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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.65 MB, 3072x4080, cedar-bay-naked-lobster-is-pretty-good-v0-kxmc6fv4qppc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20380414 No.20380414 [Reply] [Original]

Post inappropriate food.

>> No.20380421

how tf do they do that, dissolve the shell in acid?

>> No.20380432

Slip a mickey into it's drink so it doesn't realize it is being undressed.

>> No.20380447

mmm microplastics

>> No.20380451

maybe they wait until they molt.

>> No.20380488 [DELETED] 

It's lab grown meat. It's fake soy

>> No.20380576
File: 143 KB, 1280x960, They're just eggs..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20380588
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>> No.20380604 [DELETED] 

I did this with your mom last nighr

>> No.20380610

putting sugar donut filling in a vagina can cause a yeast infection, jerk

>> No.20380613 [DELETED] 

Yeast infection the least of her problems I smacked the bitch around like a ragdoll

>> No.20380622
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>> No.20380623


>> No.20380628
File: 201 KB, 1600x1600, FA79A369-57E6-4A5F-B121-059EA703A5A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for my magnum dong

>> No.20380727

why is he speaking mexican hes white

>> No.20380786

This, but with your son.

>> No.20380791


>> No.20380807

That's a lot of manual labor so I'm going with they pulverize lobsters into a paste that is inserted into a lobster shaped mold and then use food dye to give it definition.

>> No.20381089

God I'm so horny

>> No.20381096
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>> No.20381439
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>> No.20381442
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>> No.20381449
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>> No.20381533
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>> No.20381557

This has to be some ultralighter's premade spaghetti idea.

>> No.20381567

>2 lobsters
This is why lobsters are going extinct.

>> No.20381577

lol we can just bring them back with science

>> No.20381580
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i bought some potatoes and it looks like theyre about to get busted down

>> No.20381589


>> No.20381595

The only way to bring them back is to stop fishing them. It's why the Maine fishermen are bitching right now while the Canadian and US governments are trying to preserve a natural resource for the next 100 years instead of killing it all off in the next 10.

>> No.20381598
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>> No.20381603

You think when people thought they were sea roaches and fed them to prisoners, they were prepared well? I canr see them getting any butter.

>> No.20381604

>spotted dick
what is wrong (or right) with the british

>> No.20381608

fuck it lets just eat them all now and be done with it

>> No.20381730

65+ year old hands typed this post

>> No.20381737

wish that was me

>> No.20381764

I hate that I know what this means. But at the same time I appreciate that I was around at the time. Those were such simpler days.

>> No.20381769

Lobster sucks, the only reason people eat it is because they think it makes them look sophisticated.

>> No.20381775

OK gay guy.

>> No.20381777

what does it taste like? shrimp?

>> No.20381780

Like lobster you stupid fuck.

>> No.20381782

tastes like a big ol penis

>> No.20381785

Basically, except you pay 10x as much as shrimp for it. And it's 10x harder to get to the meat. Shrimp are far more sustainable and just as tasty and useful in way more dishes. Lobster is that food you eat once or twice just to see what it's like and then forget it exists for 10 years.

>> No.20381787

Try not being poor 24/7/365. Thank you so so much.

>> No.20381795

Only a poor person would larp as thinking eating lobster makes them high class.

>> No.20381800

Only a dumb little stupid homosexual faggot would larp as thinking eating lobster makes others high class.

>> No.20381805

Mad and low class lmao.

>> No.20381812

perfect way to describe yourself my man

>> No.20381816

Why would I be mad about having large amounts of disposable income and eating lobster just to piss of peons like you? I'm living my best life while you toil in hell fuck face.

>> No.20381823

Quite a lot of projection there anon, someone asked what lobster tasted like and I told them. This riled you up so much that you jumped in with both feat screaming about how rich you were. Seems a bit insecure if you ask me.

>> No.20381842

that makes me wanna try it desu

>> No.20381851

>seems a bit insecure if you ask me
those who live in glass houses....

>> No.20381853

Yeah you probably shouldn't throw fits about sea bugs if you can help it.

>> No.20381861

You should try using less buzzwords when not prompted to use them.

>> No.20382022

>morgan freeman

>> No.20382036

Please enlighten me, what does this mean?

>> No.20382041

would mash

>> No.20382049

Trust me you are better off not knowing.

