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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 327 KB, 2048x1183, 1342558351297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3745072 No.3745072[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/
/v/ here.

We're arguing about which is the better Pizza, Chicago or New York.

Help us out.

>> No.3745079

Is all of the stuffing in the chicago pizza cheese? If so, that's fucking disgusting. Only in america man.

>> No.3745083

I'm from New York. The point of the NY slice is that its a mobile food. All you have to do is fold it and keep going. With a chicago slice you have to sit down with a fork and knife and take your time to eat it. For the city that never sleeps its a perfect concoction.

>> No.3745088

Italy /thread

Both those "pizzas" look like shit.

>> No.3745092

We already have multiple threads on this on multiple boards. Somebody is spamming this image HARD.

>> No.3745097

New York for fancy topping or plain or tomato pie.

Chicago for fucking heartattack inducing amounts of meat toppings and general hugeness.

I have loads of NY style pizza around me (I'm in NY) but I would kill for an awesome chicago style place because I'm so sick of eating NY style every time.


>> No.3745102

You can get the left in Europe, but it's the really cheap kind you get at bad bakeries during the off-hours. Right one... I have no idea what that even is. Mutate pie of some kind? Quiche?

>> No.3745107

chicago, wtf is wrong with you. that slop you crank out is more like lasagna with bread. and all that cheese! i couldn't take a shit the entire time i was in chicago, thanks assholes. i'd be ashamed if my cities name was associated with the abomination that you faggots try to pass as "pizza".

new york, don't let the haters discourage you and keep up the good work. you guys took an italian dish and made it better. the reason americans love pizza so much is because of your pizza influence. crisp, thin, foldable, portable and delicious, yal have the perfect pizza and one of the best street foods on earth.

>> No.3745112


Fellow Eurofag here, I can confirm this word for word.
The New York pizza looks EXACTLY like the kind of pizza you get in kebab places/bakeries/other places that don't serve real pizza.

That Chicago thing.....well, it's fascinating. But not pizza.

>> No.3745114
File: 24 KB, 484x323, picUTznvW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck all of you, St. Louis style pizza is superior to all other pizzas.

>> No.3745116

honestly, op really posted the worst of both worlds

>> No.3745117

Am I the only one that hates thin crust?

>> No.3745118

new york because everyone i've ever met from chicago is an insufferable blowhard

>> No.3745135

mah nigga

>> No.3745141


It certainly looks a lot more like real pizza than those abominations the OP posted.

>> No.3745148

St. Louis style pizza is pretty great if I feel like having ridiculously crispy crust with BACON n shit on it, but I still prefer really good NY pizza

>> No.3745152

Thin, crispy and chewy is how pizza should be.
None of this deep pan, deep dish nonsense.

>> No.3745156

bitches don't know about my provel.

I should order some Imos.

>> No.3745159
File: 57 KB, 450x283, pala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pala in NYC rocks the shit out of pretty much any pizza I've had. Lombardi's is great too. There is good Chicago-style pizza, but it's hard to come by.

>> No.3745160
File: 1.16 MB, 1969x1434, texas style pizza.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how has nobody mentioned texas style pizza yet? are you yankees really so detached from the real world that you don't even have texas pizza up there? you sound like a bunch of whining autistics. and please, do not come to texas if you are curious about our pizza. stay wherever you are.

>> No.3745161

Hell yeah! I order Imos every time I go up to St. Louis. Shit is so cash.

>> No.3745165

Looks like barbecue sauce.

I fucking hate barbecue sauce.

>> No.3745169


That actually looks good....except for the meat. I don't know what it is, but it's not appropriate for pizza.

>> No.3745180

>Steer semen on a plate

You can keep your "pizza", Tejas.

>> No.3745186

Arguing delicious item A vs delicious item B is stupid. It's like comparing cheesecake to cream pie. They're just not the same things.

>> No.3745187

that meat is slow smoked beef brisket. it may not be a "proper" topping for a pizza, but down here we don't give a fuck about what italians and northerners think about pizza. if you thumb your nose then your loss for missing out on the greatest pizza meat ever. bring on the smoked meats, jalapenos, onions, and spicy bbq sauce please.

>> No.3745212

>implying that everyone on 4chan but you is a yankee.

I'm from New Orleans faggot.

>> No.3745219


I....accept your argument. I can't see your funny Texan ingredients working in a classic pizza way, but it may well be delicious nonetheless.

>> No.3745221

cool, i love new orleans. someone there should make a gumbo pizza if yal aren't too serious about how to eat gumbo. the crust could be light and airy like french bread, the sauce could be a thicker version of the gumbo liquid, and the toppings could be the "trinity" of celery, onions, and bell pepper, and the meats could be chicken and sausage or shrimps. it would of course be served with file powder as a condiment.

how would you feel about this pizza, new orleansfag?

>> No.3745222

>thicker version of the gumbo liquid
You mean link related?
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Étouffée

>> No.3745224

I'm not the other anon, but I'm from New Orleans and had something similar once. They used to make them at this pizza place that closed down. I wish they hadn't those pizza were delicious.

>> No.3745225

That may work, I'm not sure if even a thicker version of gumbo sauce wouldn't soak through the crust. I mean, an etouffee might work (I love piling that shit upon some good French bread and eating it open faced-sandwich style) but it would have to be eaten right away. I would dig it if somebody could figure it out.

>> No.3745227

Use rice as a barrier between the sauce and the crust.

>> No.3745231

great idea. although instead of a rice barrier i would make the liquid as thick as possible and then mix the rice in with it so that it would be more like a thick paste.

>> No.3745233

So this base as the sauce, then the trinity on top of it? You could even add some chicken or sausage and shrimp. I could so dig that man.

>> No.3745234

All I know is Sinatra came to Connecticut for a slice, not New York.

>> No.3745237

i know, right? i've never though of it until anon said they were from new orleans, and now my stomach is rumbling just thinking about a gumbo pizza. topping a slice with a few dashes of tabasco or crystal would really put it over the top. i'll have to cook this one day and make a thread.

>> No.3745240

Pizza: according to Chicago.
Pizza: according to the whole world, minus Chicago.

I'm going with the world on this one.
One city of niggers is insignificant.

