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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3894094 No.3894094[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw when you find out that 'sweetbreads' are neither sweet nor bread.

Food ignorance in this thread.

>> No.3894107

I was just thingking about that today

aren't they like intestines or some other disgusting shit? lol

>> No.3894115

Thymus gland... they are very tasty

>> No.3894116

testicles, dear boy.

>> No.3894122

When I was little I thought that black pudding was actually a dessert. I was ten, since I remember being at my grandmother's wake when I first ate it, and was immediately repulsed. Don't think I've eaten it again since.

>> No.3894127

they are most certainly not testicles. they are the thymus gland or pancreas from a young calf

>> No.3894133

Yesterday a bitch asked me if the eggs in the creme caramel were cooked or raw. She was pregnant and French and attempted to cast doubt at my assertion that all custards are cooked.

>> No.3894136

Intestines are meant to be pretty tasty.
But intestiney, which is offputting

>> No.3894138

no, it's testicles. that is the most common sweetbread in restaurants.

>> No.3894146


Sweetbreads = pancreas or thymus from calf
Mountain oysters or prairie oysters = testicles
...the rest of the organ meats are just the normal names (liver, heart, etc.)

>> No.3894149

she was fucking with you any French person worth their salt knows how to cook a custard.

>> No.3894161

>Mountain oysters or prairie oysters = testicles
maybe in whatever hillbilly brokeback country you live in. But rest of the world serves testicles as sweetbreads.

>> No.3894173

UK here. Sweetbreads are pancreas.

"eetbreads or ris are culinary names for the thymus (throat, gullet, or neck sweetbread) or the pancreas (heart, stomach, or belly sweetbread) especially of the calf"

Straight from Wikipedia. Guess YOU'RE the hillbilly brokeback.

>> No.3894175
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>tfw you find out bonbons are neither bon nor bon

>> No.3894177

I thought tripe was intestines or it just the whole digestive tract?

>> No.3894181
File: 48 KB, 592x449, bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw tillamook baby loaf is not made of baby

>> No.3894192

I love black pudding, especially pan fried until the skin is caramelized and serve with a nice gravy or, and I know I'm going to piss someone off, ketchup.

>> No.3894193

testicles are not sweetbreads....

>> No.3894200

sweeticles are not testibreads.

>> No.3894206

the wiki lists testicles. way to provide sources for the guy your argued with.

I have heard sweetbreads being testicles, and Michel Roux Jr talked about testicles being sweetbreads on an episode of masterchef once. I have never eaten them myself.

>> No.3894213

>olive loaf not made of olives

>> No.3894221


Sweetbreads aren't testicles. Anyone who says/believes otherwise is simply wrong/ignorant.

But now you know.

>> No.3894230
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>> No.3894233

sweetbreads are glands.
icky spongey glands.

and headcheese. :(.ick.

>> No.3894286

>head cheese
>not made of cheese
>made of head
WTF europoors, are you insane?

>> No.3894315

head cheese is made of head and formed into a loaf for slicing like cheese

I tried some before and it tastes like hot dogs or bologna

>> No.3894317

yeah I always thought it was just a smelly mix of cheese and head scraps

>> No.3894323


Yeah, so do people. Doesn't mean you eat them.

>> No.3894354
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> tfw you realized all the other kids grew up eating corn syrup instead of maple syrup with breakfast

It was around that age that I first began to understand that the word "real" on all those packages wasn't there at random.

>> No.3894383

what if I told you I preferred artificially flavored maple sauce over real stuff?

In fact, what if I said the smell of that and butter was one of the most delicious smells I could think of?

>> No.3894400

>what if I told you I preferred artificially flavored maple sauce over real stuff?

I love soaking frozen waffles in some aunt jemimas but I like the real thing too

anyone who hates the fake stuff is a snob

>> No.3894412


Whatever floats your boat. To be perfectly honest I always just preferred my pancakes and waffles with butter and nothing else. Maple syrup is delicious but it kind of distracts from the savory delicious flavors of what it's poured on. It doesn't feel right not to have the bottle there, but I'll just drizzle on a few drops towards the end, for formality's sake.


Anyone who doesn't wallow in his own filth is a snob to you, OPIATE9fy.

