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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 54 KB, 758x505, fag fil a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20452857 No.20452857[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I went to Chick-Fil-A today for the first time in a long while, holy fuck this place is literally for faggots, niggers, and retards now.
>go to drive thru
>some fucking soyjak clone is literally next to my fucking car window
>"sir I can take your order"
>I want to look at a menu and decide that, I'm not a fucking lardass who knows my fucking meal combo off the bat what the fuck
>"No thanks I will just pull up to the menu"
>pull up to the menu
>the soyboy follows me over to the menu
>what the fuck
>dude, get the fuck out of my face
>"Hey I'm good, you can leave, I'll order off the menu and through the speaker"
>uh, there's no one working it
I literally laughed in his face and drove off, and then called Chick-Fil-A's support, confirmed they did this, and laughed more, every time the customer support wagie tried to explain I just laughed harder.
Who's this FOR, the fattiest fat fucks who have their little chicky order memorized?

What fucking level of hubris do you have to be on to make this your way of "taking orders"?
I don't want someone literally a fucking foot from my face because they can't hear me over all the car noise trying to shove a fucking dirty laminated little fucking menu in my hand as if it hasn't been touched by every other nigger, wagie, and fat fuck who can't wash their hands after taking a shit

That's your big upgrade from a fucking menu I can read?
Putting a fucking soyjak in my face and then trying to hand me a laminated menu?

These people are fucking mental and if you buy food from these fags I am gonna call you a fag.

>> No.20452869

Their menu has like 4 things retard. Spicy or regular chicken sandwich, and grilled or fried nuggers

>> No.20452879

I couldn't see the prices on his little faggy menu and obviously they aren't on display.
>it's $4.20 for 6 nuggets and $4.69 for 8
"Ok give me 8"
You can't make choices like that with the little soyfag there. And they CONSTANTLY talk to you.
You're a fag, I presume?

>> No.20452886

Imagine being so retarded that you can't order from a fast food place, get bent out of shape about it, then go onto 4chan to type a manifesto telling everyone how retarded you are

>> No.20452887

You sound like an insecure woman.

>> No.20452894

Then everyone stood up and clapped.

>> No.20452896

Sorry I called you fag behavior out.
Let me explain to you stupid faggots:
NO, I don't want someone pissing in the urinal next to me when there are 10 available.
NO, I don't want the little soynigger right in my face and trying to have a "conversation" with me.
I want to tell the wagie to shut the fuck up and wait while I decide, then I will utter "I am ready to order".
I certainly don't want to be presented with a greasy little faggot and his laminated menu.
Get mad.

>> No.20452903

OP here, I'm trans btw. Just wanted to make that clear

>> No.20452911
File: 219 KB, 1071x999, bazingasheldon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20452938
File: 248 KB, 1635x1095, Chick-fil-A Vine City.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have gone inside.

>> No.20452943
File: 448 KB, 904x2229, 1000025736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should research places and things before you show up to them. A good boomer once told me if you fail to plan, you plan to fuck up, or some shit idk

>> No.20452947 [DELETED] 

It's fast food you stupid nigger.
I just went to In-n-out instead, ordered off a menu, and got my food from the window... like people have been doing for 50 fucking years without little goblins in your face.

>> No.20452948

So this is what autism looks like.

>> No.20452957

>please accept society being more shit
>ok yes thank you masters
>what the fuck this guy isn't accepting it?
>is that autism?
you're pathetic.

>> No.20452966
File: 409 KB, 1440x1800, 1000025712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes I am impressed with your resistance to digital technology, despite your current usage of it to shitpost here

>> No.20452970
File: 37 KB, 600x800, soyjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes I am impressed with your resistance to digital technology, despite your current usage of it to shitpost here

>> No.20452974

>you're pathetic
Idk man. You're the one who can't figure out how to look up the chikfila menu on his phone lmao

>> No.20452977
File: 159 KB, 640x640, 1000025730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but unironically

>> No.20452984

There's an unwritten rule that the small percentage of trannies who can actually hold a job must either work as coders or at fast food drive-thru windows

>> No.20452988

Why would I do that in the drive through? Why even have a drive through?
Asshole retard.

>> No.20452998

>Why even have a drive through?
To pickup the order you just placed online ahead of time

>> No.20452999
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, amerimutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nonwhite hands typed this

>> No.20453006

Nonwhites just go to Popeyes

>> No.20453008

How stupid do you have to be to not know what you're going to order at the restaurant that literally only has chicken?

>> No.20453009

They have dedicated parking spots for online orders and bring it out to you
>my pleasure

>> No.20453011

Stop holding the line. You have a phone, check the menu, you dumb fuck.

>> No.20453013

Don't they have their menu hanging off their little ipads?

>> No.20453017

100% correct. I complained about this to my mother last week. they can fuck right off with their faggy little magnets they sneak onto your car for order ID too

>> No.20453032

I'm going tomorrow at breakfast and holding up the line for 10 minutes and then leaving.

>> No.20453043

>no one having this problem but you
>the west has fallen, billions must die!
It's funny you're calling other people fat when you went through the drive through. Too fat to get out of your car and walk inside? Could have stared at the menu that has two whole items on it like the autistic dumbass you are then without being bothered.

>> No.20453046

>wasting your own gas and time out of spite

>> No.20453051

Chick-fil-A actually has legal authority to either make you leave or be sprayed with the used frying oil and Chick-fil-A sauce if you don't.

>> No.20453057

I'm going to do it at 8:40am and make sure that all the wagies are late to work.

>> No.20453070

i love how you type this as though you're cool and collected the whole time but the circumstances are clear
the real story went something more along the lines of
>don't know how chick-fil-a works
>pull in to get food
>person walks up
>you don't know why they're there, you're too autistic to think it through
>you leave your window rolled up and try to ignore them like a panhandler on a freeway exit ramp, sweating nervously
>you get to the menu and roll your window down
>the wagie says "hey we can take your order anytime when we walk up"
>you panic, realizing you made a total fool of yourself
>drive away in a fit of autistic terror
>get home
>"heh ... i'll just say i was a cool cucumber the whole time and said 'no thank you kind sir, i would like to peruse the menu board like it's 1975 please' ... then i'll make up a story about how umm .. black people made everything worse ... and um... i'll come up with a new name to get'em!! then they'll feel as embarrassed as i feel

>> No.20453082

You eat fast food.
I don't care about your low class opinion on anything. Stop being a poorfag. It's pathetic.

>> No.20453094

i know theyre making more money than they know what to do with but its kind of ridiclous the lengths they go to accomodate long lines instead of simply raising the price of everything by a nickle until the lines are more managable. would have more revenue and less overhead.

>> No.20453104

He's a social wreck who's afraid of any contact with another human being. I'm not surprised he chimped out in public. It's to be expected.

>> No.20453107

>instead of asking to see the menu, OP proceeds to drop his spaghetti

>> No.20453110

in less than 5 years the drive thru kids are going to carry hot boxes with them and give you the food immediately

>> No.20453111

>can I...get, uhhhhhh
i hate you indecisive fagplanets more than soyjaks

>> No.20453118
File: 268 KB, 2000x1000, 1000025743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I asked for waffle fries with no salt faggot!

>> No.20453125

based misanthrope