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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3915261 No.3915261[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, /ck/, I've been suffering with gallstones for the past 2 or 3 years. I've been watching my diet, careful to cut down on oily food, dairy, and nuts - really anything that could set off an attack. But, they're just getting worse and even the slightest deviation can set off an excruciating attack. I'm not sure how much longer it will be before I can afford the proper treatment, or potentially surgery, so I'm getting desperate since the attacks are as frequent as 1 every 2 to 3 days. I've had 3 in the last 2 days alone.

Anyone else out there ever had to deal with these painful little bastards? ...and, what are some potentially safe dishes I could try that wouldn't agitate my gallbladder too badly, without feeling like I'm starving myself. I've been taking nothing but clear broth for the past 4 days since a particularly bad attack.

I'm also open to any natural remedies anyone knows of, or has tried. I heard flax seed is good, but I've had some really poor results in trying it.

tl;dr: Have some terrible gallstones. How can I still eat a good meal without triggering an attack? Nothing seems to be helping.

>> No.3915268

>But, they're just getting worse and even the slightest deviation can set off an excruciating attack. I'm not sure how much longer it will be before I can afford the proper treatment, or potentially surgery, so I'm getting desperate since the attacks are as frequent as 1 every 2 to 3 days. I've had 3 in the last 2 days alone.

Don't. Deviate. From. The. Diet.

If eating oily foods would cause excruciating pain, I wouldn't eat oily foods.

Surgery wouldn't cost me anything extra as I am Canadian. What about waiting for Romneycare?

>> No.3915279

...how do they exit you?

>> No.3915283


By deviation, I mean more like complete unpredictability. Things I never thought could cause an irritation have been setting off attacks left and right. Before I went on the clear broth diet, I ate only plain white rice for lunch and had an attack only an hour later. I've made it my mission to avoid excessive oils, though butter seems to be alright despite being diary. It's gone from a simple "eat this, not that" to "holy hell, what the fuck is safe".

>> No.3915284



So you want him to die, then?

>> No.3915286

hahaha good stuff

>> No.3915287


They don't. That's the problem.

>> No.3915370

I live in the first world so my gallbladder was removed a few weeks after my gallstones were discovered at no cost to me BUT the only way to prevent an attack is to not deviate from your diet, I'm afraid. Forget about any meat but lean white meats, don't touch anything fried and if you must eat egg, use as few yolks as possible.

>> No.3915404

1. Move to Canada
2. Become a Canadian citizen
3. ?????

>> No.3915409

What's a gallstone attack like, what are the symptoms? Does it hurt specifically on your sides and your ribs?

I'm asking because I've had two spasms in the past two months that left me crippled and screaming on the floor, I'm starting to wonder if I have gallstones as well.

>> No.3915420

Unless he's a refugee or has a ton of disposable income, I don't see that happening.

>> No.3915461

maybe you should see a doctor....or are you american and treated like trash if you cant pay?

>> No.3915464
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The latter.

>> No.3915466


So that means you had money, but instead of being responsible and saving some and/or buying your own insurance just in case, you blew it all and now you're stuck with the consequences?

I have no sympathy for that shit. True, we don't have "free" health care, but neither does anyone else. We pay a much lower tax rate. The money was there, you just made some poor decisions regarding how to spend it, and now you're facing the consequences.

>> No.3915471

>implying I had the money to pay for anything beyond food and housing in the first place

>> No.3915476


then your choice is housing (or whatever else it was you were doing) was poor. think about it this way: if you lived in a socialist country your paycheck would have been much smaller since they paid for your insurance for you and you had no choice in the matter. Where would you have lived if your payroll taxes were double what they really were?

>> No.3915784


A gallbladder attack can range from annoying, to crippling. The pain starts in your abdomen, on the upper right side just below the ribs. It can penetrate straight through and hurt into your back, sides, and in my case up into my right shoulder. Can be accompanied by gas, bloating, nausea, or vomiting. Mine usually last anywhere from 30 minutes up to 6 hours. It's sort of a stabbing pain at first, and as it progresses, it becomes more of a crushing, grinding, or throbbing pain. I've had it hurt so badly I'd not been able to catch my breath before. They can be absolutely excruciating. Diagnosis is very simple, a quick ultrasound will show any stones. They're pretty rare in people under 40, but I had an intestinal surgery in my teens that screwed with my digestive system, most likely leading to the stones - my surgeon warned me it was a possibility.

Also, yes, I live in the U.S. so its difficult for me right now, being uninsured, to get surgery but it is possible. I do pay to visit a very good clinic that has payment plans for low-income individuals, where I'm receiving some treatment, but it's no more than symptom managing.

>> No.3915790

OP, have you considered doing a liver/gallbladder flush? It really is possible to pass stones, contrary to what doctors might tell you.

>> No.3915795

>asking for remedies on 4chan

Maybe you should eat all the butter you can find. When nothing happens go see a shrink.

>> No.3915810
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Well, fuck. That sounds pretty similar to what I experienced.

>> No.3915958

That's not the fucking important part you unwanted meth baby, the poor man is in pain I'm sure he already understands all about taxes. Go back to /pol/ fuckwad

>> No.3915974

You said you were poor right? Go on medicaid.

I would recommend a congee diet with water and a multi vitamin.

>> No.3916019

go to a fucking doctor holy shit, what are you a christ science fag?

>> No.3916023

Get surgery. Diet doesn't help really. Just... I don't know, get money for it. Borrow maybe? Trust me, life quality goes WAY up after surgery.

>> No.3916044

buy a pound of bee pollen and eat two tablespoons everyday with honey. in a couple of months your gallstones are 100% gone.

>> No.3916096

does that really work?

>> No.3916465

Hey OP, biochemFag here.

Gallstones are caused by refined carbohydrates, not fats. Eating fats just stimulates the gallstone to release, causing as the crystals force their way though the duct and into the stomach.

Here's something of an explanation I googled.


Basically cut out all refined foods and all grains. When you eat your white rice, bread, sugar, your body pulls vitamins and minerals from the body to process and utilise them. Gallstones are just a symptom of chronic deficiency.

Eat vegetables, sweet potatoes, squash, low fat milk, fruit, lean meat, real sea salt (rich source of minerals needed for metabolism mag/pot/cho). Start adding the fat back in after a month or so.

Good luck, hope you read this. Will keep tab open.