>> No.3894419

The whole sweetbread/testicle thing is a troll right?
>My Aunt Melba hates melba toast

>> No.3894422

>Hot dogs are not dogs

>> No.3894424

>Mince pies at Christmas were actually filled with fruit


>> No.3894430

The whole fired green tomatoes love in the south...they're just under-ripe tomatoes that are potentially poisonous. Stupid rednecks. I was actually trying to find the type of tomatoes to grow and learned how idiotic the whole thing is. Peaked after that movie

>> No.3894437
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>mfw your comment

>> No.3894439

I was reading Red Dragon

Hannibal had a recipe

was interested

still interested

>> No.3894441

I still can't believe there is no ham in a hamburger. I always thought it was ground pork.

>> No.3894445


>your aunt's name is Melba
>it's 1923 in Alabama

>> No.3894449
File: 51 KB, 300x300, slowduck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ice cream not made of ice, nor cream (entirely)
>hot dogs not made of actual dog
>eggplant not being a plant that bears eggs
>any food with the word "french" in front of it not being french
>catsup and ketchup being the same thing
>continental breakfast doesnt include a breakfast dish from every continent
>Canadian bacon IS FUCKING HAM

all these feels

>> No.3894453
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Oh man, all of my confus. I went to my friend's house for a sleepover when I was about 9. We woke up and had toaster eggos. Sat down at the table, all I see is some weird, tall, yellow bottle with a bee on it. What the fuck, is that honey? My friend grabs it and starts pouring it all over his waffles. What the fuck anon, you put honey on your waffles? No, see, it's syrup. Maple syrup in a bottle like that? What? No this is corn syrup.

>my fucking face

Needless to say I stopped associating with that pleb.

>> No.3894459


>implying catsup is a thing
>implying it's not just a slang term used by bumpkins and foreigners who don't know any better

>> No.3894468
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>Mfw people eat chicken menses

>> No.3894472

Cathead biscuit isn't a a cooked cat head

>> No.3894477

Sorry, I get a bit upset when people think they're being so clever when they say "There's no ham in a hamburger, gee isn't the English language weird?" It's not a fucking English word, god damn it.

>> No.3894495
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Wow calm down there faggot.

>> No.3894499

Surrendering Frenchfag detected

>> No.3894526
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>> No.3894541
File: 147 KB, 500x376, 3185785680_2d8cc3c67a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom refuses to eat buffalo sauce because she thinks it is flavored like buffalo the animal
>assure mom that it is named after buffalo the city, not the animal
>mom tries buffalo sauce and loves it
>mom now puts buffalo sauce on everything, like me
>later, have some bags of buffalo jerky. not buffalo flavored, buffalo meat
>mom finds them and takes one to work, expecting the familiar spicy cayenne flavor
>tells me it tasted plain but she ate it anyway and it was good
>inform her that it was delicious bison jerky
>at first grossed out
>then remembers that it tasted good
>decides that it must be ok

MFW i converted a purely beef, chicken and pork eater onto something better and more exotic. finally somebody else in the house will eat my awesome buffalo burgers.

>> No.3894562

Your mom puts buffalo sauce on you?

>> No.3894575

>tfw sun-nutbutter is not the sun's semen butter.

>> No.3894579

From the wiki...

>Various other glands used as food are also called 'sweetbreads', including the parotid gland ("cheek" or "ear" sweetbread), the sublingual glands ("tongue" sweetbreads or "throat bread"), and testicles (cf. Rocky Mountain oyster)

Now fuck off.

>> No.3894584
File: 36 KB, 501x480, inconceivable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw peanuts are neither peas nor nuts

>> No.3894598
File: 16 KB, 690x624, cute_oc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiwis are not flightless birds for 30 cents each.

>> No.3894611

>Sexy incest with buffalo sauce

That turns on somebody, right?

>> No.3894615

I larfed.

>> No.3894656

>not nuts

>> No.3894664

They're technically legumes (beans).

>> No.3894685

Wha? Dutch Australian. What do the French have to do with it? Hamburg is in Germany.

>> No.3894689

Catsup is sweeter, so no it's not the same thing as ketchup.

>> No.3894802


>mfw you edited that article, then copypasted it
>mfw article history shows this edit

lel fuck off now.

>> No.3894819

>Apply cold water to the burned area

>> No.3894836

>This page was last modified on 18 August 2012 at 10:22.

>> No.3895213

>implying I knew about this thread more than a month in advance
>implying no one can see what was changed in an edit
>implying you're not a giant fucktard

Back to >>>/v/ and "LOL /V/ CULTURE" with you.