>> No.3745253

all of this is making me want to open a southern style pizza restaurant.
first we have the texas pizza w bbq sauce, smoked brisket, onion, jalapeno and cheese.
then we have the newly conceived louisiana pizza with french bread crust, gumbo sauce, rice, the trinity, chicken and sausage, served with gumbo file and hot sauce.
then i could have a mexican pizza. the sauce could be a mix of refried beans and chili con queso, the meat could be ground beef or fajita beef or chicken, the veggies would be onion, cilantro, jalapeno, jalapeno and poblano, and topped with a layer of queso quesadilla. it would be served with seperate cold toppings that could be applied at the customers discretion. stuff like shredded lettuce, pico de galo, corn, guacamole, and sour cream.

if anyone has other ideas for a southern style of pizza lemme know. but seriously, do you guys think anyone would eat at a place like this? i've always been interested in opening a small food place and i already have lots of recipes and experience cooking gumbo, tex mex, and smoking meats. all i would really need to do is get a good crust recipe and master baking pizzas. sounds like it would be alot of fun if people in the southern states would actually be into it.

>> No.3745256


I don't live in the South or even the US but I fully support your endeavor.

>> No.3745261

If you opened one up in New Orleans I would totally be into it.

>> No.3745263

i LOVE me some ALABAMA pizza

Dominos !

25814 Canal Road #6 Orange Beach, AL 36561
(251) 981-8880

Best Pizza in the South

>> No.3745267

Give /ck/ers a discount, please.

>> No.3745265

Get some taste testers first. What YOU think taste great doesn't mean other people do. Also, too many ingredients = higher costs. Like the other person, I support your idea.

>> No.3745274

i'd like to have a pizza for each of the deep south states, however i am only familiar with the foods of texas, mexico, and louisiana. what are some popular regional foods in alabama, mississipi, and florida?

i'm also having ideas for appetizers instead of wings and breadsticks. for the louisianna pizza there would be fried boudain balls, for the mexican pizza there could be chips w salsa and queso, and for the texas pizza there could be breadsticks only they would be made of cornbread and have chunks of corn and peppers in them.

i wanna fucking do this.

>> No.3745283

Alabama Pizza = cheddar cheese

>> No.3745286

i was thinking something along the lines of velveeta, sliced hot dogs, and pork rinds. the appetizer could be homemade slim jims.

seriously though, theres gotta be something good there that isn't a ripoff of louisianna food.

>> No.3745297


>> No.3745298


"Alabama's culinary style combines the historical and cultural influences of the region. From distinct Cajun and French overtones to African borrowings, from Native American to Spanish influences, Alabama's culinary style is a melting pot which creates a variety of hearty, comforting fare. "

So yes it is basically a ripoff of everything else.

>> No.3745309

definitely, i'm gonna start making these at home and practicing before i take any steps towards opening a place. i'd also share them with friends and family to get alot of input. the hardest thing is gonna be perfecting the crust, i cook all the time but have little experience making fresh doughs and breads. other than that though alot of my recipes have been perfected and confirmed god-tier by everyone whos had them. much of it is homemade stuff i learned from my dad, stuff like his bbq sauce recipe, spice rub for brisket, chicken and sausage gumbo, and how to smoke brisket. i've taught myself how to do tex mex but i've gotten to where i am pretty good at replicating some of the best tex mex joints.

the only thing is that these pizzas are gonna be fucking expensive by the time i make them the way i want them. everythings gonna have to use my lengthy recipes and be homemade. it cant succeed as a small town thing, i'll have to open shop in houston or dallas and cater to a wealthier clientele.

>> No.3745317

yea, i was looking into it. other than ripping foods off from other states, the only other thing that is springing to mind for them would be southern comfort food theme using things such as southern fried chicken, fresh greens cooked w bacon, and gravy. if i do it, it'll be tricky and i'll probably have to lump alabama and mississippi together and instead have sort of a deep south pizza.

>> No.3745340

Bama and Tenn. /ck/fag here. Popular foods here is mainly "soul food" type offerings. Memphis is *well* known for their barbecue but the south is definitely not known for its pizza.

I have tried Giordanno's pizza (delivered frozen) and that pizza, or rather pie, was fucking delicious.

>> No.3745384

its true that the south is not known for our pizza, which is the main reason that this concept is so appealing to me. i would love for us to have a delicious and unique style of pizza with an identity that sets it apart from the rest of the states. rather than being defined by its crust like new york or chicago, it would instead be unique because of it's unashamed use of popular regional dishes and ingredients. it sounds like a delicious and creative slap in the face to the seemingly autistic pizza "experts" in the north that argue about authenticity and the way a pizza "oughta" be. i'd totally disregard this elitist and purist attitude and instead make pizzas that are far tastier and more original than what is being made elsewhere.

southern pizza, where the most popular toppings are smoked brisket, shredded fried chicken, and crawfish. seems like win to me.

>> No.3745403


Only good at the end of a night out, which is surprise, surprise when they sell them. I do end up graving such awful food when drunk though (I sank as low as a whole 12" chocolate and banana one once).

>> No.3745442
File: 1.85 MB, 518x292, not bad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.

>> No.3745464


>> No.3745465

Chicago is better, but its so rich that I would only like to eat once a month at most.

NYC is good and I could easily eat it everyday for lunch if I didn't care about becoming a fat ass

>> No.3745801

Only the cheap shitty buy-and-go places in NYC serve the plastic joke vomit. All the decent places are coal/wood fired ovens with fresh toppings. Try somewhere like Waldy's on 6th ave.

>> No.3745847

I live in Kansas City and make BBQ pizza all the time. Usually with left over Oklahoma Joe's or Arthur Bryants. Sure it's a bastardization of "real" pizza but you can't eat it and not fucking love it.

>> No.3745860

well it depends what you're in the mood for...being born in chicago, i'm always in the mood for deep dish! however, i moved to new england and the only place i can get it is shit!

>> No.3747914
File: 32 KB, 453x333, 091608 Marie's whole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3747951

They're not the same fucking dish. One's a fucking pancake, the other is a fucking pie.

But New York is vastly superior, fold that shit and go.

>> No.3747956

I'd take the left any day.

>> No.3747968

ITT: People who've never had a Chicago pizza

You fucking sluts would be begging for Chicago to go deep inside you if you'd ever had it before. Huge hunks of tomato, meat, cheese, on an inch thick layer of dough. It's fucking heaven in a pie crust.

>> No.3747974

chicago stuff is pizza the same way a gyro is a taco

one of the requirements of pizza is that its a flat bread, its where the name come from for fuck sakes

>> No.3748001
File: 465 KB, 2048x1536, 2012-04-24 17.01.20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and its amazing isnt it?

>> No.3748024

more like shitcago

>> No.3748041

Where is that from?