>> No.20382063

They probably just mashed them up and mixed with it in

>> No.20382065

Open your dad's bedroom door and you'll find out

>> No.20382067

Don't you mean his grandpas door?

>> No.20382075

No I meant his dads you stupid fuck. Go away.

>> No.20382079

Ah so you were just playing along, guess there aren't that many oldfags in this thread.

>> No.20382083

Old people fucking. From Lemon Party. It's the image but stable defused.

>> No.20382112

Not just old people, old gay men. But also you ruined it you weren't supposed to just let the cat out of the bag so easily.

>> No.20382126

Oh. Well who cares. Not like being an oldfag is something to be proud of any more. I'm just tired and fed up.

>> No.20382130

>Not like being an oldfag is something to be proud of
I will fucking cut you

>> No.20382133

Sorry man, it's not 2005 any more. There is no /l/, z/ or /5/. It's over.

>> No.20382139
File: 1.66 MB, 320x320, 1698234156364805.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go back.

>> No.20382143

>how to say you're a loser without actually saying you're a loser

>> No.20382155

So do I. I would do a lot of things differently. I even quit 4chan at end of 2008 and came back in 2012. First day back I got banned. A thing that had never happened before.

Being an oldfag just means you're actually old now and the majority of the people who recognise the shit you talk about who were actually there are old too. Those who do and aren't old are just zoomies who went onto ED or KF or some shit and read up about it. Hell, there are literal timelines of 4chan out there, including when boards were made and deleted and shit like that and reasons and events.

Do you think many people still on 4chan since 2005 and so on remember the court transcripts of moot trying to explain to a jury what a fucking image board or a meme was? Or how we laughed at how many times the lawyer asked 'Can you speak up please?'. No. Can you remember when moot got depressed and evilchan raided the board with CP unopposed (reasons I quit in 2007)? No. Point is, the internet isn't like it used to be now and neither is 4chan. It's depressing and being an oldfag just makes it worse because it was better back then.

>> No.20382161

Why are all the women so good looking? Is it because theyre thin and white?

>> No.20382170

its because theyre 16

>> No.20382175

My favorite podcast is lemonparty

>> No.20382185

You literally can't avoid it anymore. Every food at the grocery store at some point has touched or is completely wrapped in plastic.

>> No.20382558


>> No.20382696

>And it's 10x harder to get to the meat
Kek, you got weak little hands.

>> No.20382764
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>> No.20382766
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>> No.20382803


>> No.20382820

why are japanse like this?
what causes this to be acceptable?

>> No.20382839

Work hard, play hard.

>> No.20383030

didn't ask though

>> No.20383050

First of all
Second, nothing in that post was a buzzword. You're clearly a larping ESL who parrots everything it sees without understanding meaning or context. Judging by your insatiable need to inform everyone that you're "rich" and "high class" (something that no one to whom those terms actually apply would feel the need to do, money talks so those with it don't have to), you're probably a sad Indian who thinks the internet has a caste system, and that lying might change your ranking within it.

>> No.20383223

not even produce is safe, they fucking shrink wrap cucumbers now.

>> No.20383783
File: 74 KB, 921x1024, 1684493541286503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been banned multiple times for posting this.

>> No.20383801

They're all mid.

>> No.20383915
File: 978 KB, 354x200, 1628429732835.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20383934

They weren't indoctrinated with radical feminism. There's a collage of before/after pics of people who were brainwashed with cultural marxism during their college years. All of them looked like that in their before pics. People were also less obese then, there was no "body positivity" for the obese to parade their shame, as the heathens do these days.

What is it with ice cream companies and being perverse? There's another ice cream advertisement from another company which would probably get you permabanned.

>> No.20383936

I love eating women's ass and I also like having my ass eaten by other fags. I suck lots of cock but I could never do that to a man.

>> No.20383966

That's me with your sister. Again and again. Go suck it out.

>> No.20383979

Where do you think ice cream is supposed to go?

>> No.20383992

You have to remember, after WWII, WE occupied them for a 7 years and implemented laws to demoralize them,(No pubic hair on pornographic material was one of them.)
Honestly, the wikipedia article has a surprisingly good amount of info.
TL,DR; (((America))) did it to them.

>> No.20384011

Where does all food go? Why are you a fucking retard?

