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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.30 MB, 1400x697, 7efe341d_TresHombres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3730548 No.3730548[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does /ck/ like their tex-mex? Most of it is made of the same ingredients with the variation being the tortilla. Do you like tacos? Nachos? Tosatadas? Burritos? Chalupas? Taquitos? Enchiladas? i wanna cook some tex-mex later but I can't decide who to fix it.

>> No.3730551

It's like someone blew their brains out towards the dinner table. Except their brains were made out of cheddar.

>> No.3730570

i would be ok with this.

>> No.3730617

tex-mex is easy, you can have an easy dinner just like your pic. fill a plate with tortilla chips and meat, and to the side of the plate have some flour tortillas, a few jalapenos and some sliced limes. now here is where it gets a little tricky. take a one pound bag of shredded cheddar and stand about five feet away from the table. now toss fistfulls of chedder toward the table until the bag is empty. voila, you have some tasty and authentic tex-mex.

>> No.3730616

Didn't read OP's post, But that pic looks fucking horrible!
It's sad to have that as a ref of tex mex cooking.

>> No.3730622

I like texmex. But that image is horrendous and it's just a sick mess.

>> No.3730627
File: 41 KB, 400x319, ZZ TOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is real tex mex. It is from Leo's mexican restaurant in Houston. It is the inside cover of the album "Tres Hombres" by ZZ Top, who happen to be native texans with an affinity for tex mex food. Not only that, but I am also a native texan and this is pretty much how it looks, the only difference is that in real life there wouldn't be cheese strewn out all over the table. How does this look gross and where are you guys eating mexican food? This is the real deal.

>> No.3730637
File: 267 KB, 800x600, p257268674-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheese all over food
>cheese all over table
>cheese all over everything
>mfw there is a large cup of extra cheese in case you need more

>> No.3730659
File: 121 KB, 960x600, 1341384391363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enchiladas, rice and beans, guac and chile con queso with chips. Ahhhhhh.....now I'm hungry.

>> No.3730665

you fellas must be european.

>> No.3731071

I read that as
>how does /ck/ like their t-Rex
And I lol'd repeatedly

>> No.3731085

Minus about 90% of that cheese, that's pretty much what Tex-Mex looks like.

Funnily enough, most Mexicans I know like Tex-Mex better than "real" Mexican food in general with the exception of a few dishes that are usually family/regional specialties.

>> No.3731098

funny you say that. i've noticed that when i go into my local gringo-style tex mex joint, 75% of the people eating there are mexicans eating the white mans burritos and flour tortillas. and whenever i go to the local legit mexican taqueria, 75% of the people there are white hipsters eating menudo.

what i deduced from this is that tex mex tastes better, the only reason most people eat authentic mex is because it's really cheap and it makes you seem "real" to your fellow white scene friends.

>> No.3731117


Glorious chimichangas.

I just had Mexican while on my way to bowling earlier this week. I went to a place I usually eat at when I'm in that particular vicinity.

Chimichangas, man. Chimichangas.

>> No.3731133
File: 40 KB, 344x339, chimichangas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this?

THIS is fucking tex mex. the greatest food on earth. i don't know how anyone could disagree with me when i say this.

>> No.3731135

Yes, sir, you are correct.

>> No.3731139
File: 599 KB, 1296x972, IMG_3362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we get some tex mex food porn?

i'll start with some ninfas fajitas.

>> No.3731147
File: 34 KB, 550x412, tacos from ninfas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3731150

Something about that rice doesn't look quite right...

>> No.3731157

Actually, that's about right. Tex-mex is basically "real" Mexican food with a few ingredient upgrades. There are some things and dishes that can't be substituted, of course, but for the vast majority the ingredients available in the US are generally the same as those available in Mexico or superior alternatives.

>> No.3731166
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i thought the same thing, but the rice is actually most excellent.

>> No.3731173
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the biggest difference between the two is that tex-mex generally uses more meat and cheese, the meat is higher quality (no tongue and eyeballs for us), and we usually use flour tortillas in place of corn. we also season with cumin which is hardly used in mexico. all of this equates to tex-mex>mexican food.

>> No.3731174
File: 214 KB, 980x804, hurkadurka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurka duraka

>> No.3731178

It's not that it's yellow, it's just the shape of it, like it had been previously refrigerated and reheated or something.

>> No.3731179

Oh come on, man, I'm white as fuck and I LOVE lengua.

>> No.3731180

Some places pack it into a cup or a ladle and then invert it to make that shape. Kind of like making a sandcastle with a bucket.

>> No.3731183
File: 776 KB, 1100x822, Restaurant-rice-dome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3731184

pinche tejanos wan to tink "texmex" is autentic mexican minus cumin....mas put...

>> No.3731186

i like the conical shape, makes it stand apart and it makes the plate look neater. its also good to pour the queso on top of so that it seeps through the rice and then i use it as a dip for the chips.

>> No.3731187
File: 27 KB, 400x267, no thanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


me too, until this

>> No.3731193

i like lengua too, but it would be hard to make the argument that tongue meat is a choice cut of meat to work with. have you ever tried to make it yourself? its tough as hell, the skin is hard to get off, and you have to cook it for a long time with a low moist heat and lots of spices to actually get it to taste decent and have good texture. yea you can make lengua taste good, but its really sort of a bullshit cut of meat. hence why i lumped it in with lower quality mexican meats.

>> No.3731201

A sharp knife and a slow cooker have always worked for me.