>> No.3748042

By the looks of it, the dumpster.

>> No.3748072

what is that

>> No.3748078

It's clear none of you niggers have ever made your own dough, much less made a pizza yourself using homemade ingredients.

Neither styles are superior, each require a special touch. Thin crust (NOT NEW YORK YOU FUCKING IDIOTS) requires a light touch of toppings, but can be delicious. and a high temp oven.

Deep dish requires a lower slower cook and needs to be treated like a pie.

None of you niggers have ever cooked either of these pizzas. Go to bed, don't wake up.

>> No.3748082
File: 4 KB, 250x242, 92.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Nigger right here

>> No.3748083

looks like SOMEBODY is a little pizza'd off

>> No.3748098
File: 1.14 MB, 1200x786, chicago_style_pizza_with_rich_tomato_topping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I respect the whole "getting your money's worth", I simply am not feeling this. I just know eating slices like that will make me feel too full, the stuff that's on a pizza isn't meant to be eaten in brick sized portions, it's suppose to be somewhat of a delicacy (term used very loosely).

I'd rather have a thin crust with just the right amount of cheese, and if I feel like I'm too light on the toppings, get some ricotta..and garlic.

>> No.3748106

I buy my own pizza crust for $1 (3 personal size crusts) because I don't feel like waiting the yeast nor having to clean up the counter. A Chicago "pizza" should be called a cake. Though, when /sp/ was debating it, they called it lasagna which made me lol.

>> No.3748273

Italian any day, fuck your american "pizza".

>> No.3748278

They each have their places.

>> No.3748298
File: 246 KB, 2048x1536, IMG01265-20111025-1824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who was a wood fired oven pizza cook for a year, I know my way around a pizza.

A rule for authentic pizza: Thin

As far as which is better? It's up to preference. Some people like cucumbers better pickled.

Pic related: the 800 degree oven I got to work with everyday.

>> No.3748301

Chicago style pizza is a casserole.

>> No.3748312
File: 280 KB, 745x581, ewopdnhge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never tried either, and both in the picture look pretty shit tier pizza, but I would go with the chigaco one because I have a big appetite and love cheese.

>> No.3748318
File: 162 KB, 600x599, 600px-Pizza_Express.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King of fast food pizza, although its still too good to be even called fast food.

I crave the pizza from this place.

>> No.3748324


Tried the garlic dough balls? instacum in my pants

>> No.3748326

Are NY crusts crunchy? I love crunch crusts.

>> No.3748328

Oh my god yes. Been eating there since I was a little girl, I always order them.

They do desert dough balls now with nutella, which I'm not so crazy for but they're still fucking tasty.

>> No.3748353

>Implying American pizza could be good

>> No.3748388


Pizzavilla, Dekalb

>> No.3748415


I'm sure the Chicago "pizza" is really nice, but that ain't no pizza. The New York one might be cheap and greasy, but at least it's actually a pizza.

>> No.3748591
File: 66 KB, 550x413, JohnnysHogHeaven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you faggots talking about southern pizza need to hit up Johnny's Pizza House in Northern Louisiana.

Hog Heaven: Smoked ham, Andouille Sausage, bacon, pork sausage, jalapeños, mozzarella, and cheddar.

Sweep the Swamp: Onions, bell peppers, jalapeño, crawfish, shrimp, crab, and andouille sausage.

Get on my level!

>> No.3748609
File: 11 KB, 312x297, 1341634277852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3748611


You like that, huh? You're not from the region, are you?

>> No.3748614

Nope. Born and raised in Georgia.

>> No.3748615


Samefag. They got that Sweep the Kitchen, too. Best supreme pizza ever conceived.

Onions, mushrooms, black olives, bell peppers, pepperoni, smoked ham, pork sausage, ground beef, jalapeños, and anchovies.

That shit is Titan Tier, it came before the gods.

>> No.3748620


Used to live down there, and worked for them for 2 years. Awesome pizza, hugely franchised there because of its success, fairly down and dirty, but awesome.

Some locations will actually ship you a frozen, unbaked pizza. My manager once shipped a Sweep to Alaska after they moved up there.

Been meaning to call him up and get one shipped to me here in TN, but haven't had the extra funds. So worth it.

>> No.3748624

The right one is a pie, not a pizza.

>> No.3748633

Wait, are you telling me there are Johnny's Pizzas here in Georgia?

>> No.3748643


No no no. Sorry. I wish, for your sake. They are located mainly in Northern Louisiana between Monroe and Shreveport. It started in Monroe. They have since expanded to either Longview or Tyler, Texas, and Texarkana, Arkansas. They want to expand towards Mississippi and Tennessee. I would imagine eventually across the South the the East Coast. Basically anywhere remotely Creole.

>> No.3748647

Aw damn. Well, looks like I've got one more place to visit when I go to Louisiana.

>> No.3748650


Find a particular store in Monroe, LA, that has consistently good reviews, call up, speak to the manager and ask if they would be willing to ship a few "take & bake" pizzas to you. It will cost extra, but I doubt they would say no. I'd get the Sweep the Kitchen (no anchovies is my preference, or at least light anchovies) and the Hog Heaven (you might have to add cheddar, I can't remember if it comes on it?). Sweep the Swamp is seasonal, and only available in late spring when Crawfish is in season.

>> No.3748663

Thanks a lot for the tip, bro!

>> No.3749747
File: 231 KB, 500x292, P1000076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhh fuck yes

>> No.3749765

and what is this? looks great, i'm more into think crispy crust than chicago bread lasagna

>> No.3749781

Another nolafag here - I am firmly committed to this Etouffee Pizza experiment. My only concern is that etouffee is basically just a roux with shit in it - probably gonna be rich as fuck.... thinking a nice, dark-as-fuck Cajun-style, oil-based roux and crawfish tails. This will happen, probably this weekend. I will post an after-action report.

>> No.3749808

This from the west coast? Theyre the only fucking place Ive ever seen do fucking square cuts on pizza, its gay a fuck and pisses me off, god damn hipsters.
That aside, some of the best pizza in the town im from are square cut, pisses me off every time.

>> No.3749847



>> No.3750045
File: 77 KB, 600x399, chicago-thin-crust-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, this is Chicago Style. This is the more common pizza you will find in Chicago and suburban areas around Chicago. Deep dish is very good and unique, but its not something i would get every time.

