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File: 156 KB, 330x330, doublecheeseburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20455517 No.20455517 [Reply] [Original]

Youth is when you think the Big Mac is the best burger on the menu, Adulthood is when you understand it was the double cheeseburger all along.

>> No.20455518

For me, it's the McChicken.

>> No.20455519

both taste like garbage. I moved onto Five Guys

>> No.20455538
File: 2.52 MB, 2740x2040, McDonald's_Filet-O-Fish_sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside.

>> No.20455557

I haven't had McGoy's in 3 years, those who still eat that shit are NGMI.

>> No.20455562

Fast food is for retards and losers. Made by retarded losers for retarded losers.

>> No.20455572

I like it.

>> No.20455577

i am 32 years old and i have never eaten a macfish

>> No.20455583

vastly underrated sandwich, a hidden gem if you will

>> No.20455587



>> No.20455593
File: 519 KB, 982x590, IMG_0759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The quarter pounder completely mogs every other fast food burger

>> No.20455598

I once thought the same. However the double cheeseburger has a better meat/bun/ ratio than the quarter pounder

>> No.20455601

double cheeseburgers are always too greasy. You're probably just fat and have become accustomed to the excessive grease.

>> No.20455612

They have less meat than a quarter pounder so please explain how they could be more greasy einstein

>> No.20455620

the meat has twice the surface area, dipshit.

>> No.20455630

check out Mr Moneybags over here... and he doesn't even require a drive-thru to get food... stop flexing on us!

>> No.20455649

the grease comes from cooking the meat, so more meat = more grease, simple as that.
Your surface area explanation is cope

>> No.20455669

wow what a surprise, the fatty cannot into grease physics.

>> No.20455674

ayo its three fo free!

>> No.20455675

Got myself a big mac today but substituted the patties for quarter pounder patties, I ascended

>> No.20455679

i saw in a flyer that my local mcdicks now has a 'surf and turf' burger that is a big mac with a filet o fish patty rammed in the middle. im intrigued

>> No.20455684

i used always get the mcdouble 'dressed like a mac'. some places would do it free and some would charge like 25 cents extra but i think its like 90 dollars or some shit if they even allow it now

>> No.20455689
File: 9 KB, 295x171, pljeka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No adulthood is when you realize that any burger sucks donkey balls compared to any variety of pljeskavica when it's competently made.

>> No.20455707

Truly the best, the only issue is the price.

>> No.20455709
File: 1.84 MB, 640x640, fastfood.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adulthood is not eating fast food

>> No.20455740

>Probably had an ied in it
Ok Mohammed.

>> No.20455747

You have some wires crossed there...

>> No.20455772

surely a fat person would better understand grease physics

>> No.20455824
File: 1.30 MB, 2133x1600, McDolensjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zdravo croanon.
Have you tried the McGurmanska Pljeskavica? It's ok, but overpriced. Nothing compares to home made majka style pljeskavika.
Stara koka, dobra juha. Bo dok dok dak dok.

>> No.20455838

Fatties are grease apologists. They are emotionally invested in the grease and are incapable of being objective.

>> No.20455866

based Filet-O-Fish enjoyer, truly the best McD item

>> No.20455867
File: 38 KB, 829x455, mcdonalds-Breakfast-Wrap-with-Brown-Sauce-feb-promo_product-header-desktop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No item current or former has ever defeated the breakfast wrap with brown sauce

>> No.20455875

True maturity is realizing basing things on age is stupidity, and that the double is good.

>> No.20455954

>McGurmanska Pljeskavica
Oh my god, I'm so glad that's fake as hell

I have far tastier grill that comes in far bigger portions fight in front of my house and anything creepy clown could ever deliver:



>> No.20456008

Wow. I hate niggers so much.

>> No.20456014

Are Five Guy's patties supposed to be unseasoned or did the location near me (that closed down) just suck

>> No.20456104

No idea, but the bacon cheeseburger always tasted plenty seasoned from the salt from the bacon/cheese. Just add more salt if you want

>> No.20456115
File: 170 KB, 399x270, 1704996355759573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why the double bacon cheese burger is not explicitly shown on the menu at my burger king in canada. But it's their best burger.

>> No.20456720

I tried getting that once. It was one of my most embarrassing drive thru moments. The lady talked to me like I was crazy but she eventually put together a quarter pounder with some big mac sauce and lettuce and stuff.

>> No.20456728

Call the cops!

>> No.20456744

If you've already committed to the goyslop then you need to experience the BK Big Fish at a proper BK, and by "proper" BK I mean one without an empty parking lot indicating that even the goys have abandoned them, but if you can find a "proper" high-traffic BK then the Big Fish will seriously mog the Filet or even the Double Filet O'Fish, unless you have some special nostalgic connection to the Scottish Filet (which some people do, like my cousin Tony, he used to always get a Filet with his father who was tragically killed and now he eats a Filet every day while crying, and the snot mixes into the tartar sauce, but we always get him extra napkins).

>> No.20456832
File: 13 KB, 832x480, IMG_1371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you understand it was the double cheeseburger all along
Sometimes you don’t learn the truth until it is too late. The damage has been done and you can’t go back and change things

>> No.20456842

Cheese makes me have to shit almost instantly these days

>> No.20456859

Buy an ad queer faggot

>> No.20457421


Better .

>> No.20457427
File: 102 KB, 596x465, bnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adulthood is when you understand that the Big 'n' Tasty is the best, and should be brought back.

