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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.39 MB, 2225x1317, Bugles_brand_snack_food[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3749229 No.3749229 [Reply] [Original]

So /ck/ whats your favorite midnight snack?

>Pic related, its mine

>> No.3749233

the fuck puts bugles on a plate

>> No.3749234

You actually eat at midnight or late at night? What are you, fat?

>> No.3749237

a whole big thing of ice cream

>> No.3749236

Nah, my BMI is 18, I just enjoy a midnight snack

>> No.3749242

I'm about to make wings.

>> No.3749248

I could go for that! I mostly like salty snacks

>> No.3749348


I was looking for those the other day but naturally the store didn't carry them.

>> No.3749369

Almost anything easy and fast to cook (or something you don't even need to cook) i can find in my fridge or freezer..
Eating potato salad right now.
And before anyone calls me fat - i'm 1,75m tall and i weigh 52kg.
The main reason i enjoy eating a lot - I'm a girl :D (yes, girls actually eat a shitload of food, at least me and my friends do, my boyfriend was shocked when he saw my plate the first time i had dinner at his place..)

>> No.3749371

Cream cheese (or butter) on knäckebröd

>> No.3749383
File: 10 KB, 360x360, strainer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lately I've been having popcorn for the night hunger. Just plain, raw and dry kernels I pop in a wire strainer like the pic, but with a lid. Popped with a heat gun! Eaten with lime juice and a little salt.

I used to eat much heavier things when I got hungry at night, but that really fucks with my sleep. The popcorn and glass of water has been a nice change.

>> No.3749385


>> No.3749388

If I want something late at night, it's either:
- Naked acai juice
- scotch
- red wine
- margarita
- an astor chocolate bar

>> No.3749394
File: 60 KB, 300x300, snyders_jalapeno_pretzel_pieces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.3749399
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This when I can get it.

>> No.3749458

I always pass by that and want it, but it's kind of expensive.

>> No.3749465

Fried egg sandwich is the best thing in the world for a midnight snack. If I were living on my own I'd cook some bacon to go with it as well.

>> No.3749466

not fucking up my gains 'ol buddy

>> No.3749470

Why is there always a person on /ck/, regardless of the thread, calling someone fat. We must have some really bad projection issues going on.

>> No.3749482

because this is a /fit/ spinoff

if you eat anything other than rice or tofu you're a fatty fat fatass amerifat with double fat

>> No.3749494

Pickles. I could eat an entire jar, they're so addicting.

>> No.3749501
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>> No.3749567

Jesus fuck I miss those. Stopped selling them around here, only have those shitty buffalo ones.

Hard boiled eggs and a pickle
Saltines and grape juice
Leftover chinese
Sugary cereal in a cup
Grilled cheese
Open face PB sandwiches with milk

All snackworthy

>> No.3749576

>Butthurt, tasteless, plebeian, american faggot that only eats fast food and microwave dinners detected
You guys are the scum of this world. Just look at the fucking frontpage. Fucking look at it.

>> No.3749610

tits or gtfo

>> No.3749608

>/ck/ a /fit/ spinoff

Stop using your keyboard.

>> No.3749614
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>> No.3749646
File: 51 KB, 158x262, bebop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Hard boiled eggs and a pickle
>Saltines and grape juice
>Leftover chinese


>> No.3749649

Where's "around here," exactly?
Haven't had the buffalo ones yet and doubt I will.

Let me tell you something: America has two things going for it.
1) Its little-known-outside-of-America dishes (like things as complex as gumbo to things as simple as collards with bacon).
2) Its salty snacks.

American sweets, other than homemade or artisinal cookies (your packaged ones suck, but homemade oatmeal cookies FTW), tend to not match my tastes, but by God and all that is Holy, you fuckers know your salty snacks. Way better than anything back home (Italy).

We're the flip-side: our packaged sweets are glorious, but I hate, hate, HATE any sweets that come from an actual honest-to-goodness bakery. Our salty snacks, sadly, blow goats.

Keep it up, Murka. I'm rooting for you.

>> No.3749663

Cereal, normally muesli, occasionally shredded wheat.
The midnight snack of gods.

>> No.3749666

water and a slice of cheese usually.

cheese is said to help you sleep.

>> No.3749861

Munching on mai glorious wifaus delicus chest

>> No.3749877

Troll harder, Satan.
No one likes indigestion, especially while trying to sleep.

>> No.3749885

i usually go for a poptart, but i'm in the mood for something savory...however, i don't have any...

>> No.3749892
File: 59 KB, 530x461, happy anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always get a warm, fuzzy feeling when people across the pond say nice things about our food.

>> No.3749945

>you fuckers know your salty snacks
>Way better than anything back home (Italy).

First part is true, but I prefer Fonzies to Cheetohs and I'm Americlap. Had a lot of them there. Also paprika potato chips, which I can't find here in my state and I like them a lot. One other thing I remember having a lot were these SUPER thin bread snacks that were like chips in texture and crispiness, and they were spiced up with chilis, as shown in an illustration on the package. As thin as potato chips. They were sold in big disc shapes like pizza size, piled up into plastic packaging. Also 1/4 sizes were sold too, which were easier to handle. It's late and I would love to be snacking on some of those. They will probably never exist here.

>> No.3749988



>> No.3750008

Eating close to the time when you sleep increases your chances to develop ulcers and acid reflux, OP. If you are trying to be healthy you should avoid that mang

>> No.3750027

>yes, girls actually eat a shitload of food
as another woman present here, shut the fuck up with this garbage.

>> No.3750073

You know, I can sort of understand all those girls who brag about liking "guy stuff" like video games or action movies, but do you really think people are surprised by the fact that girls eat?

>> No.3750125

I usually snack on grapes when I'm playing late-nite vidya with my sister.
I've been craving calamari like crazy lately though, so I had that last night.

>> No.3750137

>I'm a girl :D (yes, girls actually eat a shitload of food,
You sound like an insufferable, 'look at me being special and unique', cunt.
Do the world a favor and lobotomize yourself.

>> No.3750149

The main reason you enjoy eating a lot is because you're a girl?

You do realize that is what you said, right?

>> No.3750187

sitting here lurking late at night and BAM!!!!!

i am shoving bugles in my mouth and i see this thread.

>> No.3750454

Goddammit even /ck/ falls for it

I thought you guys would be better than that