>> No.3750065

NYer here, our pizza is so damned good. My favorite is margherita.
Never been to Chicago, but your pizza looks sorta like the Sicilian kind...
Sicilian is okay, but I feel like the crust is too big.
I guess it's a matter of preference.
>tfw you can never recreate the awesome taste/texture of pizzeria pizza without a brick oven and that special pizza sauce
Making pizza at home is all right, but just never the same.

>> No.3750079

NY!!!! That's how the Italians made it and what I stick by.

>> No.3750093


looks fucking great. i have nothing against chicago, but goddamn the chicago deep dish is a....words fail me now........ok. ITS FUCKING BAD. i've heard several people mention that there is another better thin crust style around town. i would most love to taste some, it looks delicious. like i said, nothing against chi-town, but yal gotta keep that deep dish shit under wraps. its really terrible and its like a tourist trap. if yal can really make pizza as good as these chicago thin crust pizza pics look, then be fuckin proud and rep that shit.

>> No.3750126
File: 177 KB, 560x374, 20090921_giordanos_560x374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You must have had a bad experience because chicago deepdish is fucking godlike

pic very related

>> No.3750138

not sure i believe you, sire. that looks like an expensive stomach ache. whats the point in making a pizza so much bigger and heavier? its like the monster truck of pizzas. its just fucking unnecessary and gay.

these though, these look very nice. not so sure about the square cuts, but i'll bite. can't condemn the slice shape before i taste, and i can almost feel and taste the thin crisp goodness emanating from these pics. squares might be acceptable.

>> No.3750148

>go to chicago for a business meeting
>5 star hotel
>pizza place menu hanging on the door
>order a pizza
>1 hour later
>receive shit-tier circular lasagna

>> No.3750150

15 pounds of cheese?

No. Thanks. But no.

>> No.3750156
File: 1.07 MB, 266x268, 1338493368815.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unnecessary and gay.
>an expensive stomach ache.
that why you don't eat it all the time.

>> No.3750159
File: 463 KB, 1024x682, 6129494660_d58bac23fb_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The only part that is different that i would consider "heavier" would be the crust. There is pretty much the same amount of sauce and cheese, just that it's on top and is cooked differently.

>> No.3750161


that looks so fucking gross

>> No.3750164

That is absolutely not the same amount of sauce, cheese or bread I have on any of my pizzas.

Chicago logic is niggers.

>> No.3750167

I could see that being the same amount of sauce and cheese, but just put into a smaller size crust, making it pie like.

>> No.3750169


It is not that much more, simply sauce on top of cheese, it's an illusion.

>> No.3750176

gif made me laugh. but lets agree to disagree.

definitely not the same amount of cheese and sauce. like i said, chicago deep dish is like the monster truck of pizzas. whats the point in all of the extra weight and bulkiness? i'd much rather a lighter, sexier, and more streamlined Lamborghini. the extra weight and size is just excessive, and it doesn't really contribute to the experience as a whole. unless you're into your pizza crushing your stomach and energy level in the same way that a multi ton monster truck crushes cars and white people's dignity.

>> No.3750184

How do monster trucks crush (best) people's dignity?

>> No.3750208
File: 89 KB, 640x480, 129_0809_06_z%252Bannual_hanks_jamboree_monster_truck_show_must_go_on%252Bmud_dawgs_stuck_truck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well heres a start. it gets much worse.

>> No.3750226

>Image on left is a greasy cracker
>Image on right is a cheese-tomato casserole

That being said, I like big, thin, floppy, greasy pizza that smells so fucking delicious that you have to eat it RIGHT FUCKING NOW but you take a first bite and it's like biting into the molten core of Ares's anus and all the cheese strings out and slides off the pizza right onto your chin and your eyes water and you groan because everything is on fire but at the same time you're jizzing yourself because of that fine pizza flavor

That's good

>> No.3750622
File: 92 KB, 500x313, 2090715PizzeriaBrandiWholeThin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3750708

>eating pizza from anything that isn't a cone


>> No.3751042


needs more cheese

>> No.3751568
File: 101 KB, 600x430, bpp-vn01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3751625

That is fucking disgusting. Bad enough with Chicago claiming their quiche is a pizza, but calling that ... ABOMINATION ... pizza. HERESY!

>> No.3751633

I've been coming to /ck/ for 5 years now. My first day they had a NYvsChicago pizza thread.

Still going strong, /ck/. Never change.

>> No.3751639

Needs more sauce

>> No.3751752


Saw this thread 4 days ago

>> No.3751771
File: 61 KB, 549x200, kebab-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Amerifats have kebab-salad pizzas?

weird amalgamation, but it's delicious as fuck

>> No.3751881
File: 142 KB, 500x405, 5678093378_ffa9668a87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i had a gyro pizza once, i imagine its close to the same. It sucked

>> No.3751894
File: 43 KB, 364x450, 100_2015[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a book published before you were likely born that says you are full of shit.

>> No.3751898

>i imagine its close to the same

Poor you

>> No.3751899
File: 32 KB, 550x412, question-2499923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a person who lives in chicago now, but has lived in new york city also, i can respect a good new york slice

>> No.3751904
File: 106 KB, 500x303, 20090729ItalianExpressWhole2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish my gyro pizza looked like this

>> No.3752238

>As someone who was a wood fired oven pizza cook for a year,

>> No.3753445
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>> No.3753492
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>> No.3753507
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>> No.3753510
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the wings are better pendejo

>> No.3753552

> I have loads of NY style pizza around me (I'm in NY) but I would kill for an awesome chicago style place because I'm so sick of eating NY style every time.

I split my time between Philly and NJ and I'm getting sick of the NY pizza. Its good in some ways, but every place sells the same shit. Pisses me off that there are so many varieties of pizza out there, yet this region still promotes that horseshit NY Pie snobbery. And btw, most of it is shit. Its an easy pizza to make on the cheap because a flat, tasteless crust with minimal cheese is an easy thing to pull off with whatever ingredients you happen to have lying around.

I'm still a bit torn about this whole "chicago pizza isn't pizza" thing. My fav is St. Louis style (cracker crust, provolone mix cheese, diced toppings), and no one disputes that as being pizza. NY style is sort of half way inbetween the St Louis and Chicago style, so by my reckoning, Chicago style is just the other side of the spectrum. But that brings us back to the contentious aspect: is NY really the middle of the road, de-facto pizza?