>> No.20457437

What if it were you
Hanging up on this wall
If it were you in that sandwich
You wouldn't be laughing at aaaaaaaalllllll

>> No.20457440
File: 34 KB, 700x285, njnjjhk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The McDouble is the more balanced, better-tasting option. Two slices of cheese is too much.

>> No.20457589

Your ad campaign won't work on me. I've given you plenty of money already.....fuck off I'm begging you

>> No.20457729

that was just a quarter pounder with tomato lettuce and mayo, which you can still add (for free) to a qp

>> No.20458415

This is the way

>> No.20458426

Adulthood is when you learn to make your own burgers and leave the fast food garbage behind.

>> No.20458428


>> No.20458432
File: 1.78 MB, 3264x2448, SWFn9YO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But do you chup it up? This is critical.

>> No.20458436
File: 60 KB, 602x452, IMG_1380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refusal of a complimentary Big Mac is not the act of a friend Don Corleone

>> No.20458485

it has the perfect ratio of bun to meat / cheese. If you put it in the microwave for 20 seconds it's even better.

>> No.20458491

yeah I always like to dip my spicy mcchickens in ketchup.

I remember the drive thru girl bullying me for asking for ketchup and her saying "what are ya gonna do, dip your mcchickens in the ketchup?". I thought it was kind of cute that she made that comment.

>> No.20458669

Gotta earn that $20 an hour

>> No.20458691

Chup gang!

Chup chup chup it up, chup it up!

>> No.20458706

God I remember when these were on the dollar menu and I was a poor college kid. What a great value. Then they hiked it up to over $3 and I fucked off

>> No.20458713

Can you even do this anymore? I haven’t seen ketchup pumps at McD’s in a long time. And tearing open a bunch of packets is annoying (assuming you can even get a sufficient number of them out of the surly counter people)

>> No.20459297

Well of course the small diced onion, delicious pickle, fresh pickle its simplicity perfected.

>> No.20459312
File: 97 KB, 1148x764, IMG_0242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kid, please.

>> No.20459319

>delicious pickle, fresh pickle

>> No.20459323

i dont like ketchup and mustard and im too autistic to special order a double cheeseburger at mcdonalds without it

>> No.20460169

False. look at the comparison pic you posted, the mcdouble just looks wrong. There's too much meat compared to the cheese on a mcdouble, the quarter pounder faces the same problem but has too much meat for the amount of bread. The double cheeseburger has been perfectly optimised to avoid these shortcomings

>> No.20460174

Even with double patties the Big Mac still manages to make you feel like you're eating a bread salad with dressing

>> No.20460180

You're meant to buy big mac sauce seperate and apply it to the inside of the Double cheeseburger with a fry

>> No.20460185

I find it funny how fat Americans can talk about McDonald's, the most basic dogshit, like it's a delicacy

>> No.20460191

I find it funny how poor non-Americans can cope about being poor, the most basic dogshit, like it's a delicacy.

>> No.20460192

That doesn't make any sense. But I suppose that's all the fat diminishing your already low IQ

>> No.20460201

That doesn't make any sense. But I suppose that's all the poverty diminishing your already poor perspective

>> No.20460211

>it was the double cheeseburger all along
How long have americans had the double cheeseburger? We got it over here like a few years ago max, before that we would buy a couple of cheeseburgers and just combine them ourselves

>> No.20460214

>I once thought the same
you once thought correctly

>> No.20460239

Double cheeseburger is based. I get the mcdouble though because there's like a one dollar price difference for the extra piece of cheese for some fucking reason

>> No.20460253
File: 1.41 MB, 1000x733, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Double cheeseburger is based.

>> No.20460280

Huh strange there is no McDouble where I live so I have to ask people to remove one slice and often they wil not do it because the fucking employees do not understand custom orders. I think the second slice of cheese is overpowering.

>> No.20460458

>I moved onto Five Guys
Good luck. I did that a couple years ago & had to take out a loan.

>> No.20460542

Wendy's mogs mcnigger's

>> No.20460825

That is correct they do not season their meat even if you ask they won't do it. They also won't melt the cheese either. Some sort of humiliation ritual I'm not sure. Maybe the original 5 guys had to make a deal with the devil and that was part of the price they had to pay.

>> No.20460829 [DELETED] 

By bad food.Haven't had ynthing from a fast food chain in 10 years.

>> No.20461567

>People bitch that Mcdonalds is too expensive because they are retards who just look at the menu and order the premium combos
>I go and get a Mcdouble, Mcchicken and medium fries using the app for $3 which is enough food for any normal person

>> No.20461853

The cheese is always melted for me, although I do scrape the sides to remove some of the excess cheese as two slices is a bit overkill. Also the whole seasoning thing is way overblown. Between the bread, the bacon, and the cheese, it's already got plenty of salt. I like salty food and have never once thought Five Guys burgers lacked flavor/seasoning. But if you do, it only takes a few seconds to sprinkle some salt on so seems like a really trivial thing to complain about

>> No.20461906

Culvers wins

>> No.20462014
File: 811 KB, 948x498, 2021 ameriga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It baffles me that retards still eat this fucking goyslop. This shit is way overpriced now, never tasted good to begin with, and is poison that makes you fat and ugly and feel like garbage and ruins your bowel movements. The pure excuse for eating this shit is you're drunk as fuck and out with friends in the city, otherwise you are an absolute retard and deserve to be placed in the genetically modified slave caste you and your descendants are guranteed going to end up in.