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20327243 No.20327243 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to buy myself a wooden chopping board. I found out walnut is probably the best for meat. Are there anything I should be aware of? Any specific designs that are convenient and that you can recommend?

>> No.20327263
File: 372 KB, 2330x1562, actuallyarealapp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thing about wooden boards is you're either paying some private equity vampire corpo larping as a good old honest joe, or it's a creepy religious maniac stamping crosses and jesuses all over it while storing your personal info in the "blesseveryhome" app to bombard you with religious advertising and harangue you with IRL door to door preaching

this is why you should only buy japanese boards. hard rubber for meat. hinoki for everything else

do not support the north american cutting board industry, they are destroying america and everything good and normal

>> No.20327287
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>whoever posts, always assume they are American, no matter what

>> No.20327290
File: 325 KB, 800x800, 1662577458135143.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like the stupid weeb forgot to take their meds this morning!

>> No.20327293

thank you for not assuming my pronouns but it's he/him if that clears it up for you

>> No.20327296

oh also for the record I did not completely forget to take my meds but I did end up missing my normal dose time so I took a half dose so I'm not bouncing off the walls tonight

>> No.20327303

kys yourself

>> No.20327350

sorry guize I'm actually a she/her teehee I'm trans btw

>> No.20327358

I have a huge wooden cutting board that I use for most kitchen tasks. (Been too long and I can't remember what wood it is, but I think it's maple.) It wasn't a brand name or anything; I bought it at a restaurant supply shop for relatively cheap, meaning between $100 and $200. But for many meat tasks, especially working with raw chicken, I use a plastic cutting board that I also bought from that same restaurant supply. It's just small enough to fit in my (annoyingly small) sink so clean-up is easy and it's impermeable. I know people like to talk about microplastics these days but between microplastics and campylobacter I choose microplastics.

>> No.20327368

valiant attempt but I don't consider that an insult because I am not a transmisogynist. in fact if anything I consider openly trans people to be morally superior, in aggregate, to the common cishet, but that is a digression and the main thing I wish to point out is that the american cutting board evangelical complex is a danger to humanity

>> No.20328318

End grain blocks glued together is ideal. Board like in your pic will warp and also dull knives faster than an end grain would. Walnut is probably the best wood, too, since lighter color wood will stain.

I just use plastic because I'm poor and only cook for myself and gdaf. Rubber boards are too expensive and probably have a bunch of chemicals in them, too. Who knows.

>> No.20328349

so many incorrect statements in such a short post

>> No.20328359

Idk. I have one from a solid trunk of a tree.

>> No.20328443
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I prefer the look of dark wood like walnut too but they start to look like shit after a while unlike lighter wood. I wasn't aware that using them would ruin the look that much when I bought mine.
I would go for end grain apple wood if I had to buy one again and do 2.5mm only instead of 4.4mm because it's really annoying cleaning that shit when it's so fucking heavy

>> No.20329812

>do 2.5mm only instead of 4.4mm because it's really annoying cleaning that shit when it's so fucking heavy
what did he mean by this

>> No.20329893

1 inch thick board vs 2 inch thick board. 1 inch thick boards warp and will need to be replaced, though, so fuck that stupid anon.

>> No.20329903

Luv me Japanese rubber cutting board my parents got me for Christmas. There’s this tiny local firm that imports them along with Jap knives and whetstones. The owner’s a senior gentleman engineer (probably somewhat autistic too) who runs it in a rental garage and spends most of his time sharpening and mending knives brought in by customers.

>> No.20329904

2.5mm isn't 1 inch though

>> No.20329915

I cut meat on the pan I'm using for it. No need to clean or sterilize anything.

>> No.20329923

>1 inch thick boards warp
you're talking about normal boards, end grain doesn't warp like that

>> No.20329935

He meant cm but he's retarded

>> No.20329941

End grain can definitely still warp

>> No.20330058
File: 1.15 MB, 3494x1822, PXL_20231203_230010594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently bought a fuckoffhueg cutting board because it was on a good sale and I have some knowledge to drop.

1. Size, we all want the largest cutting board possible, however if it's too big to fit in your sink it becomes significantly harder to clean.

2. Groove, I'm personally not a fan of the groove, because I've found there's a very small range of things which produces enough juices to run off the board, but not so much juices they don't overflow the groove. Plus a grooved surface is harder to clean than smooth.

3. Watch out for "edge grain" it's a meaningless marketing buzzword meant to sound like "end grain"

4. Wood type, when I looked into it softer woods were often recommended over harder, I bought a teak board which is very soft, I think walnut is a lot harder?

I hope this helps in some way, but take it with a grain of salt as I'm not a cutting board expert or anything, here's my huge board