My personal opinion is that Chicago style is a real pizza, of the deep dish variety. Yes it is overstuffed and the ingredient ratios take a little getting used to, but it is still a bread-based crust with tomato sauce and misc other toppings. Because it is layered and not a mixed stew, it does NOT qualify as a casserole. Just because it is huge and tall does not make it a casserole. By that reckoning, macaroni and cheese, turkey pot pie, and mince meat pie are all casseroles too.

>> No.3753561

> Is all of the stuffing in the chicago pizza cheese? If so, that's fucking disgusting. Only in america man.

I've eaten quite a few chicago pizzas and none look like the one in the pic. That looks more like a quiche. It looks like spinach and ricotta, basically a completely fucked up lasagna. I would not eat that.

A real chicago pizza has tall sides (like the pic), but the innards do not pile up on top of each other to give you a 2" thick pizza. Its typically a regular layer of toppings, then the cheese, then sauce on top. Nothing particularly exotic about that.

What you are all forgetting about is how fucking delicious the crust is. It has a texture and a flavor that would remind you of a cross between a cherry pie crust and cathead biscuits. Flakey, buttery, wow.

>> No.3753563

I like you; you reasonable man, you.

>> No.3753565

Macaroni and cheese is a casserole

>> No.3753570

>how fucking delicious the crust is. It has a texture and a flavor that would remind you of a cross between a cherry pie crust and cathead biscuits. Flakey, buttery, wow.

THIS THIS THIS. That goddamn delicious crust is the thing that keeps calling me back for more. Sure, the toppings and cheese are all good, but THAT CRUST. Every once in awhile, I get a craving and I gotta have it. Luckily, where I live now, even though it's not in Chicago anymore, there's an excellent Chicago style pizza place that makes authentic crust. So buttery good. Your description was spot on.

>> No.3753591

You're eating a casserole with pastry pie crust and pizza ingrediants. That's not pizza.

>> No.3753598

Well, since you can't seem to spell "ingredients" correctly, I'll just disregard your post. Also, you obviously haven't had one, shut the fuck up.

>> No.3753610

I've had plenty. Why would you disregard an informative post due to one typo you cunt.

Chicago deep dish is exactly wtf it is. A pizza casserole with a pie crust. There's no fucking deep dark secrets or conspiracies. Those pies taste great if made well and you're into that type of thing.

The fact has always remained that they're not pizzas though. If you're proud enough or attached enough to a fucking food item to defend calling it something it's not, chill the fuck out and realize it's a dish that has evolved from several dishes. Stop trying to refer to it as something it isn't.

>> No.3753629

Thanks bros, your comments made my day. I posted both comments, and this is the first time in all these years that my posts have not resulted in:

A) thread is fast-tracked to page 15 in record time

B) I get called a faggot plebe who has gone full retard

Going out on a limb here, I'm not really sensing a lot of heart-felt "pizza purism". If so, everyone outside of the east PA/NJ/NJ would be making the case that their regional pizza is the real deal and NY style is the imposter.

Is is possible that Uno's is the cause of all this controversy? A chain pizza, widely available in all its odd tasting, overpriced glory, available everywhere that real Chicago pizza is not?

Too Smirnoff'd to come up with a cute analogy, but I'm sensing some folks, when thinking of hamburgers, only bring a McD's plain hamburger to mind when the subject is brought up. McD's is ubiquitous, it is a standard. Everyone has had their hamburger. It becomes the defacto hamburger, but in no way calibrates hamburger quality.

Don't get me wrong, Uno's is all I have available and I like it on occasion. The tomato sauce is very nice. Its like lightly spiced tomato chunks, not that watery tomato diarrhea you get with other chains (so pitiful they disregard one of the best parts). Crust is tastey. Just something "off" about it. I sure hope you guys don't make final judgement about Chicago pizza based on Uno's. Uno's is the McD's plain hamburger of the Chicago pizza world.

>> No.3753631

Let's say I was to go to Chicago just to have a pizza or to sample various Chicago-style pizzas, where would I go?

>> No.3753640

There are only a handful of cities in the US worth visiting. Chicago isn't one of them. Just go to Ny for pizza, there is every single style of pizza there and the best pizzerias in the world are here.

There are so many native born Italians here with shops that compete annually and win in international pizza competitions.

I hate your guts because you shitpost and contradict yourself constantly but I can't stand seeing a foreigner going to a medium Midwestern city for any type of food.

>> No.3753646

Wow, it sure did take you a long time to come up with your pseudo-intellectual post, didn't it? And no, your post wasn't informative, it was insulting and derogatory, but nice try at a recovery.

>> No.3753650


please go fucking die. tons of garbage food tastes amazing. the stupid fuck northerners/foreigners attitude people assume in the midwest and south is why people hate you so god damn much. nothing about your society is so much better than any other one that you're beyond criticism. get over yourself and your shit fucking culture.

>> No.3753653

Here I'll simplify it for you lil newfag.

Chicago deep dish isn't pizza.

>> No.3753657

> New York pizza for sure. I pay $2 For a slice of cheese. I don't think anyone sells Chicago style slices,prob make u buy the entire pie which from what I hear a whole one cause around $25. Fuck you Chicago I'll stick to new York style


>> No.3753660

Awwwwww, aren't summerfags cute?

>> No.3753669

>tons of garbage food tastes great

Uhh... Okay... I agree, but my post had nothing to do with garbage food.

>foreigners attitude people assume in the midwest and south is why people hate you so god damn much.

Dunno what that means. You aren't good at imageboard buddy. Lurk for a year and try again.

>nothing about your society is so much better than any other one that you're beyond criticism. get over yourself and your shit fucking culture.


I've been to Chicago several times. I wouldn't reccomned anyone visiting that city unless you had family or business there. Nothing wrong with living there. It's not a destination city by any means.

Please kill yourself. This board is at this point completely overrun by teenage newcunts and foreign newfags that don't even know what their posting or why.

Mods warn this poster like you did the other poster that made the same thread last week.

>> No.3753671

Hey Sceak, hope you are doing well, glad to have you back.

I'm anxious about any replies to that question. I went to Chitown on a college "pay $89 for 3 days in the windy city, see a show, have a good meal, and feel the butthurt of an 18hr chartered bus ride". My mom sent me off with $40 (no job, was taking 19 credit hrs at the time, no time for work or sanity). I ate at the original Uno's but for some reason the waitress did not card anyone at my table (me, some smiley dude, and a couple fat chics, so we drank ourselves silly... i mean, who can resist when you are 19 and offered a bar menu?). The pizza was therefor delicious. The bill was gigantic, largest I had ever seen ($135, big money back then). Weird thing was, I fell in love at first site with this girl on first site who came to my hotel room and wanted to treat me to a carriage ride while i was laid out flat on my back begging the room to stop spinning right after I got back from the Unos. Still kicking myself up in the ass over that. I feel like Chicago pizza owes me something a little more than clogged arteries.