>> No.3731213

you're a fucking idiot. this is like saying that osso bucco isn't worth making. go make your flavorless tenderloin, amerifag, and i'll continue eating flavorful tongue

>> No.3731222
File: 52 KB, 320x240, 5108-28290.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your second rate organ meat, you fucking neanderthal. if the mexicans weren't willing to buy all the tongues we'd grind them all into dog food. its a shitty cut of meat for a shitty class of people.

>> No.3731224

Went to a great Tex Mex in Dubai, they had these build your own prawn and chicken wraps, ate so much that I went to the loo and then I ate some more

>> No.3731227

Are you fucking retarded?
Tongue has been universally enjoyed for, FOREVER, by many different ethnicities of people. Only in America has it been relegated to scrap which happened because companies and advertisers wanted you to buy more expensive cuts of meat. You won't find one single cookbook that dates before 1970 that doesn't have at least one, if not several, recipes for tongue in them.
Lrn2culinaryhistory, faggot.

>> No.3731231

Heh, just looked in my Good Housekeeping Cookbook from 1942, it has 18 entries in the index for tongue.

>> No.3731233

thats because our tastes have evolved past what our ancestors ate, and we are better off for it. meanwhile, across the pond, you flock of neanderthals are still eating tongues and kidneys and other dog-worthy cuts like its some sort of goddamn delicacy. i wouldn't be surprised if europeans chewed raw bones, like the animals they are.

>> No.3731235

I'm American, you moron. Your "tastes" haven't evolved at all. In fact, it is actually decreasing because you limit the types of food (with different textures and flavors) you eat. You are literally devolving into a preserved, homogenized lump. You should be so proud of yourself, you fool.

>> No.3731238

well enjoy your tripe and eyeball tacos, hipster scum. that leaves more good meat for the rest of us who can actually afford and appreciate a respectable piece of beef.

>> No.3731242
File: 65 KB, 347x520, 080411_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes full retard
>thinks he's smart

You're an idiot. And a troll, apparently. Yes, yes, just because I don't eat only chicken breasts and steak means I ONLY eat tongue and eyeballs. What a huge faggot you are. Pic related (that's you, just in case you didn't understand that.)

>> No.3731254
File: 52 KB, 500x419, fat-hipster-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you should lay off the lengua for a bit, hungry hipster. i rarely see anyone get this upset over food. you have to be a fat fuck to even care this much. maybe eat a few veggies, all that organ meat has given you a slight case of bloodlust.

>> No.3731256

>Implying bloodlust is a bad thing
Do you even viking?

>> No.3731267

should have worded differently, i meant butthurt with some lingering vag-ache. not sure anon is capable of blood lust, he comes across as a delicate man.

>> No.3731296

>implying I'm a hipster

You just don't know when to quit, do you? Every post makes you sound even more ignorant and useless than the previous post. Enjoy your bland, boring food to go with your bland, boring personality.

>> No.3731312
File: 37 KB, 250x376, eat-night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My local Tex-Mex place has the best blackened chicken. The sauce that it comes with brings tears to my eyes, half from how hot it is (I'm a wimp with spicy foods) and half from how fucking delicious it is.

Their burritos (listed on the menu as straight-up "Burros") are massive, too. Gave me enough for three full meals.

>> No.3731402
File: 27 KB, 495x351, huge_burrito-209881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love when they serve massive burritos. theres a place in my old town that sells a burrito big enough to stuff three fully grown men. the ingredients are the exact same as the burrito supreme from taco bell, but everything in it tastes so much better. and its covered in chili con queso.

another favorite in my old town is this huge chalupa that a place sells. no kidding, this chalupa is the size of a large pizza. i'd kill for one right now just to munch away on the rest of the night.

>> No.3731413

>this chalupa is the size of a large pizza

Oh YES. There was a place in the town I used to live in that had a chalupa like that. It was heaven on a plate.

>> No.3731420

you have the poor taste of a european, the pretension of a hipster, and judging from how upset you are getting over a cow tongue, my intuition tells me you rarely get laid and you are the size of a whale.

>> No.3731423

>Americans adding cheese to fucking everything

>> No.3731441
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>> No.3731447

>non-americans making inane observations and bringing nothing of value to the discussion

>> No.3731478
File: 5 KB, 328x287, best-toilet-paper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what this thread needs

>> No.3731506

.....i don't get it........

>> No.3731508 [DELETED] 

I think he means that unlike other foods, mexican food makes poo come out of your anus.Then you need to wipe anus with some paper products. I dont have to buy that stuff cause I dont eat mexican food.

>> No.3731515

That particular anon has a very sad digestive system, therefore he/she is afraid of texmex.

>> No.3731516

i think this is a myth. i eat mexican 4-5x a week and my anus is doing just fine. no problems here.

>> No.3731520

Spicy food can upset the digestive system of some people. It can also make you feel a burning sensation in the asshole area.

>> No.3731521 [DELETED] 

You have not had any poo come out of your anus?

>> No.3731525

i have, it is the regular healthy poo. firm, yet forgiving. brief, but not hurried. i have some pleasant, relaxing, and timely shits.

>> No.3731547

ok, have we had enough chat about poop? I would like to get back to tex-mex. Here is a recipe my friend beth made: http://budgetbytes.blogspot.com/2012/07/chorizo-breakfast-nachos-705-recipe-176.html

It is for breakfast nachos! They are SOOOOOOOOO good.

>> No.3731555

sounds delicious. and your friend looks sexy.

>> No.3731560

I'd totally stick it in her butt