? Like, do we just post on here, and it'll be screencapped?

>> No.3982230

ck.booru.org, already done friend. You can even choose specific ingredients on there.

>> No.3982433

Both pictures and text. If you've already made a text-heavy infographic, that's fine too. I think what's best at this stage is to simply collect/generate as much content as possible, then we can organize and clean things up.

For right now, throw whatever you've got up on this thread? No one's really in charge or anything but I can save the entire thread for referencing.

>> No.3982442

I like the idea of a preferred alcohol list. Intro to wine/beer/whiskey and so on.

>> No.3983045


disgusting website, make me sick to look at.

Seriously though, this has to be worthwhile. Even if it's just a bunch of links to good websites we recommend, it needs to be something people can go to and be glad they did. Not a bunch of random shitty infograms.

>> No.3983098

I can volonteer for editing, if need be.. Likely won't have the time to write any content efore the week-end... Hearts, i think you have my email?

>> No.3984239

I can't find it because I neurotically delete everything. :( Mine is still [heartsheartsck@gmail.com].

...I'm a little hesitant to take lead on this since I'm a tripfag and I don't want the /ck/ wiki (or sticky, or whatever) to be a reflection of my voice. I have biases that don't always agree with the board, and there are plenty of people here who dislike me.

That said, it might be a good idea if we took this thread and maybe started tossing around newfag-related questions and answers? I listed some here >>3981969 to start with.

>>3981322 also linked to an abandoned /ck/ Wiki [http://4chan-ck.wikia.com/wiki/The_/ck/_Wiki]; I see there is an "Essential Kitchen Ingredients" and "Tools" page, if someone wants to proof that to see if it needs tweaking.

Once we get the FAQ sorted out, we can create something like a "Table of Contents" for the recipe wiki... maybe using the Joy of Cooking as a starting reference? And then a weekly "recipe submissions" schedule to actively get recipes from /ck/, instead of it being simply "come edit the wiki whenever you feel like it" (which of course would still hopefully be happening alongside the weekly threads).

I can look into setting up the wiki this weekend. The guy who set up the creepypasta wiki was a pretty dedicated ro/ck/star back in the day so maybe we can get some help from him, if none of the people who were involved in the Wikia wiki are around.

>> No.3984555


There's no real way to learn how other than to roll up your sleeves and start cooking. You may not have perfectly diced vegetables and you will probably overcook your chicken breast a few times but learning how to cook is a gradual process. The most important thing is to not get discouraged and to cook as often and as regularly as you can.

What do you like to eat? We have here a (link)list of grocery essentials(/link) but each kitchen's needs will be different. You can choose to follow our suggestions or tweak them, depending on what you'd like to see on your plate.

Unless you can afford to buy groceries simply to practice cooking skills, we suggest that you put some thought into what you'd like to have to dinner (or lunch/breakfast) and create a grocery list with a menu in mind. (link)Here are some menu suggestions(/link) along with corresponding grocery lists. You can also find premade weekly menus online or in publications like women's interest or health magazines.

Cooking is simple:

1. Figure out what you'd like to eat.
2. Find recipes (look through a cook book, Google, or use the /ck/ wiki).
3. Read through the recipes and determine if it's doable; look up terms you are unfamiliar with.
4. Go grocery shopping for needed ingredients
5. Get cooking.

As you repeat recipes and try new ones, you'll get more familiar with the process and learn tips and shortcuts. Don't go into the kitchen expecting to magically know everything right off the bat. You will learn things by doing them, so cook often, read recipes, watch cooking shows and ask questions!


>> No.3984577

i think a big advantage of that wiki would be the international community.
most other recipe sties have recipes, coming from people from nearly just one country.

i love that idea. please keep it up

>> No.3984651

I don't think the wiki whatever it'll end up really needs too many recipes either, you can find them all over the internet. Personally I find BBC Good Food to be a brilliant website.

But FAQs and ideas are always helpful. I lurk /ck/ mainly but I love coming here for ideas, get recipes from BBC and tweek them to my own accord.

>> No.3984665

>you can find them all over the internet
That is true, but this is would be an attempt at centralization.

Bring all the good one into one place.

>> No.3984701

I compiled this cookbook from a thread we had on cheap college cooking some time 4½ years ago, I suppose that is on topic?


I have never tried any of the recipes, I don't remember last time I used a recipe for anything other than baking...

>> No.3984868

I'm not a /ck/ regular and know little about cooking, but that's just the way Booru software works: It returns the newest images first in the search results, by default, because it's the most relevant search mode for typical Booru usecases, and also the least computationally expensive.

Most Booru software supports searching in order of post rank, but I couldn't figure out how to do so on the /ck/ booru, which is strange, because booru.org is supposed to be based off of Gelbooru, which supports queries like "score:>=5".

>> No.3984883

>not learning the chemistry behind baking to the point where you can make delicious pastrys and whatnot from your imagination
Fucking casuals.

>> No.3985964

bumping for interest

>> No.3986116

If this thing really does take off, I have several people who's worked in the cooking industry who are more than willing to share information with me about a lot of tips and tricks of the trade.

One of them is a 1 Michelin star chef.

>> No.3986346
File: 137 KB, 1302x625, decent booze for wiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked up this image today, this might help
Also, I think that we could have a section for those images for things like the spice lists and what they go with.

>> No.3987049


It's still funny everytime I look at it.