The next day I blew off the regular activities to go to a film fest and got turned on to Tarantino's Resevoir Dogs. Both experiences changed my life.

And in all fairness, in the one in a bazillion change Stephanie from MUM is a 4chan troll, no matter where you go or what you do, you'll always be my little surfer girl.

(cut me some slack, its saturday)

>> No.3753674

Shut the fuck up, redneck.

>> No.3753677

The board consensus has been that Chicago deep dish isn't pizza since /ck/ was launched in '06.

Real simple. Just dig deep within yourself, beyond what you've been told your whole life, look at the facts. Open your eyes.

>> No.3753678

All these people bitching about Chicago deep dish.
Pro Tip: We rarely eat that stuff and instead more often stick to our thin crust.

>> No.3753681

You are such a faggoty troll. Godspeed and good luck sir.

>> No.3753683

chicago deep dish is bread lasagna. i ate some when i went to chicago and couldn't shit for a week. no wonder you fuckers are so miserable.

>> No.3753684

He never left unfortunately. He's still samefagging, blogging here, contradicting himself and shitposting as always.

Okay I get it. So people that travel or "vacation" in cities like Chicago are poor college children? Sounds about right.

Wow who the fuck would spend 4 hours on a bus to Chicago?

Post pics of your bus tickets or show ticket lol

>> No.3753686

This. Since when as /ck/ ever liked deep dish? Most don't call it a quiche and casserole for nothing.

>> No.3753688

You really do need to lurk moar. Just look through the other 15 pages.

>> No.3753693


>> No.3753706

hey guys I want to make a pizza tomorrow what do I need?

I'm a vegetarian.

>> No.3753707

People wanted a pie not a cake.

>> No.3753731

>pizza means pie
Why would you even post that?


>> No.3753738

Dough, sauce, cheese. Stay away from pastry crust it contains butter.

You looking to make your own mozzarella? Dough? Sauce? /ck/ has always had a culture of awesome pizza threads.

>> No.3753784


>> No.3753810


As expected of all tripfriends.

>> No.3753814
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Actually, did you guys know that pizza was originally not made with cheese? It was actually just bread and sauce.

The more you know.

>> No.3753826


Sicilian pizza you mean?

It's great. It's like squares of bread with some nice toppings. My favorite kind of pizza, I think.

>> No.3753832

oh my... That looks delicious o_o

>> No.3753836


saying anything "texas" about pizza = garbage food.

Also, good to know you think Chicago is the only other city in the country besides good ole Texas. Learn to fucking culture more newfag.

>> No.3753840
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Since /ck/ tried some good deep dish and said "Holy shit, I'll never be able to eat that thin flappy shit again."

Seriously, have you tried it? It's fucking amazing. Dat crust.

>> No.3753841

If you're going to show Chicago Pizza, at least show a good looking one instead of the same gross looking pic.

>> No.3753843

God, I want to stick my dick right into her mouth and fuck it.

>> No.3753861

Pizza (i/ˈpiːtsə/, Italian pronunciation: [ˈpittsa]) is an oven-baked, flat, round bread typically topped with a tomato sauce, cheese and various toppings.

>new york

A pie is a baked dish which is usually made of a pastry dough casing that covers or completely contains a filling of various sweet or savoury ingredients.


left a pizza, the one on the right looks like pie

Italianfag here. Urbino has real pizza

American pizza looks like mcdonalds

>> No.3753866


Wiki expert detected

>> No.3753874

>Eating a pizza with a knife and fork
>Is actually a Texas pizza

Way to fail.

>> No.3753880

You retards do realize Chicago thin crust is more prominent in the area than deep dish? Not to mention it's better than anything New York has to offer.

>> No.3753957

No wonder America is full of fatties
You guys fight over which pizza is the real thing

They're both pizza, Chicago is just more tradition. Fuck off

>> No.3753986

Jew York

>> No.3754008

i hate deep dish pizza, too much bread

thin crust ftw

>> No.3754495
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it's been mentioned many times, in this very thread.

>> No.3754521

Here it is folks. Chicago's connoisseur of pizza has journeyed up and down New York to reach the conclusion that Chicago's pizza is better than anything New York has to offer of all it's possible restaurants, people, recipe's, quality and ingredients.

I don't know how he did it, but he apparently managed to sample every single pizza in New York!

>> No.3754527

All this arguing is retarded. There are many different styles of pizza just as there are many different styles of sandwiches, pastas, cakes, etc...

Put the name of Chicago or New York in front of any of these items and you'll get people from both of those places bickering against each other about which one is better. It just goes to show you how dumb people from Chicago and New York are.

>> No.3754531

FYI "chicago" deep dish pizza was created by a man from TEXAS

1/10 made me post
fuck chicago and fuck you new york

>> No.3754536

>thread started 5 days ago
>replying to OP
>"1/10, made me respond"
you're only here because you think that someone else has shitty opinions, don't be so angry anon

>> No.3754546

lol you so funny
green text faggot
go eat more pizza you fat faced piece of shit
this whole board sucks

>> No.3754571

>U mak me haz a sad
I like my board

>> No.3754593

>All this arguing is retarded.

There would be no arguing if Jew Pork would just admit that they don't have actual pizza. Chicago is the only place in the world that knows how to make REAL pizza.

Chicago > rest of the world

Deal w/ it.

>> No.3754595

I think you mean Texas pizza.

>> No.3754604

arguing about pizza is pretty stupid but i guess its an unavoidable trap of having a food board

>> No.3754607

Texas doesn't have it, so NOPE.

>> No.3754610

Yes, it's a Texas pizza. Who do you think invented your pizza that you took credit for.

>> No.3754616


Italians, because they invented all pizza

>> No.3754621

>Chicago is just more tradition

Nigger, the first pizza in America was in New york in 1905 and then 40 years later Chicago came up with their fat fuck HURRPIZZA.

>> No.3754624

I'm talking about the deep dish cake. Of course pizza was invented by the Italians.

>> No.3754628

I dont like chicago pizza.

The crust is crap, too hard...no texture, and even less flavor. The flavor of the toppings is overwhelmed by the massive amount of cheese. They're impossible to eat without a fork and knife...and worst of all

They're 4x more expensive than normal pizzas.