>> No.20384069

Me and all of your female relatives

>> No.20384072

>seven vajignas

>> No.20384662
File: 39 KB, 600x859, Seven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20384838

It all ends up in the same place.

>> No.20384870

This. There is no way they're doing >>20380623 on a commercial scale, are they?

>> No.20384904

Wish I was my Mom....

>> No.20384909

>not making it out of lemons
One fucking job

>> No.20384920

This is giving me a feeling of not quite hungry and not quit horny, but some weird combination of the two.
Is this how cannibals feel?

>> No.20384929

It doesn't taste like fucking shrimp, it's kind of sweet like crab meat but with a more shrimp-like texture.
Dipped in butter, it's like your mouth is cumming uncontrollably.

>> No.20384945

Thanks for the qrd.
Sounds like I'll stick to crab then. Crab is good. 'ate shrimp and it sounds like lobster is just worse crab.

>> No.20385008

but its going to taste like condom.

>> No.20385045


>> No.20385059

didnt the same happen to german more or less

>> No.20385271
File: 824 KB, 3036x4048, 1705582096568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my tomato has a pp :)

>> No.20385274


>> No.20385300

So, a bit of a confession. Not that I've done anything. But I've often felt that really great food, the kind that just hits the spot at the time right as you fancy that one thing, is near enough to sexual pleasure. Now, I've never caught myself fantasizing about cannibalism or even getting a whiff of it in my mind to possibly consider, but once or twice, late at night when feeling extremely tired but also horny, as I start rubbing one out to some pretty damn vanilla (ha, food analogy) mental image, the girl in my mind sponatneously turned into some kinda crispy roast-female. Sad to say, it took a few seconds for me to reverse gears while reeling in horror.

>> No.20385541

is it ribbed?

>> No.20385553

plenty of sudacas willing to work for peanuts in assembly line mode

>> No.20385733
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social media and SJWs hadnt yet convinced them that being morbidly obese is beautiful
normalfags getting access to the internet literally ruined society. we've gained almost nothing from it.

>> No.20385737

>what causes this to be acceptable?
its not normal and publicly acceptable
its random niche shit found in the back shelves of sex shops
its not like you're finding this shit in your local 7/11 for $2 next to the onigiri and strong zeros.

>> No.20385740

>work hard
they're experts at spending 12 hours of a shift doing literally nothing
they have so much job security that they literally take naps at the desk of their office job and get praise for it.

>> No.20385763

it's because of cancel culture, the proud white man has been forced to speak mexican or he will be canceled and the woke mob will ruin his life

>> No.20385997

Is this ai slop or hand made?

>> No.20386085


>> No.20386096

you could buy these at family mart (famous convenience store chain)

>> No.20386164

this. My family tried it once for christmas a long time ago and it was decent. Haven't cared about having it again and I love seafood.

>> No.20386191
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>> No.20386343
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>> No.20386354

Many such cases. Send my condolences to his next of kin

>> No.20387310
File: 377 KB, 512x512, 1663169271294639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are all ai

>> No.20387314

they haven't hit the wall yet

>> No.20387604

America banned Japan from making normal porn and they responded with weird tentacle stand-ins, while Jews pushed scat on Germans to get revenge

>> No.20387975

It's probably that shit they make fish sticks out of, Surimi. It tastes absolutely disgusting in that form by the way, never buy it.

>> No.20388325

>Sorry man, it's not 2005 any more
Just as you said that I realized I'm watching Deadliest Catch episodes from Season 1 in the background - 2005.

>> No.20389680
File: 260 KB, 1003x1226, Lobster is overrated. Crab is way better. runpopularopinion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20391216

holy fuck I lost

>> No.20391657

>they have so much job security that they literally take naps at the desk of their office job and get praise for it.
Those are them sleeping for 4 hours after working overtime after their 12 hour shift, so the trains haven't started running again yet and they have to work in 4h anyway.

>> No.20391669

Crab just tastes good. Lobster is weird, I'm sure people exist that like its flavor and texture, but I bet most just eat it for the clout.

>> No.20392924
File: 1.32 MB, 1632x1224, geoducks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possibly geoduck or razor clams.

>> No.20392953

even straight outta the soil isnt safe, food absorbs microplastics from the irrigation water while they grow
only way is doing hydroponics in a controlled environment using reverse osmosis filtered water only

>> No.20392957

kill yourself

>> No.20392964

you're a waste of resources and should be removed