>> No.3754635

> Chicago > rest of the world

Let's cut these guys some slack. One of the top 5 sized cities in the US and what do they have? Sears Tower? Weird Pizza?

I loved the Al Capone character in Boardwalk Empire tho. And I'm very happy that I know he will not die next season, since of course he died many years later.

And about the pizza.... This discussion is completely absurd. Either you have tried it or not. You like it or you don't. No one owns a patent on the word "pizza". Its gone the way of xerox, escalator, kleenex, thermos, etc.

Quit spitting in my hair and telling me its raining.

>> No.3754648
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They also have a hot dog stand where the staff is rude to you. Rude! Like in a real city! This proves that Chicago is indeed relevant, in addition to the tall building and that airport that was once really busy.

>> No.3754798
File: 55 KB, 500x375, 20101029-pizza-lab-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why am i the only one posting pics of pizzas?

>> No.3754807


I've had both Chicago pizza and New York pizza, and while both good in their own respects, Chicago pizza is far superior.

The rest of your argument is invalid

>> No.3754819
File: 129 KB, 395x386, 1342305319485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hawaiian pizza is a pizza that usually consists of a cheese and tomato base with pieces of ham and pineapple. Often versions will have mixed peppers, mushrooms and bacon. Another variety consists of pineapple and Canadian bacon[1]. It is the most popular pizza in Australia, accounting for 95% of pizza sales.

yfw most Australians haven't ever eaten real pizza

>> No.3754828


I'm Australian and I hate Hawaiian. Pineapple doesn't go well with pretty much anything, let alone something that it obviously shouldn't go with, namely pizza.

That statistic kinda sounds like bullshit though. I know it's popular, but 95% seems ridiculous.

>> No.3754849

That's a lahmacun, you prole

>> No.3755029
File: 346 KB, 1600x1200, UUr1j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dear god

>> No.3755114

Hawaiian is the best pizza.

>> No.3755126

I hope you step on a lego you tremendous faggot

>> No.3755127

Please leave /ck/ forever. Pizza Hawaii is an insult to the name and a fucking atrocity.

>> No.3755131

Sticks and stones and all that. Hawaiian is great. A nice balanced pizza.

>> No.3755132
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not good in the slightest

but i give you... pizza fries

>> No.3755133

No. At least, it's still a pizza unlike that stuff Chicago makes.

>> No.3755134

>one of the sweetest, strongest flavor fruits there are
>on a fucking pizza

>> No.3755135

I've also had pizza chips (as in the potato chips).

>> No.3755137

It probably has less sugar than the tomato sauce people use.

>> No.3755138
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Sort of want......

>> No.3755209
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>> No.3755262
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>> No.3755263

Daytonafag here. The only place I know where I can get Chicago-style pizza in my area is Uno.

Seriously, hit up any pizza place in Daytona Beach that isn't a Pizza Hut, Domino's, or Papa John's. I guarantee, 9 out of 10 times it will be a New York style pizza place.

I mean, I like New York style pizza, but variety is the spice of life. From what I have had, I have enjoyed the Chicago-style pizzas I've eaten, but I'm sure that if I look hard enough, there'll be a place that is superior in every way to Uno, but as far as I know, there are pretty much no other places near me that serve Chicago-style.

>> No.3755264

Burnt and I see somebody's hair there.

>> No.3755273

left has no toppings and scrawny crust, right is a fucking tomato cheesecake.

Both are shit.

>> No.3755283

Only sort of?
That looks fucking delicious to me.
goddam my fat body.

>> No.3755330

>>comments on first picture

>> No.3755625

Pizza is shit tier food. I hope you enjoy your heart attacks...

>> No.3755626

I only eat it once a month, man.

>> No.3755627
File: 228 KB, 600x474, calappa sulcata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heart attacks?

...Dis nigga ain't eatin' the right pizza. GTFO of /ck/.

>> No.3755940
File: 32 KB, 228x250, Chicago-Pizza-228x225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3755946



DA bears.

>> No.3755960

New York thin crust is what "pizza" is
... But Chicago... Chicago pizza is a feast in one slice.

>> No.3755984
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>> No.3755998


>> No.3756020

>Americans talking about pizza

>> No.3756031


>> No.3756112

both of those look like vomit.
This is why politics are shit too
fucking assholes polarizing everything.

>> No.3756129

fuck you dominoes fiery hawaiian is god tier.

>> No.3756136

Dear Jesus both those look disgusting.
You should try some real pizza, no joke.
inb4 pizza is american.

>> No.3756148

Is the right pizza?
i am left

>> No.3756233

enjoy your quiche, Chicago
enjoy your gas station tier pizza, Jew York

better luck next time, america

>> No.3757089

fuck you

>> No.3757104

Quiche is made with egg, my friend.

>> No.3757107



>> No.3757112


Get your fucking smilies off /ck/

>> No.3757123



>> No.3757569
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>> No.3757613

so in short theres a pizza on the left. And... diabetes on the right.

>> No.3757639

pizza diavola>all of this shitty pizza

>> No.3757746


>> No.3757947

The chicago 'pizza' is actually a pie, the other is just what the pic says it is. Italian made pizza is the best, all others are bad imitations.

>> No.3757997
File: 47 KB, 400x300, stuffedsuperpizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pizza hut stuffed crust super supreme

pepperoni, ham, beef, pork sausage, Italian sausage, red onions, mushrooms, green peppers and black olives

Add pineapples and extra cheese.


Not a personally taken pic, but what it is.

>> No.3757999

my nigger.

I don't understand these 1-2 topping pizza's. if I can see the cheese underneath there is not enough toppings. I'm not going to pay 10+ bucks for a box of milk and bread.

Thus to accomodate these toppings you can't be using that shitty thin crust either. You need a hefty crust that can bear the weight. Since it's going to be so thick go ahead and throw some cheese on the end of the fucker anyway.

>> No.3758001

Would you like some pizza with your pile of meat?

>> No.3758006

Both of those pizzas look vile

America is a complete and utter shithole. How are you fags even so fat when even your junk food is awful. The most artificial and overflavored garbage I've ever eaten in my life. BBQ FLAVORED, CHEESE ON EVERYTHING, FRIED

I bet you fags don't even know what pudding is supposed to taste like

>> No.3758028
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>New York Style
Oh god I hate America...

>> No.3758029

>I bet you fags don't even know what pudding is supposed to taste like
Not American but...
Cornstarch, sugar, and lifestyle diseases?

>> No.3758031

Something you don't sell for 2 cents in a pack of 40 with cheap ingredients so it could be affordable for fatties who eat more than one in a single citting

>> No.3758032
File: 194 KB, 704x396, My+Boss+My+Hero+ep01+%28704x396+DivX6%29.avi_003303166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't know since I can never make it before they sell out ;_;

>> No.3758033

>I bet you fags don't even know what pudding is supposed to taste like

hook us up

>> No.3758034


>> No.3758037
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>> No.3758038


You forgot dipped in ranch.

>> No.3758055 [DELETED] 

>buy the worst foods--BBQ flavored, cheese covered, fried

>lol it's everyone else's fault I bought a can of cheese wiz flavored chips u guyz r fat xD

>> No.3758065

Italian pizza


>> No.3758278

You're a moron and a fucking faggot on some many levels. Pudding is fucking disgusting and pointless, I hope you choke on your own neck fat.

That said, I can't agree with "How are you fags even so fat when even your junk food is awful" enough, holy shit I don't understand it.

>> No.3758404

> and cater to a wealthier clientele.

Wealthy people are notorious for eating greasy pizza. Just kidding.

Your best bet is to target the younger crowd, especially college kids. Think of the kind of folks who don't cook and don't leave the house much and order pizza instead.

I'm a bit intrigued by this "name pizza after its state of origin". Being an expat on the east coast after moving from the midwest, I would cut a motherfucker in front of their own mama to get a nice Donatos/Cassanos pizza (st louis style) about right now.

NY, CA, OR (make it all hiipy tofu, etc), Canada. OH has some fantastic pizza. Your southern ideas seem solid as well.

Maine pizza with scallops and lobster chunks and lobster bisque for sauce. Maybe even an Illinois pie based off the chicago casserole.

Do please heed anons advise about getting to crazy with the ingredients. The pizza base (sauce, cheese, dough) is inherently cheap, but as soon as you get too fancy the spaghetti will spring from your pockets.

>> No.3758457

How dare me for noticing 98% of American food is shit, I should pay more attention for the 2% you can't find in your big box Walmarts that are everywhere!

>> No.3758483


It's "How dare I?"

And yawn.

>> No.3758523

> the extra weight and size is just excessive, and it doesn't really contribute to the experience as a whole.

OPs pic is a little misleading. Chicago style is one of those pies where only someone with something to prove or a bet to win eats more than 2 slices, BUT that pic is not really how 90% will turn out. What makes it Chicago is not the bulk its:

High sides, meaning it was cooked in a pan

The crust is kind of crumbly, not glutenized

Sauce is on top, which seals in the moisture to some extent

A *good* chicago pie is par baked with the cheese browned, then hot sauce added just before it is done baking (can be complicated at home but no worries, 3rd try max you will be a master).

Has godamn-motheherfucking-cocksucking-tier italian sausage which is the highlight of the entire experience. Its having to eat your wat into the pie to reach the sausage that makes the magic.

Just like J.J. Evans from Good Times said, "I dreamt I was in a room full of big macs... And I had to eat my way out"


>> No.3758541
File: 201 KB, 1024x621, -69e4555c28b2b526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Jet's Pizza? What do you guys think of them?

I'm a jets employee, so I'd like to see what people actually think of our insanely greasy pizza!

>> No.3758551

Oh, cool. They invented a tomato cake.

>> No.3758662
File: 73 KB, 700x530, 37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude, when i used to live in Florida i would get jets 8 corner pizza with pepperoni and i must say, was quite dank. Obviously pizza here in Chicago is far superior but i would say jets is pretty decent mid teir

dat crust omg

>> No.3758699

Expensive but I always enjoyed it. Love the deep dish.

>> No.3758707

Sucks because the sauce is too sweet.

>> No.3758713


Know how we get the crust so crispy and crunchy? It basically fry's in oil when it cooks. All deep dish pans are filled with 1-2oz of oil depending on size. So the dough literally deep fry's in the oil when it bakes. Shitty for us drivers since we scrape the pans and its a very messy process. We go through about 100+ rags a day probably.

>> No.3758781

>fork and knife
In Chicago, we don't have tiny, bitch-ass hands.

>> No.3758797

Deep dish or not I never eat pizza with a fork or knife. Who cares if you get messy? Use napkins and wash up after.

>> No.3758812

Other than being butthurt you don't live in Chicago, not "understanding" the pizza is explainable. You're just poor; you live the poor, penny-pincher lifestyle and you don't like the idea that something foreign and better would cost more to get done what you already get done for cheaper, taste buds be damned.

>> No.3758900


you can eat deep dish by hand but its acceptable to eat the first few bites with fork and knife

>> No.3758986

yeah thin pizza is boring and not filling

>> No.3759947
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>> No.3760238
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Bow before the mighty Scandinavian master race pizza.

>> No.3760246

Is that fucking mayonnaise?

Or... a soft cheese of some kind?

>> No.3760248

Yoghurt based chilli/garlic sauce, damn tasty at that.

>> No.3760255


looks delicious, bro

>> No.3760309

Why is this thread still alive?

>> No.3760339
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>> No.3760345

Because you bumped it.

>> No.3760360

I was just doing some volunteer work at the courthouse with a friend of mine last night, and let me tell you, there were boxes upon boxes of Domino's Pizza.

Even better, my friend's a Muslim and it's Ramadan right now (he even got one of the regular volunteers to fast), so he can't eat until the sun goes down, nor can he drink water or any other liquid. So as he's driving me home, I'm holding three pieces of pizza on my lap the whole time just so he can eat them as he backs out of my driveway. The best part? It's sausage pizza.

Also, I get free pizza every Tuesday because I'm there every week. Fuck yeah.

>> No.3760361

Also, I ate five pieces before the first hearing, and two cold pieces after we were dismissed.

>> No.3760491

My thoughts exactly, and it's because people like you don't know how to sage.

>> No.3761874
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>> No.3762254
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>> No.3762258


>> No.3762262
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>> No.3762263
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Best pizza I ever had. Oakland, New Jersey.

Pic related

>> No.3762266

>Leave /v/ for the night because I'm sick of it
>Decide to see if /ck/ is any good
>First post is from /v/
Goddamnit man.

>> No.3762273


That doesn't look too bad, but why would you put the cheese below the tomato sauce?

>> No.3762581


Thats just deep dish style

>> No.3762583


then fuck off

>> No.3763341
File: 269 KB, 1306x840, March-2010-054ii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]